# delightful contributors These fine people brought us delight by adding their gems of freedom to the delight project. > **Note**: This page is maintained by you, contributors. Please create a pull request or issue in our tracker if you contributed list entries and want to be included. [More info here](https://codeberg.org/teaserbot-labs/delightful/src/branch/main/delight-us.md#attribution-of-contributors). ## We thank you for your gems of freedom :gem: - [Arnold Schrijver](https://community.humanetech.com/u/aschrijver/summary) (codeberg: [@circlebuilder](https://codeberg.org/circlebuilder), fediverse: [@humanetech@mastodon.social](https://mastodon.social/@humanetech)) - [André Menrath](https://codeberg.org/linos)