{% extends 'settings/layout.html' %} {% load humanize %} {% load i18n %} {% load celery_tags %} {% block title %}{% trans "Celery Status" %}{% endblock %} {% block header %}{% trans "Celery Status" %}{% endblock %} {% block panel %}

{% trans "You can set up monitoring to check if Celery is running by querying:" %} {% url "settings-celery-ping" as url %} {{ url }}

{% if queues %}

{% trans "Queues" %}

{% trans "Streams" %}

{{ queues.streams|intcomma }}

{% trans "Broadcast" %}

{{ queues.broadcast|intcomma }}

{% trans "Inbox" %}

{{ queues.inbox|intcomma }}

{% trans "Imports" %}

{{ queues.imports|intcomma }}

{% trans "Import triggered" %}

{{ queues.import_triggered|intcomma }}

{% trans "Connectors" %}

{{ queues.connectors|intcomma }}

{% trans "Images" %}

{{ queues.images|intcomma }}

{% trans "Suggested Users" %}

{{ queues.suggested_users|intcomma }}

{% trans "Lists" %}

{{ queues.lists|intcomma }}

{% trans "Email" %}

{{ queues.email|intcomma }}

{% trans "Misc" %}

{{ queues.misc|intcomma }}

{% trans "Low priority" %}

{{ queues.low_priority|intcomma }}

{% trans "Medium priority" %}

{{ queues.medium_priority|intcomma }}

{% trans "High priority" %}

{{ queues.high_priority|intcomma }}

{% else %}
{% trans "Could not connect to Redis broker" %}
{% endif %} {% if stats %}

{% trans "Active Tasks" %}

{% for worker in active_tasks.values %}
{% if not worker %} {% endif %} {% for task in worker %} {% endfor %}
{% trans "ID" %} {% trans "Task name" %} {% trans "Run time" %} {% trans "Priority" %}
{% trans "No active tasks" %}
{{ task.id }} {{ task.name|shortname }} {{ task.time_start|runtime }} {{ task.delivery_info.routing_key }}
{% endfor %}

{% trans "Workers" %}

{% for worker_name, worker in stats.items %}

{{ worker_name }}

{% trans "Uptime:" %} {{ worker.uptime|uptime }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% trans "Could not connect to Celery" %}
{% endif %}

{% trans "Clear Queues" %}

{% trans "Clearing queues can cause serious problems including data loss! Only play with this if you really know what you're doing. You must shut down the Celery worker before you do this." %}
{% csrf_token %}

{{ form.queues.label_tag }}

{{ form.queues }}

{{ form.tasks.label_tag }}

{{ form.tasks }}
{% if errors %}

{% trans "Errors" %}

{% for error in errors %}
{{ error }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}