# recipes for the `just` command runner: https://just.systems # how to install: https://github.com/casey/just#packages # we load all vars from .env file into the env of just commands set dotenv-load # and export just vars as env vars set export ## Main configs - override these using env vars # what flavour do we want? FLAVOUR := env_var_or_default('FLAVOUR', "classic") FLAVOUR_PATH := env_var_or_default('FLAVOUR_PATH', "flavours/" + FLAVOUR) # do we want to use Docker? set as env var: # - WITH_DOCKER=total : use docker for everything (default) # - WITH_DOCKER=partial : use docker for services like the DB # - WITH_DOCKER=easy : use docker for services like the DB & compiled utilities (deprecated, now same as partial) # - WITH_DOCKER=no : please no WITH_DOCKER := env_var_or_default('WITH_DOCKER', "total") MIX_ENV := env_var_or_default('MIX_ENV', "dev") APP_NAME := "bonfire" APP_DOCKER_REPO := "bonfirenetworks/"+APP_NAME APP_DOCKER_REPO_ALT := "ghcr.io/bonfire-networks/bonfire-app" APP_DOCKER_IMAGE := env_var_or_default('APP_DOCKER_IMAGE', APP_DOCKER_REPO+":latest-" +FLAVOUR) DB_DOCKER_IMAGE := if arch() == "aarch64" { "ghcr.io/baosystems/postgis:12-3.3" } else { env_var_or_default('DB_DOCKER_IMAGE', "postgis/postgis:12-3.3-alpine") } # DB_DOCKER_IMAGE := env_var_or_default('DB_DOCKER_IMAGE', "supabase/postgres") # GRAPH_DB_URL := if WITH_DOCKER != "total" { env_var_or_default('GRAPH_DB_URL', "bolt://localhost:7687") } else { env_var_or_default('GRAPH_DB_URL', "bolt://graph:7687") } ## Other configs - edit these here if necessary EXT_PATH := "extensions/" EXTRA_FORKS_PATH := "forks/" APP_VSN_EXTRA := "beta" APP_REL_DOCKERFILE :="Dockerfile.release" APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE :="docker-compose.release.yml" APP_REL_CONTAINER := APP_NAME + "_release" WEB_CONTAINER := APP_NAME +"_web" APP_VSN := `grep -m 1 'version:' mix.exs | cut -d '"' -f2` APP_BUILD := env_var_or_default('APP_BUILD', `git rev-parse --short HEAD || echo unknown`) CONFIG_PATH := FLAVOUR_PATH + "/config" UID := `id -u` GID := `id -g` PUBLIC_PORT := env_var_or_default('PUBLIC_PORT', '4000') DOCKER_EXT_NETWORK := env_var_or_default('DOCKER_EXT_NETWORK', 'bonfire_default') DOCKER_EXT_NETWORK_BOOL := if DOCKER_EXT_NETWORK == "bonfire_default" { "false" } else { "true" } TUNNEL_SUBDOMAIN := env_var_or_default('TUNNEL_SUBDOMAIN', 'bonfire-test') PROXY_CADDYFILE_PATH := if PUBLIC_PORT == "443" { "./config/deploy/Caddyfile2-https" } else { "./config/deploy/Caddyfile2" } ENV_ENV := if MIX_ENV == "test" { "dev" } else { MIX_ENV } ## Configure just # choose shell for running recipes set shell := ["bash", "-uc"] # set shell := ["bash", "-uxc"] # support args like $1, $2, etc, and $@ for all args set positional-arguments #### GENERAL SETUP RELATED COMMANDS #### help: @echo "Just commands for Bonfire:" @just --list # Initialise env files, and create some required folders, files and softlinks config: @just flavour $FLAVOUR # Initialise a specific flavour, with its env files, and create some required folders, files and softlinks @flavour select_flavour: echo "Switching to flavour '$select_flavour' in $MIX_ENV env..." just _pre-config $select_flavour just _pre-setup-env $select_flavour printf "\nNow make sure to finish the flavour setup with 'just setup'. You can also edit your config for flavour '$select_flavour' in /.env and ./config/ more generally.\n" setup: {{ if MIX_ENV == "prod" { "just setup-prod" } else { "just setup-dev" } }} init services="db": _pre-init @just services $services @echo "Light that fire! $APP_NAME with $FLAVOUR flavour in $MIX_ENV - docker:$WITH_DOCKER - $APP_VSN - $APP_BUILD - $FLAVOUR_PATH - {{os_family()}}/{{os()}} on {{arch()}}" @config-basic select_flavour=FLAVOUR: echo "Setting up flavour '$select_flavour' in $MIX_ENV env..." just _pre-config $select_flavour just setup echo "Setup done." @_pre-config select_flavour=FLAVOUR: rm -rf ./priv/repo/* -rm ./config/deps.flavour.* 2> /dev/null -rm ./config/flavour_* 2> /dev/null just _pre-setup $select_flavour @_pre-setup flavour='classic': mkdir -p config mkdir -p ./flavours/$flavour/config/prod/ mkdir -p ./flavours/$flavour/config/dev/ just _ln-spark-deps cd config && ln -sfn ../flavours/classic/config/* ./ && ln -sfn ../flavours/$flavour/config/* ./ touch ./config/deps.path mkdir -p data mkdir -p data/uploads/ mkdir -p data/search/dev mkdir -p priv/static/data mkdir -p extensions/ mkdir -p forks/ chmod 700 .erlang.cookie _ln-spark-deps: cd config && (find ../extensions/bonfire/ -type f -name "deps.*" -exec ln -sfn {} ./ \; || find ../deps/bonfire/ -type f -name "deps.*" -exec ln -sfn {} ./ \; || echo "Could not symlink the bonfire_spark deps") && ls -la ./ @_pre-setup-env flavour='classic': echo "Using flavour '$flavour' at flavours/$flavour with env '$MIX_ENV' with vars from ./flavours/$flavour/config/$ENV_ENV/.env " test -f ./flavours/$flavour/config/$ENV_ENV/.env || just _pre-setup-env-init flavours/$flavour/config flavours/$flavour/config || just _pre-setup-env-init flavours/classic/config flavours/$flavour/config -rm .env ln -sf ./config/$ENV_ENV/.env ./.env @_pre-setup-env-init from to: cat {{from}}/templates/public.env {{from}}/templates/not_secret.env > {{to}}/$ENV_ENV/.env && echo "MIX_ENV=$MIX_ENV" >> {{to}}/$ENV_ENV/.env && echo "FLAVOUR=$flavour" >> {{to}}/$ENV_ENV/.env @_pre-init: _assets-ln mkdir -p data mkdir -p ./priv/repo/ cp -rf $FLAVOUR_PATH/repo/* ./priv/repo/ rm -rf ./data/current_flavour ln -sf ../$FLAVOUR_PATH ./data/current_flavour mkdir -p priv/static/public echo "Using $MIX_ENV env, with flavour: $FLAVOUR at path: $FLAVOUR_PATH" # ulimit -n 524288 #### COMMON COMMANDS #### setup-dev: just build just deps-clean-data just deps-clean-api just deps-clean-unused WITH_GIT_DEPS=0 just mix deps.get just _ln-spark-deps just deps-get extension-post-install: just _ext-migrations-copy _ext-migrations-copy: just mix bonfire.extension.copy_migrations --force setup-prod: just build just deps-get --only prod just _deps-post-get # Prepare environment and dependencies prepare: just _pre-setup $FLAVOUR just build # Run the app in development @dev *args='': MIX_ENV=dev just dev-run "db" {{args}} @dev-extra: iex --sname extra --remsh localenv dev-run services="db" *args='': @just init $services {{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "just dev-docker $args" } else { "iex --sname localenv -S mix phx.server $args" } }} # TODO: pass args to docker as well @dev-remote: init {{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "just dev-docker -e WITH_FORKS=0" } else { "WITH_FORKS=0 iex -S mix phx.server" } }} dev-search: just dev-run search dev-graph: just dev-run graph dev-proxy: just dev-profile proxy dev-proxy-iex: just dev-profile-iex proxy dev-profile profile: docker-stop-web docker compose --profile $profile up -d docker logs bonfire_web -f dev-profile-iex profile: docker compose --profile $profile exec web iex --sname extra --remsh localenv dev-federate: FEDERATE=yes HOT_CODE_RELOAD=0 HOSTNAME=`just local-tunnel-hostname` PUBLIC_PORT=443 just dev dev-docker *args='': docker-stop-web docker compose $args run -e HOT_CODE_RELOAD=0 --name $WEB_CONTAINER --service-ports web # Generate docs from code & readmes docs: just mix docs # Analyse the codebase and generate some reports. Requires Graphviz and SQLite arch: just mix arch.explore.static just mix arch.explore.xrefs just mix arch.explore.apps -MIX_ENV=test just mix arch.explore.coverage just mix arch.dsm just mix arch.report.html mkdir -p reports/dev/static/html/data/ just mix arch.apps.xref --format mermaid --out reports/dev/static/html/data/apps.mermaid just mix arch.apps.xref --format svg --out reports/dev/static/html/data/apps.svg # just mix arch.xref --format svg --out reports/dev/static/modules.png Bonfire.Web.Router Bonfire.UI.Social.Routes Bonfire.UI.Me.Routes # Compile the app + extensions compile *args='': just mix bonfire.extension.compile $args just mix compile $args # Force the app + extensions to recompile recompile *args='': just compile --force $args dev-test: @MIX_ENV=test PHX_SERVER=yes just dev-run # Run the app in dev mode, as a background service dev-bg: init {{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "just docker-stop-web && docker compose run --detach --name $WEB_CONTAINER --service-ports web elixir -S mix phx.server" } else { 'elixir --erl "-detached" -S mix phx.server" && echo "Running in background..." && (ps au | grep beam)' } }} # Run latest database migrations (eg. after adding/upgrading an app/extension) db-migrate: just mix "ecto.migrate" # just mix "excellent_migrations.migrate" db-migration-checks: just mix "excellent_migrations.migrate" # Run latest database seeds (eg. inserting required data after adding/upgrading an app/extension) db-seeds: db-migrate just mix "ecto.seeds" # Reset the DB (caution: this means DATA LOSS) db-reset: init dev-search-reset db-pre-migrations just mix "ecto.reset" dev-search-reset: dev-search-reset-docker rm -rf data/search/dev dev-search-reset-docker: {{ if WITH_DOCKER != "no" { "docker compose rm -s -v search" } else {""} }} # Rollback previous DB migration (caution: this means DATA LOSS) db-rollback: just mix "ecto.rollback" # Rollback ALL DB migrations (caution: this means DATA LOSS) db-rollback-all: just mix "ecto.rollback --all" #### UPDATE COMMANDS #### # Update the dev app and all dependencies/extensions/forks, and run migrations update: init update-repo just prepare just update-forks just update-deps just mix deps.get just _deps-post-get just js-deps-get # just mix compile # just db-migrate # Update the app and Bonfire extensions in ./deps update-app: update-repo update-deps _pre-update-deps: @rm -rf deps/*/assets/pnpm-lock.yaml @rm -rf deps/*/assets/yarn.lock @rm -rf deps/bonfire/priv/repo # Update Bonfire extensions in ./deps update-deps: _pre-update-deps just mix-remote updates update-repo: _pre-contrib-hooks @chmod +x git-publish.sh && ./git-publish.sh . pull || git pull update-repo-pull: @chmod +x git-publish.sh && ./git-publish.sh . pull only # Update to the latest Bonfire extensions in ./deps update-deps-bonfire: just mix-remote bonfire.deps.update # Update every single dependency (use with caution) update-deps-all: _pre-update-deps just update-forks just mix-remote "deps.update --all" just _deps-post-get just js-ext-deps upgrade just _assets-ln just js-ext-deps outdated -just mix "hex.outdated --all" # Update a specify dep (eg. `just update.dep needle`) update-dep dep: _pre-update-deps just update-fork $dep pull just mix-remote "deps.update $dep" just _deps-post-get ./js-deps-get.sh $dep # Pull the latest commits from all forks @update-forks: (jungle git fetch && just update-forks-all rebase) || (echo "Jungle not available, will fetch one by one instead." && just update-forks-all pull) update-forks-all cmd='pull': just update-fork-path $EXT_PATH $cmd just update-fork-path $EXTRA_FORKS_PATH $cmd # Pull the latest commits from all forks update-fork dep cmd='pull' mindepth='0' maxdepth='0': -just update-fork-path $EXT_PATH/$dep $cmd $mindepth $maxdepth -just update-fork-path $EXTRA_FORKS_PATH/$dep $cmd $mindepth $maxdepth update-fork-path path cmd='pull' mindepth='0' maxdepth='1': @chmod +x git-publish.sh find $path -mindepth $mindepth -maxdepth $maxdepth -type d -exec ./git-publish.sh {} $cmd \; # Fetch locked version of non-forked deps @deps-get *args='': just mix deps.get $@ -just mix-remote deps.get $@ || echo "Oops, could not download mix deps" just _deps-post-get just js-deps-get @_deps-post-get: extension-post-install ln -sf ../../../priv/static extensions/bonfire/priv/static || ln -sf ../../../priv/static deps/bonfire/priv/static || echo "Could not find a priv/static dir to use" -cd deps/bonfire/priv && ln -sf ../../../priv/repo -cd extensions/bonfire/priv && ln -sf ../../../priv/repo mkdir -p priv/static/data mkdir -p data mkdir -p data/uploads -cd priv/static/data && ln -s ../../../data/uploads deps-clean dep: just mix deps.clean $dep --build @deps-clean-data: just mix bonfire.deps.clean.data @deps-clean-api: just mix bonfire.deps.clean.api @deps-clean-web: just deps-clean plug just deps-clean phoenix_html just deps-clean bonfire_ui_common #### DEPENDENCY & EXTENSION RELATED COMMANDS #### js-deps-get: js-ext-deps _assets-ln @js-ext-deps yarn_args='': chmod +x ./config/deps.js.sh just cmd ./config/deps.js.sh $yarn_args @_assets-ln: {{ if path_exists("extensions/bonfire_ui_common")=="true" { "ln -sf extensions/bonfire_ui_common/assets && echo Assets served from the local UI.Common extension will be used" } else {"ln -sf deps/bonfire_ui_common/assets "} }} deps-outdated: deps-unlock-unused @just mix-remote "hex.outdated --all" deps-clean-unused: @just mix "deps.clean --build --unused" deps-unlock-unused: @just mix "deps.clean --unlock --unused" dep-clean dep: @just mix "deps.clean $dep --build" @just mix "deps.clean bonfire --build" # Clone a git dep and use the local version, eg: `just dep-clone-local bonfire_me https://github.com/bonfire-networks/bonfire_me` dep-clone-local dep repo: git clone $repo $EXT_PATH$dep 2> /dev/null || (cd $EXT_PATH$dep ; git pull) just dep.go.local dep=$dep # Clone all bonfire deps / extensions deps-clone-local-all: curl -s https://api.github.com/orgs/bonfire-networks/repos?per_page=500 | ruby -rrubygems -e 'require "json"; JSON.load(STDIN.read).each { |repo| %x[just dep.clone.local dep="#{repo["name"]}" repo="#{repo["ssh_url"]}" ]}' # Switch to using a local path, eg: just dep.go.local needle dep-go-local dep: just dep-go-local-path $dep $EXT_PATH$dep # Switch to using a local path, specifying the path, eg: just dep.go.local dep=needle path=./libs/needle dep-go-local-path dep path: just dep-local add $dep $path just dep-local enable $dep $path # Switch to using a git repo, eg: just dep.go.git needle https://github.com/bonfire-networks/needle (specifying the repo is optional if previously specified) dep-go-git dep repo: -just dep-git add $dep $repo just dep-git enable $dep NA just dep-local disable $dep NA # Switch to using a library from hex.pm, eg: just dep.go.hex dep="needle" version="_> 0.2" (specifying the version is optional if previously specified) dep-go-hex dep version: -just dep-hex add dep=$dep version=$version just dep-hex enable $dep NA just dep-git disable $dep NA just dep-local disable $dep NA # add/enable/disable/delete a hex dep with messctl command, eg: `just dep-hex enable needle 0.2` dep-hex command dep version: just messctl "$command $dep $version" just mix "deps.clean $dep" # add/enable/disable/delete a git dep with messctl command, eg: `just dep-hex enable needle https://github.com/bonfire-networks/needle dep-git command dep repo: just messctl "$command $dep $repo config/deps.git" just mix "deps.clean $dep" # add/enable/disable/delete a local dep with messctl command, eg: `just dep-hex enable needle ./libs/needle` dep-local command dep path: just messctl "$command $dep $path config/deps.path" just mix "deps.clean $dep" # Utility to manage the deps in deps.hex, deps.git, and deps.path (eg. `just messctl help`) messctl *args='': init {{ if WITH_DOCKER == "no" { "messctl $@" } else { "docker compose run web messctl $@" } }} #### CONTRIBUTION RELATED COMMANDS #### _pre-push-hooks: _pre-contrib-hooks just mix format just icons-uniq just deps-clean bonfire # just mix changelog _pre-contrib-hooks: -ex +%s,/extensions/,/deps/,e -scwq config/deps_hooks.js rm -rf forks/*/data/uploads/favicons/ rm -rf extensions/*/data/uploads/favicons/ # -sed -i '' 's,/extensions/,/deps/,' config/deps_hooks.js icons-uniq: sort -u -o assets/static/images/icons/icons.css assets/static/images/icons/icons.css # Push all changes to the app and extensions in ./forks contrib: _pre-push-hooks contrib-forks-publish git-publish # Push all changes to the app and extensions in forks, increment the app version number, and push a new version/release contrib-release: _pre-push-hooks contrib-forks-publish update contrib-app-release # Rebase app's repo and push all changes to the app contrib-app-only: _pre-push-hooks update-repo git-publish # Increment the app version number and commit/push contrib-app-release: _pre-push-hooks contrib-app-release-increment git-publish # Increment the app version number @contrib-app-release-increment: mkdir -p lib/mix cd lib/mix/ && (ln -sf ../../extensions/bonfire_common/lib/mix_tasks tasks || ln -sf ../../deps/bonfire_common/lib/mix_tasks tasks) cd lib/mix/tasks/release/ && mix escript.build && ./release ../../../../../ $APP_VSN_EXTRA contrib-forks-publish: update-forks contrib-rel-push: contrib-release rel-build-release rel-push # Count lines of code (requires cloc: `brew install cloc`) cloc: cloc lib config extensions/*/lib extensions/*/test test # Run the git add command on each fork git-forks-add: deps-git-fix find $EXT_PATH -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec echo add {} \; -exec git -C '{}' add --all . \; # Run a git status on each fork git-forks-status: @jungle git status || find $EXT_PATH -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec echo {} \; -exec git -C '{}' status \; # Run a git command on each fork (eg. `just git-forks pull` pulls the latest version of all local deps from its git remote git-forks command: @find $EXT_PATH -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec echo $command {} \; -exec git -C '{}' $command \; # List all diffs in forks git-diff: @find $EXT_PATH -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec echo {} \; -exec git -C '{}' --no-pager diff --color --exit-code \; # Run a git command on each dep, to ignore chmod changes deps-git-fix: find ./deps -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec git -C '{}' config core.fileMode false \; find ./forks -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec git -C '{}' config core.fileMode false \; # Draft-merge another branch, eg `just git-merge with-valueflows-api` to merge branch `with-valueflows-api` into the current one @git-merge branch: git merge --no-ff --no-commit $branch # Find any git conflicts in forks @git-conflicts: find $EXT_PATH -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec echo add {} \; -exec git -C '{}' diff --name-only --diff-filter=U \; @git-publish: chmod +x git-publish.sh ./git-publish.sh #### TESTING RELATED COMMANDS #### # Run tests. You can also run only specific tests, eg: `just test extensions/bonfire_social/test` test *args='': @echo "Testing $@..." MIX_ENV=test just mix test $@ # Run only stale tests test-stale *args='': @echo "Testing $@..." MIX_ENV=test just mix test --stale $@ # Run tests (ignoring changes in local forks) test-remote *args='': @echo "Testing $@..." MIX_ENV=test just mix-remote test $@ # Run stale tests, and wait for changes to any module code, and re-run affected tests test-watch *args='': @echo "Testing $@..." MIX_ENV=test just mix test.watch --stale $@ # Run stale tests, and wait for changes to any module code, and re-run affected tests, and interactively choose which tests to run test-interactive *args='': @MIX_ENV=test just mix test.interactive --stale $@ ap_lib := "forks/activity_pub/test/activity_pub" ap_integration := "extensions/bonfire_federate_activitypub/test/activity_pub_integration" ap_boundaries := "extensions/bonfire_federate_activitypub/test/ap_boundaries" ap_ext := "extensions/*/test/*federat* extensions/*/test/*/*federat* extensions/*/test/*/*/*federat*" # ap_two := "forks/bonfire_federate_activitypub/test/dance" test-federation: test-federation-dance-positions just test-stale {{ ap_lib }} just test-stale {{ ap_integration }} just test-stale {{ ap_ext }} just test-federation-dance-positions TEST_INSTANCE=yes just test-stale --only test_instance just test-federation-dance-positions test-federation-lib *args=ap_lib: test-federation-dance-positions just test-watch $@ test-federation-bonfire *args=ap_integration: test-federation-dance-positions just test-watch $@ test-federation-boundaries *args="extensions/bonfire_federate_activitypub/test/boundaries": test-federation-dance-positions just test-watch $@ test-federation-in-extensions *args=ap_ext: test-federation-dance-positions just test-watch $@ test-federation-dance *args='': test-federation-dance-positions TEST_INSTANCE=yes just test --only test_instance $@ just test-federation-dance-positions test-federation-dance-unsigned *args='': test-federation-dance-positions ACCEPT_UNSIGNED_ACTIVITIES=1 TEST_INSTANCE=yes just test --only test_instance $@ just test-federation-dance-positions test-federation-dance-positions: TEST_INSTANCE=yes MIX_ENV=test just mix deps.clean bonfire --build test-federation-live-DRAGONS *args='': FEDERATE=yes PHX_SERVER=yes HOSTNAME=`just local-tunnel-hostname` PUBLIC_PORT=443 just test --only live_federation $@ load_testing: TEST_INSTANCE=yes just mix bonfire.load_testing # dev-test-watch: init ## Run tests # docker compose run --service-ports -e MIX_ENV=test web iex -S mix phx.server # Create or reset the test DB test-db-reset: init db-pre-migrations {{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "docker compose run -e MIX_ENV=test web mix ecto.drop --force" } else { "MIX_ENV=test just mix ecto.drop --force" } }} #### RELEASE RELATED COMMANDS (Docker-specific for now) #### _rel-init: MIX_ENV=prod just _pre-init rel-config: config _rel-init _rel-prepare # copy current flavour's config, without using symlinks @_rel-config-prepare: rm -rf data/current_flavour mkdir -p data rm -rf flavours/*/config/*/dev cp -rfL flavours/classic data/current_flavour cp -rfL $FLAVOUR_PATH/* data/current_flavour/ cp -rfL extensions/bonfire/deps.* data/current_flavour/config/ || cp -rfL deps/bonfire/deps.* data/current_flavour/config/ || echo "Could not copy the deps definitions from the bonfire_spark dep" # copy current flavour's config, without using symlinks @_rel-prepare: _rel-config-prepare mkdir -p extensions/ mkdir -p forks/ mkdir -p data/uploads/ mkdir -p data/null/ touch data/current_flavour/config/deps.path # Build the Docker image (with no caching) rel-rebuild: just rel-build {{EXT_PATH}} --no-cache # Build the Docker image (NOT including changes to local forks) rel-build-release ARGS="": @echo "Please note that the build will not include any changes in forks that haven't been committed and pushed, you may want to run just contrib-release first." @just rel-build remote {{ ARGS }} # Build the release rel-build USE_EXT="local" ARGS="": @just {{ if WITH_DOCKER != "no" {"rel-build-docker"} else {"rel-build-OTP"} }} {{ USE_EXT }} {{ ARGS }} # Build the OTP release rel-build-OTP USE_EXT="local" ARGS="": _rel-init _rel-prepare WITH_DOCKER=no just _rel-build-OTP {{ USE_EXT }} {{ ARGS }} _rel-build-OTP USE_EXT="local" ARGS="": just _rel-compile-OTP {{ USE_EXT }} {{ ARGS }} just _rel-compile-assets {{ USE_EXT }} just _rel-release-OTP {{ USE_EXT }} _rel-compile-OTP USE_EXT="local" ARGS="": just rel-mix {{ USE_EXT }} "compile --return-errors {{ ARGS }}" _rel-compile-assets USE_EXT="local" ARGS="": -rm -rf priv/static yarn -v || npm install --global yarn just js-ext-deps cd ./assets && yarn && yarn build && cd .. just rel-mix {{ USE_EXT }} phx.digest {{ ARGS }} _rel-release-OTP USE_EXT="local" ARGS="": just rel-mix {{ USE_EXT }} release {{ ARGS }} rel-mix USE_EXT="local" ARGS="": @echo {{ ARGS }} @MIX_ENV=prod CI=1 just {{ if USE_EXT=="remote" {"mix-remote"} else {"mix"} }} {{ ARGS }} # Build the Docker image @rel-build-docker USE_EXT="local" ARGS="": _rel-init _rel-prepare assets-prepare export $(./tool-versions-to-env.sh 3 | xargs) && export $(grep -v '^#' .tool-versions.env | xargs) && export ELIXIR_DOCKER_IMAGE="${ELIXIR_VERSION}-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}-alpine-${ALPINE_VERSION}" && echo $ELIXIR_DOCKER_IMAGE && just rel-build-path {{ if USE_EXT=="remote" {"data/null"} else {EXT_PATH} }} {{ ARGS }} rel-build-path FORKS_TO_COPY_PATH ARGS="": @echo "Building $APP_NAME with flavour $FLAVOUR for arch {{arch()}} with image $ELIXIR_DOCKER_IMAGE." @MIX_ENV=prod docker build {{ ARGS }} --progress=plain \ --build-arg FLAVOUR=$FLAVOUR \ --build-arg FLAVOUR_PATH=data/current_flavour \ --build-arg ALPINE_VERSION=$ALPINE_VERSION \ --build-arg ELIXIR_DOCKER_IMAGE=$ELIXIR_DOCKER_IMAGE \ --build-arg FORKS_TO_COPY_PATH={{ FORKS_TO_COPY_PATH }} \ -t $APP_DOCKER_REPO:release-$FLAVOUR-$APP_VSN-$APP_BUILD-{{arch()}} \ -f $APP_REL_DOCKERFILE . @echo Build complete, tagged as: $APP_DOCKER_REPO:release-$FLAVOUR-$APP_VSN-$APP_BUILD-{{arch()}} @echo "Remember to run just rel-tag or just rel-push" # Add latest tag to last build @rel-tag label='latest': just rel-tag-commit $APP_BUILD {{label}} @rel-tag-commit build label='latest': _rel-init docker tag $APP_DOCKER_REPO:release-$FLAVOUR-$APP_VSN-{{build}}-{{arch()}} $APP_DOCKER_REPO:{{label}}-$FLAVOUR-{{arch()}} docker tag $APP_DOCKER_REPO:release-$FLAVOUR-$APP_VSN-{{build}}-{{arch()}} $APP_DOCKER_REPO_ALT:release-$FLAVOUR-$APP_VSN-{{build}} docker tag $APP_DOCKER_REPO:release-$FLAVOUR-$APP_VSN-{{build}}-{{arch()}} $APP_DOCKER_REPO_ALT:{{label}}-$FLAVOUR-{{arch()}} # Add latest tag to last build and push to Docker Hub rel-push label='latest': @just rel-tag {{label}} @echo just rel-push-only $APP_BUILD {{label}} @just rel-push-only $APP_BUILD {{label}} rel-push-only build label='latest': @echo "Pushing to $APP_DOCKER_REPO" @docker login && docker push $APP_DOCKER_REPO:release-$FLAVOUR-$APP_VSN-{{build}}-{{arch()}} && docker push $APP_DOCKER_REPO:{{label}}-$FLAVOUR-{{arch()}} # @just rel-push-only-alt {{build}} {{label}} rel-push-only-alt build label='latest': @echo $GITHUB_TOKEN | docker login ghcr.io -u $GITHUB_USER --password-stdin @echo "Pushing to $APP_DOCKER_REPO_ALT" @docker push $APP_DOCKER_REPO_ALT:release-$FLAVOUR-$APP_VSN-{{build}}-{{arch()}} && docker push $APP_DOCKER_REPO_ALT:{{label}}-$FLAVOUR-{{arch()}} # Run the app in Docker & starts a new `iex` console rel-run services="db proxy": _rel-init docker-stop-web just rel-services $services echo Run with Docker based on image $APP_DOCKER_IMAGE @docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE run --name $WEB_CONTAINER --service-ports --rm web bin/bonfire start_iex # Run the app in Docker, and keep running in the background rel-run-bg services="db proxy": _rel-init docker-stop-web just rel-services $services @docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE up -d # Stop the running release rel-stop: @docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE stop rel-update: update-repo-pull @docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE pull @echo Remember to run migrations on your DB... rel-logs: @docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE logs # Stop the running release rel-down: rel-stop @docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE down # Runs a the app container and opens a simple shell inside of the container, useful to explore the image rel-shell services="db proxy": _rel-init docker-stop-web just rel-services $services @docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE run --name $WEB_CONTAINER --service-ports --rm web /bin/bash # Runs a simple shell inside of the running app container, useful to explore the image rel-shell-bg services="db proxy": _rel-init just rel-services $services @docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE exec web /bin/bash # Runs a simple shell inside of the DB container, useful to explore the image rel-db-shell-bg: _rel-init just rel-services db @docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE exec db /bin/bash rel-db-dump: _rel-init just rel-services db docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE exec db /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD pg_dump --username $POSTGRES_USER $POSTGRES_DB" > data/db_dump.sql rel-db-restore: _rel-init just rel-services db cat $file | docker exec -i bonfire_release_db_1 /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD psql -U $POSTGRES_USER $POSTGRES_DB" rel-services services="db": {{ if WITH_DOCKER != "no" { "echo Starting docker services to run in the background: $services && docker compose -p $APP_REL_CONTAINER -f $APP_REL_DOCKERCOMPOSE up -d $services" } else {""} }} #### DOCKER-SPECIFIC COMMANDS #### dc *args='': docker compose $@ # Start background docker services (eg. db and search backends). @services services="db": {{ if MIX_ENV == "prod" { "just rel-services $services" } else { "just dev-services $services" } }} @dev-services services="db": {{ if WITH_DOCKER != "no" { "(echo Starting docker services to run in the background: $services && docker compose up -d $services) || echo \"WARNING: You may want to make sure the docker daemon is started or run 'colima start' first.\"" } else { "echo Skipping docker services"} }} # Build the docker image @build: init mkdir -p deps {{ if WITH_DOCKER != "no" { "docker compose pull || echo Oops, could not download the Docker images!" } else { "just mix hex_setup" } }} {{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "export $(./tool-versions-to-env.sh 3 | xargs) && export $(grep -v '^#' .tool-versions.env | xargs) && export ELIXIR_DOCKER_IMAGE=${ELIXIR_VERSION}-erlang-${ERLANG_VERSION}-alpine-${ALPINE_VERSION} && docker compose build" } else { "echo ." } }} # Build the docker image rebuild: init {{ if WITH_DOCKER != "no" { "mkdir -p deps && docker compose build --no-cache" } else { "echo Skip building container..." } }} # Run a specific command in the container (if used), eg: `just cmd messclt` or `just cmd time` or `just cmd "echo hello"` @cmd *args='': init docker-stop-web {{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "echo Run $@ in docker && docker compose run --name $WEB_CONTAINER --service-ports web $@" } else {" echo Run $@ && $@"} }} cwd *args: cd {{invocation_directory()}}; $@ cwd-test *args: cd {{invocation_directory()}}; MIX_ENV=test mix test $@ # Open the shell of the web container, in dev mode shell: just cmd bash @docker-stop-web: -docker stop $WEB_CONTAINER -docker rm $WEB_CONTAINER @docker *args='': docker $@ @docker-compose *args='': docker compose $@ #### MISC COMMANDS #### # Open an interactive console @imix *args='': just cmd iex -S mix $@ # Run a specific mix command, eg: `just mix deps.get` or `just mix "deps.update needle"` @mix *args='': echo % mix $@ {{ if MIX_ENV == "prod" { "just mix-maybe-prod $@" } else { "just cmd mix $@" } }} @mix-eval *args='': init echo % mix eval "$@" {{ if MIX_ENV == "prod" {"echo Skip"} else { 'mix eval "$@"' } }} @mix-maybe-prod *args='': {{ if WITH_DOCKER != "no" { "echo Ignoring mix commands when using docker in prod" } else { "just mix-maybe-prod-pre-release $@" } }} @mix-maybe-prod-pre-release *args='': {{ if path_exists("./_build/prod/rel/bonfire/bin/bonfire")=="true" { "echo Ignoring mix commands since we already have a prod release (delete _build/prod/rel/bonfire/bin/bonfire if you want to build a new release)" } else { "just cmd mix $@" } }} # Run a specific mix command, while ignoring any deps cloned into forks, eg: `just mix-remote deps.get` or `just mix-remote deps.update needle` mix-remote *args='': init echo % WITH_FORKS=0 mix $@ {{ if WITH_DOCKER == "total" { "docker compose run -e WITH_FORKS=0 web mix $@" } else {"WITH_FORKS=0 mix $@"} }} xref-dot: just mix xref graph --format dot --include-siblings (awk '{if (!a[$0]++ && $1 != "}") print}' extensions/*/xref_graph.dot; echo }) > docs/xref_graph.dot dot -Tsvg docs/xref_graph.dot -o docs/xref_graph.svg # Run a specific exh command, see https://github.com/rowlandcodes/exhelp exh *args='': just cmd "exh -S mix $@" licenses: @mkdir -p docs/DEPENDENCIES/ just mix-remote licenses && mv DEPENDENCIES.md docs/DEPENDENCIES/$FLAVOUR.md audit: AS_UMBRELLA=1 just mix sobelow # Extract strings to-be-localised from the app and installed extensions localise-extract: just mix "bonfire.localise.extract" cd priv/localisation/ && for f in *.pot; do mv -- "$f" "${f%.pot}.po"; done # TODO: copy .pot strings from extensions/deps # cp extensions/*/priv/gettext/* priv/localisation/ # cp forks/*/priv/gettext/* priv/localisation/ @localise-tx-init: pip install transifex-client tx config mapping-bulk -p bonfire --source-language en --type PO -f '.po' --source-file-dir priv/localisation/ -i fr -i es -i it -i de --expression 'priv/localisation//LC_MESSAGES/{filename}{extension}' --execute # curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/transifex/cli/master/install.sh | bash @localise-tx-pull: tx pull --all --minimum-perc=5 --force just mix deps.compile bonfire_common --force @localise-tx-push: tx push --source @localise-extract-push: localise-extract localise-tx-push @assets-prepare: -mkdir -p priv/static -mkdir -p priv/static/data -mkdir -p priv/static/data/uploads -mkdir -p rel/overlays/ -cp lib/*/*/overlay/* rel/overlays/ # Workarounds for some issues running migrations @db-pre-migrations: -touch deps/*/lib/migrations.ex -touch extensions/*/lib/migrations.ex -touch forks/*/lib/migrations.ex -touch priv/repo/* # Generate secrets @secrets: {{ if MIX_ENV == "prod" { "just rands" } else if WITH_DOCKER=="total" { "just rands" } else { "just mix-secrets" } }} @rands: just rand just rand just rand @mix-secrets: ln-mix-tasks cd lib/mix/tasks/secrets/ && mix escript.build && ./secrets 128 3 @ln-mix-tasks: just mix deps.get cd lib/mix/ && {{ if path_exists("../../extensions/bonfire_common/lib/mix_tasks")=="true" { "ln -sf ../../extensions/bonfire_common/lib/mix_tasks tasks" } else {"ln -sf ../../deps/bonfire_common/lib/mix_tasks tasks"} }} @rand: echo {{ uuid() }}-{{ uuid() }}-{{ uuid() }}-{{ uuid() }} # note: doesn't work in github CI ^ # Start or stop nix postgres server @nix-db pg_cmd: pg_ctl -D ${PGDATA} -l ${PGDATA}/all.log -o "--unix_socket_directories='${PGDATA}'" $pg_cmd # Initialize postgres database. Only need to run the first time! nix-db-init: (nix-db "start") createdb ${PGDATABASE} createuser -dlsw ${PGUSERNAME} # to test federation locally you can use `just dev-federate` or `just test-federation-live-DRAGONS` # and run this in seperate terminal to start the above tunnel: `just tunnel` tunnel: tunnel-localhost-run @tunnel-localhost-run: ssh -R 80:localhost:${SERVER_PORT} localhost.run # this requires `cargo install tunnelto` (the homebrew version of tunnelto doesn't work) @tunnel-tunnelto: echo "Opening tunnel on ${TUNNEL_SUBDOMAIN}.tunnelto.dev" tunnelto --subdomain $TUNNEL_SUBDOMAIN --port ${SERVER_PORT} @local-tunnel-hostname: echo ${TUNNEL_DOMAIN} # echo "${TUNNEL_SUBDOMAIN}.tunnelto.dev" # just tunnel-pyjamas @tunnel-pyjamas: command -v wg-quick &> /dev/null || exit "You need to install Wireguard to run the tunnel/proxy. E.g. with: brew install wireguard-tools" ([ -f tunnel.conf ] || curl https://tunnel.pyjam.as/{{PUBLIC_PORT}} > tunnel.conf) && (wg-quick up ./tunnel.conf || cat tunnel.conf) | pcregrep -o1 'https:\/\/([^/]+)' @tunnel-pyjamas-down: wg-quick down ./tunnel.conf with-docker-total: just with-docker-switch WITHOUT_DOCKER_TOTAL WITH_DOCKER_TOTAL without-docker-total: just with-docker-switch WITH_DOCKER_TOTAL WITHOUT_DOCKER_TOTAL with-docker-switch old_dir new_dir: mkdir -p data/{{ old_dir }} mkdir -p data/{{ new_dir }} mv _build data/{{ old_dir }} mv assets/node_modules data/{{ old_dir }} mv data/{{ new_dir }}/_build ./ mv data/{{ new_dir }}/node_modules assets/