diff --git a/.github/workflows/mypy.yml b/.github/workflows/mypy.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a641edd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/mypy.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+name: Mypy
+ push:
+ branches: [ main ]
+ pull_request:
+ branches: [ main ]
+ build:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Set up Python 3.9
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+ with:
+ python-version: 3.9
+ - name: Install Dependencies
+ run: |
+ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+ pip install -r requirements.txt
+ - name: Analysing the code with mypy
+ env:
+ SECRET_KEY: beepbeep
+ DEBUG: false
+ USE_HTTPS: true
+ DOMAIN: your.domain.here
+ MEDIA_ROOT: images/
+ POSTGRES_USER: postgres
+ POSTGRES_DB: github_actions
+ EMAIL_HOST: "smtp.mailgun.org"
+ run: |
+ mypy bookwyrm celerywyrm
diff --git a/.github/workflows/prettier.yaml b/.github/workflows/prettier.yaml
index a081e1a7a..501516ae1 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/prettier.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/prettier.yaml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install modules
- run: npm install prettier
+ run: npm install prettier@2.5.1
- name: Run Prettier
run: npx prettier --check bookwyrm/static/js/*.js
diff --git a/FEDERATION.md b/FEDERATION.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd0c917e2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+# Federation
+BookWyrm uses the [ActivityPub](http://activitypub.rocks/) protocol to send and receive user activity between other BookWyrm instances and other services that implement ActivityPub. To handle book data, BookWyrm has a handful of extended Activity types which are not part of the standard, but are legible to other BookWyrm instances.
+## Activities and Objects
+### Users and relationships
+User relationship interactions follow the standard ActivityPub spec.
+- `Follow`: request to receive statuses from a user, and view their statuses that have followers-only privacy
+- `Accept`: approves a `Follow` and finalizes the relationship
+- `Reject`: denies a `Follow`
+- `Block`: prevent users from seeing one another's statuses, and prevents the blocked user from viewing the actor's profile
+- `Update`: updates a user's profile and settings
+- `Delete`: deactivates a user
+- `Undo`: reverses a `Follow` or `Block`
+### Activities
+- `Create/Status`: saves a new status in the database.
+- `Delete/Status`: Removes a status
+- `Like/Status`: Creates a favorite on the status
+- `Announce/Status`: Boosts the status into the actor's timeline
+- `Undo/*`,: Reverses a `Like` or `Announce`
+### Collections
+User's books and lists are represented by [`OrderedCollection`](https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-orderedcollection)
+### Statuses
+BookWyrm is focused on book reading activities - it is not a general-purpose messaging application. For this reason, BookWyrm only accepts status `Create` activities if they are:
+- Direct messages (i.e., `Note`s with the privacy level `direct`, which mention a local user),
+- Related to a book (of a custom status type that includes the field `inReplyToBook`),
+- Replies to existing statuses saved in the database
+All other statuses will be received by the instance inbox, but by design **will not be delivered to user inboxes or displayed to users**.
+### Custom Object types
+With the exception of `Note`, the following object types are used in Bookwyrm but are not currently provided with a custom JSON-LD `@context` extension IRI. This is likely to change in future to make them true deserialisable JSON-LD objects.
+##### Note
+Within BookWyrm a `Note` is constructed according to [the ActivityStreams vocabulary](https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-note), however `Note`s can only be created as direct messages or as replies to other statuses. As mentioned above, this also applies to incoming `Note`s.
+##### Review
+A `Review` is a status in response to a book (indicated by the `inReplyToBook` field), which has a title, body, and numerical rating between 0 (not rated) and 5.
+ "id": "https://example.net/user/library_lurker/review/2",
+ "type": "Review",
+ "published": "2023-06-30T21:43:46.013132+00:00",
+ "attributedTo": "https://example.net/user/library_lurker",
+ "content": "
This is an enjoyable book with great characters.
+ "to": ["https://example.net/user/library_lurker/followers"],
+ "cc": [],
+ "replies": {
+ "id": "https://example.net/user/library_lurker/review/2/replies",
+ "type": "OrderedCollection",
+ "totalItems": 0,
+ "first": "https://example.net/user/library_lurker/review/2/replies?page=1",
+ "last": "https://example.net/user/library_lurker/review/2/replies?page=1",
+ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"
+ },
+ "summary": "Spoilers ahead!",
+ "tag": [],
+ "attachment": [],
+ "sensitive": true,
+ "inReplyToBook": "https://example.net/book/1",
+ "name": "What a cracking read",
+ "rating": 4.5,
+ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"
+##### Comment
+A `Comment` on a book mentions a book and has a message body, reading status, and progress indicator.
+ "id": "https://example.net/user/library_lurker/comment/9",
+ "type": "Comment",
+ "published": "2023-06-30T21:43:46.013132+00:00",
+ "attributedTo": "https://example.net/user/library_lurker",
+ "content": "This is a very enjoyable book so far.
+ "to": ["https://example.net/user/library_lurker/followers"],
+ "cc": [],
+ "replies": {
+ "id": "https://example.net/user/library_lurker/comment/9/replies",
+ "type": "OrderedCollection",
+ "totalItems": 0,
+ "first": "https://example.net/user/library_lurker/comment/9/replies?page=1",
+ "last": "https://example.net/user/library_lurker/comment/9/replies?page=1",
+ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"
+ },
+ "summary": "Spoilers ahead!",
+ "tag": [],
+ "attachment": [],
+ "sensitive": true,
+ "inReplyToBook": "https://example.net/book/1",
+ "readingStatus": "reading",
+ "progress": 25,
+ "progressMode": "PG",
+ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"
+##### Quotation
+A quotation (aka "quote") has a message body, an excerpt from a book including position as a page number or percentage indicator, and mentions a book.
+ "id": "https://example.net/user/mouse/quotation/13",
+ "url": "https://example.net/user/mouse/quotation/13",
+ "inReplyTo": null,
+ "published": "2020-05-10T02:38:31.150343+00:00",
+ "attributedTo": "https://example.net/user/mouse",
+ "to": [
+ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"
+ ],
+ "cc": [
+ "https://example.net/user/mouse/followers"
+ ],
+ "sensitive": false,
+ "content": "I really like this quote",
+ "type": "Quotation",
+ "replies": {
+ "id": "https://example.net/user/mouse/quotation/13/replies",
+ "type": "Collection",
+ "first": {
+ "type": "CollectionPage",
+ "next": "https://example.net/user/mouse/quotation/13/replies?only_other_accounts=true&page=true",
+ "partOf": "https://example.net/user/mouse/quotation/13/replies",
+ "items": []
+ }
+ },
+ "inReplyToBook": "https://example.net/book/1",
+ "quote": "To be or not to be, that is the question.",
+ "position": 50,
+ "positionMode": "PCT",
+ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"
+### Custom Objects
+##### Work
+A particular book, a "work" in the [FRBR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_Requirements_for_Bibliographic_Records) sense.
+ "id": "https://bookwyrm.social/book/5988",
+ "type": "Work",
+ "authors": [
+ "https://bookwyrm.social/author/417"
+ ],
+ "first_published_date": null,
+ "published_date": null,
+ "title": "Piranesi",
+ "sort_title": null,
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "description": "**From the *New York Times* bestselling author of *Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell*, an intoxicating, hypnotic new novel set in a dreamlike alternative reality.",
+ "languages": [],
+ "series": null,
+ "series_number": null,
+ "subjects": [
+ "English literature"
+ ],
+ "subject_places": [],
+ "openlibrary_key": "OL20893680W",
+ "librarything_key": null,
+ "goodreads_key": null,
+ "attachment": [
+ {
+ "url": "https://bookwyrm.social/images/covers/10226290-M.jpg",
+ "type": "Image"
+ }
+ ],
+ "lccn": null,
+ "editions": [
+ "https://bookwyrm.social/book/5989"
+ ],
+ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"
+##### Edition
+A particular _manifestation_ of a Work, in the [FRBR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_Requirements_for_Bibliographic_Records) sense.
+ "id": "https://bookwyrm.social/book/5989",
+ "lastEditedBy": "https://example.net/users/rat",
+ "type": "Edition",
+ "authors": [
+ "https://bookwyrm.social/author/417"
+ ],
+ "first_published_date": null,
+ "published_date": "2020-09-15T00:00:00+00:00",
+ "title": "Piranesi",
+ "sort_title": null,
+ "subtitle": null,
+ "description": "Piranesi's house is no ordinary building; its rooms are infinite, its corridors endless, its walls are lined with thousands upon thousands of statues, each one different from all the others.",
+ "languages": [
+ "English"
+ ],
+ "series": null,
+ "series_number": null,
+ "subjects": [],
+ "subject_places": [],
+ "openlibrary_key": "OL29486417M",
+ "librarything_key": null,
+ "goodreads_key": null,
+ "isfdb": null,
+ "attachment": [
+ {
+ "url": "https://bookwyrm.social/images/covers/50202953._SX318_.jpg",
+ "type": "Image"
+ }
+ ],
+ "isbn_10": "1526622424",
+ "isbn_13": "9781526622426",
+ "oclc_number": null,
+ "asin": null,
+ "pages": 272,
+ "physical_format": null,
+ "publishers": [
+ "Bloomsbury Publishing Plc"
+ ],
+ "work": "https://bookwyrm.social/book/5988",
+ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"
+#### Shelf
+A user's book collection. By default, every user has a `to-read`, `reading`, `read`, and `stopped-reading` shelf which are used to track reading progress. Users may create an unlimited number of additional shelves with their own ids.
+ "id": "https://example.net/user/avid_reader/books/extraspecialbooks-5",
+ "type": "Shelf",
+ "totalItems": 0,
+ "first": "https://example.net/user/avid_reader/books/extraspecialbooks-5?page=1",
+ "last": "https://example.net/user/avid_reader/books/extraspecialbooks-5?page=1",
+ "name": "Extra special books",
+ "owner": "https://example.net/user/avid_reader",
+ "to": [
+ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"
+ ],
+ "cc": [
+ "https://example.net/user/avid_reader/followers"
+ ],
+ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"
+#### List
+A collection of books that may have items contributed by users other than the one who created the list.
+ "id": "https://example.net/list/1",
+ "type": "BookList",
+ "totalItems": 0,
+ "first": "https://example.net/list/1?page=1",
+ "last": "https://example.net/list/1?page=1",
+ "name": "My cool list",
+ "owner": "https://example.net/user/avid_reader",
+ "to": [
+ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public"
+ ],
+ "cc": [
+ "https://example.net/user/avid_reader/followers"
+ ],
+ "summary": "A list of books I like.",
+ "curation": "curated",
+ "@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"
+#### Activities
+- `Create`: Adds a shelf or list to the database.
+- `Delete`: Removes a shelf or list.
+- `Add`: Adds a book to a shelf or list.
+- `Remove`: Removes a book from a shelf or list.
+## Alternative Serialization
+Because BookWyrm uses custom object types that aren't listed in [the standard ActivityStreams Vocabulary](https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary), some statuses are transformed into standard types when sent to or viewed by non-BookWyrm services. `Review`s are converted into `Article`s, and `Comment`s and `Quotation`s are converted into `Note`s, with a link to the book and the cover image attached.
+In future this may be done with [JSON-LD type arrays](https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld/#specifying-the-type) instead.
+## Other extensions
+### Webfinger
+Bookwyrm uses the [Webfinger](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7033) standard to identify and disambiguate fediverse actors. The [Webfinger documentation on the Mastodon project](https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/webfinger/) provides a good overview of how Webfinger is used.
+### HTTP Signatures
+Bookwyrm uses and requires HTTP signatures for all `POST` requests. `GET` requests are not signed by default, but if Bookwyrm receives a `403` response to a `GET` it will re-send the request, signed by the default server user. This usually will have a user id of `https://example.net/user/bookwyrm.instance.actor`
+#### publicKey id
+In older versions of Bookwyrm the `publicKey.id` was incorrectly listed in request headers as `https://example.net/user/username#main-key`. As of v0.6.3 the id is now listed correctly, as `https://example.net/user/username/#main-key`. In most ActivityPub implementations this will make no difference as the URL will usually resolve to the same place.
+### NodeInfo
+Bookwyrm uses the [NodeInfo](http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/) standard to provide statistics and version information for each instance.
+## Further Documentation
+See [docs.joinbookwyrm.com/](https://docs.joinbookwyrm.com/) for more documentation.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bookwyrm/activitypub/base_activity.py b/bookwyrm/activitypub/base_activity.py
index 9b7897eba..615db440a 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/activitypub/base_activity.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/activitypub/base_activity.py
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields, MISSING
from json import JSONEncoder
import logging
+from typing import Optional, Union, TypeVar, overload, Any
import requests
from django.apps import apps
@@ -10,12 +12,15 @@ from django.utils.http import http_date
from bookwyrm import models
from bookwyrm.connectors import ConnectorException, get_data
+from bookwyrm.models import base_model
from bookwyrm.signatures import make_signature
from bookwyrm.settings import DOMAIN, INSTANCE_ACTOR_USERNAME
-from bookwyrm.tasks import app, MEDIUM
+from bookwyrm.tasks import app, MISC
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+TBookWyrmModel = TypeVar("TBookWyrmModel", bound=base_model.BookWyrmModel)
class ActivitySerializerError(ValueError):
"""routine problems serializing activitypub json"""
@@ -65,7 +70,11 @@ class ActivityObject:
id: str
type: str
- def __init__(self, activity_objects=None, **kwargs):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ activity_objects: Optional[list[str, base_model.BookWyrmModel]] = None,
+ **kwargs: dict[str, Any],
+ ):
"""this lets you pass in an object with fields that aren't in the
dataclass, which it ignores. Any field in the dataclass is required or
has a default value"""
@@ -101,13 +110,13 @@ class ActivityObject:
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-arguments
def to_model(
- model=None,
- instance=None,
- allow_create=True,
- save=True,
- overwrite=True,
- allow_external_connections=True,
- ):
+ model: Optional[type[TBookWyrmModel]] = None,
+ instance: Optional[TBookWyrmModel] = None,
+ allow_create: bool = True,
+ save: bool = True,
+ overwrite: bool = True,
+ allow_external_connections: bool = True,
+ ) -> Optional[TBookWyrmModel]:
"""convert from an activity to a model instance. Args:
model: the django model that this object is being converted to
(will guess if not known)
@@ -241,7 +250,7 @@ class ActivityObject:
return data
def set_related_field(
model_name, origin_model_name, related_field_name, related_remote_id, data
@@ -296,14 +305,40 @@ def get_model_from_type(activity_type):
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def resolve_remote_id(
- remote_id,
- model=None,
- refresh=False,
- save=True,
- get_activity=False,
- allow_external_connections=True,
+ remote_id: str,
+ model: type[TBookWyrmModel],
+ refresh: bool = False,
+ save: bool = True,
+ get_activity: bool = False,
+ allow_external_connections: bool = True,
+) -> TBookWyrmModel:
+ ...
+# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+def resolve_remote_id(
+ remote_id: str,
+ model: Optional[str] = None,
+ refresh: bool = False,
+ save: bool = True,
+ get_activity: bool = False,
+ allow_external_connections: bool = True,
+) -> base_model.BookWyrmModel:
+ ...
+# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+def resolve_remote_id(
+ remote_id: str,
+ model: Optional[Union[str, type[base_model.BookWyrmModel]]] = None,
+ refresh: bool = False,
+ save: bool = True,
+ get_activity: bool = False,
+ allow_external_connections: bool = True,
+) -> base_model.BookWyrmModel:
"""take a remote_id and return an instance, creating if necessary. Args:
remote_id: the unique url for looking up the object in the db or by http
model: a string or object representing the model that corresponds to the object
diff --git a/bookwyrm/activitypub/book.py b/bookwyrm/activitypub/book.py
index d3aca4471..5db0dc3ac 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/activitypub/book.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/activitypub/book.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
""" book and author data """
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-from typing import List
+from typing import Optional
from .base_activity import ActivityObject
from .image import Document
@@ -11,19 +11,19 @@ from .image import Document
class BookData(ActivityObject):
"""shared fields for all book data and authors"""
- openlibraryKey: str = None
- inventaireId: str = None
- librarythingKey: str = None
- goodreadsKey: str = None
- bnfId: str = None
- viaf: str = None
- wikidata: str = None
- asin: str = None
- aasin: str = None
- isfdb: str = None
- lastEditedBy: str = None
- links: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
- fileLinks: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
+ openlibraryKey: Optional[str] = None
+ inventaireId: Optional[str] = None
+ librarythingKey: Optional[str] = None
+ goodreadsKey: Optional[str] = None
+ bnfId: Optional[str] = None
+ viaf: Optional[str] = None
+ wikidata: Optional[str] = None
+ asin: Optional[str] = None
+ aasin: Optional[str] = None
+ isfdb: Optional[str] = None
+ lastEditedBy: Optional[str] = None
+ links: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
+ fileLinks: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
@@ -35,17 +35,17 @@ class Book(BookData):
sortTitle: str = None
subtitle: str = None
description: str = ""
- languages: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
+ languages: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
series: str = ""
seriesNumber: str = ""
- subjects: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
- subjectPlaces: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
+ subjects: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
+ subjectPlaces: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
- authors: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
+ authors: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
firstPublishedDate: str = ""
publishedDate: str = ""
- cover: Document = None
+ cover: Optional[Document] = None
type: str = "Book"
@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ class Edition(Book):
isbn10: str = ""
isbn13: str = ""
oclcNumber: str = ""
- pages: int = None
+ pages: Optional[int] = None
physicalFormat: str = ""
physicalFormatDetail: str = ""
- publishers: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
+ publishers: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
editionRank: int = 0
type: str = "Edition"
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class Work(Book):
"""work instance of a book object"""
lccn: str = ""
- editions: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
+ editions: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
type: str = "Work"
@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ class Author(BookData):
"""author of a book"""
name: str
- isni: str = None
- viafId: str = None
- gutenbergId: str = None
- born: str = None
- died: str = None
- aliases: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
+ isni: Optional[str] = None
+ viafId: Optional[str] = None
+ gutenbergId: Optional[str] = None
+ born: Optional[str] = None
+ died: Optional[str] = None
+ aliases: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
bio: str = ""
wikipediaLink: str = ""
type: str = "Author"
diff --git a/bookwyrm/activitystreams.py b/bookwyrm/activitystreams.py
index 0dcb5262e..71f9e42d7 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/activitystreams.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/activitystreams.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from opentelemetry import trace
from bookwyrm import models
from bookwyrm.redis_store import RedisStore, r
-from bookwyrm.tasks import app, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH
+from bookwyrm.tasks import app, STREAMS, IMPORT_TRIGGERED
from bookwyrm.telemetry import open_telemetry
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class ActivityStream(RedisStore):
# direct messages don't appear in feeds, direct comments/reviews/etc do
if status.privacy == "direct" and status.status_type == "Note":
- return []
+ return models.User.objects.none()
# everybody who could plausibly see this status
audience = models.User.objects.filter(
@@ -152,11 +152,11 @@ class ActivityStream(RedisStore):
def get_audience(self, status):
"""given a status, what users should see it"""
trace.get_current_span().set_attribute("stream_id", self.key)
- audience = self._get_audience(status)
+ audience = self._get_audience(status).values_list("id", flat=True)
status_author = models.User.objects.filter(
is_active=True, local=True, id=status.user.id
- )
- return list({user.id for user in list(audience) + list(status_author)})
+ ).values_list("id", flat=True)
+ return list(set(list(audience) + list(status_author)))
def get_stores_for_users(self, user_ids):
"""convert a list of user ids into redis store ids"""
@@ -186,12 +186,12 @@ class HomeStream(ActivityStream):
if not audience:
return []
# if the user is following the author
- audience = audience.filter(following=status.user)
+ audience = audience.filter(following=status.user).values_list("id", flat=True)
# if the user is the post's author
status_author = models.User.objects.filter(
is_active=True, local=True, id=status.user.id
- )
- return list({user.id for user in list(audience) + list(status_author)})
+ ).values_list("id", flat=True)
+ return list(set(list(audience) + list(status_author)))
def get_statuses_for_user(self, user):
return models.Status.privacy_filter(
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ class BooksStream(ActivityStream):
audience = super()._get_audience(status)
if not audience:
- return []
+ return models.User.objects.none()
return audience.filter(shelfbook__book__parent_work=work).distinct()
def get_audience(self, status):
@@ -329,10 +329,9 @@ def add_status_on_create(sender, instance, created, *args, **kwargs):
- # To avoid creating a zillion unnecessary tasks caused by re-saving the model,
- # check if it's actually ready to send before we go. We're trusting this was
- # set correctly by the inbox or view
- if not instance.ready:
+ # We don't want to create multiple add_status_tasks for each status, and because
+ # the transactions are atomic, on_commit won't run until the status is ready to add.
+ if not created:
# when creating new things, gotta wait on the transaction
@@ -343,7 +342,11 @@ def add_status_on_create(sender, instance, created, *args, **kwargs):
def add_status_on_create_command(sender, instance, created):
"""runs this code only after the database commit completes"""
- priority = HIGH
+ # boosts trigger 'saves" twice, so don't bother duplicating the task
+ if sender == models.Boost and not created:
+ return
+ priority = STREAMS
# check if this is an old status, de-prioritize if so
# (this will happen if federation is very slow, or, more expectedly, on csv import)
if instance.published_date < timezone.now() - timedelta(
@@ -353,7 +356,7 @@ def add_status_on_create_command(sender, instance, created):
if instance.user.local:
# an out of date remote status is a low priority but should be added
- priority = LOW
@@ -497,7 +500,7 @@ def remove_statuses_on_unshelve(sender, instance, *args, **kwargs):
# ---- TASKS
def add_book_statuses_task(user_id, book_id):
"""add statuses related to a book on shelve"""
user = models.User.objects.get(id=user_id)
@@ -505,7 +508,7 @@ def add_book_statuses_task(user_id, book_id):
BooksStream().add_book_statuses(user, book)
def remove_book_statuses_task(user_id, book_id):
"""remove statuses about a book from a user's books feed"""
user = models.User.objects.get(id=user_id)
@@ -513,7 +516,7 @@ def remove_book_statuses_task(user_id, book_id):
BooksStream().remove_book_statuses(user, book)
def populate_stream_task(stream, user_id):
"""background task for populating an empty activitystream"""
user = models.User.objects.get(id=user_id)
@@ -521,7 +524,7 @@ def populate_stream_task(stream, user_id):
def remove_status_task(status_ids):
"""remove a status from any stream it might be in"""
# this can take an id or a list of ids
@@ -536,7 +539,7 @@ def remove_status_task(status_ids):
def add_status_task(status_id, increment_unread=False):
"""add a status to any stream it should be in"""
status = models.Status.objects.select_subclasses().get(id=status_id)
@@ -548,7 +551,7 @@ def add_status_task(status_id, increment_unread=False):
stream.add_status(status, increment_unread=increment_unread)
def remove_user_statuses_task(viewer_id, user_id, stream_list=None):
"""remove all statuses by a user from a viewer's stream"""
stream_list = [streams[s] for s in stream_list] if stream_list else streams.values()
@@ -558,7 +561,7 @@ def remove_user_statuses_task(viewer_id, user_id, stream_list=None):
stream.remove_user_statuses(viewer, user)
def add_user_statuses_task(viewer_id, user_id, stream_list=None):
"""add all statuses by a user to a viewer's stream"""
stream_list = [streams[s] for s in stream_list] if stream_list else streams.values()
@@ -568,7 +571,7 @@ def add_user_statuses_task(viewer_id, user_id, stream_list=None):
stream.add_user_statuses(viewer, user)
def handle_boost_task(boost_id):
"""remove the original post and other, earlier boosts"""
instance = models.Status.objects.get(id=boost_id)
diff --git a/bookwyrm/book_search.py b/bookwyrm/book_search.py
index 822c87f01..ceb228f40 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/book_search.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/book_search.py
@@ -1,22 +1,53 @@
""" using a bookwyrm instance as a source of book data """
+from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from functools import reduce
import operator
+from typing import Optional, Union, Any, Literal, overload
from django.contrib.postgres.search import SearchRank, SearchQuery
from django.db.models import F, Q
+from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from bookwyrm import models
from bookwyrm import connectors
from bookwyrm.settings import MEDIA_FULL_URL
+def search(
+ query: str,
+ *,
+ min_confidence: float = 0,
+ filters: Optional[list[Any]] = None,
+ return_first: Literal[False],
+) -> QuerySet[models.Edition]:
+ ...
+def search(
+ query: str,
+ *,
+ min_confidence: float = 0,
+ filters: Optional[list[Any]] = None,
+ return_first: Literal[True],
+) -> Optional[models.Edition]:
+ ...
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
-def search(query, min_confidence=0, filters=None, return_first=False):
+def search(
+ query: str,
+ *,
+ min_confidence: float = 0,
+ filters: Optional[list[Any]] = None,
+ return_first: bool = False,
+) -> Union[Optional[models.Edition], QuerySet[models.Edition]]:
"""search your local database"""
filters = filters or []
if not query:
- return []
+ return None if return_first else []
query = query.strip()
results = None
@@ -66,7 +97,9 @@ def format_search_result(search_result):
-def search_identifiers(query, *filters, return_first=False):
+def search_identifiers(
+ query, *filters, return_first=False
+) -> Union[Optional[models.Edition], QuerySet[models.Edition]]:
"""tries remote_id, isbn; defined as dedupe fields on the model"""
if connectors.maybe_isbn(query):
# Oh did you think the 'S' in ISBN stood for 'standard'?
@@ -87,7 +120,9 @@ def search_identifiers(query, *filters, return_first=False):
return results
-def search_title_author(query, min_confidence, *filters, return_first=False):
+def search_title_author(
+ query, min_confidence, *filters, return_first=False
+) -> QuerySet[models.Edition]:
"""searches for title and author"""
query = SearchQuery(query, config="simple") | SearchQuery(query, config="english")
results = (
@@ -122,11 +157,11 @@ class SearchResult:
title: str
key: str
connector: object
- view_link: str = None
- author: str = None
- year: str = None
- cover: str = None
- confidence: int = 1
+ view_link: Optional[str] = None
+ author: Optional[str] = None
+ year: Optional[str] = None
+ cover: Optional[str] = None
+ confidence: float = 1.0
def __repr__(self):
# pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string
diff --git a/bookwyrm/connectors/abstract_connector.py b/bookwyrm/connectors/abstract_connector.py
index 950bb11f9..8b6dcb885 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/connectors/abstract_connector.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/connectors/abstract_connector.py
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
""" functionality outline for a book data connector """
+from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import Optional, TypedDict, Any, Callable, Union, Iterator
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
import imghdr
import logging
@@ -16,33 +18,38 @@ from bookwyrm import activitypub, models, settings
from bookwyrm.settings import USER_AGENT
from .connector_manager import load_more_data, ConnectorException, raise_not_valid_url
from .format_mappings import format_mappings
+from ..book_search import SearchResult
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+JsonDict = dict[str, Any]
+class ConnectorResults(TypedDict):
+ """TypedDict for results returned by connector"""
+ connector: AbstractMinimalConnector
+ results: list[SearchResult]
class AbstractMinimalConnector(ABC):
"""just the bare bones, for other bookwyrm instances"""
- def __init__(self, identifier):
+ def __init__(self, identifier: str):
# load connector settings
info = models.Connector.objects.get(identifier=identifier)
self.connector = info
# the things in the connector model to copy over
- self_fields = [
- "base_url",
- "books_url",
- "covers_url",
- "search_url",
- "isbn_search_url",
- "name",
- "identifier",
- ]
- for field in self_fields:
- setattr(self, field, getattr(info, field))
+ self.base_url = info.base_url
+ self.books_url = info.books_url
+ self.covers_url = info.covers_url
+ self.search_url = info.search_url
+ self.isbn_search_url = info.isbn_search_url
+ self.name = info.name
+ self.identifier = info.identifier
- def get_search_url(self, query):
+ def get_search_url(self, query: str) -> str:
"""format the query url"""
# Check if the query resembles an ISBN
if maybe_isbn(query) and self.isbn_search_url and self.isbn_search_url != "":
@@ -54,13 +61,21 @@ class AbstractMinimalConnector(ABC):
# searched as free text. This, instead, only searches isbn if it's isbn-y
return f"{self.search_url}{quote_plus(query)}"
- def process_search_response(self, query, data, min_confidence):
+ def process_search_response(
+ self, query: str, data: Any, min_confidence: float
+ ) -> list[SearchResult]:
"""Format the search results based on the format of the query"""
if maybe_isbn(query):
return list(self.parse_isbn_search_data(data))[:10]
return list(self.parse_search_data(data, min_confidence))[:10]
- async def get_results(self, session, url, min_confidence, query):
+ async def get_results(
+ self,
+ session: aiohttp.ClientSession,
+ url: str,
+ min_confidence: float,
+ query: str,
+ ) -> Optional[ConnectorResults]:
"""try this specific connector"""
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
headers = {
@@ -74,55 +89,63 @@ class AbstractMinimalConnector(ABC):
async with session.get(url, headers=headers, params=params) as response:
if not response.ok:
logger.info("Unable to connect to %s: %s", url, response.reason)
- return
+ return None
raw_data = await response.json()
except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ContentTypeError as err:
- return
+ return None
- return {
- "connector": self,
- "results": self.process_search_response(
+ return ConnectorResults(
+ connector=self,
+ results=self.process_search_response(
query, raw_data, min_confidence
- }
+ )
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
logger.info("Connection timed out for url: %s", url)
except aiohttp.ClientError as err:
+ return None
- def get_or_create_book(self, remote_id):
+ def get_or_create_book(self, remote_id: str) -> Optional[models.Book]:
"""pull up a book record by whatever means possible"""
- def parse_search_data(self, data, min_confidence):
+ def parse_search_data(
+ self, data: Any, min_confidence: float
+ ) -> Iterator[SearchResult]:
"""turn the result json from a search into a list"""
- def parse_isbn_search_data(self, data):
+ def parse_isbn_search_data(self, data: Any) -> Iterator[SearchResult]:
"""turn the result json from a search into a list"""
class AbstractConnector(AbstractMinimalConnector):
"""generic book data connector"""
- def __init__(self, identifier):
+ generated_remote_link_field = ""
+ def __init__(self, identifier: str):
# fields we want to look for in book data to copy over
# title we handle separately.
- self.book_mappings = []
+ self.book_mappings: list[Mapping] = []
+ self.author_mappings: list[Mapping] = []
- def get_or_create_book(self, remote_id):
+ def get_or_create_book(self, remote_id: str) -> Optional[models.Book]:
"""translate arbitrary json into an Activitypub dataclass"""
# first, check if we have the origin_id saved
existing = models.Edition.find_existing_by_remote_id(
) or models.Work.find_existing_by_remote_id(remote_id)
if existing:
- if hasattr(existing, "default_edition"):
+ if hasattr(existing, "default_edition") and isinstance(
+ existing.default_edition, models.Edition
+ ):
return existing.default_edition
return existing
@@ -154,6 +177,9 @@ class AbstractConnector(AbstractMinimalConnector):
# this will dedupe automatically
work = work_activity.to_model(model=models.Work, overwrite=False)
+ if not work:
+ return None
for author in self.get_authors_from_data(work_data):
@@ -161,12 +187,21 @@ class AbstractConnector(AbstractMinimalConnector):
load_more_data.delay(self.connector.id, work.id)
return edition
- def get_book_data(self, remote_id): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
+ def get_book_data(self, remote_id: str) -> JsonDict: # pylint: disable=no-self-use
"""this allows connectors to override the default behavior"""
return get_data(remote_id)
- def create_edition_from_data(self, work, edition_data, instance=None):
+ def create_edition_from_data(
+ self,
+ work: models.Work,
+ edition_data: Union[str, JsonDict],
+ instance: Optional[models.Edition] = None,
+ ) -> Optional[models.Edition]:
"""if we already have the work, we're ready"""
+ if isinstance(edition_data, str):
+ # We don't expect a string here
+ return None
mapped_data = dict_from_mappings(edition_data, self.book_mappings)
mapped_data["work"] = work.remote_id
edition_activity = activitypub.Edition(**mapped_data)
@@ -174,6 +209,9 @@ class AbstractConnector(AbstractMinimalConnector):
model=models.Edition, overwrite=False, instance=instance
+ if not edition:
+ return None
# if we're updating an existing instance, we don't need to load authors
if instance:
return edition
@@ -190,7 +228,9 @@ class AbstractConnector(AbstractMinimalConnector):
return edition
- def get_or_create_author(self, remote_id, instance=None):
+ def get_or_create_author(
+ self, remote_id: str, instance: Optional[models.Author] = None
+ ) -> Optional[models.Author]:
"""load that author"""
if not instance:
existing = models.Author.find_existing_by_remote_id(remote_id)
@@ -210,46 +250,51 @@ class AbstractConnector(AbstractMinimalConnector):
model=models.Author, overwrite=False, instance=instance
- def get_remote_id_from_model(self, obj):
+ def get_remote_id_from_model(self, obj: models.BookDataModel) -> Optional[str]:
"""given the data stored, how can we look this up"""
- return getattr(obj, getattr(self, "generated_remote_link_field"))
+ remote_id: Optional[str] = getattr(obj, self.generated_remote_link_field)
+ return remote_id
- def update_author_from_remote(self, obj):
+ def update_author_from_remote(self, obj: models.Author) -> Optional[models.Author]:
"""load the remote data from this connector and add it to an existing author"""
remote_id = self.get_remote_id_from_model(obj)
+ if not remote_id:
+ return None
return self.get_or_create_author(remote_id, instance=obj)
- def update_book_from_remote(self, obj):
+ def update_book_from_remote(self, obj: models.Edition) -> Optional[models.Edition]:
"""load the remote data from this connector and add it to an existing book"""
remote_id = self.get_remote_id_from_model(obj)
+ if not remote_id:
+ return None
data = self.get_book_data(remote_id)
return self.create_edition_from_data(obj.parent_work, data, instance=obj)
- def is_work_data(self, data):
+ def is_work_data(self, data: JsonDict) -> bool:
"""differentiate works and editions"""
- def get_edition_from_work_data(self, data):
+ def get_edition_from_work_data(self, data: JsonDict) -> JsonDict:
"""every work needs at least one edition"""
- def get_work_from_edition_data(self, data):
+ def get_work_from_edition_data(self, data: JsonDict) -> JsonDict:
"""every edition needs a work"""
- def get_authors_from_data(self, data):
+ def get_authors_from_data(self, data: JsonDict) -> Iterator[models.Author]:
"""load author data"""
- def expand_book_data(self, book):
+ def expand_book_data(self, book: models.Book) -> None:
"""get more info on a book"""
-def dict_from_mappings(data, mappings):
+def dict_from_mappings(data: JsonDict, mappings: list[Mapping]) -> JsonDict:
"""create a dict in Activitypub format, using mappings supplies by
the subclass"""
- result = {}
+ result: JsonDict = {}
for mapping in mappings:
# sometimes there are multiple mappings for one field, don't
# overwrite earlier writes in that case
@@ -259,7 +304,11 @@ def dict_from_mappings(data, mappings):
return result
-def get_data(url, params=None, timeout=settings.QUERY_TIMEOUT):
+def get_data(
+ url: str,
+ params: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None,
+ timeout: int = settings.QUERY_TIMEOUT,
+) -> JsonDict:
"""wrapper for request.get"""
# check if the url is blocked
@@ -292,10 +341,15 @@ def get_data(url, params=None, timeout=settings.QUERY_TIMEOUT):
raise ConnectorException(err)
+ if not isinstance(data, dict):
+ raise ConnectorException("Unexpected data format")
return data
-def get_image(url, timeout=10):
+def get_image(
+ url: str, timeout: int = 10
+) -> Union[tuple[ContentFile[bytes], str], tuple[None, None]]:
"""wrapper for requesting an image"""
@@ -325,14 +379,19 @@ def get_image(url, timeout=10):
class Mapping:
"""associate a local database field with a field in an external dataset"""
- def __init__(self, local_field, remote_field=None, formatter=None):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ local_field: str,
+ remote_field: Optional[str] = None,
+ formatter: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None,
+ ):
noop = lambda x: x
self.local_field = local_field
self.remote_field = remote_field or local_field
self.formatter = formatter or noop
- def get_value(self, data):
+ def get_value(self, data: JsonDict) -> Optional[Any]:
"""pull a field from incoming json and return the formatted version"""
value = data.get(self.remote_field)
if not value:
@@ -343,7 +402,7 @@ class Mapping:
return None
-def infer_physical_format(format_text):
+def infer_physical_format(format_text: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""try to figure out what the standardized format is from the free value"""
format_text = format_text.lower()
if format_text in format_mappings:
@@ -356,7 +415,7 @@ def infer_physical_format(format_text):
return matches[0]
-def unique_physical_format(format_text):
+def unique_physical_format(format_text: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""only store the format if it isn't directly in the format mappings"""
format_text = format_text.lower()
if format_text in format_mappings:
@@ -365,7 +424,7 @@ def unique_physical_format(format_text):
return format_text
-def maybe_isbn(query):
+def maybe_isbn(query: str) -> bool:
"""check if a query looks like an isbn"""
isbn = re.sub(r"[\W_]", "", query) # removes filler characters
# ISBNs must be numeric except an ISBN10 checkdigit can be 'X'
diff --git a/bookwyrm/connectors/bookwyrm_connector.py b/bookwyrm/connectors/bookwyrm_connector.py
index e07a0b281..4064f4b4c 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/connectors/bookwyrm_connector.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/connectors/bookwyrm_connector.py
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
""" using another bookwyrm instance as a source of book data """
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Any, Iterator
from bookwyrm import activitypub, models
from bookwyrm.book_search import SearchResult
from .abstract_connector import AbstractMinimalConnector
@@ -7,15 +10,19 @@ from .abstract_connector import AbstractMinimalConnector
class Connector(AbstractMinimalConnector):
"""this is basically just for search"""
- def get_or_create_book(self, remote_id):
+ def get_or_create_book(self, remote_id: str) -> models.Edition:
return activitypub.resolve_remote_id(remote_id, model=models.Edition)
- def parse_search_data(self, data, min_confidence):
+ def parse_search_data(
+ self, data: list[dict[str, Any]], min_confidence: float
+ ) -> Iterator[SearchResult]:
for search_result in data:
search_result["connector"] = self
yield SearchResult(**search_result)
- def parse_isbn_search_data(self, data):
+ def parse_isbn_search_data(
+ self, data: list[dict[str, Any]]
+ ) -> Iterator[SearchResult]:
for search_result in data:
search_result["connector"] = self
yield SearchResult(**search_result)
diff --git a/bookwyrm/connectors/connector_manager.py b/bookwyrm/connectors/connector_manager.py
index 7e823c0af..444a626ba 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/connectors/connector_manager.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/connectors/connector_manager.py
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
""" interface with whatever connectors the app has """
+from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import importlib
import ipaddress
import logging
+from asyncio import Future
+from typing import Iterator, Any, Optional, Union, overload, Literal
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import aiohttp
@@ -12,8 +15,10 @@ from django.db.models import signals
from requests import HTTPError
from bookwyrm import book_search, models
+from bookwyrm.book_search import SearchResult
+from bookwyrm.connectors import abstract_connector
from bookwyrm.settings import SEARCH_TIMEOUT
-from bookwyrm.tasks import app, LOW
+from bookwyrm.tasks import app, CONNECTORS
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -22,11 +27,15 @@ class ConnectorException(HTTPError):
"""when the connector can't do what was asked"""
-async def async_connector_search(query, items, min_confidence):
+async def async_connector_search(
+ query: str,
+ items: list[tuple[str, abstract_connector.AbstractConnector]],
+ min_confidence: float,
+) -> list[Optional[abstract_connector.ConnectorResults]]:
"""Try a number of requests simultaneously"""
timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=SEARCH_TIMEOUT)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=timeout) as session:
- tasks = []
+ tasks: list[Future[Optional[abstract_connector.ConnectorResults]]] = []
for url, connector in items:
@@ -35,14 +44,29 @@ async def async_connector_search(query, items, min_confidence):
results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
- return results
+ return list(results)
-def search(query, min_confidence=0.1, return_first=False):
+def search(
+ query: str, *, min_confidence: float = 0.1, return_first: Literal[False]
+) -> list[abstract_connector.ConnectorResults]:
+ ...
+def search(
+ query: str, *, min_confidence: float = 0.1, return_first: Literal[True]
+) -> Optional[SearchResult]:
+ ...
+def search(
+ query: str, *, min_confidence: float = 0.1, return_first: bool = False
+) -> Union[list[abstract_connector.ConnectorResults], Optional[SearchResult]]:
"""find books based on arbitrary keywords"""
if not query:
- return []
- results = []
+ return None if return_first else []
items = []
for connector in get_connectors():
@@ -57,8 +81,12 @@ def search(query, min_confidence=0.1, return_first=False):
items.append((url, connector))
# load as many results as we can
- results = asyncio.run(async_connector_search(query, items, min_confidence))
- results = [r for r in results if r]
+ # failed requests will return None, so filter those out
+ results = [
+ r
+ for r in asyncio.run(async_connector_search(query, items, min_confidence))
+ if r
+ ]
if return_first:
# find the best result from all the responses and return that
@@ -66,11 +94,12 @@ def search(query, min_confidence=0.1, return_first=False):
all_results = sorted(all_results, key=lambda r: r.confidence, reverse=True)
return all_results[0] if all_results else None
- # failed requests will return None, so filter those out
return results
-def first_search_result(query, min_confidence=0.1):
+def first_search_result(
+ query: str, min_confidence: float = 0.1
+) -> Union[models.Edition, SearchResult, None]:
"""search until you find a result that fits"""
# try local search first
result = book_search.search(query, min_confidence=min_confidence, return_first=True)
@@ -80,13 +109,13 @@ def first_search_result(query, min_confidence=0.1):
return search(query, min_confidence=min_confidence, return_first=True) or None
-def get_connectors():
+def get_connectors() -> Iterator[abstract_connector.AbstractConnector]:
"""load all connectors"""
for info in models.Connector.objects.filter(active=True).order_by("priority").all():
yield load_connector(info)
-def get_or_create_connector(remote_id):
+def get_or_create_connector(remote_id: str) -> abstract_connector.AbstractConnector:
"""get the connector related to the object's server"""
url = urlparse(remote_id)
identifier = url.netloc
@@ -109,8 +138,8 @@ def get_or_create_connector(remote_id):
return load_connector(connector_info)
-def load_more_data(connector_id, book_id):
+def load_more_data(connector_id: str, book_id: str) -> None:
"""background the work of getting all 10,000 editions of LoTR"""
connector_info = models.Connector.objects.get(id=connector_id)
connector = load_connector(connector_info)
@@ -118,8 +147,10 @@ def load_more_data(connector_id, book_id):
-def create_edition_task(connector_id, work_id, data):
+def create_edition_task(
+ connector_id: int, work_id: int, data: Union[str, abstract_connector.JsonDict]
+) -> None:
"""separate task for each of the 10,000 editions of LoTR"""
connector_info = models.Connector.objects.get(id=connector_id)
connector = load_connector(connector_info)
@@ -127,23 +158,31 @@ def create_edition_task(connector_id, work_id, data):
connector.create_edition_from_data(work, data)
-def load_connector(connector_info):
+def load_connector(
+ connector_info: models.Connector,
+) -> abstract_connector.AbstractConnector:
"""instantiate the connector class"""
connector = importlib.import_module(
- return connector.Connector(connector_info.identifier)
+ return connector.Connector(connector_info.identifier) # type: ignore[no-any-return]
@receiver(signals.post_save, sender="bookwyrm.FederatedServer")
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
-def create_connector(sender, instance, created, *args, **kwargs):
+def create_connector(
+ sender: Any,
+ instance: models.FederatedServer,
+ created: Any,
+ *args: Any,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+) -> None:
"""create a connector to an external bookwyrm server"""
if instance.application_type == "bookwyrm":
-def raise_not_valid_url(url):
+def raise_not_valid_url(url: str) -> None:
"""do some basic reality checks on the url"""
parsed = urlparse(url)
if not parsed.scheme in ["http", "https"]:
diff --git a/bookwyrm/connectors/inventaire.py b/bookwyrm/connectors/inventaire.py
index f3e24c0ec..c08bcdee1 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/connectors/inventaire.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/connectors/inventaire.py
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
""" inventaire data connector """
import re
+from typing import Any, Union, Optional, Iterator, Iterable
from bookwyrm import models
from bookwyrm.book_search import SearchResult
-from .abstract_connector import AbstractConnector, Mapping
+from .abstract_connector import AbstractConnector, Mapping, JsonDict
from .abstract_connector import get_data
from .connector_manager import ConnectorException, create_edition_task
@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
generated_remote_link_field = "inventaire_id"
- def __init__(self, identifier):
+ def __init__(self, identifier: str):
get_first = lambda a: a[0]
@@ -60,13 +61,13 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
Mapping("died", remote_field="wdt:P570", formatter=get_first),
] + shared_mappings
- def get_remote_id(self, value):
+ def get_remote_id(self, value: str) -> str:
"""convert an id/uri into a url"""
return f"{self.books_url}?action=by-uris&uris={value}"
- def get_book_data(self, remote_id):
+ def get_book_data(self, remote_id: str) -> JsonDict:
data = get_data(remote_id)
- extracted = list(data.get("entities").values())
+ extracted = list(data.get("entities", {}).values())
data = extracted[0]
except (KeyError, IndexError):
@@ -74,10 +75,16 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
# flatten the data so that images, uri, and claims are on the same level
return {
**data.get("claims", {}),
- **{k: data.get(k) for k in ["uri", "image", "labels", "sitelinks", "type"]},
+ **{
+ k: data.get(k)
+ for k in ["uri", "image", "labels", "sitelinks", "type"]
+ if k in data
+ },
- def parse_search_data(self, data, min_confidence):
+ def parse_search_data(
+ self, data: JsonDict, min_confidence: float
+ ) -> Iterator[SearchResult]:
for search_result in data.get("results", []):
images = search_result.get("image")
cover = f"{self.covers_url}/img/entities/{images[0]}" if images else None
@@ -96,7 +103,7 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
- def parse_isbn_search_data(self, data):
+ def parse_isbn_search_data(self, data: JsonDict) -> Iterator[SearchResult]:
"""got some data"""
results = data.get("entities")
if not results:
@@ -114,35 +121,44 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
- def is_work_data(self, data):
+ def is_work_data(self, data: JsonDict) -> bool:
return data.get("type") == "work"
- def load_edition_data(self, work_uri):
+ def load_edition_data(self, work_uri: str) -> JsonDict:
"""get a list of editions for a work"""
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
url = f"{self.books_url}?action=reverse-claims&property=wdt:P629&value={work_uri}&sort=true"
return get_data(url)
- def get_edition_from_work_data(self, data):
- data = self.load_edition_data(data.get("uri"))
+ def get_edition_from_work_data(self, data: JsonDict) -> JsonDict:
+ work_uri = data.get("uri")
+ if not work_uri:
+ raise ConnectorException("Invalid URI")
+ data = self.load_edition_data(work_uri)
uri = data.get("uris", [])[0]
except IndexError:
raise ConnectorException("Invalid book data")
return self.get_book_data(self.get_remote_id(uri))
- def get_work_from_edition_data(self, data):
- uri = data.get("wdt:P629", [None])[0]
+ def get_work_from_edition_data(self, data: JsonDict) -> JsonDict:
+ try:
+ uri = data.get("wdt:P629", [])[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise ConnectorException("Invalid book data")
if not uri:
raise ConnectorException("Invalid book data")
return self.get_book_data(self.get_remote_id(uri))
- def get_authors_from_data(self, data):
+ def get_authors_from_data(self, data: JsonDict) -> Iterator[models.Author]:
authors = data.get("wdt:P50", [])
for author in authors:
- yield self.get_or_create_author(self.get_remote_id(author))
+ model = self.get_or_create_author(self.get_remote_id(author))
+ if model:
+ yield model
- def expand_book_data(self, book):
+ def expand_book_data(self, book: models.Book) -> None:
work = book
# go from the edition to the work, if necessary
if isinstance(book, models.Edition):
@@ -154,11 +170,16 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
# who knows, man
- for edition_uri in edition_options.get("uris"):
+ for edition_uri in edition_options.get("uris", []):
remote_id = self.get_remote_id(edition_uri)
create_edition_task.delay(self.connector.id, work.id, remote_id)
- def create_edition_from_data(self, work, edition_data, instance=None):
+ def create_edition_from_data(
+ self,
+ work: models.Work,
+ edition_data: Union[str, JsonDict],
+ instance: Optional[models.Edition] = None,
+ ) -> Optional[models.Edition]:
"""pass in the url as data and then call the version in abstract connector"""
if isinstance(edition_data, str):
@@ -168,22 +189,26 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
return None
return super().create_edition_from_data(work, edition_data, instance=instance)
- def get_cover_url(self, cover_blob, *_):
+ def get_cover_url(
+ self, cover_blob: Union[list[JsonDict], JsonDict], *_: Any
+ ) -> Optional[str]:
"""format the relative cover url into an absolute one:
{"url": "/img/entities/e794783f01b9d4f897a1ea9820b96e00d346994f"}
# covers may or may not be a list
- if isinstance(cover_blob, list) and len(cover_blob) > 0:
+ if isinstance(cover_blob, list):
+ if len(cover_blob) == 0:
+ return None
cover_blob = cover_blob[0]
cover_id = cover_blob.get("url")
- if not cover_id:
+ if not isinstance(cover_id, str):
return None
# cover may or may not be an absolute url already
if re.match(r"^http", cover_id):
return cover_id
return f"{self.covers_url}{cover_id}"
- def resolve_keys(self, keys):
+ def resolve_keys(self, keys: Iterable[str]) -> list[str]:
"""cool, it's "wd:Q3156592" now what the heck does that mean"""
results = []
for uri in keys:
@@ -191,10 +216,10 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
data = self.get_book_data(self.get_remote_id(uri))
except ConnectorException:
- results.append(get_language_code(data.get("labels")))
+ results.append(get_language_code(data.get("labels", {})))
return results
- def get_description(self, links):
+ def get_description(self, links: JsonDict) -> str:
"""grab an extracted excerpt from wikipedia"""
link = links.get("enwiki")
if not link:
@@ -204,15 +229,15 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
data = get_data(url)
except ConnectorException:
return ""
- return data.get("extract")
+ return data.get("extract", "")
- def get_remote_id_from_model(self, obj):
+ def get_remote_id_from_model(self, obj: models.BookDataModel) -> str:
"""use get_remote_id to figure out the link from a model obj"""
remote_id_value = obj.inventaire_id
return self.get_remote_id(remote_id_value)
-def get_language_code(options, code="en"):
+def get_language_code(options: JsonDict, code: str = "en") -> Any:
"""when there are a bunch of translation but we need a single field"""
result = options.get(code)
if result:
diff --git a/bookwyrm/connectors/openlibrary.py b/bookwyrm/connectors/openlibrary.py
index 0fd786660..4dc6d6ac1 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/connectors/openlibrary.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/connectors/openlibrary.py
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
""" openlibrary data connector """
import re
+from typing import Any, Optional, Union, Iterator, Iterable
+from markdown import markdown
from bookwyrm import models
from bookwyrm.book_search import SearchResult
-from .abstract_connector import AbstractConnector, Mapping
+from bookwyrm.utils.sanitizer import clean
+from .abstract_connector import AbstractConnector, Mapping, JsonDict
from .abstract_connector import get_data, infer_physical_format, unique_physical_format
from .connector_manager import ConnectorException, create_edition_task
from .openlibrary_languages import languages
@@ -14,7 +18,7 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
generated_remote_link_field = "openlibrary_link"
- def __init__(self, identifier):
+ def __init__(self, identifier: str):
get_first = lambda a, *args: a[0]
@@ -94,14 +98,14 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
Mapping("inventaire_id", remote_field="links", formatter=get_inventaire_id),
- def get_book_data(self, remote_id):
+ def get_book_data(self, remote_id: str) -> JsonDict:
data = get_data(remote_id)
if data.get("type", {}).get("key") == "/type/redirect":
- remote_id = self.base_url + data.get("location")
+ remote_id = self.base_url + data.get("location", "")
return get_data(remote_id)
return data
- def get_remote_id_from_data(self, data):
+ def get_remote_id_from_data(self, data: JsonDict) -> str:
"""format a url from an openlibrary id field"""
key = data["key"]
@@ -109,10 +113,10 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
raise ConnectorException("Invalid book data")
return f"{self.books_url}{key}"
- def is_work_data(self, data):
+ def is_work_data(self, data: JsonDict) -> bool:
return bool(re.match(r"^[\/\w]+OL\d+W$", data["key"]))
- def get_edition_from_work_data(self, data):
+ def get_edition_from_work_data(self, data: JsonDict) -> JsonDict:
key = data["key"]
except KeyError:
@@ -124,7 +128,7 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
raise ConnectorException("No editions for work")
return edition
- def get_work_from_edition_data(self, data):
+ def get_work_from_edition_data(self, data: JsonDict) -> JsonDict:
key = data["works"][0]["key"]
except (IndexError, KeyError):
@@ -132,7 +136,7 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
url = f"{self.books_url}{key}"
return self.get_book_data(url)
- def get_authors_from_data(self, data):
+ def get_authors_from_data(self, data: JsonDict) -> Iterator[models.Author]:
"""parse author json and load or create authors"""
for author_blob in data.get("authors", []):
author_blob = author_blob.get("author", author_blob)
@@ -144,7 +148,7 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
yield author
- def get_cover_url(self, cover_blob, size="L"):
+ def get_cover_url(self, cover_blob: list[str], size: str = "L") -> Optional[str]:
"""ask openlibrary for the cover"""
if not cover_blob:
return None
@@ -152,8 +156,10 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
image_name = f"{cover_id}-{size}.jpg"
return f"{self.covers_url}/b/id/{image_name}"
- def parse_search_data(self, data, min_confidence):
- for idx, search_result in enumerate(data.get("docs")):
+ def parse_search_data(
+ self, data: JsonDict, min_confidence: float
+ ) -> Iterator[SearchResult]:
+ for idx, search_result in enumerate(data.get("docs", [])):
# build the remote id from the openlibrary key
key = self.books_url + search_result["key"]
author = search_result.get("author_name") or ["Unknown"]
@@ -174,7 +180,7 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
- def parse_isbn_search_data(self, data):
+ def parse_isbn_search_data(self, data: JsonDict) -> Iterator[SearchResult]:
for search_result in list(data.values()):
# build the remote id from the openlibrary key
key = self.books_url + search_result["key"]
@@ -188,12 +194,12 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
- def load_edition_data(self, olkey):
+ def load_edition_data(self, olkey: str) -> JsonDict:
"""query openlibrary for editions of a work"""
url = f"{self.books_url}/works/{olkey}/editions"
return self.get_book_data(url)
- def expand_book_data(self, book):
+ def expand_book_data(self, book: models.Book) -> None:
work = book
# go from the edition to the work, if necessary
if isinstance(book, models.Edition):
@@ -206,14 +212,14 @@ class Connector(AbstractConnector):
# who knows, man
- for edition_data in edition_options.get("entries"):
+ for edition_data in edition_options.get("entries", []):
# does this edition have ANY interesting data?
if ignore_edition(edition_data):
create_edition_task.delay(self.connector.id, work.id, edition_data)
-def ignore_edition(edition_data):
+def ignore_edition(edition_data: JsonDict) -> bool:
"""don't load a million editions that have no metadata"""
# an isbn, we love to see it
if edition_data.get("isbn_13") or edition_data.get("isbn_10"):
@@ -232,19 +238,30 @@ def ignore_edition(edition_data):
return True
-def get_description(description_blob):
+def get_description(description_blob: Union[JsonDict, str]) -> str:
"""descriptions can be a string or a dict"""
if isinstance(description_blob, dict):
- return description_blob.get("value")
- return description_blob
+ description = markdown(description_blob.get("value", ""))
+ else:
+ description = markdown(description_blob)
+ if (
+ description.startswith("")
+ and description.endswith("
+ and description.count("") == 1
+ ):
+ # If there is just one
tag and it is around the text remove it
+ return description[len("
") : -len("
+ return clean(description)
-def get_openlibrary_key(key):
+def get_openlibrary_key(key: str) -> str:
"""convert /books/OL27320736M into OL27320736M"""
return key.split("/")[-1]
-def get_languages(language_blob):
+def get_languages(language_blob: Iterable[JsonDict]) -> list[Optional[str]]:
"""/language/eng -> English"""
langs = []
for lang in language_blob:
@@ -252,14 +269,14 @@ def get_languages(language_blob):
return langs
-def get_dict_field(blob, field_name):
+def get_dict_field(blob: Optional[JsonDict], field_name: str) -> Optional[Any]:
"""extract the isni from the remote id data for the author"""
if not blob or not isinstance(blob, dict):
return None
return blob.get(field_name)
-def get_wikipedia_link(links):
+def get_wikipedia_link(links: list[Any]) -> Optional[str]:
"""extract wikipedia links"""
if not isinstance(links, list):
return None
@@ -272,7 +289,7 @@ def get_wikipedia_link(links):
return None
-def get_inventaire_id(links):
+def get_inventaire_id(links: list[Any]) -> Optional[str]:
"""extract and format inventaire ids"""
if not isinstance(links, list):
return None
@@ -282,11 +299,13 @@ def get_inventaire_id(links):
if link.get("title") == "inventaire.io":
iv_link = link.get("url")
+ if not isinstance(iv_link, str):
+ return None
return iv_link.split("/")[-1]
return None
-def pick_default_edition(options):
+def pick_default_edition(options: list[JsonDict]) -> Optional[JsonDict]:
"""favor physical copies with covers in english"""
if not options:
return None
diff --git a/bookwyrm/emailing.py b/bookwyrm/emailing.py
index 2271077b1..5e08ebba1 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/emailing.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/emailing.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
from django.template.loader import get_template
from bookwyrm import models, settings
-from bookwyrm.tasks import app, HIGH
+from bookwyrm.tasks import app, EMAIL
from bookwyrm.settings import DOMAIN
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def format_email(email_name, data):
return (subject, html_content, text_content)
def send_email(recipient, subject, html_content, text_content):
"""use a task to send the email"""
email = EmailMultiAlternatives(
diff --git a/bookwyrm/forms/books.py b/bookwyrm/forms/books.py
index 623beaa04..4885dc063 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/forms/books.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/forms/books.py
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ class EditionForm(CustomForm):
model = models.Edition
fields = [
+ "sort_title",
@@ -45,6 +46,9 @@ class EditionForm(CustomForm):
widgets = {
"title": forms.TextInput(attrs={"aria-describedby": "desc_title"}),
+ "sort_title": forms.TextInput(
+ attrs={"aria-describedby": "desc_sort_title"}
+ ),
"subtitle": forms.TextInput(attrs={"aria-describedby": "desc_subtitle"}),
"description": forms.Textarea(
attrs={"aria-describedby": "desc_description"}
@@ -107,6 +111,7 @@ class EditionFromWorkForm(CustomForm):
model = models.Work
fields = [
+ "sort_title",
diff --git a/bookwyrm/forms/lists.py b/bookwyrm/forms/lists.py
index 647db3bfe..f5008baa3 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/forms/lists.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/forms/lists.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class SortListForm(forms.Form):
sort_by = ChoiceField(
("order", _("List Order")),
- ("title", _("Book Title")),
+ ("sort_title", _("Book Title")),
("rating", _("Rating")),
label=_("Sort By"),
diff --git a/bookwyrm/isbn/RangeMessage.xml b/bookwyrm/isbn/RangeMessage.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..619cf1ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bookwyrm/isbn/RangeMessage.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7904 @@
+ International ISBN Agency
+ fa1a5bb4-9703-4910-bd34-2ffe0ae46c45
+ Sat, 22 Jul 2023 02:00:37 BST
+ 978
+ International ISBN Agency
+ 0000000-5999999
+ 1
+ 6000000-6499999
+ 3
+ 6500000-6599999
+ 2
+ 6600000-6999999
+ 0
+ 7000000-7999999
+ 1
+ 8000000-9499999
+ 2
+ 9500000-9899999
+ 3
+ 9900000-9989999
+ 4
+ 9990000-9999999
+ 5
+ 979
+ International ISBN Agency
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 0
+ 1000000-1299999
+ 2
+ 1300000-7999999
+ 0
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 1
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 0
+ 978-0
+ English language
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-2279999
+ 3
+ 2280000-2289999
+ 4
+ 2290000-3689999
+ 3
+ 3690000-3699999
+ 4
+ 3700000-6389999
+ 3
+ 6390000-6397999
+ 4
+ 6398000-6399999
+ 7
+ 6400000-6449999
+ 3
+ 6450000-6459999
+ 7
+ 6460000-6479999
+ 3
+ 6480000-6489999
+ 7
+ 6490000-6549999
+ 3
+ 6550000-6559999
+ 4
+ 6560000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9499999
+ 6
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 7
+ 978-1
+ English language
+ 0000000-0099999
+ 3
+ 0100000-0299999
+ 2
+ 0300000-0349999
+ 3
+ 0350000-0399999
+ 4
+ 0400000-0499999
+ 3
+ 0500000-0699999
+ 2
+ 0700000-0999999
+ 4
+ 1000000-3979999
+ 3
+ 3980000-5499999
+ 4
+ 5500000-6499999
+ 5
+ 6500000-6799999
+ 4
+ 6800000-6859999
+ 5
+ 6860000-7139999
+ 4
+ 7140000-7169999
+ 3
+ 7170000-7319999
+ 4
+ 7320000-7399999
+ 7
+ 7400000-7749999
+ 5
+ 7750000-7753999
+ 7
+ 7754000-7763999
+ 5
+ 7764000-7764999
+ 7
+ 7765000-7769999
+ 5
+ 7770000-7782999
+ 7
+ 7783000-7899999
+ 5
+ 7900000-7999999
+ 4
+ 8000000-8004999
+ 5
+ 8005000-8049999
+ 5
+ 8050000-8379999
+ 5
+ 8380000-8384999
+ 7
+ 8385000-8671999
+ 5
+ 8672000-8675999
+ 4
+ 8676000-8697999
+ 5
+ 8698000-9159999
+ 6
+ 9160000-9165059
+ 7
+ 9165060-9168699
+ 6
+ 9168700-9169079
+ 7
+ 9169080-9195999
+ 6
+ 9196000-9196549
+ 7
+ 9196550-9729999
+ 6
+ 9730000-9877999
+ 4
+ 9878000-9911499
+ 6
+ 9911500-9911999
+ 7
+ 9912000-9989899
+ 6
+ 9989900-9999999
+ 7
+ 978-2
+ French language
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-3499999
+ 3
+ 3500000-3999999
+ 5
+ 4000000-4869999
+ 3
+ 4870000-4949999
+ 6
+ 4950000-4959999
+ 3
+ 4960000-4966999
+ 4
+ 4967000-4969999
+ 5
+ 4970000-5279999
+ 3
+ 5280000-5299999
+ 4
+ 5300000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8399999
+ 4
+ 8400000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9197999
+ 6
+ 9198000-9198099
+ 5
+ 9198100-9199429
+ 6
+ 9199430-9199689
+ 7
+ 9199690-9499999
+ 6
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 7
+ 978-3
+ German language
+ 0000000-0299999
+ 2
+ 0300000-0339999
+ 3
+ 0340000-0369999
+ 4
+ 0370000-0399999
+ 5
+ 0400000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9499999
+ 6
+ 9500000-9539999
+ 7
+ 9540000-9699999
+ 5
+ 9700000-9849999
+ 7
+ 9850000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-4
+ Japan
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9499999
+ 6
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 7
+ 978-5
+ former U.S.S.R
+ 0000000-0049999
+ 5
+ 0050000-0099999
+ 4
+ 0100000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-3619999
+ 3
+ 3620000-3623999
+ 4
+ 3624000-3629999
+ 5
+ 3630000-4209999
+ 3
+ 4210000-4299999
+ 4
+ 4300000-4309999
+ 3
+ 4310000-4399999
+ 4
+ 4400000-4409999
+ 3
+ 4410000-4499999
+ 4
+ 4500000-6039999
+ 3
+ 6040000-6049999
+ 7
+ 6050000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9099999
+ 6
+ 9100000-9199999
+ 5
+ 9200000-9299999
+ 4
+ 9300000-9499999
+ 5
+ 9500000-9500999
+ 7
+ 9501000-9799999
+ 4
+ 9800000-9899999
+ 5
+ 9900000-9909999
+ 7
+ 9910000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-600
+ Iran
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 2
+ 1000000-4999999
+ 3
+ 5000000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9867999
+ 5
+ 9868000-9929999
+ 4
+ 9930000-9959999
+ 3
+ 9960000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-601
+ Kazakhstan
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-7999999
+ 4
+ 8000000-8499999
+ 5
+ 8500000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-602
+ Indonesia
+ 0000000-0699999
+ 2
+ 0700000-1399999
+ 4
+ 1400000-1499999
+ 5
+ 1500000-1699999
+ 4
+ 1700000-1999999
+ 5
+ 2000000-4999999
+ 3
+ 5000000-5399999
+ 5
+ 5400000-5999999
+ 4
+ 6000000-6199999
+ 5
+ 6200000-6999999
+ 4
+ 7000000-7499999
+ 5
+ 7500000-9499999
+ 4
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-603
+ Saudi Arabia
+ 0000000-0499999
+ 2
+ 0500000-4999999
+ 2
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-604
+ Vietnam
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-3999999
+ 3
+ 4000000-4699999
+ 2
+ 4700000-4979999
+ 3
+ 4980000-4999999
+ 4
+ 5000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9799999
+ 3
+ 9800000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-605
+ Turkey
+ 0000000-0299999
+ 2
+ 0300000-0399999
+ 3
+ 0400000-0599999
+ 2
+ 0600000-0699999
+ 5
+ 0700000-0999999
+ 2
+ 1000000-1999999
+ 3
+ 2000000-2399999
+ 4
+ 2400000-3999999
+ 3
+ 4000000-5999999
+ 4
+ 6000000-7499999
+ 5
+ 7500000-7999999
+ 4
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-606
+ Romania
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 3
+ 1000000-4999999
+ 2
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9099999
+ 4
+ 9100000-9199999
+ 3
+ 9200000-9599999
+ 5
+ 9600000-9749999
+ 4
+ 9750000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-607
+ Mexico
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-5929999
+ 3
+ 5930000-5999999
+ 5
+ 6000000-7499999
+ 3
+ 7500000-9499999
+ 4
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-608
+ North Macedonia
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-4499999
+ 3
+ 4500000-6499999
+ 4
+ 6500000-6999999
+ 5
+ 7000000-9999999
+ 1
+ 978-609
+ Lithuania
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9499999
+ 4
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-611
+ Thailand
+ 0000000-9999999
+ 0
+ 978-612
+ Peru
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 2
+ 3000000-3999999
+ 3
+ 4000000-4499999
+ 4
+ 4500000-4999999
+ 5
+ 5000000-5149999
+ 4
+ 5150000-9999999
+ 0
+ 978-613
+ Mauritius
+ 0000000-9999999
+ 1
+ 978-614
+ Lebanon
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9499999
+ 4
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-615
+ Hungary
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 2
+ 1000000-4999999
+ 3
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 4
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 0
+ 978-616
+ Thailand
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-617
+ Ukraine
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 2
+ 5000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-618
+ Greece
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-4999999
+ 3
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 4
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-619
+ Bulgaria
+ 0000000-1499999
+ 2
+ 1500000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-620
+ Mauritius
+ 0000000-9999999
+ 1
+ 978-621
+ Philippines
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 2
+ 3000000-3999999
+ 0
+ 4000000-5999999
+ 3
+ 6000000-7999999
+ 0
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9499999
+ 0
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-622
+ Iran
+ 0000000-1099999
+ 2
+ 1100000-1999999
+ 0
+ 2000000-4249999
+ 3
+ 4250000-5199999
+ 0
+ 5200000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-8999999
+ 0
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-623
+ Indonesia
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 2
+ 1000000-1299999
+ 0
+ 1300000-4999999
+ 3
+ 5000000-5249999
+ 0
+ 5250000-8799999
+ 4
+ 8800000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-624
+ Sri Lanka
+ 0000000-0499999
+ 2
+ 0500000-1999999
+ 0
+ 2000000-2499999
+ 3
+ 2500000-4999999
+ 0
+ 5000000-6449999
+ 4
+ 6450000-9449999
+ 0
+ 9450000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-625
+ Turkey
+ 0000000-0099999
+ 2
+ 0100000-3649999
+ 0
+ 3650000-4429999
+ 3
+ 4430000-4449999
+ 5
+ 4450000-4499999
+ 3
+ 4500000-6349999
+ 0
+ 6350000-7793999
+ 4
+ 7794000-7794999
+ 5
+ 7795000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-9899999
+ 0
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-626
+ Taiwan
+ 0000000-0499999
+ 2
+ 0500000-2999999
+ 0
+ 3000000-4999999
+ 3
+ 5000000-6999999
+ 0
+ 7000000-7999999
+ 4
+ 8000000-9499999
+ 0
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-627
+ Pakistan
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 0
+ 3000000-3199999
+ 2
+ 3200000-4999999
+ 0
+ 5000000-5249999
+ 3
+ 5250000-7499999
+ 0
+ 7500000-7999999
+ 4
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 0
+ 978-628
+ Colombia
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 2
+ 1000000-4999999
+ 0
+ 5000000-5499999
+ 3
+ 5500000-7499999
+ 0
+ 7500000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-9499999
+ 0
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-629
+ Malaysia
+ 0000000-0299999
+ 2
+ 0300000-4699999
+ 0
+ 4700000-4999999
+ 3
+ 5000000-7499999
+ 0
+ 7500000-7999999
+ 4
+ 8000000-9649999
+ 0
+ 9650000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-630
+ Romania
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 0
+ 3000000-3499999
+ 3
+ 3500000-6499999
+ 0
+ 6500000-6849999
+ 4
+ 6850000-9999999
+ 0
+ 978-631
+ Argentina
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 2
+ 1000000-2999999
+ 0
+ 3000000-3999999
+ 3
+ 4000000-6499999
+ 0
+ 6500000-7499999
+ 4
+ 7500000-8999999
+ 0
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-65
+ Brazil
+ 0000000-0199999
+ 2
+ 0200000-2499999
+ 0
+ 2500000-2999999
+ 3
+ 3000000-3029999
+ 3
+ 3030000-4999999
+ 0
+ 5000000-5129999
+ 4
+ 5130000-5349999
+ 0
+ 5350000-6149999
+ 4
+ 6150000-7999999
+ 0
+ 8000000-8182499
+ 5
+ 8182500-8449999
+ 0
+ 8450000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9024499
+ 6
+ 9024500-9799999
+ 0
+ 9800000-9999999
+ 6
+ 978-7
+ China, People's Republic
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 2
+ 1000000-4999999
+ 3
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 4
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 6
+ 978-80
+ former Czechoslovakia
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-5299999
+ 3
+ 5300000-5499999
+ 5
+ 5500000-6899999
+ 3
+ 6900000-6999999
+ 5
+ 7000000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9989999
+ 6
+ 9990000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-81
+ India
+ 0000000-1899999
+ 2
+ 1900000-1999999
+ 5
+ 2000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 6
+ 978-82
+ Norway
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-6899999
+ 3
+ 6900000-6999999
+ 6
+ 7000000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9899999
+ 5
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 6
+ 978-83
+ Poland
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-5999999
+ 3
+ 6000000-6999999
+ 5
+ 7000000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 6
+ 978-84
+ Spain
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 2
+ 1000000-1049999
+ 5
+ 1050000-1199999
+ 4
+ 1200000-1299999
+ 6
+ 1300000-1399999
+ 4
+ 1400000-1499999
+ 3
+ 1500000-1999999
+ 5
+ 2000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9199999
+ 4
+ 9200000-9239999
+ 6
+ 9240000-9299999
+ 5
+ 9300000-9499999
+ 6
+ 9500000-9699999
+ 5
+ 9700000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-85
+ Brazil
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-4549999
+ 3
+ 4550000-4552999
+ 6
+ 4553000-4559999
+ 5
+ 4560000-5289999
+ 3
+ 5290000-5319999
+ 5
+ 5320000-5339999
+ 4
+ 5340000-5399999
+ 3
+ 5400000-5402999
+ 5
+ 5403000-5403999
+ 5
+ 5404000-5404999
+ 6
+ 5405000-5408999
+ 5
+ 5409000-5409999
+ 6
+ 5410000-5439999
+ 5
+ 5440000-5479999
+ 4
+ 5480000-5499999
+ 5
+ 5500000-5999999
+ 4
+ 6000000-6999999
+ 5
+ 7000000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9249999
+ 6
+ 9250000-9449999
+ 5
+ 9450000-9599999
+ 4
+ 9600000-9799999
+ 2
+ 9800000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-86
+ former Yugoslavia
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 2
+ 3000000-5999999
+ 3
+ 6000000-7999999
+ 4
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 6
+ 978-87
+ Denmark
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 2
+ 3000000-3999999
+ 0
+ 4000000-6499999
+ 3
+ 6500000-6999999
+ 0
+ 7000000-7999999
+ 4
+ 8000000-8499999
+ 0
+ 8500000-9499999
+ 5
+ 9500000-9699999
+ 0
+ 9700000-9999999
+ 6
+ 978-88
+ Italy
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-3119999
+ 3
+ 3120000-3149999
+ 5
+ 3150000-3189999
+ 3
+ 3190000-3229999
+ 5
+ 3230000-3269999
+ 3
+ 3270000-3389999
+ 4
+ 3390000-3609999
+ 3
+ 3610000-3629999
+ 4
+ 3630000-5489999
+ 3
+ 5490000-5549999
+ 4
+ 5550000-5999999
+ 3
+ 6000000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9099999
+ 6
+ 9100000-9269999
+ 3
+ 9270000-9399999
+ 4
+ 9400000-9479999
+ 6
+ 9480000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-89
+ Korea, Republic
+ 0000000-2499999
+ 2
+ 2500000-5499999
+ 3
+ 5500000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-9499999
+ 5
+ 9500000-9699999
+ 6
+ 9700000-9899999
+ 5
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-90
+ Netherlands
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-4999999
+ 3
+ 5000000-6999999
+ 4
+ 7000000-7999999
+ 5
+ 8000000-8499999
+ 6
+ 8500000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9099999
+ 2
+ 9100000-9399999
+ 0
+ 9400000-9499999
+ 2
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 0
+ 978-91
+ Sweden
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-4999999
+ 2
+ 5000000-6499999
+ 3
+ 6500000-6999999
+ 0
+ 7000000-8199999
+ 4
+ 8200000-8499999
+ 0
+ 8500000-9499999
+ 5
+ 9500000-9699999
+ 0
+ 9700000-9999999
+ 6
+ 978-92
+ International NGO Publishers and EU Organizations
+ 0000000-5999999
+ 1
+ 6000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9499999
+ 4
+ 9500000-9899999
+ 5
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 6
+ 978-93
+ India
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 2
+ 1000000-4999999
+ 3
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 4
+ 8000000-9599999
+ 5
+ 9600000-9999999
+ 6
+ 978-94
+ Netherlands
+ 0000000-5999999
+ 3
+ 6000000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-950
+ Argentina
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 2
+ 5000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9899999
+ 4
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-951
+ Finland
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-5499999
+ 2
+ 5500000-8899999
+ 3
+ 8900000-9499999
+ 4
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-952
+ Finland
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-4999999
+ 3
+ 5000000-5999999
+ 4
+ 6000000-6499999
+ 2
+ 6500000-6599999
+ 5
+ 6600000-6699999
+ 4
+ 6700000-6999999
+ 5
+ 7000000-7999999
+ 4
+ 8000000-9499999
+ 2
+ 9500000-9899999
+ 4
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-953
+ Croatia
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-1499999
+ 2
+ 1500000-4799999
+ 3
+ 4800000-4999999
+ 5
+ 5000000-5009999
+ 3
+ 5010000-5099999
+ 5
+ 5100000-5499999
+ 2
+ 5500000-5999999
+ 5
+ 6000000-9499999
+ 4
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-954
+ Bulgaria
+ 0000000-2899999
+ 2
+ 2900000-2999999
+ 4
+ 3000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9299999
+ 5
+ 9300000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-955
+ Sri Lanka
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 4
+ 2000000-3399999
+ 2
+ 3400000-3549999
+ 4
+ 3550000-3599999
+ 5
+ 3600000-3799999
+ 4
+ 3800000-3899999
+ 5
+ 3900000-4099999
+ 4
+ 4100000-4499999
+ 5
+ 4500000-4999999
+ 4
+ 5000000-5499999
+ 5
+ 5500000-7109999
+ 3
+ 7110000-7149999
+ 5
+ 7150000-9499999
+ 4
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-956
+ Chile
+ 0000000-0899999
+ 2
+ 0900000-0999999
+ 5
+ 1000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-5999999
+ 3
+ 6000000-6999999
+ 4
+ 7000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-957
+ Taiwan
+ 0000000-0299999
+ 2
+ 0300000-0499999
+ 4
+ 0500000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-2099999
+ 4
+ 2100000-2799999
+ 2
+ 2800000-3099999
+ 5
+ 3100000-4399999
+ 2
+ 4400000-8199999
+ 3
+ 8200000-9699999
+ 4
+ 9700000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-958
+ Colombia
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 2
+ 5000000-5099999
+ 3
+ 5100000-5199999
+ 4
+ 5200000-5399999
+ 5
+ 5400000-5599999
+ 4
+ 5600000-5999999
+ 5
+ 6000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9499999
+ 4
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-959
+ Cuba
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-960
+ Greece
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-6599999
+ 3
+ 6600000-6899999
+ 4
+ 6900000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-9299999
+ 5
+ 9300000-9399999
+ 2
+ 9400000-9799999
+ 4
+ 9800000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-961
+ Slovenia
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-5999999
+ 3
+ 6000000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9799999
+ 5
+ 9800000-9999999
+ 0
+ 978-962
+ Hong Kong, China
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-8699999
+ 5
+ 8700000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-963
+ Hungary
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-964
+ Iran
+ 0000000-1499999
+ 2
+ 1500000-2499999
+ 3
+ 2500000-2999999
+ 4
+ 3000000-5499999
+ 3
+ 5500000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9699999
+ 5
+ 9700000-9899999
+ 3
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-965
+ Israel
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-5999999
+ 3
+ 6000000-6999999
+ 0
+ 7000000-7999999
+ 4
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 0
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-966
+ Ukraine
+ 0000000-1299999
+ 2
+ 1300000-1399999
+ 3
+ 1400000-1499999
+ 2
+ 1500000-1699999
+ 4
+ 1700000-1999999
+ 3
+ 2000000-2789999
+ 4
+ 2790000-2899999
+ 3
+ 2900000-2999999
+ 4
+ 3000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9099999
+ 5
+ 9100000-9499999
+ 3
+ 9500000-9799999
+ 5
+ 9800000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-967
+ Malaysia
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 4
+ 1000000-1999999
+ 5
+ 2000000-2499999
+ 4
+ 2500000-2549999
+ 3
+ 2550000-2699999
+ 5
+ 2700000-2799999
+ 4
+ 2800000-2999999
+ 4
+ 3000000-4999999
+ 3
+ 5000000-5999999
+ 4
+ 6000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9899999
+ 3
+ 9900000-9989999
+ 4
+ 9990000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-968
+ Mexico
+ 0100000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-4999999
+ 3
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 4
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-969
+ Pakistan
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-2099999
+ 2
+ 2100000-2199999
+ 3
+ 2200000-2299999
+ 4
+ 2300000-2399999
+ 5
+ 2400000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-7499999
+ 3
+ 7500000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-970
+ Mexico
+ 0100000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9099999
+ 4
+ 9100000-9699999
+ 5
+ 9700000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-971
+ Philippines
+ 0000000-0159999
+ 3
+ 0160000-0199999
+ 4
+ 0200000-0299999
+ 2
+ 0300000-0599999
+ 4
+ 0600000-4999999
+ 2
+ 5000000-8499999
+ 3
+ 8500000-9099999
+ 4
+ 9100000-9599999
+ 5
+ 9600000-9699999
+ 4
+ 9700000-9899999
+ 2
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-972
+ Portugal
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-5499999
+ 2
+ 5500000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9499999
+ 4
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-973
+ Romania
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-1699999
+ 3
+ 1700000-1999999
+ 4
+ 2000000-5499999
+ 2
+ 5500000-7599999
+ 3
+ 7600000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-8899999
+ 5
+ 8900000-9499999
+ 4
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-974
+ Thailand
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9499999
+ 5
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-975
+ Turkey
+ 0000000-0199999
+ 5
+ 0200000-2399999
+ 2
+ 2400000-2499999
+ 4
+ 2500000-5999999
+ 3
+ 6000000-9199999
+ 4
+ 9200000-9899999
+ 5
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-976
+ Caribbean Community
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 1
+ 4000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9499999
+ 4
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-977
+ Egypt
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-4999999
+ 3
+ 5000000-6999999
+ 4
+ 7000000-8499999
+ 3
+ 8500000-8929999
+ 5
+ 8930000-8949999
+ 3
+ 8950000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9899999
+ 2
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-978
+ Nigeria
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 3
+ 2000000-2999999
+ 4
+ 3000000-7799999
+ 5
+ 7800000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-979
+ Indonesia
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 3
+ 1000000-1499999
+ 4
+ 1500000-1999999
+ 5
+ 2000000-2999999
+ 2
+ 3000000-3999999
+ 4
+ 4000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9499999
+ 4
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-980
+ Venezuela
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-5999999
+ 3
+ 6000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-981
+ Singapore
+ 0000000-1699999
+ 2
+ 1700000-1799999
+ 5
+ 1800000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-2999999
+ 3
+ 3000000-3099999
+ 4
+ 3100000-3999999
+ 3
+ 4000000-9499999
+ 4
+ 9500000-9899999
+ 0
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-982
+ South Pacific
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 2
+ 1000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9799999
+ 4
+ 9800000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-983
+ Malaysia
+ 0000000-0199999
+ 2
+ 0200000-1999999
+ 3
+ 2000000-3999999
+ 4
+ 4000000-4499999
+ 5
+ 4500000-4999999
+ 2
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9899999
+ 4
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-984
+ Bangladesh
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-985
+ Belarus
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-5999999
+ 3
+ 6000000-8799999
+ 4
+ 8800000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-986
+ Taiwan
+ 0000000-0599999
+ 2
+ 0600000-0699999
+ 5
+ 0700000-0799999
+ 4
+ 0800000-1199999
+ 2
+ 1200000-5399999
+ 3
+ 5400000-7999999
+ 4
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-987
+ Argentina
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 2
+ 1000000-1999999
+ 4
+ 2000000-2999999
+ 5
+ 3000000-3599999
+ 2
+ 3600000-4199999
+ 4
+ 4200000-4399999
+ 2
+ 4400000-4499999
+ 4
+ 4500000-4899999
+ 5
+ 4900000-4999999
+ 4
+ 5000000-8249999
+ 3
+ 8250000-8279999
+ 4
+ 8280000-8299999
+ 5
+ 8300000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-8899999
+ 2
+ 8900000-9499999
+ 4
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-988
+ Hong Kong, China
+ 0000000-1199999
+ 2
+ 1200000-1999999
+ 5
+ 2000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-7999999
+ 5
+ 8000000-9699999
+ 4
+ 9700000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-989
+ Portugal
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-3499999
+ 2
+ 3500000-3699999
+ 5
+ 3700000-5299999
+ 2
+ 5300000-5499999
+ 5
+ 5500000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9499999
+ 4
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 5
+ 978-9910
+ Uzbekistan
+ 0000000-7299999
+ 0
+ 7300000-7499999
+ 3
+ 7500000-9649999
+ 0
+ 9650000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9911
+ Montenegro
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 0
+ 2000000-2499999
+ 2
+ 2500000-5499999
+ 0
+ 5500000-7499999
+ 3
+ 7500000-9999999
+ 0
+ 978-9912
+ Tanzania
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 0
+ 4000000-4499999
+ 2
+ 4500000-7499999
+ 0
+ 7500000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9799999
+ 0
+ 9800000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9913
+ Uganda
+ 0000000-0799999
+ 2
+ 0800000-5999999
+ 0
+ 6000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-9549999
+ 0
+ 9550000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9914
+ Kenya
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 0
+ 4000000-5299999
+ 2
+ 5300000-6999999
+ 0
+ 7000000-7749999
+ 3
+ 7750000-9599999
+ 0
+ 9600000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9915
+ Uruguay
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 0
+ 4000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-6499999
+ 0
+ 6500000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9299999
+ 0
+ 9300000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9916
+ Estonia
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-5999999
+ 1
+ 6000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-8499999
+ 2
+ 8500000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9249999
+ 0
+ 9250000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9917
+ Bolivia
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-2999999
+ 0
+ 3000000-3499999
+ 2
+ 3500000-5999999
+ 0
+ 6000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-9799999
+ 0
+ 9800000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9918
+ Malta
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-1999999
+ 0
+ 2000000-2999999
+ 2
+ 3000000-5999999
+ 0
+ 6000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9499999
+ 0
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9919
+ Mongolia
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-1999999
+ 0
+ 2000000-2999999
+ 2
+ 3000000-4999999
+ 0
+ 5000000-5999999
+ 3
+ 6000000-8999999
+ 0
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9920
+ Morocco
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 0
+ 3000000-4299999
+ 2
+ 4300000-4999999
+ 0
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-8749999
+ 0
+ 8750000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9921
+ Kuwait
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-2999999
+ 0
+ 3000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-6999999
+ 0
+ 7000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9699999
+ 0
+ 9700000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9922
+ Iraq
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 0
+ 2000000-2999999
+ 2
+ 3000000-5999999
+ 0
+ 6000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-8499999
+ 0
+ 8500000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9923
+ Jordan
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-6999999
+ 0
+ 7000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9399999
+ 0
+ 9400000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9924
+ Cambodia
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 0
+ 3000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-4999999
+ 0
+ 5000000-6499999
+ 3
+ 6500000-8999999
+ 0
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9925
+ Cyprus
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-5499999
+ 2
+ 5500000-7349999
+ 3
+ 7350000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9926
+ Bosnia and Herzegovina
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9927
+ Qatar
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 2
+ 1000000-3999999
+ 3
+ 4000000-4999999
+ 4
+ 5000000-9999999
+ 0
+ 978-9928
+ Albania
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 2
+ 1000000-3999999
+ 3
+ 4000000-4999999
+ 4
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 0
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-9929
+ Guatemala
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 1
+ 4000000-5499999
+ 2
+ 5500000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9930
+ Costa Rica
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 2
+ 5000000-9399999
+ 3
+ 9400000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9931
+ Algeria
+ 0000000-2399999
+ 2
+ 2400000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9932
+ Lao People's Democratic Republic
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-8499999
+ 3
+ 8500000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9933
+ Syria
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9934
+ Latvia
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-4999999
+ 2
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9935
+ Iceland
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9936
+ Afghanistan
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9937
+ Nepal
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-4999999
+ 2
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9938
+ Tunisia
+ 0000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9499999
+ 3
+ 9500000-9749999
+ 4
+ 9750000-9909999
+ 3
+ 9910000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9939
+ Armenia
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9599999
+ 4
+ 9600000-9799999
+ 3
+ 9800000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-9940
+ Montenegro
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-4999999
+ 2
+ 5000000-8399999
+ 3
+ 8400000-8699999
+ 2
+ 8700000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9941
+ Georgia
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 1
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9942
+ Ecuador
+ 0000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-7499999
+ 4
+ 7500000-8499999
+ 3
+ 8500000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9849999
+ 3
+ 9850000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9943
+ Uzbekistan
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 2
+ 3000000-3999999
+ 3
+ 4000000-9749999
+ 4
+ 9750000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-9944
+ Turkey
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 4
+ 1000000-4999999
+ 3
+ 5000000-5999999
+ 4
+ 6000000-6999999
+ 2
+ 7000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-9945
+ Dominican Republic
+ 0000000-0099999
+ 2
+ 0100000-0799999
+ 3
+ 0800000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-5699999
+ 3
+ 5700000-5799999
+ 2
+ 5800000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-8099999
+ 2
+ 8100000-8499999
+ 3
+ 8500000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9946
+ Korea, P.D.R.
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9947
+ Algeria
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-9948
+ United Arab Emirates
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-8499999
+ 3
+ 8500000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9949
+ Estonia
+ 0000000-0899999
+ 2
+ 0900000-0999999
+ 3
+ 1000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-7199999
+ 2
+ 7200000-7499999
+ 4
+ 7500000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9950
+ Palestine
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 2
+ 3000000-8499999
+ 3
+ 8500000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9951
+ Kosova
+ 0000000-3899999
+ 2
+ 3900000-8499999
+ 3
+ 8500000-9799999
+ 4
+ 9800000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-9952
+ Azerbaijan
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9953
+ Lebanon
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-5999999
+ 3
+ 6000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9299999
+ 4
+ 9300000-9699999
+ 2
+ 9700000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-9954
+ Morocco
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9899999
+ 4
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-9955
+ Lithuania
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-9299999
+ 3
+ 9300000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9956
+ Cameroon
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9957
+ Jordan
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-6499999
+ 3
+ 6500000-6799999
+ 2
+ 6800000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8499999
+ 2
+ 8500000-8799999
+ 4
+ 8800000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-9958
+ Bosnia and Herzegovina
+ 0000000-0199999
+ 2
+ 0200000-0299999
+ 3
+ 0300000-0399999
+ 4
+ 0400000-0899999
+ 3
+ 0900000-0999999
+ 4
+ 1000000-1899999
+ 2
+ 1900000-1999999
+ 4
+ 2000000-4999999
+ 2
+ 5000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9959
+ Libya
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9499999
+ 3
+ 9500000-9699999
+ 4
+ 9700000-9799999
+ 3
+ 9800000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-9960
+ Saudi Arabia
+ 0000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9961
+ Algeria
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-6999999
+ 2
+ 7000000-9499999
+ 3
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9962
+ Panama
+ 0000000-5499999
+ 2
+ 5500000-5599999
+ 4
+ 5600000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-8499999
+ 3
+ 8500000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9963
+ Cyprus
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-2499999
+ 4
+ 2500000-2799999
+ 3
+ 2800000-2999999
+ 4
+ 3000000-5499999
+ 2
+ 5500000-7349999
+ 3
+ 7350000-7499999
+ 4
+ 7500000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9964
+ Ghana
+ 0000000-6999999
+ 1
+ 7000000-9499999
+ 2
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-9965
+ Kazakhstan
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9966
+ Kenya
+ 0000000-1399999
+ 3
+ 1400000-1499999
+ 2
+ 1500000-1999999
+ 4
+ 2000000-6999999
+ 2
+ 7000000-7499999
+ 4
+ 7500000-8209999
+ 3
+ 8210000-8249999
+ 4
+ 8250000-8259999
+ 3
+ 8260000-8289999
+ 4
+ 8290000-9599999
+ 3
+ 9600000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9967
+ Kyrgyz Republic
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9968
+ Costa Rica
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 2
+ 5000000-9399999
+ 3
+ 9400000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9969
+ Algeria
+ 0000000-0699999
+ 2
+ 0700000-4999999
+ 0
+ 5000000-6499999
+ 3
+ 6500000-9699999
+ 0
+ 9700000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9970
+ Uganda
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9971
+ Singapore
+ 0000000-5999999
+ 1
+ 6000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9899999
+ 3
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9972
+ Peru
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 2
+ 1000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-2499999
+ 3
+ 2500000-2999999
+ 4
+ 3000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9973
+ Tunisia
+ 0000000-0599999
+ 2
+ 0600000-0899999
+ 3
+ 0900000-0999999
+ 4
+ 1000000-6999999
+ 2
+ 7000000-9699999
+ 3
+ 9700000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9974
+ Uruguay
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-5499999
+ 2
+ 5500000-7499999
+ 3
+ 7500000-8799999
+ 4
+ 8800000-9099999
+ 3
+ 9100000-9499999
+ 2
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-9975
+ Moldova
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-2999999
+ 3
+ 3000000-3999999
+ 4
+ 4000000-4499999
+ 4
+ 4500000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9499999
+ 3
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9976
+ Tanzania
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-5799999
+ 4
+ 5800000-5899999
+ 3
+ 5900000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9899999
+ 3
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9977
+ Costa Rica
+ 0000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9899999
+ 3
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9978
+ Ecuador
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 2
+ 3000000-3999999
+ 3
+ 4000000-9499999
+ 2
+ 9500000-9899999
+ 3
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9979
+ Iceland
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-6499999
+ 2
+ 6500000-6599999
+ 3
+ 6600000-7599999
+ 2
+ 7600000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9980
+ Papua New Guinea
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 1
+ 4000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9899999
+ 3
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9981
+ Morocco
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 2
+ 1000000-1599999
+ 3
+ 1600000-1999999
+ 4
+ 2000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9499999
+ 3
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9982
+ Zambia
+ 0000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9899999
+ 3
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9983
+ Gambia
+ 0000000-7999999
+ 0
+ 8000000-9499999
+ 2
+ 9500000-9899999
+ 3
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9984
+ Latvia
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 2
+ 5000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9985
+ Estonia
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9986
+ Lithuania
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9399999
+ 4
+ 9400000-9699999
+ 3
+ 9700000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-9987
+ Tanzania
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 2
+ 4000000-8799999
+ 3
+ 8800000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9988
+ Ghana
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 1
+ 4000000-5499999
+ 2
+ 5500000-7499999
+ 3
+ 7500000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-9989
+ North Macedonia
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-1999999
+ 3
+ 2000000-2999999
+ 4
+ 3000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-9499999
+ 3
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 4
+ 978-99901
+ Bahrain
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 2
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-99902
+ Reserved Agency
+ 0000000-9999999
+ 0
+ 978-99903
+ Mauritius
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99904
+ Curaçao
+ 0000000-5999999
+ 1
+ 6000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99905
+ Bolivia
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 1
+ 4000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99906
+ Kuwait
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9499999
+ 2
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99908
+ Malawi
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99909
+ Malta
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 1
+ 4000000-9499999
+ 2
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99910
+ Sierra Leone
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99911
+ Lesotho
+ 0000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99912
+ Botswana
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 1
+ 4000000-5999999
+ 3
+ 6000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99913
+ Andorra
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-3599999
+ 2
+ 3600000-5999999
+ 0
+ 6000000-6049999
+ 3
+ 6050000-9999999
+ 0
+ 978-99914
+ International NGO Publishers
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-6999999
+ 2
+ 7000000-7999999
+ 1
+ 8000000-8699999
+ 2
+ 8700000-8799999
+ 3
+ 8800000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99915
+ Maldives
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99916
+ Namibia
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-6999999
+ 2
+ 7000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99917
+ Brunei Darussalam
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-8899999
+ 2
+ 8900000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99918
+ Faroe Islands
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 1
+ 4000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99919
+ Benin
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-3999999
+ 3
+ 4000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99920
+ Andorra
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99921
+ Qatar
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-6999999
+ 2
+ 7000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 1
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-99922
+ Guatemala
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 1
+ 4000000-6999999
+ 2
+ 7000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99923
+ El Salvador
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99924
+ Nicaragua
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99925
+ Paraguay
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-2999999
+ 3
+ 3000000-3999999
+ 1
+ 4000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99926
+ Honduras
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-8699999
+ 3
+ 8700000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-99927
+ Albania
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99928
+ Georgia
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99929
+ Mongolia
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99930
+ Armenia
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99931
+ Seychelles
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99932
+ Malta
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-7999999
+ 1
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-99933
+ Nepal
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99934
+ Dominican Republic
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99935
+ Haiti
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8999999
+ 1
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-99936
+ Bhutan
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99937
+ Macau
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99938
+ Srpska, Republic of
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-8999999
+ 3
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-99939
+ Guatemala
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99940
+ Georgia
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-6999999
+ 2
+ 7000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99941
+ Armenia
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99942
+ Sudan
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99943
+ Albania
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99944
+ Ethiopia
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99945
+ Namibia
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99946
+ Nepal
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99947
+ Tajikistan
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-6999999
+ 2
+ 7000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99948
+ Eritrea
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99949
+ Mauritius
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-8999999
+ 1
+ 9000000-9899999
+ 3
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-99950
+ Cambodia
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99951
+ Reserved Agency
+ 0000000-9999999
+ 0
+ 978-99952
+ Mali
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99953
+ Paraguay
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9399999
+ 3
+ 9400000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-99954
+ Bolivia
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-6999999
+ 2
+ 7000000-8799999
+ 3
+ 8800000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-99955
+ Srpska, Republic of
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-99956
+ Albania
+ 0000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-8599999
+ 3
+ 8600000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-99957
+ Malta
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9499999
+ 3
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-99958
+ Bahrain
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-9399999
+ 2
+ 9400000-9499999
+ 3
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99959
+ Luxembourg
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99960
+ Malawi
+ 0000000-0699999
+ 0
+ 0700000-0999999
+ 3
+ 1000000-9499999
+ 2
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99961
+ El Salvador
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-3699999
+ 3
+ 3700000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99962
+ Mongolia
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99963
+ Cambodia
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 2
+ 5000000-9199999
+ 3
+ 9200000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-99964
+ Nicaragua
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99965
+ Macau
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-3599999
+ 3
+ 3600000-6299999
+ 2
+ 6300000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99966
+ Kuwait
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-6999999
+ 2
+ 7000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9699999
+ 2
+ 9700000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99967
+ Paraguay
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99968
+ Botswana
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 1
+ 4000000-5999999
+ 3
+ 6000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99969
+ Oman
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9499999
+ 3
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 2
+ 978-99970
+ Haiti
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99971
+ Myanmar
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 1
+ 4000000-8499999
+ 2
+ 8500000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99972
+ Faroe Islands
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99973
+ Mongolia
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 1
+ 4000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99974
+ Bolivia
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-2599999
+ 2
+ 2600000-3999999
+ 3
+ 4000000-6399999
+ 2
+ 6400000-6499999
+ 3
+ 6500000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99975
+ Tajikistan
+ 0000000-2999999
+ 1
+ 3000000-3999999
+ 3
+ 4000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99976
+ Srpska, Republic of
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-1599999
+ 2
+ 1600000-1999999
+ 3
+ 2000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-8199999
+ 3
+ 8200000-8999999
+ 2
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99977
+ Rwanda
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-3999999
+ 0
+ 4000000-6999999
+ 2
+ 7000000-7999999
+ 3
+ 8000000-9749999
+ 0
+ 9750000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99978
+ Mongolia
+ 0000000-4999999
+ 1
+ 5000000-6999999
+ 2
+ 7000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99979
+ Honduras
+ 0000000-3999999
+ 1
+ 4000000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99980
+ Bhutan
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-2999999
+ 0
+ 3000000-5999999
+ 2
+ 6000000-7499999
+ 0
+ 7500000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99981
+ Macau
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-2699999
+ 0
+ 2700000-7499999
+ 2
+ 7500000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99982
+ Benin
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-4999999
+ 0
+ 5000000-6899999
+ 2
+ 6900000-8999999
+ 0
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99983
+ El Salvador
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-4999999
+ 0
+ 5000000-6999999
+ 2
+ 7000000-9499999
+ 0
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99984
+ Brunei Darussalam
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-4999999
+ 0
+ 5000000-6999999
+ 2
+ 7000000-9499999
+ 0
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99985
+ Tajikistan
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-3499999
+ 0
+ 3500000-7999999
+ 2
+ 8000000-8499999
+ 0
+ 8500000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99986
+ Myanmar
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-4999999
+ 0
+ 5000000-6999999
+ 2
+ 7000000-9499999
+ 0
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99987
+ Luxembourg
+ 0000000-6999999
+ 0
+ 7000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99988
+ Sudan
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-4999999
+ 0
+ 5000000-5499999
+ 2
+ 5500000-7999999
+ 0
+ 8000000-8249999
+ 3
+ 8250000-9999999
+ 0
+ 978-99989
+ Paraguay
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-4999999
+ 0
+ 5000000-6499999
+ 2
+ 6500000-8999999
+ 0
+ 9000000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99990
+ Ethiopia
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-4999999
+ 0
+ 5000000-5499999
+ 2
+ 5500000-9749999
+ 0
+ 9750000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99992
+ Oman
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 1
+ 2000000-4999999
+ 0
+ 5000000-6499999
+ 2
+ 6500000-9499999
+ 0
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 3
+ 978-99993
+ Mauritius
+ 0000000-0999999
+ 1
+ 1000000-4999999
+ 0
+ 5000000-5499999
+ 2
+ 5500000-9799999
+ 0
+ 9800000-9999999
+ 3
+ 979-10
+ France
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 2
+ 2000000-6999999
+ 3
+ 7000000-8999999
+ 4
+ 9000000-9759999
+ 5
+ 9760000-9999999
+ 6
+ 979-11
+ Korea, Republic
+ 0000000-2499999
+ 2
+ 2500000-5499999
+ 3
+ 5500000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-9499999
+ 5
+ 9500000-9999999
+ 6
+ 979-12
+ Italy
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 0
+ 2000000-2999999
+ 3
+ 3000000-5449999
+ 0
+ 5450000-5999999
+ 4
+ 6000000-7999999
+ 0
+ 8000000-8499999
+ 5
+ 8500000-9999999
+ 0
+ 979-8
+ United States
+ 0000000-1999999
+ 0
+ 2000000-2299999
+ 3
+ 2300000-3499999
+ 0
+ 3500000-3999999
+ 4
+ 4000000-8499999
+ 4
+ 8500000-8849999
+ 4
+ 8850000-8999999
+ 5
+ 9000000-9849999
+ 0
+ 9850000-9899999
+ 7
+ 9900000-9999999
+ 0
diff --git a/bookwyrm/isbn/__init__.py b/bookwyrm/isbn/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/bookwyrm/isbn/isbn.py b/bookwyrm/isbn/isbn.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e07d2100d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bookwyrm/isbn/isbn.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+""" Use the range message from isbn-international to hyphenate ISBNs """
+import os
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+import requests
+from bookwyrm import settings
+class IsbnHyphenator:
+ """Class to manage the range message xml file and use it to hyphenate ISBNs"""
+ __range_message_url = "https://www.isbn-international.org/export_rangemessage.xml"
+ __range_file_path = os.path.join(
+ settings.BASE_DIR, "bookwyrm", "isbn", "RangeMessage.xml"
+ )
+ __element_tree = None
+ def update_range_message(self):
+ """Download the range message xml file and save it locally"""
+ response = requests.get(self.__range_message_url)
+ with open(self.__range_file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
+ file.write(response.text)
+ self.__element_tree = None
+ def hyphenate(self, isbn_13):
+ """hyphenate the given ISBN-13 number using the range message"""
+ if isbn_13 is None:
+ return None
+ if self.__element_tree is None:
+ self.__element_tree = ElementTree.parse(self.__range_file_path)
+ gs1_prefix = isbn_13[:3]
+ reg_group = self.__find_reg_group(isbn_13, gs1_prefix)
+ if reg_group is None:
+ return isbn_13 # failed to hyphenate
+ registrant = self.__find_registrant(isbn_13, gs1_prefix, reg_group)
+ if registrant is None:
+ return isbn_13 # failed to hyphenate
+ publication = isbn_13[len(gs1_prefix) + len(reg_group) + len(registrant) : -1]
+ check_digit = isbn_13[-1:]
+ return "-".join((gs1_prefix, reg_group, registrant, publication, check_digit))
+ def __find_reg_group(self, isbn_13, gs1_prefix):
+ for ean_ucc_el in self.__element_tree.find("EAN.UCCPrefixes").findall(
+ ):
+ if ean_ucc_el.find("Prefix").text == gs1_prefix:
+ for rule_el in ean_ucc_el.find("Rules").findall("Rule"):
+ length = int(rule_el.find("Length").text)
+ if length == 0:
+ continue
+ reg_grp_range = [
+ int(x[:length]) for x in rule_el.find("Range").text.split("-")
+ ]
+ reg_group = isbn_13[len(gs1_prefix) : len(gs1_prefix) + length]
+ if reg_grp_range[0] <= int(reg_group) <= reg_grp_range[1]:
+ return reg_group
+ return None
+ return None
+ def __find_registrant(self, isbn_13, gs1_prefix, reg_group):
+ from_ind = len(gs1_prefix) + len(reg_group)
+ for group_el in self.__element_tree.find("RegistrationGroups").findall("Group"):
+ if group_el.find("Prefix").text == "-".join((gs1_prefix, reg_group)):
+ for rule_el in group_el.find("Rules").findall("Rule"):
+ length = int(rule_el.find("Length").text)
+ if length == 0:
+ continue
+ registrant_range = [
+ int(x[:length]) for x in rule_el.find("Range").text.split("-")
+ ]
+ registrant = isbn_13[from_ind : from_ind + length]
+ if registrant_range[0] <= int(registrant) <= registrant_range[1]:
+ return registrant
+ return None
+ return None
+hyphenator_singleton = IsbnHyphenator()
diff --git a/bookwyrm/lists_stream.py b/bookwyrm/lists_stream.py
index 2b08010b1..148b81a78 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/lists_stream.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/lists_stream.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from django.db.models import signals, Count, Q
from bookwyrm import models
from bookwyrm.redis_store import RedisStore
-from bookwyrm.tasks import app, MEDIUM, HIGH
+from bookwyrm.tasks import app, LISTS
class ListsStream(RedisStore):
@@ -217,14 +217,14 @@ def add_list_on_account_create_command(user_id):
# ---- TASKS
def populate_lists_task(user_id):
"""background task for populating an empty list stream"""
user = models.User.objects.get(id=user_id)
def remove_list_task(list_id, re_add=False):
"""remove a list from any stream it might be in"""
stores = models.User.objects.filter(local=True, is_active=True).values_list(
@@ -239,14 +239,14 @@ def remove_list_task(list_id, re_add=False):
def add_list_task(list_id):
"""add a list to any stream it should be in"""
book_list = models.List.objects.get(id=list_id)
def remove_user_lists_task(viewer_id, user_id, exclude_privacy=None):
"""remove all lists by a user from a viewer's stream"""
viewer = models.User.objects.get(id=viewer_id)
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ def remove_user_lists_task(viewer_id, user_id, exclude_privacy=None):
ListsStream().remove_user_lists(viewer, user, exclude_privacy=exclude_privacy)
def add_user_lists_task(viewer_id, user_id):
"""add all lists by a user to a viewer's stream"""
viewer = models.User.objects.get(id=viewer_id)
diff --git a/bookwyrm/management/commands/merge_works.py b/bookwyrm/management/commands/merge_works.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..619d0509a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bookwyrm/management/commands/merge_works.py
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+""" PROCEED WITH CAUTION: uses deduplication fields to permanently
+merge work data objects """
+from bookwyrm import models
+from bookwyrm.management.merge_command import MergeCommand
+class Command(MergeCommand):
+ """merges two works by ID"""
+ help = "merges specified works into one"
+ MODEL = models.Work
diff --git a/bookwyrm/management/commands/repair_editions.py b/bookwyrm/management/commands/repair_editions.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..304cd5e51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bookwyrm/management/commands/repair_editions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+""" Repair editions with missing works """
+from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
+from bookwyrm import models
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ """command-line options"""
+ help = "Repairs an edition that is in a broken state"
+ # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ """Find and repair broken editions"""
+ # Find broken editions
+ editions = models.Edition.objects.filter(parent_work__isnull=True)
+ self.stdout.write(f"Repairing {editions.count()} edition(s):")
+ # Do repair
+ for edition in editions:
+ edition.repair()
+ self.stdout.write(".", ending="")
diff --git a/bookwyrm/migrations/0179_populate_sort_title.py b/bookwyrm/migrations/0179_populate_sort_title.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e238bca1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bookwyrm/migrations/0179_populate_sort_title.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import re
+from itertools import chain
+from django.db import migrations, transaction
+from django.db.models import Q
+from bookwyrm.settings import LANGUAGE_ARTICLES
+def set_sort_title(edition):
+ articles = chain(
+ *(LANGUAGE_ARTICLES.get(language, ()) for language in tuple(edition.languages))
+ )
+ edition.sort_title = re.sub(
+ f'^{" |^".join(articles)} ', "", str(edition.title).lower()
+ )
+ return edition
+def populate_sort_title(apps, schema_editor):
+ Edition = apps.get_model("bookwyrm", "Edition")
+ db_alias = schema_editor.connection.alias
+ editions_wo_sort_title = Edition.objects.using(db_alias).filter(
+ Q(sort_title__isnull=True) | Q(sort_title__exact="")
+ )
+ batch_size = 1000
+ start = 0
+ end = batch_size
+ while True:
+ batch = editions_wo_sort_title[start:end]
+ if not batch.exists():
+ break
+ Edition.objects.bulk_update(
+ (set_sort_title(edition) for edition in batch), ["sort_title"]
+ )
+ start = end
+ end += batch_size
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ("bookwyrm", "0178_auto_20230328_2132"),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.RunPython(populate_sort_title),
+ ]
diff --git a/bookwyrm/migrations/0179_reportcomment_comment_type.py b/bookwyrm/migrations/0179_reportcomment_comment_type.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8a446096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bookwyrm/migrations/0179_reportcomment_comment_type.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Generated by Django 3.2.18 on 2023-05-16 16:02
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ("bookwyrm", "0178_auto_20230328_2132"),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AddField(
+ model_name="reportcomment",
+ name="action_type",
+ field=models.CharField(
+ choices=[
+ ("comment", "Comment"),
+ ("resolve", "Resolved report"),
+ ("reopen", "Re-opened report"),
+ ("message_reporter", "Messaged reporter"),
+ ("message_offender", "Messaged reported user"),
+ ("user_suspension", "Suspended user"),
+ ("user_unsuspension", "Un-suspended user"),
+ ("user_perms", "Changed user permission level"),
+ ("user_deletion", "Deleted user account"),
+ ("block_domain", "Blocked domain"),
+ ("approve_domain", "Approved domain"),
+ ("delete_item", "Deleted item"),
+ ],
+ default="comment",
+ max_length=20,
+ ),
+ ),
+ migrations.RenameModel("ReportComment", "ReportAction"),
+ ]
diff --git a/bookwyrm/migrations/0180_alter_reportaction_options.py b/bookwyrm/migrations/0180_alter_reportaction_options.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2979d266e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bookwyrm/migrations/0180_alter_reportaction_options.py
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Generated by Django 3.2.18 on 2023-06-21 22:01
+from django.db import migrations
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ("bookwyrm", "0179_reportcomment_comment_type"),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AlterModelOptions(
+ name="reportaction",
+ options={"ordering": ("created_date",)},
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/bookwyrm/migrations/0180_alter_user_preferred_language.py b/bookwyrm/migrations/0180_alter_user_preferred_language.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4ab996ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bookwyrm/migrations/0180_alter_user_preferred_language.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Generated by Django 3.2.19 on 2023-07-23 19:33
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ("bookwyrm", "0179_populate_sort_title"),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.AlterField(
+ model_name="user",
+ name="preferred_language",
+ field=models.CharField(
+ blank=True,
+ choices=[
+ ("en-us", "English"),
+ ("ca-es", "Català (Catalan)"),
+ ("de-de", "Deutsch (German)"),
+ ("eo-uy", "Esperanto (Esperanto)"),
+ ("es-es", "Español (Spanish)"),
+ ("eu-es", "Euskara (Basque)"),
+ ("gl-es", "Galego (Galician)"),
+ ("it-it", "Italiano (Italian)"),
+ ("fi-fi", "Suomi (Finnish)"),
+ ("fr-fr", "Français (French)"),
+ ("lt-lt", "Lietuvių (Lithuanian)"),
+ ("nl-nl", "Nederlands (Dutch)"),
+ ("no-no", "Norsk (Norwegian)"),
+ ("pl-pl", "Polski (Polish)"),
+ ("pt-br", "Português do Brasil (Brazilian Portuguese)"),
+ ("pt-pt", "Português Europeu (European Portuguese)"),
+ ("ro-ro", "Română (Romanian)"),
+ ("sv-se", "Svenska (Swedish)"),
+ ("zh-hans", "简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)"),
+ ("zh-hant", "繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)"),
+ ],
+ max_length=255,
+ null=True,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/bookwyrm/migrations/0181_merge_20230806_2302.py b/bookwyrm/migrations/0181_merge_20230806_2302.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4f05b886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bookwyrm/migrations/0181_merge_20230806_2302.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Generated by Django 3.2.20 on 2023-08-06 23:02
+from django.db import migrations
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ ("bookwyrm", "0180_alter_reportaction_options"),
+ ("bookwyrm", "0180_alter_user_preferred_language"),
+ ]
+ operations = []
diff --git a/bookwyrm/models/__init__.py b/bookwyrm/models/__init__.py
index f5b72f3e4..7b779190b 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/models/__init__.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/models/__init__.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from .readthrough import ReadThrough, ProgressUpdate, ProgressMode
from .user import User, KeyPair
from .annual_goal import AnnualGoal
from .relationship import UserFollows, UserFollowRequest, UserBlocks
-from .report import Report, ReportComment
+from .report import Report, ReportAction
from .federated_server import FederatedServer
from .group import Group, GroupMember, GroupMemberInvitation
diff --git a/bookwyrm/models/activitypub_mixin.py b/bookwyrm/models/activitypub_mixin.py
index e76433189..36317ad4e 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/models/activitypub_mixin.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/models/activitypub_mixin.py
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ from functools import reduce
import json
import operator
import logging
-from typing import List
+from typing import Any, Optional
from uuid import uuid4
+from typing_extensions import Self
import aiohttp
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ from django.utils.http import http_date
from bookwyrm import activitypub
from bookwyrm.settings import USER_AGENT, PAGE_LENGTH
from bookwyrm.signatures import make_signature, make_digest
-from bookwyrm.tasks import app, MEDIUM, BROADCAST
+from bookwyrm.tasks import app, BROADCAST
from bookwyrm.models.fields import ImageField, ManyToManyField
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ class ActivitypubMixin:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def find_existing_by_remote_id(cls, remote_id):
+ def find_existing_by_remote_id(cls, remote_id: str) -> Self:
"""look up a remote id in the db"""
return cls.find_existing({"id": remote_id})
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ class ActivitypubMixin:
- def get_recipients(self, software=None) -> List[str]:
+ def get_recipients(self, software=None) -> list[str]:
"""figure out which inbox urls to post to"""
# first we have to figure out who should receive this activity
privacy = self.privacy if hasattr(self, "privacy") else "public"
@@ -198,7 +199,14 @@ class ActivitypubMixin:
class ObjectMixin(ActivitypubMixin):
"""add this mixin for object models that are AP serializable"""
- def save(self, *args, created=None, software=None, priority=BROADCAST, **kwargs):
+ def save(
+ self,
+ *args: Any,
+ created: Optional[bool] = None,
+ software: Any = None,
+ priority: str = BROADCAST,
+ **kwargs: Any,
+ ) -> None:
"""broadcast created/updated/deleted objects as appropriate"""
broadcast = kwargs.get("broadcast", True)
# this bonus kwarg would cause an error in the base save method
@@ -379,7 +387,7 @@ class CollectionItemMixin(ActivitypubMixin):
activity_serializer = activitypub.CollectionItem
- def broadcast(self, activity, sender, software="bookwyrm", queue=MEDIUM):
+ def broadcast(self, activity, sender, software="bookwyrm", queue=BROADCAST):
"""only send book collection updates to other bookwyrm instances"""
super().broadcast(activity, sender, software=software, queue=queue)
@@ -400,7 +408,7 @@ class CollectionItemMixin(ActivitypubMixin):
return []
return [collection_field.user]
- def save(self, *args, broadcast=True, priority=MEDIUM, **kwargs):
+ def save(self, *args, broadcast=True, priority=BROADCAST, **kwargs):
"""broadcast updated"""
# first off, we want to save normally no matter what
super().save(*args, **kwargs)
@@ -444,7 +452,7 @@ class CollectionItemMixin(ActivitypubMixin):
class ActivityMixin(ActivitypubMixin):
"""add this mixin for models that are AP serializable"""
- def save(self, *args, broadcast=True, priority=MEDIUM, **kwargs):
+ def save(self, *args, broadcast=True, priority=BROADCAST, **kwargs):
"""broadcast activity"""
super().save(*args, **kwargs)
user = self.user if hasattr(self, "user") else self.user_subject
@@ -507,14 +515,14 @@ def unfurl_related_field(related_field, sort_field=None):
-def broadcast_task(sender_id: int, activity: str, recipients: List[str]):
+def broadcast_task(sender_id: int, activity: str, recipients: list[str]):
"""the celery task for broadcast"""
user_model = apps.get_model("bookwyrm.User", require_ready=True)
sender = user_model.objects.select_related("key_pair").get(id=sender_id)
asyncio.run(async_broadcast(recipients, sender, activity))
-async def async_broadcast(recipients: List[str], sender, data: str):
+async def async_broadcast(recipients: list[str], sender, data: str):
"""Send all the broadcasts simultaneously"""
timeout = aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=10)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=timeout) as session:
@@ -529,7 +537,7 @@ async def async_broadcast(recipients: List[str], sender, data: str):
async def sign_and_send(
- session: aiohttp.ClientSession, sender, data: str, destination: str
+ session: aiohttp.ClientSession, sender, data: str, destination: str, **kwargs
"""Sign the messages and send them in an asynchronous bundle"""
now = http_date()
@@ -539,11 +547,19 @@ async def sign_and_send(
raise ValueError("No private key found for sender")
digest = make_digest(data)
+ signature = make_signature(
+ "post",
+ sender,
+ destination,
+ now,
+ digest=digest,
+ use_legacy_key=kwargs.get("use_legacy_key"),
+ )
headers = {
"Date": now,
"Digest": digest,
- "Signature": make_signature("post", sender, destination, now, digest),
+ "Signature": signature,
"Content-Type": "application/activity+json; charset=utf-8",
"User-Agent": USER_AGENT,
@@ -554,6 +570,14 @@ async def sign_and_send(
"Failed to send broadcast to %s: %s", destination, response.reason
+ if kwargs.get("use_legacy_key") is not True:
+ logger.info("Trying again with legacy keyId header value")
+ asyncio.ensure_future(
+ sign_and_send(
+ session, sender, data, destination, use_legacy_key=True
+ )
+ )
return response
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
logger.info("Connection timed out for url: %s", destination)
diff --git a/bookwyrm/models/antispam.py b/bookwyrm/models/antispam.py
index 1e20df340..94d978ec4 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/models/antispam.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/models/antispam.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from django.db import models, transaction
from django.db.models import Q
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
-from bookwyrm.tasks import app, LOW
+from bookwyrm.tasks import app, MISC
from .base_model import BookWyrmModel
from .user import User
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class AutoMod(AdminModel):
created_by = models.ForeignKey("User", on_delete=models.PROTECT)
def automod_task():
"""Create reports"""
if not AutoMod.objects.exists():
diff --git a/bookwyrm/models/book.py b/bookwyrm/models/book.py
index 01eca0aa6..d599d0b4d 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/models/book.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/models/book.py
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
""" database schema for books and shelves """
+from itertools import chain
import re
+from typing import Any
from django.contrib.postgres.search import SearchVectorField
from django.contrib.postgres.indexes import GinIndex
@@ -13,10 +15,12 @@ from model_utils.managers import InheritanceManager
from imagekit.models import ImageSpecField
from bookwyrm import activitypub
+from bookwyrm.isbn.isbn import hyphenator_singleton as hyphenator
from bookwyrm.preview_images import generate_edition_preview_image_task
from bookwyrm.settings import (
@@ -88,7 +92,7 @@ class BookDataModel(ObjectMixin, BookWyrmModel):
abstract = True
- def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ def save(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""ensure that the remote_id is within this instance"""
if self.id:
self.remote_id = self.get_remote_id()
@@ -204,7 +208,7 @@ class Book(BookDataModel):
text += f" ({self.edition_info})"
return text
- def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ def save(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""can't be abstract for query reasons, but you shouldn't USE it"""
if not isinstance(self, Edition) and not isinstance(self, Work):
raise ValueError("Books should be added as Editions or Works")
@@ -320,6 +324,11 @@ class Edition(Book):
serialize_reverse_fields = [("file_links", "fileLinks", "-created_date")]
deserialize_reverse_fields = [("file_links", "fileLinks")]
+ @property
+ def hyphenated_isbn13(self):
+ """generate the hyphenated version of the ISBN-13"""
+ return hyphenator.hyphenate(self.isbn_13)
def get_rank(self):
"""calculate how complete the data is on this edition"""
rank = 0
@@ -343,7 +352,7 @@ class Edition(Book):
# max rank is 9
return rank
- def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ def save(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""set some fields on the edition object"""
# calculate isbn 10/13
if self.isbn_13 and self.isbn_13[:3] == "978" and not self.isbn_10:
@@ -365,8 +374,34 @@ class Edition(Book):
for author_id in self.authors.values_list("id", flat=True):
+ # Create sort title by removing articles from title
+ if self.sort_title in [None, ""]:
+ if self.sort_title in [None, ""]:
+ articles = chain(
+ *(
+ LANGUAGE_ARTICLES.get(language, ())
+ for language in tuple(self.languages)
+ )
+ )
+ self.sort_title = re.sub(
+ f'^{" |^".join(articles)} ', "", str(self.title).lower()
+ )
return super().save(*args, **kwargs)
+ @transaction.atomic
+ def repair(self):
+ """If an edition is in a bad state (missing a work), let's fix that"""
+ # made sure it actually NEEDS reapir
+ if self.parent_work:
+ return
+ new_work = Work.objects.create(title=self.title)
+ new_work.authors.set(self.authors.all())
+ self.parent_work = new_work
+ self.save(update_fields=["parent_work"], broadcast=False)
def viewer_aware_objects(cls, viewer):
"""annotate a book query with metadata related to the user"""
diff --git a/bookwyrm/models/federated_server.py b/bookwyrm/models/federated_server.py
index eb03d457e..e1081ed45 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/models/federated_server.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/models/federated_server.py
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ class FederatedServer(BookWyrmModel):
).update(active=True, deactivation_reason=None)
- def is_blocked(cls, url):
+ def is_blocked(cls, url: str) -> bool:
"""look up if a domain is blocked"""
url = urlparse(url)
domain = url.netloc
diff --git a/bookwyrm/models/fields.py b/bookwyrm/models/fields.py
index df4bb2e4a..d21c9363d 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/models/fields.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/models/fields.py
@@ -368,10 +368,16 @@ class TagField(ManyToManyField):
activity_type = item.__class__.__name__
if activity_type == "User":
activity_type = "Mention"
+ if activity_type == "Hashtag":
+ name = item.name
+ else:
+ name = f"@{getattr(item, item.name_field)}"
- name=getattr(item, item.name_field),
+ name=name,
@@ -379,7 +385,12 @@ class TagField(ManyToManyField):
def field_from_activity(self, value, allow_external_connections=True):
if not isinstance(value, list):
- return None
+ # GoToSocial DMs and single-user mentions are
+ # sent as objects, not as an array of objects
+ if isinstance(value, dict):
+ value = [value]
+ else:
+ return None
items = []
for link_json in value:
link = activitypub.Link(**link_json)
diff --git a/bookwyrm/models/import_job.py b/bookwyrm/models/import_job.py
index a489edb7c..bb5144297 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/models/import_job.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/models/import_job.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ from bookwyrm.models import (
-from bookwyrm.tasks import app, LOW, IMPORTS
+from bookwyrm.tasks import app, IMPORT_TRIGGERED, IMPORTS
from .fields import PrivacyLevels
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ def handle_imported_book(item):
shelved_date = item.date_added or timezone.now()
book=item.book, shelf=desired_shelf, user=user, shelved_date=shelved_date
- ).save(priority=LOW)
+ ).save(priority=IMPORT_TRIGGERED)
for read in item.reads:
# check for an existing readthrough with the same dates
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ def handle_imported_book(item):
- review.save(software="bookwyrm", priority=LOW)
+ review.save(software="bookwyrm", priority=IMPORT_TRIGGERED)
# just a rating
review = ReviewRating.objects.filter(
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ def handle_imported_book(item):
- review.save(software="bookwyrm", priority=LOW)
+ review.save(software="bookwyrm", priority=IMPORT_TRIGGERED)
# only broadcast this review to other bookwyrm instances
item.linked_review = review
diff --git a/bookwyrm/models/relationship.py b/bookwyrm/models/relationship.py
index 4754bea36..7af6ad5ab 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/models/relationship.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/models/relationship.py
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ from django.db import models, transaction, IntegrityError
from django.db.models import Q
from bookwyrm import activitypub
-from bookwyrm.tasks import HIGH
from .activitypub_mixin import ActivitypubMixin, ActivityMixin
from .activitypub_mixin import generate_activity
from .base_model import BookWyrmModel
@@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ class UserFollowRequest(ActivitypubMixin, UserRelationship):
# a local user is following a remote user
if broadcast and self.user_subject.local and not self.user_object.local:
- self.broadcast(self.to_activity(), self.user_subject, queue=HIGH)
+ self.broadcast(self.to_activity(), self.user_subject)
if self.user_object.local:
manually_approves = self.user_object.manually_approves_followers
@@ -166,7 +165,7 @@ class UserFollowRequest(ActivitypubMixin, UserRelationship):
- self.broadcast(activity, user, queue=HIGH)
+ self.broadcast(activity, user)
if broadcast_only:
@@ -187,7 +186,7 @@ class UserFollowRequest(ActivitypubMixin, UserRelationship):
- self.broadcast(activity, self.user_object, queue=HIGH)
+ self.broadcast(activity, self.user_object)
diff --git a/bookwyrm/models/report.py b/bookwyrm/models/report.py
index f6e665053..74a9bbe41 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/models/report.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/models/report.py
@@ -1,11 +1,27 @@
""" flagged for moderation """
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.db import models
+from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from bookwyrm.settings import DOMAIN
from .base_model import BookWyrmModel
+# Report action enums
+COMMENT = "comment"
+RESOLVE = "resolve"
+REOPEN = "reopen"
+MESSAGE_REPORTER = "message_reporter"
+MESSAGE_OFFENDER = "message_offender"
+USER_SUSPENSION = "user_suspension"
+USER_UNSUSPENSION = "user_unsuspension"
+USER_DELETION = "user_deletion"
+USER_PERMS = "user_perms"
+BLOCK_DOMAIN = "block_domain"
+APPROVE_DOMAIN = "approve_domain"
+DELETE_ITEM = "delete_item"
class Report(BookWyrmModel):
"""reported status or user"""
@@ -32,20 +48,65 @@ class Report(BookWyrmModel):
def get_remote_id(self):
return f"https://{DOMAIN}/settings/reports/{self.id}"
+ def comment(self, user, note):
+ """comment on a report"""
+ ReportAction.objects.create(
+ action_type=COMMENT, user=user, note=note, report=self
+ )
+ def resolve(self, user):
+ """Mark a report as complete"""
+ self.resolved = True
+ self.save()
+ ReportAction.objects.create(action_type=RESOLVE, user=user, report=self)
+ def reopen(self, user):
+ """Wait! This report isn't complete after all"""
+ self.resolved = False
+ self.save()
+ ReportAction.objects.create(action_type=REOPEN, user=user, report=self)
+ @classmethod
+ def record_action(cls, report_id: int, action: str, user):
+ """Note that someone did something"""
+ if not report_id:
+ return
+ report = cls.objects.get(id=report_id)
+ ReportAction.objects.create(action_type=action, user=user, report=report)
class Meta:
"""set order by default"""
ordering = ("-created_date",)
-class ReportComment(BookWyrmModel):
+ReportActionTypes = [
+ (COMMENT, _("Comment")),
+ (RESOLVE, _("Resolved report")),
+ (REOPEN, _("Re-opened report")),
+ (MESSAGE_REPORTER, _("Messaged reporter")),
+ (MESSAGE_OFFENDER, _("Messaged reported user")),
+ (USER_SUSPENSION, _("Suspended user")),
+ (USER_UNSUSPENSION, _("Un-suspended user")),
+ (USER_PERMS, _("Changed user permission level")),
+ (USER_DELETION, _("Deleted user account")),
+ (BLOCK_DOMAIN, _("Blocked domain")),
+ (APPROVE_DOMAIN, _("Approved domain")),
+ (DELETE_ITEM, _("Deleted item")),
+class ReportAction(BookWyrmModel):
"""updates on a report"""
user = models.ForeignKey("User", on_delete=models.PROTECT)
+ action_type = models.CharField(
+ max_length=20, blank=False, default="comment", choices=ReportActionTypes
+ )
note = models.TextField()
report = models.ForeignKey(Report, on_delete=models.PROTECT)
class Meta:
"""sort comments"""
- ordering = ("-created_date",)
+ ordering = ("created_date",)
diff --git a/bookwyrm/models/shelf.py b/bookwyrm/models/shelf.py
index c52cb6ab8..3d92f8d43 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/models/shelf.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/models/shelf.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from django.utils import timezone
from bookwyrm import activitypub
from bookwyrm.settings import DOMAIN
-from bookwyrm.tasks import LOW
+from bookwyrm.tasks import BROADCAST
from .activitypub_mixin import CollectionItemMixin, OrderedCollectionMixin
from .base_model import BookWyrmModel
from . import fields
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class Shelf(OrderedCollectionMixin, BookWyrmModel):
activity_serializer = activitypub.Shelf
- def save(self, *args, priority=LOW, **kwargs):
+ def save(self, *args, priority=BROADCAST, **kwargs):
"""set the identifier"""
super().save(*args, priority=priority, **kwargs)
if not self.identifier:
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class ShelfBook(CollectionItemMixin, BookWyrmModel):
activity_serializer = activitypub.ShelfItem
collection_field = "shelf"
- def save(self, *args, priority=LOW, **kwargs):
+ def save(self, *args, priority=BROADCAST, **kwargs):
if not self.user:
self.user = self.shelf.user
if self.id and self.user.local:
diff --git a/bookwyrm/models/status.py b/bookwyrm/models/status.py
index 047d0aba6..e51f2ba07 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/models/status.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/models/status.py
@@ -142,10 +142,17 @@ class Status(OrderedCollectionPageMixin, BookWyrmModel):
# keep notes if they mention local users
if activity.tag == MISSING or activity.tag is None:
return True
- tags = [l["href"] for l in activity.tag if l["type"] == "Mention"]
+ # GoToSocial sends single tags as objects
+ # not wrapped in a list
+ tags = activity.tag if isinstance(activity.tag, list) else [activity.tag]
user_model = apps.get_model("bookwyrm.User", require_ready=True)
for tag in tags:
- if user_model.objects.filter(remote_id=tag, local=True).exists():
+ if (
+ tag["type"] == "Mention"
+ and user_model.objects.filter(
+ remote_id=tag["href"], local=True
+ ).exists()
+ ):
# we found a mention of a known use boost
return False
return True
diff --git a/bookwyrm/models/user.py b/bookwyrm/models/user.py
index 85e1f0edb..6e0912aec 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/models/user.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/models/user.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from bookwyrm.models.status import Status
from bookwyrm.preview_images import generate_user_preview_image_task
from bookwyrm.signatures import create_key_pair
-from bookwyrm.tasks import app, LOW
+from bookwyrm.tasks import app, MISC
from bookwyrm.utils import regex
from .activitypub_mixin import OrderedCollectionPageMixin, ActivitypubMixin
from .base_model import BookWyrmModel, DeactivationReason, new_access_code
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ class User(OrderedCollectionPageMixin, AbstractUser):
# this is a new remote user, we need to set their remote server field
if not self.local:
super().save(*args, **kwargs)
- transaction.on_commit(lambda: set_remote_server.delay(self.id))
+ transaction.on_commit(lambda: set_remote_server(self.id))
with transaction.atomic():
@@ -394,6 +394,8 @@ class User(OrderedCollectionPageMixin, AbstractUser):
def reactivate(self):
"""Now you want to come back, huh?"""
# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
+ if not self.allow_reactivation:
+ return
self.is_active = True
self.deactivation_reason = None
self.allow_reactivation = False
@@ -469,18 +471,30 @@ class KeyPair(ActivitypubMixin, BookWyrmModel):
return super().save(*args, **kwargs)
-def set_remote_server(user_id):
+def set_remote_server(user_id, allow_external_connections=False):
"""figure out the user's remote server in the background"""
user = User.objects.get(id=user_id)
actor_parts = urlparse(user.remote_id)
- user.federated_server = get_or_create_remote_server(actor_parts.netloc)
+ federated_server = get_or_create_remote_server(
+ actor_parts.netloc, allow_external_connections=allow_external_connections
+ )
+ # if we were unable to find the server, we need to create a new entry for it
+ if not federated_server:
+ # and to do that, we will call this function asynchronously.
+ if not allow_external_connections:
+ set_remote_server.delay(user_id, allow_external_connections=True)
+ return
+ user.federated_server = federated_server
user.save(broadcast=False, update_fields=["federated_server"])
if user.bookwyrm_user and user.outbox:
-def get_or_create_remote_server(domain, refresh=False):
+def get_or_create_remote_server(
+ domain, allow_external_connections=False, refresh=False
"""get info on a remote server"""
server = FederatedServer()
@@ -490,6 +504,9 @@ def get_or_create_remote_server(domain, refresh=False):
except FederatedServer.DoesNotExist:
+ if not allow_external_connections:
+ return None
data = get_data(f"https://{domain}/.well-known/nodeinfo")
@@ -513,7 +530,7 @@ def get_or_create_remote_server(domain, refresh=False):
return server
def get_remote_reviews(outbox):
"""ingest reviews by a new remote bookwyrm user"""
outbox_page = outbox + "?page=true&type=Review"
diff --git a/bookwyrm/preview_images.py b/bookwyrm/preview_images.py
index 549e12472..aba372abc 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/preview_images.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/preview_images.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from django.core.files.storage import default_storage
from django.db.models import Avg
from bookwyrm import models, settings
-from bookwyrm.tasks import app, LOW
+from bookwyrm.tasks import app, IMAGES
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ def save_and_cleanup(image, instance=None):
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
def generate_site_preview_image_task():
"""generate preview_image for the website"""
if not settings.ENABLE_PREVIEW_IMAGES:
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ def generate_site_preview_image_task():
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
def generate_edition_preview_image_task(book_id):
"""generate preview_image for a book"""
if not settings.ENABLE_PREVIEW_IMAGES:
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ def generate_edition_preview_image_task(book_id):
save_and_cleanup(image, instance=book)
def generate_user_preview_image_task(user_id):
"""generate preview_image for a user"""
if not settings.ENABLE_PREVIEW_IMAGES:
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ def generate_user_preview_image_task(user_id):
save_and_cleanup(image, instance=user)
def remove_user_preview_image_task(user_id):
"""remove preview_image for a user"""
if not settings.ENABLE_PREVIEW_IMAGES:
diff --git a/bookwyrm/settings.py b/bookwyrm/settings.py
index 8dcf90fcb..829ddaef7 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/settings.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/settings.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
env = Env()
-VERSION = "0.6.1"
+VERSION = "0.6.4"
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ RELEASE_API = env(
PAGE_LENGTH = env.int("PAGE_LENGTH", 15)
-JS_CACHE = "a7d4e720"
+JS_CACHE = "b972a43c"
# email
EMAIL_BACKEND = env("EMAIL_BACKEND", "django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend")
@@ -302,6 +302,7 @@ LANGUAGES = [
("fi-fi", _("Suomi (Finnish)")),
("fr-fr", _("Français (French)")),
("lt-lt", _("Lietuvių (Lithuanian)")),
+ ("nl-nl", _("Nederlands (Dutch)")),
("no-no", _("Norsk (Norwegian)")),
("pl-pl", _("Polski (Polish)")),
("pt-br", _("Português do Brasil (Brazilian Portuguese)")),
@@ -312,6 +313,9 @@ LANGUAGES = [
("zh-hant", _("繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)")),
+ "English": {"the", "a", "an"},
diff --git a/bookwyrm/signatures.py b/bookwyrm/signatures.py
index 3102f8da2..08780b731 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/signatures.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/signatures.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def create_key_pair():
return private_key, public_key
-def make_signature(method, sender, destination, date, digest=None):
+def make_signature(method, sender, destination, date, **kwargs):
"""uses a private key to sign an outgoing message"""
inbox_parts = urlparse(destination)
signature_headers = [
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ def make_signature(method, sender, destination, date, digest=None):
f"date: {date}",
headers = "(request-target) host date"
+ digest = kwargs.get("digest")
if digest is not None:
signature_headers.append(f"digest: {digest}")
headers = "(request-target) host date digest"
@@ -38,8 +39,14 @@ def make_signature(method, sender, destination, date, digest=None):
message_to_sign = "\n".join(signature_headers)
signer = pkcs1_15.new(RSA.import_key(sender.key_pair.private_key))
signed_message = signer.sign(SHA256.new(message_to_sign.encode("utf8")))
+ # For legacy reasons we need to use an incorrect keyId for older Bookwyrm versions
+ key_id = (
+ f"{sender.remote_id}#main-key"
+ if kwargs.get("use_legacy_key")
+ else f"{sender.remote_id}/#main-key"
+ )
signature = {
- "keyId": f"{sender.remote_id}#main-key",
+ "keyId": key_id,
"algorithm": "rsa-sha256",
"headers": headers,
"signature": b64encode(signed_message).decode("utf8"),
diff --git a/bookwyrm/static/css/bookwyrm/components/_copy.scss b/bookwyrm/static/css/bookwyrm/components/_copy.scss
index e0c4246e6..7a47c1dba 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/static/css/bookwyrm/components/_copy.scss
+++ b/bookwyrm/static/css/bookwyrm/components/_copy.scss
@@ -28,3 +28,31 @@
.vertical-copy button {
width: 100%;
+.copy-tooltip {
+ overflow: visible;
+ visibility: hidden;
+ width: 140px;
+ background-color: #555;
+ color: #fff;
+ text-align: center;
+ border-radius: 6px;
+ padding: 5px;
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 1;
+ margin-left: -30px;
+ margin-top: -45px;
+ opacity: 0;
+ transition: opacity 0.3s;
+.copy-tooltip::after {
+ content: "";
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 100%;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -60px;
+ border-width: 5px;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-color: #555 transparent transparent transparent;
+ }
diff --git a/bookwyrm/static/css/bookwyrm/components/_stars.scss b/bookwyrm/static/css/bookwyrm/components/_stars.scss
index 1a8e3680f..db2772dc0 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/static/css/bookwyrm/components/_stars.scss
+++ b/bookwyrm/static/css/bookwyrm/components/_stars.scss
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
white-space: nowrap;
+.stars .no-rating {
+ font-style: italic;
/** Stars in a review form
* Specificity makes hovering taking over checked inputs.
diff --git a/bookwyrm/static/css/fonts/icomoon.eot b/bookwyrm/static/css/fonts/icomoon.eot
index 69628662b..b86375a90 100644
Binary files a/bookwyrm/static/css/fonts/icomoon.eot and b/bookwyrm/static/css/fonts/icomoon.eot differ
diff --git a/bookwyrm/static/css/fonts/icomoon.svg b/bookwyrm/static/css/fonts/icomoon.svg
index c67c8b225..a3c902a07 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/static/css/fonts/icomoon.svg
+++ b/bookwyrm/static/css/fonts/icomoon.svg
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
diff --git a/bookwyrm/static/css/fonts/icomoon.ttf b/bookwyrm/static/css/fonts/icomoon.ttf
index 12c79d551..edcbd3b75 100644
Binary files a/bookwyrm/static/css/fonts/icomoon.ttf and b/bookwyrm/static/css/fonts/icomoon.ttf differ
diff --git a/bookwyrm/static/css/fonts/icomoon.woff b/bookwyrm/static/css/fonts/icomoon.woff
index 624b70f33..47d4bffb5 100644
Binary files a/bookwyrm/static/css/fonts/icomoon.woff and b/bookwyrm/static/css/fonts/icomoon.woff differ
diff --git a/bookwyrm/static/css/vendor/icons.css b/bookwyrm/static/css/vendor/icons.css
index 6477aee5c..b661ce8e7 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/static/css/vendor/icons.css
+++ b/bookwyrm/static/css/vendor/icons.css
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
@font-face {
font-family: 'icomoon';
- src: url('../fonts/icomoon.eot?r7jc98');
- src: url('../fonts/icomoon.eot?r7jc98#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
- url('../fonts/icomoon.ttf?r7jc98') format('truetype'),
- url('../fonts/icomoon.woff?r7jc98') format('woff'),
- url('../fonts/icomoon.svg?r7jc98#icomoon') format('svg');
+ src: url('../fonts/icomoon.eot?nr4nq7');
+ src: url('../fonts/icomoon.eot?nr4nq7#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
+ url('../fonts/icomoon.ttf?nr4nq7') format('truetype'),
+ url('../fonts/icomoon.woff?nr4nq7') format('woff'),
+ url('../fonts/icomoon.svg?nr4nq7#icomoon') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
font-display: block;
@@ -122,6 +122,9 @@
.icon-graphic-banknote:before {
content: "\e920";
+.icon-copy:before {
+ content: "\e92c";
.icon-search:before {
content: "\e986";
diff --git a/bookwyrm/static/js/bookwyrm.js b/bookwyrm/static/js/bookwyrm.js
index ceed12eba..67d64688f 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/static/js/bookwyrm.js
+++ b/bookwyrm/static/js/bookwyrm.js
@@ -40,9 +40,6 @@ let BookWyrm = new (class {
document.querySelectorAll("details.dropdown").forEach((node) => {
node.addEventListener("toggle", this.handleDetailsDropdown.bind(this));
- node.querySelectorAll("[data-modal-open]").forEach((modal_node) =>
- modal_node.addEventListener("click", () => (node.open = false))
- );
@@ -68,6 +65,9 @@ let BookWyrm = new (class {
+ document
+ .querySelectorAll("[data-copywithtooltip]")
+ .forEach(bookwyrm.copyWithTooltip.bind(bookwyrm));
@@ -527,6 +527,21 @@ let BookWyrm = new (class {
+ copyWithTooltip(copyButtonEl) {
+ const text = document.getElementById(copyButtonEl.dataset.contentId).innerHTML;
+ const tooltipEl = document.getElementById(copyButtonEl.dataset.tooltipId);
+ copyButtonEl.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ navigator.clipboard.writeText(text);
+ tooltipEl.style.visibility = "visible";
+ tooltipEl.style.opacity = 1;
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ tooltipEl.style.visibility = "hidden";
+ tooltipEl.style.opacity = 0;
+ }, 3000);
+ });
+ }
* Handle the details dropdown component.
diff --git a/bookwyrm/suggested_users.py b/bookwyrm/suggested_users.py
index 05e05891c..d897feff7 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/suggested_users.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/suggested_users.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from opentelemetry import trace
from bookwyrm import models
from bookwyrm.redis_store import RedisStore, r
-from bookwyrm.tasks import app, LOW, MEDIUM
+from bookwyrm.tasks import app, SUGGESTED_USERS
from bookwyrm.telemetry import open_telemetry
@@ -244,20 +244,20 @@ def domain_level_update(sender, instance, created, update_fields=None, **kwargs)
# ------------------- TASKS
def rerank_suggestions_task(user_id):
"""do the hard work in celery"""
def rerank_user_task(user_id, update_only=False):
"""do the hard work in celery"""
user = models.User.objects.get(id=user_id)
suggested_users.rerank_obj(user, update_only=update_only)
def remove_user_task(user_id):
"""do the hard work in celery"""
user = models.User.objects.get(id=user_id)
@@ -266,14 +266,14 @@ def remove_user_task(user_id):
def remove_suggestion_task(user_id, suggested_user_id):
"""remove a specific user from a specific user's suggestions"""
suggested_user = models.User.objects.get(id=suggested_user_id)
suggested_users.remove_suggestion(user_id, suggested_user)
def bulk_remove_instance_task(instance_id):
"""remove a bunch of users from recs"""
for user in models.User.objects.filter(federated_server__id=instance_id):
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ def bulk_remove_instance_task(instance_id):
def bulk_add_instance_task(instance_id):
"""remove a bunch of users from recs"""
for user in models.User.objects.filter(federated_server__id=instance_id):
diff --git a/bookwyrm/tasks.py b/bookwyrm/tasks.py
index 91977afda..79e1b6340 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/tasks.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/tasks.py
@@ -10,11 +10,19 @@ app = Celery(
"tasks", broker=settings.CELERY_BROKER_URL, backend=settings.CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND
-# priorities
+# priorities - for backwards compatibility, will be removed next release
LOW = "low_priority"
MEDIUM = "medium_priority"
HIGH = "high_priority"
-# import items get their own queue because they're such a pain in the ass
+STREAMS = "streams"
+IMAGES = "images"
+SUGGESTED_USERS = "suggested_users"
+EMAIL = "email"
+CONNECTORS = "connectors"
+LISTS = "lists"
+INBOX = "inbox"
IMPORTS = "imports"
-# I keep making more queues?? this one broadcasting out
+IMPORT_TRIGGERED = "import_triggered"
BROADCAST = "broadcast"
+MISC = "misc"
diff --git a/bookwyrm/telemetry/open_telemetry.py b/bookwyrm/telemetry/open_telemetry.py
index 00b24d4b0..2a0168ff3 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/telemetry/open_telemetry.py
+++ b/bookwyrm/telemetry/open_telemetry.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from opentelemetry import trace
from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.grpc.trace_exporter import OTLPSpanExporter
-from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider
+from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider, Tracer
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import BatchSpanProcessor, ConsoleSpanExporter
from bookwyrm import settings
@@ -16,19 +16,19 @@ elif settings.OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT:
-def instrumentDjango():
+def instrumentDjango() -> None:
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.django import DjangoInstrumentor
-def instrumentPostgres():
+def instrumentPostgres() -> None:
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.psycopg2 import Psycopg2Instrumentor
-def instrumentCelery():
+def instrumentCelery() -> None:
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.celery import CeleryInstrumentor
from celery.signals import worker_process_init
@@ -37,5 +37,5 @@ def instrumentCelery():
-def tracer():
+def tracer() -> Tracer:
return trace.get_tracer(__name__)
diff --git a/bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html b/bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html
index eb49595ff..6dc53fba9 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html
+++ b/bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html
@@ -190,13 +190,15 @@
- {% include 'snippets/stars.html' with rating=rating %}
+ {% include 'snippets/stars.html' with rating=rating %}
- {% blocktrans count counter=review_count trimmed %}
- ({{ review_count }} review)
- {% plural %}
- ({{ review_count }} reviews)
- {% endblocktrans %}
+ {% blocktrans count counter=review_count trimmed %}
+ ({{ review_count }} review)
+ {% plural %}
+ ({{ review_count }} reviews)
+ {% endblocktrans %}
{% with full=book|book_description itemprop='abstract' %}
@@ -256,7 +258,7 @@
{% endif %}
{% for shelf in other_edition_shelves %}
- {% blocktrans with book_path=shelf.book.local_path shelf_path=shelf.shelf.local_path shelf_name=shelf.shelf.name %}A different edition of this book is on your {{ shelf_name }} shelf.{% endblocktrans %}
+ {% blocktrans with book_path=shelf.book.local_path shelf_path=shelf.shelf.local_path shelf_name=shelf.shelf|translate_shelf_name %}A different edition of this book is on your {{ shelf_name }} shelf.{% endblocktrans %}
{% include 'snippets/switch_edition_button.html' with edition=book %}
{% endfor %}
diff --git a/bookwyrm/templates/book/book_identifiers.html b/bookwyrm/templates/book/book_identifiers.html
index ff5aad0bb..d976f72c2 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/templates/book/book_identifiers.html
+++ b/bookwyrm/templates/book/book_identifiers.html
@@ -4,42 +4,50 @@
{% if book.isbn_13 or book.oclc_number or book.asin or book.aasin or book.isfdb %}
{% if book.isbn_13 %}
{% trans "ISBN:" %}
{{ book.isbn_13 }}
{{ book.hyphenated_isbn13 }}
+ {% trans "Copy ISBN" %}
+ {% trans "Copied ISBN!" %}
{% endif %}
{% if book.oclc_number %}
{% trans "OCLC Number:" %}
{{ book.oclc_number }}
{% endif %}
{% if book.asin %}
{% trans "ASIN:" %}
{{ book.asin }}
{% endif %}
{% if book.aasin %}
{% trans "Audible ASIN:" %}
{{ book.aasin }}
{% endif %}
{% if book.isfdb %}
{% trans "ISFDB ID:" %}
{{ book.isfdb }}
{% endif %}
{% if book.goodreads_key %}
{% trans "Goodreads:" %}
{{ book.goodreads_key }}
diff --git a/bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html b/bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html
index d4ca2165d..05f40523f 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html
+++ b/bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html
@@ -111,11 +111,11 @@
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
- {% else %}
+ {% elif add_author %}
{% blocktrans with name=add_author %}Creating a new author: {{ name }}{% endblocktrans %}
{% endif %}
- {% if not book %}
+ {% if not book.parent_work %}
diff --git a/bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html b/bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html
index e85164444..23cc6d097 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html
+++ b/bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@
{% csrf_token %}
+{% if form.parent_work %}
+{% endif %}
@@ -28,6 +30,15 @@
{% include 'snippets/form_errors.html' with errors_list=form.title.errors id="desc_title" %}
+ {% trans "Sort Title:" %}
+ {% include 'snippets/form_errors.html' with errors_list=form.sort_title.errors id="desc_sort_title" %}
{% trans "Subtitle:" %}
diff --git a/bookwyrm/templates/book/editions/editions.html b/bookwyrm/templates/book/editions/editions.html
index 16f65e459..aa2b68bdb 100644
--- a/bookwyrm/templates/book/editions/editions.html
+++ b/bookwyrm/templates/book/editions/editions.html
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@