## PUBLIC CONFIG VARIABLES FLAVOUR=classic # COPY this file to /config/{dev|prod}/public.env and change any values as required # server domain name: HOSTNAME=localhost # server port: SERVER_PORT=4000 # port your visitors will access (typically 80 or 443, will be different than SERVER_PORT only if using a reverse proxy) PUBLIC_PORT=4000 # what service to use for sending out emails (eg. smtp, mailgun, none) NOTE: you should also set the corresponding keys in secrets.env MAIL_BACKEND=none # hostname and port of meili search index SEARCH_MEILI_INSTANCE=http://localhost:7700 # require an email address to be invited before being able to sign up INVITE_ONLY=true # a name and tagline for your instance INSTANCE_DESCRIPTION="An instance of Bonfire, a federated app ecosystem for open and cooperative networks" # uncomment in order to NOT automatically change the database schema when you upgrade the app # DISABLE_DB_AUTOMIGRATION=true # max file upload size (default is 20 meg) UPLOAD_LIMIT=20000000 # ==================================== # You should not have to edit any of the following ones: POSTGRES_HOST=localhost DB_DOCKER_IMAGE=postgres:12-alpine LANG=en_US.UTF-8 REPLACE_OS_VARS=true LIVEVIEW_ENABLED=true SHOW_DEBUG_IN_DEV=true ACME_AGREE=true