{% extends 'preferences/layout.html' %} {% load i18n %} {% block title %}{% trans "Move Account" %}{% endblock %} {% block header %} {% trans "Move Account" %} {% endblock %} {% block panel %}

{% trans "Migrate account to another server" %}

{% trans "Moving your account will notify all your followers and direct them to follow the new account." %}

{{ user.username }} {% trans "will be marked as moved and will not be discoverable or usable unless you undo the move." %}

{% trans "Remember to add this user as an alias of the target account before you try to move." %}

{% csrf_token %}
{% include 'snippets/form_errors.html' with errors_list=form.target.errors id="desc_target" %}
{% include 'snippets/form_errors.html' with errors_list=form.password.errors id="desc_password" %}
{% endblock %}