## SECRET CONFIG VARIABLES # COPY this file to /config/{dev|prod}/secrets.env and change ALL the values # make sure you change everything to your own secrets and do not check this into git or any public host! # for sessions/cookies, you can generate strings for these by running: make secrets SECRET_KEY_BASE="you-should-put-a-secure-string-here" SIGNING_SALT="you-should-put-a-different-secure-string-here" ENCRYPTION_SALT="you-should-put-yet-another-secure-string-here" # sentry client key SENTRY_DSN=put-your-sentry-dsn-here # database access POSTGRES_USER=postgres POSTGRES_DB=bonfire_db POSTGRES_PASSWORD=put_a_secure_db_pw_here # signup to mailgun.com and edit with your domain and API key MAIL_DOMAIN=mailg.example.com MAIL_KEY=123 MAIL_FROM=bonfire@example.com # password for the search index MEILI_MASTER_KEY=key-to-protect-search-indexing-here # password for the default admin user if you run the seeds SEEDS_USER=root SEEDS_PW=password # backend stuff ERLANG_COOKIE=bonfire_cookie # Bonfire extensions configs WEB_PUSH_SUBJECT=mailto:administrator@mydomain.net WEB_PUSH_PUBLIC_KEY=xyz WEB_PUSH_PRIVATE_KEY=abc GEOLOCATE_OPENCAGEDATA= GITHUB_TOKEN=xyz