Code.eval_file("mess.exs") defmodule Bonfire.MixProject do use Mix.Project @config [ # TODO: put these in ENV or an external writeable config file similar to deps.* version: "0.2.0-alpha.101", # note that the flavour will automatically be added where the dash appears elixir: "~> 1.13", default_flavour: "classic", logo: "assets/static/images/bonfire-icon.png", docs: [ "", "docs/", "docs/", "docs/", "docs/", "docs/", "docs/", "docs/", "docs/", ], deps_prefixes: [ docs: ["bonfire_", "pointers", "paginator", "ecto_shorts", "ecto_sparkles", "absinthe_client", "activity_pub", "arrows", "ecto_materialized_path", "flexto", "grumble", "linkify", "verbs", "voodoo", "waffle", "zest"], test: ["bonfire_", "pointers", "paginator", "ecto_shorts", "ecto_sparkles", "activity_pub"], data: ["bonfire_data_", "pointers", "bonfire_boundaries", "bonfire_tag", "bonfire_classify", "bonfire_geolocate", "bonfire_quantify", "bonfire_valueflows"], api: ["bonfire_me", "bonfire_social", "bonfire_tag", "bonfire_classify", "bonfire_geolocate", "bonfire_valueflows"] ] ] def project do [ app: :bonfire, version: version(), elixir: @config[:elixir], elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env()), elixirc_options: [debug_info: true, docs: true], test_paths: test_paths(), compilers: compilers(Mix.env()), start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod, aliases: aliases(), deps: deps(), config_path: config_path("config.exs"), releases: [ bonfire: [ runtime_config_path: config_path("runtime.exs"), strip_beams: false # to enable debugging ], ], source_url: "", homepage_url: "", docs: [ # The first page to display from the docs main: "readme", logo: @config[:logo], output: "docs/exdoc", source_url_pattern: &source_url_pattern/2, # extra pages to include extras: readme_paths(), # extra apps to include in module docs source_beam: docs_paths(), deps: doc_deps(), groups_for_extras: [ # Note: first match wins "Guides": Path.wildcard("docs/*"), "Flavours of Bonfire": Path.wildcard("flavours/*/*"), "Data schemas": Path.wildcard("{deps,forks}/bonfire_data_*/*"), "UI extensions": Path.wildcard("{deps,forks}/bonfire_ui_*/*"), "Bonfire utilities": ["bonfire_api_graphql", "bonfire_boundaries", "bonfire_common", "bonfire_ecto", "bonfire_epics", "bonfire_fail", "bonfire_files", "bonfire_mailer"] |> Enum.flat_map(&Path.wildcard("{deps,forks}/#{&1}/*")), "Feature extensions": Path.wildcard("{deps,forks}/bonfire_*/*"), "Other utilities": Path.wildcard("{deps,forks}/*/*"), "Dependencies": Path.wildcard("docs/DEPENDENCIES/*"), ], groups_for_modules: [ "Data schemas": ~r/^Bonfire.Data.?/, "UI extensions": ~r/^Bonfire.UI.?/, "Bonfire utilities": [~r/^Bonfire.API?/, ~r/^Bonfire.GraphQL?/, ~r/^Bonfire.Web?/, ~r/^Bonfire.Boundaries?/, ~r/^Bonfire.Common?/, ~r/^Bonfire.Ecto?/, ~r/^Bonfire.Epics?/, ~r/^Bonfire.Fail?/, ~r/^Bonfire.Files?/, ~r/^Bonfire.Mailer?/], "Feature extensions": [~r/^Bonfire.?/, ~r/^ValueFlows.?/], "Utilities": ~r/.?/, ], nest_modules_by_prefix: [ Bonfire.Data, # Bonfire.UI, Bonfire, ValueFlows ] ], ] end def application do [ mod: {Bonfire.Application, []}, extra_applications: [:logger, :runtime_tools, :os_mon, :ssl, :bamboo, :bamboo_smtp] ] end defp aliases do [ "hex.setup": ["local.hex --force"], "rebar.setup": ["local.rebar --force"], "": [ "cmd cd ./assets && pnpm build", ], "bonfire.seeds": [ # "phil_columns.seed", ], "bonfire.deps.update": ["deps.update " <> deps_to_update()], "": ["deps.clean " <> deps_to_clean(:data) <> " --build"], "bonfire.deps.clean.api": ["deps.clean " <> deps_to_clean(:api) <> " --build"], "bonfire.deps.recompile": ["deps.compile " <> deps_to_update() <> " --force"], "bonfire.deps": ["bonfire.deps.update", ""], "ecto.seeds": [ "run #{flavour_path()}/repo/seeds.exs" ], "js.deps.get": ["cmd make js.deps.get"], "js.deps.update": ["cmd cd assets && pnpm update"], setup: ["hex.setup", "rebar.setup", "deps.get", "", "ecto.setup"], updates: ["deps.get", "bonfire.deps"], upgrade: ["updates", "ecto.migrate"], "ecto.setup": ["ecto.create", "ecto.migrate"], "ecto.migrate": ["ecto.migrate", "bonfire.seeds"], "ecto.reset": ["ecto.drop --force", "ecto.setup"], test: ["ecto.create --quiet", "ecto.migrate --quiet", "test"], ] end defp deps() do Mess.deps(mess_sources(), [ ## password hashing - builtin vs nif {:pbkdf2_elixir, "~> 1.4", only: [:dev, :test]}, {:argon2_elixir, "~> 2.4", only: [:prod]}, # error reporting {:sentry, "~> 8.0", only: [:prod]}, ## dev conveniences # {:dbg, "~> 1.0", only: [:dev, :test]}, {:phoenix_live_reload, "~> 1.3", only: :dev}, {:exsync, "~> 0.2", only: :dev}, {:mix_unused, "~> 0.3.0", only: :dev}, {:ex_doc, "~> 0.28.3", only: [:dev, :test], runtime: false}, {:ecto_erd, "~> 0.4", only: :dev}, {:flame_on, "~> 0.2.1", only: :dev}, # flame graphs in live_dashboard # tests {:floki, ">= 0.0.0", only: [:dev, :test]}, {:ex_machina, "~> 2.4", only: :test}, {:mock, "~> 0.3", only: :test}, {:mox, "~> 0.5", only: :test}, {:zest, "~> 0.1"}, {:grumble, "~> 0.1.3", only: [:test], override: true}, {:bonfire_api_graphql, git: "", branch: "main", only: [:test]}, {:mix_test_watch, "~> 1.0", only: :test, runtime: false}, {:mix_test_interactive, "~> 1.0", only: :test, runtime: false}, {:ex_unit_notifier, "~> 1.0", only: :test}, # Benchmarking utilities {:benchee, "~> 1.1", only: :dev}, {:benchee_html, "~> 1.0", only: :dev}, # list dependencies & licenses {:licensir, only: :dev, runtime: false, git: "", branch: "main", # path: "./forks/licensir" }, # security auditing # {:mix_audit, "~> 0.1", only: [:dev], runtime: false} {:sobelow, "~> 0.8", only: :dev} ] ) end defp compilers(:dev) do [:unused] ++ compilers(nil) end defp compilers(_) do [:phoenix, :gettext] ++ Mix.compilers() end def catalogues(_env) do [ "deps/surface/priv/catalogue", dep_path("bonfire_ui_social")<>"/priv/catalogue" ] end def deps(deps \\ deps(), deps_subtype) def deps(deps, deps_subtype) when is_atom(deps_subtype), do: Enum.filter(deps, &include_dep?(deps_subtype, &1)) def flavour_path(), do: System.get_env("FLAVOUR_PATH", "flavours/"<>flavour()) def flavour(), do: System.get_env("FLAVOUR", @config[:default_flavour]) def config_path(flavour_path \\ flavour_path(), filename), do: Path.expand(Path.join([flavour_path, "config", filename])) def forks_path(), do: System.get_env("FORKS_PATH", "forks/") defp mess_sources() do mess_sources(System.get_env("WITH_FORKS","1")) |> {k,v} -> {k, config_path(v)} end) end defp mess_sources("0"), do: [git: "deps.git", hex: "deps.hex"] defp mess_sources(_), do: [path: "deps.path", git: "deps.git", hex: "deps.hex"] def deps_to_clean(type) do deps(type) |> deps_names() end def deps_to_update() do deps(:update) |> deps_names() |> IO.inspect(label: "Running Bonfire #{version()} with configuration from #{flavour_path()} in #{Mix.env()} environment. You can run `mix bonfire.deps.update` to update these extensions and dependencies") end def deps_to_localise() do deps(:test) |> end # Specifies which paths to include in docs def docs_paths() do build = Mix.Project.build_path() ([:bonfire] ++ deps(:docs)) |>, build)) end defp docs_path(app, build), do: Path.join([build, "lib", dep_name(app), "ebin"]) def readme_paths(), do: @config[:docs] ++"flavours/*/"), &flavour_readme/1) ++"docs/DEPENDENCIES/*.md"), &flavour_deps_doc/1) ++ Enum.flat_map(deps(:docs), &readme_path/1) defp readme_path(dep) when not is_nil(dep), do: dep_paths(dep, "") |> List.first |> readme_path(dep) defp readme_path(path, dep) when not is_nil(path), do: [{path |> String.to_atom, [filename: "extension-"<>dep_name(dep)]}] defp readme_path(_, _), do: [] def flavour_readme(path), do: {path |> String.to_atom, [filename: path |> String.split("/") |>]} def flavour_deps_doc(path), do: {path |> String.to_atom, [title: path |> String.split("/") |> |> String.slice(0..-4) |> String.capitalize(), filename: path |> String.split("/") |> |> String.slice(0..-4) |> then(&"deps-#{&1}")]} defp doc_deps(), do: deps(:docs) |> #[plug: "https://myserver/plug/"] defp doc_dep(dep), do: {elem(dep, 0), "./"} def source_url_pattern("deps/"<>_=path, line), do: bonfire_ext_pattern(path, line) def source_url_pattern("forks/"<>_=path, line), do: bonfire_ext_pattern(path, line) def source_url_pattern(path, line), do: bonfire_app_pattern(path, line) defp bonfire_ext_pattern(path, line), do: bonfire_ext_pattern(path |> String.split("/") |>, path |> String.split("/") |> Enum.slice(2..1000) |> Enum.join("/"), line) defp bonfire_ext_pattern(dep, path, line), do: bonfire_app_pattern("{dep}/blob/main/%{path}#L%{line}", path, line) defp bonfire_app_pattern(path, line), do: bonfire_app_pattern("{path}#L%{line}", path, line) defp bonfire_app_pattern(pattern, path, line), do: pattern |> String.replace("%{path}", "#{path}") |> String.replace("%{line}", "#{line}") # Specifies which paths to include when running tests defp test_paths(), do: ["test" | Enum.flat_map(deps(:test), &dep_paths(&1, "test"))] # Specifies which paths to compile per environment defp elixirc_paths(:test), do: ["lib", "test/support" | Enum.flat_map(deps(:test), &dep_paths(&1, "test/support"))] defp elixirc_paths(env), do: ["lib"] ++ catalogues(env) defp include_dep?(:update, dep) when is_tuple(dep), do: unpinned_git_dep?(dep) defp include_dep?(:docs = type, dep), do: String.starts_with?(dep_name(dep), @config[:deps_prefixes][type]) || git_dep?(dep) defp include_dep?(type, dep), do: String.starts_with?(dep_name(dep), @config[:deps_prefixes][type]) defp git_dep?(dep) do spec = elem(dep, 1) is_list(spec) && spec[:git] end defp unpinned_git_dep?(dep) do spec = elem(dep, 1) is_list(spec) && spec[:git] && !spec[:commit] end defp dep_name(dep) when is_tuple(dep), do: elem(dep, 0) |> dep_name() defp dep_name(dep) when is_atom(dep), do: Atom.to_string(dep) defp dep_name(dep) when is_binary(dep), do: dep def deps_names(deps) do deps |> |> Enum.join(" ") end defp dep_path(dep) when is_binary(dep) do path_if_exists(forks_path()<>dep) || path_if_exists(Mix.Project.deps_path() <> "/" <> dep |> Path.relative_to(File.cwd!)) || "." end defp dep_path(dep) do spec = elem(dep, 1) path = if is_list(spec) && spec[:path], do: spec[:path], else: Mix.Project.deps_path() <> "/" <> dep_name(dep) |> Path.relative_to(File.cwd!) path_if_exists(path) end defp path_if_exists(path), do: if File.exists?(path), do: path defp dep_paths(dep, extra) when is_list(extra), do: Enum.flat_map(extra, &dep_paths(dep, &1)) defp dep_paths(dep, extra) when is_binary(extra) do dep_path = dep_path(dep) if dep_path do path = Path.join(dep_path, extra) |> path_if_exists() if path, do: [path], else: [] else [] end end def version do @config[:version] |> String.split("-", parts: 2) |> List.insert_at(1, flavour()) |> Enum.join("-") end end