{% extends 'preferences/layout.html' %} {% load i18n %} {% load utilities %} {% block title %}{% trans "Export BookWyrm Account" %}{% endblock %} {% block header %} {% trans "Export BookWyrm Account" %} {% endblock %} {% block panel %}

{% trans "You can create an export file here. This will allow you to migrate your data to another BookWyrm account." %}

{% blocktrans trimmed %}

Your file will include:

  • User profile
  • Most user settings
  • Reading goals
  • Shelves
  • Reading history
  • Book reviews
  • Statuses
  • Your own lists and saved lists
  • Which users you follow and block

Your file will not include:

  • Direct messages
  • Replies to your statuses
  • Groups
  • Favorites
{% endblocktrans %}

{% trans "In your new BookWyrm account can choose what to import: you will not have to import everything that is exported." %}

{% spaceless %} {% trans "If you wish to migrate any statuses (comments, reviews, or quotes) you must either set the account you are moving to as an alias of this one, or move this account to the new account, before you import your user data." %} {% endspaceless %}

{% if not site.user_exports_enabled %}

{% trans "New user exports are currently disabled." %}

{% elif next_available %}

{% blocktrans trimmed %} You will be able to create a new export file at {{ next_available }} {% endblocktrans %}

{% else %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %}

{% trans "Recent Exports" %}

{% trans "User export files will show 'complete' once ready. This may take a little while. Click the link to download your file." %}

{% if not jobs %} {% endif %} {% for job in jobs %} {% endfor %}
{% trans "Date" %} {% trans "Status" %} {% trans "Size" %}
{% trans "No recent imports" %}
{{ job.updated_date }} {% if job.status %} {{ job.status }} {{ job.status_display }} {% elif job.complete %} {% trans "Complete" %} {% else %} {% trans "Active" %} {% endif %} {{ job.export_data|get_file_size }} {% if job.complete and not job.status == "stopped" and not job.status == "failed" %}

{% trans "Download your export" %}

{% endif %}
{% include 'snippets/pagination.html' with page=jobs path=request.path %}
{% endblock %}