name: Test on: push: branches: - main pull_request: branches: - main jobs: test_classic_flavour: name: Test classic flavour runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: elixir:1.14-alpine env: FLAVOUR: classic MIX_ENV: test WITH_DOCKER: no POSTGRES_HOST: postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres CI: true SECRET_KEY_BASE: "kSNSvYkWk14onNdbYzhEqFyG5TzpOO9+FFlk5sIrhTk0RV6+FeL/nM8DWQffDah4woepgQdrP6J8cjWGyehcWcRWvIIWXsghp0yY9/fEjgfUekD15P9LGRCmu6exIQ6g" SIGNING_SALT: "NPkqpeTx/q9xGQRWwRpqBWI7bCxeHMAF4L2PHntfjVtd8GZD2BQKe9KLnkIR5WbLVdZt24FWuR+Hy5WoXaZM4APydGvC2+w2enJmskOckX5VY1Bpvm7JGKu+QymgIgK/" ENCRYPTION_SALT: "l+QT/gkdX722f57qSAUc+bZcqm5ZduXY4D0hp0glEiKdR267JsZ1/CZlrlhADcD8kzuaZGFWvJ2dlr6sujbzGQV5e04lKVIsZh3gfd8eqQBckIqH6L8TDRRz4M07YE+F" services: postgres: image: postgis/postgis:12-3.3-alpine env: POSTGRES_DB: bonfire_test POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres ports: - 5432:5432 options: >- --health-cmd pg_isready --health-interval 10s --health-timeout 5s --health-retries 5 steps: - name: Cancel Previous Runs uses: styfle/cancel-workflow-action@0.9.0 with: access_token: ${{ github.token }} - name: Install bash (needed for just), git (needed for checkout), tar (needed for cache), file (needed for bonfire_files), make/build-base/sqlite (for arch), and just run: apk add bash git tar file make build-base sqlite just - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 2 # needed for action-detect-and-tag-new-version # - name: Set up Elixir # uses: actions/setup-elixir@v1 # with: # elixir-version: ${{ matrix.elixir }} # otp-version: ${{ matrix.otp }} # TODO: does not handle git deps correctly?... - name: Trust my repo run: export GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES=/__w && git config --global --add /__w/bonfire-app/bonfire-app # see - name: Restore dependencies cache uses: actions/cache@v2 id: cache with: path: | deps _build key: ${{ runner.os }}-mix-${{ hashFiles('/mix.lock') }} restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-mix- - name: Install system deps run: apk add mailcap ca-certificates openssl-dev tzdata gettext rust cargo sqlite # - name: Install tools # run: cargo install just && echo "/github/home/.cargo/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: Install hex run: mix local.hex --force - name: Install rebar run: mix local.rebar --force # - name: Remove mix.lock # run: rm mix.lock - name: Prepare environment run: just pre-setup && just init - name: Install dependencies run: mix deps.get - name: Update Bonfire extensions to latest git versions run: mix bonfire.deps.update - name: Fetch any differences in nested deps run: mix deps.get - name: Clean-build Bonfire data extensions run: mix - name: Compile deps & app run: mix compile - name: Set up database run: mix ecto.setup - name: Run tests run: mix test - name: Check database down migrations run: mix ecto.rollback --all # test_cooperation_flavour: # name: Test cooperation flavour # runs-on: ubuntu-latest # container: elixir:1.13-alpine # env: # FLAVOUR: cooperation # MIX_ENV: test # WITH_DOCKER: no # POSTGRES_HOST: postgres # POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres # CI: true # SECRET_KEY_BASE: "kSNSvYkWk14onNdbYzhEqFyG5TzpOO9+FFlk5sIrhTk0RV6+FeL/nM8DWQffDah4woepgQdrP6J8cjWGyehcWcRWvIIWXsghp0yY9/fEjgfUekD15P9LGRCmu6exIQ6g" # SIGNING_SALT: "NPkqpeTx/q9xGQRWwRpqBWI7bCxeHMAF4L2PHntfjVtd8GZD2BQKe9KLnkIR5WbLVdZt24FWuR+Hy5WoXaZM4APydGvC2+w2enJmskOckX5VY1Bpvm7JGKu+QymgIgK/" # ENCRYPTION_SALT: "l+QT/gkdX722f57qSAUc+bZcqm5ZduXY4D0hp0glEiKdR267JsZ1/CZlrlhADcD8kzuaZGFWvJ2dlr6sujbzGQV5e04lKVIsZh3gfd8eqQBckIqH6L8TDRRz4M07YE+F" # services: # postgres: # # image: postgres # image: postgis/postgis:12-3.3-alpine # env: # POSTGRES_DB: bonfire_test # POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres # ports: # - 5432:5432 # options: >- # --health-cmd pg_isready # --health-interval 10s # --health-timeout 5s # --health-retries 5 # steps: # - # name: Install git (needed for checkout), tar (needed for cache), file (needed for bonfire_files) # run: apk add git tar file # - # name: Checkout repo # uses: actions/checkout@v2 # with: # fetch-depth: 2 # needed for action-detect-and-tag-new-version # # - name: Set up Elixir # # uses: actions/setup-elixir@v1 # # with: # # elixir-version: ${{ matrix.elixir }} # # otp-version: ${{ matrix.otp }} # - name: Restore dependencies cache # uses: actions/cache@v2 # id: cache # with: # path: | # deps # _build # key: ${{ runner.os }}-mix-${{ hashFiles('/mix.lock') }} # restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-mix- # - name: Install system deps # run: apk add mailcap ca-certificates openssl-dev tzdata gettext rust cargo make # - name: Install hex # run: mix local.hex --force # - name: Install rebar # run: mix local.rebar --force # - name: Prepare environment # run: make pre-run # - name: Install dependencies # run: mix deps.get # - name: Update Bonfire extensions to latest git versions # run: mix bonfire.deps.update # - name: Fetch any differences in nested deps # run: mix deps.get # - name: Clean-build Bonfire data extensions # run: mix # - name: Compile deps & app # run: mix compile # - name: Set up database # run: mix ecto.setup # - name: Run tests # run: mix test # - name: Check database down migrations # run: mix ecto.rollback --all