{% load humanize %} {% load fr_display %} {% if shelf.books %} {% if ratings %} {% endif %} {% for book in shelf.books.all %} {% latest_read_through book user as read_through %} {% if ratings %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Cover Title Author Published Shelved Started Finished External links Rating
{% include 'snippets/book_cover.html' with book=book size="small" %} {{ book.title }} {{ book.authors.first.name }} {% if book.first_published_date %}{{ book.first_published_date }}{% endif %} {{ book.created_date | naturalday }} {{ read_through.start_date | naturalday |default_if_none:""}} {{ read_through.finish_date | naturalday |default_if_none:""}} OpenLibrary {% include 'snippets/stars.html' with rating=ratings|dict_key:book.id %}
{% else %}

This shelf is empty.

{% endif %}