Wesley Aptekar-Cassels 9cbff312a5 Ignore Celery task results
Since we don't use the results of our Celery tasks (all of them return
None implicitly), it's prudent to set the ignore_result flag, for a
potential performance improvement. See the Celery docs for details [1].

We could do this with the global CELERY_IGNORE_RESULT setting, but it
offers more flexibility if we want to use task results in the future to
set it on a per-task basis.

2023-03-08 02:12:13 -05:00

85 lines
2.7 KiB

""" send emails """
from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
from django.template.loader import get_template
from bookwyrm import models, settings
from bookwyrm.tasks import app, HIGH
from bookwyrm.settings import DOMAIN
def email_data():
"""fields every email needs"""
site = models.SiteSettings.objects.get()
return {
"logo": site.logo_small_url,
"domain": DOMAIN,
"user": None,
def test_email(user):
"""Just an admin checking if emails are sending"""
data = email_data()
send_email(, *format_email("test", data))
def email_confirmation_email(user):
"""newly registered users confirm email address"""
data = email_data()
data["confirmation_code"] = user.confirmation_code
data["confirmation_link"] = user.confirmation_link
send_email(, *format_email("confirm", data))
def invite_email(invite_request):
"""send out an invite code"""
data = email_data()
data["invite_link"] =
send_email.delay(, *format_email("invite", data))
def password_reset_email(reset_code):
"""generate a password reset email"""
data = email_data()
data["reset_link"] =
data["user"] = reset_code.user.display_name
send_email(, *format_email("password_reset", data))
def moderation_report_email(report):
"""a report was created"""
data = email_data()
data["reporter"] = report.reporter.localname or report.reporter.username
if report.user:
data["reportee"] = report.user.localname or report.user.username
data["report_link"] = report.remote_id
data["link_domain"] = report.links.exists()
for admin in models.User.objects.filter(
groups__name__in=["admin", "moderator"]
data["user"] = admin.display_name
send_email.delay(, *format_email("moderation_report", data))
def format_email(email_name, data):
"""render the email templates"""
subject = get_template(f"email/{email_name}/subject.html").render(data).strip()
html_content = (
text_content = (
return (subject, html_content, text_content)
@app.task(queue=HIGH, ignore_result=True)
def send_email(recipient, subject, html_content, text_content):
"""use a task to send the email"""
email = EmailMultiAlternatives(
subject, text_content, settings.EMAIL_SENDER, [recipient]
email.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")