""" Forms for the landing pages """ from django import forms from django.contrib.auth.password_validation import validate_password from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ import pyotp from bookwyrm import models from bookwyrm.settings import DOMAIN from .custom_form import CustomForm # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring class LoginForm(CustomForm): class Meta: model = models.User fields = ["localname", "password"] help_texts = {f: None for f in fields} widgets = { "password": forms.PasswordInput(), } def infer_username(self): """Users may enter their localname, username, or email""" localname = self.data.get("localname") if "@" in localname: # looks like an email address to me try: return models.User.objects.get(email=localname).username except models.User.DoesNotExist: # maybe it's a full username? return localname return f"{localname}@{DOMAIN}" def add_invalid_password_error(self): """We don't want to be too specific about this""" # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.non_field_errors = _("Username or password are incorrect") class RegisterForm(CustomForm): class Meta: model = models.User fields = ["localname", "email", "password"] help_texts = {f: None for f in fields} widgets = {"password": forms.PasswordInput()} def clean(self): """Check if the username is taken""" cleaned_data = super().clean() localname = cleaned_data.get("localname").strip() try: validate_password(cleaned_data.get("password")) except ValidationError as err: self.add_error("password", err) if models.User.objects.filter(localname=localname).first(): self.add_error("localname", _("User with this username already exists")) class InviteRequestForm(CustomForm): def clean(self): """make sure the email isn't in use by a registered user""" cleaned_data = super().clean() email = cleaned_data.get("email") if email and models.User.objects.filter(email=email).exists(): self.add_error("email", _("A user with this email already exists.")) class Meta: model = models.InviteRequest fields = ["email", "answer"] class PasswordResetForm(CustomForm): confirm_password = forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput) class Meta: model = models.User fields = ["password"] widgets = { "password": forms.PasswordInput(), } def clean(self): """Make sure the passwords match and are valid""" cleaned_data = super().clean() new_password = cleaned_data.get("password") confirm_password = self.data.get("confirm_password") if new_password != confirm_password: self.add_error("confirm_password", _("Password does not match")) try: validate_password(new_password) except ValidationError as err: self.add_error("password", err) class Confirm2FAForm(CustomForm): otp = forms.CharField( max_length=6, min_length=6, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"autofocus": True}) ) class Meta: model = models.User fields = ["otp_secret", "hotp_count"] def clean_otp(self): """Check otp matches""" otp = self.data.get("otp") totp = pyotp.TOTP(self.instance.otp_secret) if not totp.verify(otp, valid_window=2): if self.instance.hotp_secret: # maybe it's a backup code? hotp = pyotp.HOTP(self.instance.hotp_secret) hotp_count = ( self.instance.hotp_count if self.instance.hotp_count is not None else 0 ) if not hotp.verify(otp, hotp_count): self.add_error("otp", _("Incorrect code")) # increment the user hotp_count else: self.instance.hotp_count = hotp_count + 1 self.instance.save(broadcast=False, update_fields=["hotp_count"]) else: self.add_error("otp", _("Incorrect code"))