version: "3.5" services: web: # You can build your own image from the source running: # $ make rel-build # $ make rel-tag-latest image: "bonfirenetworks/bonfire:latest-${FLAVOUR}" container_name: "bonfire_web" restart: always ports: - "4000:4000" # you may want to comment this in production env_file: - config/prod/.env environment: - POSTGRES_HOST=db - SEARCH_MEILI_INSTANCE=http://search:7700 depends_on: - db volumes: - type: bind source: ./data/uploads target: /opt/app/data/uploads proxy: image: "caddy:alpine" restart: always ports: - "80:80" - "443:443" env_file: - config/prod/.env volumes: - type: bind source: ./config/deploy/Caddyfile2 target: /etc/caddy/Caddyfile read_only: true - type: bind source: ./data/uploads target: /frontend/uploads db: image: ${DB_DOCKER_IMAGE} restart: always volumes: - "./data/postgres/prod:/var/lib/postgresql/data" # ports: # - "5432:5432" env_file: - config/prod/.env search: image: getmeili/meilisearch:latest # ports: # - "7700:7700" volumes: - "./data/search/prod:/" env_file: - config/prod/.env