Hugh Rundle 3f67bc3b61 standardise ids for tour anchors
To make it harder to accidentally mess up the tour when making changes to pages, this commit adds ids with 'tour' prefixes to (nearly) all elements used by the guided tour as anchor points. The exception is where an element already had an id that is being used by something else in Bookwyrm.

Some minor changes also made to clean up the wording of the tour.
2022-07-03 15:57:10 +10:00

121 lines
3.8 KiB

{% load i18n %}
const tour = new Shepherd.Tour({
exitOnEsc: true,
text: "{% trans 'You can create or join a group with other users. Groups can share group-curated book lists, and in future will be able to do other things.' %}",
title: "{% trans 'Groups' %}",
buttons: [
action() {
return this.complete();
secondary: true,
text: "{% trans 'End Tour' %}",
classes: "is-danger",
action() {
text: "{% trans 'Next' %}",
text: "{% trans 'Let\'s click the button to create a new group!' %}\
{% trans 'Then click ' %}\
<code>{% trans 'Next' %}</code> \
{% trans 'to continue the tour.' %}",
title: "{% trans 'Create group' %}",
attachTo: {
element: "#tour-create-group",
on: "left-start",
buttons: [
action() {
return this.back();
secondary: true,
text: "{% trans 'Back' %}",
action() {
text: "{% trans 'Next' %}",
text: "{% trans 'Give your group a name and describe what it is about. You can make user groups for any purpose - a reading group, a bunch of friends, whatever!' %}",
title: "{% trans 'Creating a group' %}",
attachTo: {
element: "#tour-group-name",
on: "right",
buttons: [
action() {
return this.back();
secondary: true,
text: "{% trans 'Back' %}",
action() {
text: "{% trans 'Next' %}",
text: "{% trans 'Groups have privacy settings just like Lists, except that group privacy cannot be ' %}\
<code>{% trans 'Followers' %}</code>.",
title: "{% trans 'Group visibility' %}",
attachTo: {
element: "#tour-privacy",
on: "left",
buttons: [
action() {
return this.back();
secondary: true,
text: "{% trans 'Back' %}",
action() {
text: "{% trans 'Next' %}",
text: "{% trans 'Once you\'re happy with how your group is set up, click the ' %}\
<code>{% trans 'Save' %}</code>\
{% trans ' button to continue the tour.' %}",
title: "{% trans 'Save your group' %}",
buttons: [
action() {
return this.complete();
text: "{% trans 'Ok' %}",