use anyhow::anyhow; fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { for dev in rusb::devices()?.iter() { let dev_desc = dev.device_descriptor()?; if dev_desc.vendor_id() == consts::VID && dev_desc.product_id() == consts::PID { println!("{:#?}", dev_desc); println!("address: {}", dev.address()); for i in 0..dev_desc.num_configurations() { let conf_desc = dev.config_descriptor(i)?; println!("config{}: {:#?}", i, conf_desc); for iface in conf_desc.interfaces() { println!( "iface{}: {:#?}", iface.number(), iface.descriptors().collect::>() ); } } // TODO open the device; this will force the OS to configure it // let mut handle =; return Ok(()); } } Err(anyhow!("nRF52840 USB device not found")) }