{% extends 'components/dropdown.html' %} {% load shelf_tags %} {% load utilities %} {% load i18n %} {% block dropdown-trigger %} {% trans "Move book" %} {% endblock %} {% block dropdown-list %} {% with book.id|uuid as uuid %} {% active_shelf book as active_shelf %} {% latest_read_through book request.user as readthrough %} {% for shelf in user_shelves %} {% if shelf.editable %} {% else%} {% comparison_bool shelf.identifier active_shelf.shelf.identifier as is_current %} {% with button_class="is-fullwidth is-small shelf-option is-radiusless has-background-body" %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if shelf.identifier == 'all' %} {% for user_shelf in user_shelves %} {% if user_shelf in book.shelves.all %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% join "want_to_read" uuid as modal_id %} {% include 'snippets/reading_modals/want_to_read_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book id=modal_id move_from=current.id refresh=True class="" %} {% join "start_reading" uuid as modal_id %} {% include 'snippets/reading_modals/start_reading_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book id=modal_id move_from=current.id refresh=True class="" %} {% join "finish_reading" uuid as modal_id %} {% include 'snippets/reading_modals/finish_reading_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book id=modal_id move_from=current.id readthrough=readthrough refresh=True class="" %} {% join "stop_reading" uuid as modal_id %} {% include 'snippets/reading_modals/stop_reading_modal.html' with book=active_shelf.book id=modal_id move_from=current.id readthrough=readthrough refresh=True class="" %} {% endwith %} {% endblock %}