{% extends 'layout.html' %} {% load fr_display %} {% block content %}

{{ book.title }} by {% include 'snippets/authors.html' with book=book %}

{% if book.parent_work %}

Edition of {{ book.parent_work.title }}

{% endif %}
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book size=large %}

{{ active_tab }} rating: {{ rating | stars }}

{% if description %}
{{ book.description | description }}
{% endif %}
{% for tag in tags %} {% include 'snippets/tag.html' with tag=tag user=request.user user_tags=user_tag_names %} {% endfor %}
{% include 'snippets/tabs.html' with tabs=feed_tabs active_tab=active_tab path=path %}


{% if not reviews %}

No reviews yet!

{% endif %}
{% csrf_token %} {{ review_form.as_p }}

Average rating: {{ rating | stars }}

{% for review in reviews %} {% include 'snippets/review.html' with review=review %} {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}