2024-02-04 23:35:47 -06:00

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//! # An Actix-based Jobs Processor
//! This library will spin up as many actors as requested for each processor to process jobs
//! concurrently. Keep in mind that, by default, spawned actors run on the same Arbiter, so in
//! order to achieve parallel execution, multiple Arbiters must be in use.
//! The thread count is used to spawn Synchronous Actors to handle the storage of job
//! information. For storage backends that cannot be parallelized, a thread-count of 1 should be
//! used. By default, the number of cores of the running system is used.
//! ### Example
//! ```rust
//! use background_jobs_core::{Backoff, Job, MaxRetries, BoxError};
//! use background_jobs_actix::{ActixTimer, WorkerConfig};
//! use std::future::{ready, Ready};
//! const DEFAULT_QUEUE: &'static str = "default";
//! #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
//! pub struct MyState {
//! pub app_name: String,
//! }
//! #[derive(Clone, Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
//! pub struct MyJob {
//! some_usize: usize,
//! other_usize: usize,
//! }
//! #[actix_rt::main]
//! async fn main() -> Result<(), BoxError> {
//! // Set up our Storage
//! // For this example, we use the default in-memory storage mechanism
//! use background_jobs_core::memory_storage::Storage;
//! let storage = Storage::new(ActixTimer);
//! // Configure and start our workers
//! let queue_handle = WorkerConfig::new(storage, move |_| MyState::new("My App"))
//! .register::<MyJob>()
//! .set_worker_count(DEFAULT_QUEUE, 16)
//! .start();
//! // Queue our jobs
//! queue_handle.queue(MyJob::new(1, 2)).await?;
//! queue_handle.queue(MyJob::new(3, 4)).await?;
//! queue_handle.queue(MyJob::new(5, 6)).await?;
//! // actix_rt::signal::ctrl_c().await?;
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! impl MyState {
//! pub fn new(app_name: &str) -> Self {
//! MyState {
//! app_name: app_name.to_owned(),
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! impl MyJob {
//! pub fn new(some_usize: usize, other_usize: usize) -> Self {
//! MyJob {
//! some_usize,
//! other_usize,
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! impl Job for MyJob {
//! type State = MyState;
//! type Future = Ready<Result<(), BoxError>>;
//! // The name of the job. It is super important that each job has a unique name,
//! // because otherwise one job will overwrite another job when they're being
//! // registered.
//! const NAME: &'static str = "MyJob";
//! // The queue that this processor belongs to
//! //
//! // Workers have the option to subscribe to specific queues, so this is important to
//! // determine which worker will call the processor
//! //
//! // Jobs can optionally override the queue they're spawned on
//! const QUEUE: &'static str = DEFAULT_QUEUE;
//! // The number of times background-jobs should try to retry a job before giving up
//! //
//! // This value defaults to MaxRetries::Count(5)
//! // Jobs can optionally override this value
//! const MAX_RETRIES: MaxRetries = MaxRetries::Count(1);
//! // The logic to determine how often to retry this job if it fails
//! //
//! // This value defaults to Backoff::Exponential(2)
//! // Jobs can optionally override this value
//! const BACKOFF: Backoff = Backoff::Exponential(2);
//! // This is important for allowing the job server to reap processes that were started but never
//! // completed.
//! //
//! // Defaults to 5 seconds
//! const HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL: u64 = 5_000;
//! fn run(self, state: MyState) -> Self::Future {
//! println!("{}: args, {:?}", state.app_name, self);
//! ready(Ok(()))
//! }
//! }
//! ```
use actix_rt::{Arbiter, ArbiterHandle};
use background_jobs_core::{
memory_storage::Timer, new_job, new_scheduled_job, BoxError, Job, ProcessorMap, Storage,
use std::{
time::{Duration, SystemTime},
use tokio::sync::Notify;
mod actix_job;
mod every;
mod server;
mod spawn;
mod storage;
mod worker;
use self::{every::every, server::Server};
pub use actix_job::ActixSpawner;
/// A timer implementation for the Memory Storage backend
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ActixTimer;
impl Timer for ActixTimer {
async fn timeout<F>(&self, duration: Duration, future: F) -> Result<F::Output, ()>
F: std::future::Future + Send + Sync,
tokio::time::timeout(duration, future).await.map_err(|_| ())
/// Manager for worker threads
/// Manager attempts to restart workers as their arbiters die. Dropping the manager kills the
/// workers
pub struct Manager {
// the manager arbiter
arbiter: Option<Arbiter>,
// handle for queueing
queue_handle: QueueHandle,
impl Manager {
/// Create a new manager to keep jobs alive
/// Manager works by startinng a new Arbiter to run jobs, and if that arbiter ever dies, it
/// spins up another one and spawns the workers again
fn new<State>(worker_config: WorkerConfig<State, Managed>, thread_count: NonZeroUsize) -> Self
State: Clone,
let manager_arbiter = Arbiter::new();
let queue_handle = worker_config.queue_handle.clone();
for i in 0..thread_count.into() {
let worker_config = worker_config.clone();
manager_arbiter.spawn(async move {
let mut worker_arbiter = ArbiterDropper::new();
loop {
let notifier = DropNotifier::default();
worker_config.start_managed(&worker_arbiter.handle(), &());
let notified = notifier.notify.notified();
let drop_notifier = notifier.clone();
worker_arbiter.spawn(async move {
metrics::counter!("background-jobs.actix.worker-arbiter.restart", "number" => i.to_string()).increment(1);
tracing::warn!("Recovering from dead worker arbiter");
worker_arbiter = ArbiterDropper::new();
Manager {
arbiter: Some(manager_arbiter),
/// Retrieve the QueueHandle for the managed workers
pub fn queue_handle(&self) -> &QueueHandle {
impl Deref for Manager {
type Target = QueueHandle;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl Drop for Manager {
fn drop(&mut self) {
tracing::warn!("Dropping manager, tearing down workers");
if let Some(arbiter) = self.arbiter.take() {
let _ = arbiter.join();
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct DropNotifier {
notify: Arc<Notify>,
impl Drop for DropNotifier {
fn drop(&mut self) {
tracing::warn!("DropNotifier dropped - Arbiter tearing down");
struct ArbiterDropper {
arbiter: Option<Arbiter>,
impl ArbiterDropper {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
arbiter: Some(Arbiter::new()),
impl Deref for ArbiterDropper {
type Target = Arbiter;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl Drop for ArbiterDropper {
fn drop(&mut self) {
tracing::warn!("Stopping and joining arbiter");
let arbiter = self.arbiter.take().unwrap();
let _ = arbiter.join();
/// Create a new managed Server
/// In previous versions of this library, the server itself was run on it's own dedicated threads
/// and guarded access to jobs via messages. Since we now have futures-aware synchronization
/// primitives, the Server has become an object that gets shared between client threads.
fn create_server_managed<S>(storage: S) -> QueueHandle
S: Storage + Sync + 'static,
QueueHandle {
inner: Server::new(storage),
/// Marker type for Unmanaged workers
pub struct Unmanaged;
/// Marker type for Managed workers
pub struct Managed;
/// Worker Configuration
/// This type is used for configuring and creating workers to process jobs. Before starting the
/// workers, register `Job` types with this struct. This worker registration allows for
/// different worker processes to handle different sets of workers.
pub struct WorkerConfig<State, M>
State: Clone + 'static,
processors: ProcessorMap<State>,
queues: BTreeMap<String, u64>,
arbiter: Option<ArbiterHandle>,
queue_handle: QueueHandle,
managed: PhantomData<M>,
impl<State> WorkerConfig<State, Managed>
State: Clone + 'static,
/// Create a new managed WorkerConfig
/// The supplied function should return the State required by the jobs intended to be
/// processed. The function must be sharable between threads, but the state itself does not
/// have this requirement.
pub fn new_managed<S: Storage + Send + Sync + 'static>(
storage: S,
state_fn: impl Fn(QueueHandle) -> State + Send + Sync + 'static,
) -> Self {
let queue_handle = create_server_managed(storage);
let q2 = queue_handle.clone();
WorkerConfig {
processors: ProcessorMap::new(Arc::new(move || state_fn(q2.clone()))),
queues: BTreeMap::new(),
arbiter: None,
managed: PhantomData,
/// Start the workers on a managed thread, returning the manager struct
pub fn start(self) -> Manager {
Self::start_with_threads(self, NonZeroUsize::try_from(1).expect("nonzero"))
/// Start the workers on the specified number of managed threads, returning the Manager struct
pub fn start_with_threads(self, thread_count: NonZeroUsize) -> Manager {
Manager::new(self, thread_count)
impl<State> WorkerConfig<State, Unmanaged>
State: Clone + 'static,
/// Create a new WorkerConfig in the current arbiter
/// The supplied function should return the State required by the jobs intended to be
/// processed. The function must be sharable between threads, but the state itself does not
/// have this requirement.
pub fn new<S: Storage + Send + Sync + 'static>(
storage: S,
state_fn: impl Fn(QueueHandle) -> State + Send + Sync + 'static,
) -> Self {
Self::new_in_arbiter(Arbiter::current(), storage, state_fn)
/// Create a new WorkerConfig in the provided arbiter
/// The supplied function should return the State required by the jobs intended to be
/// processed. The function must be sharable between threads, but the state itself does not
/// have this requirement.
pub fn new_in_arbiter<S: Storage + Send + Sync + 'static>(
arbiter: ArbiterHandle,
storage: S,
state_fn: impl Fn(QueueHandle) -> State + Send + Sync + 'static,
) -> Self {
let queue_handle = create_server_managed(storage);
let q2 = queue_handle.clone();
WorkerConfig {
processors: ProcessorMap::new(Arc::new(move || state_fn(q2.clone()))),
queues: BTreeMap::new(),
arbiter: Some(arbiter),
managed: PhantomData,
/// Start the workers in the provided arbiter
pub fn start(self) -> QueueHandle {
self.start_managed(self.arbiter.as_ref().unwrap(), &());
impl<State, M> WorkerConfig<State, M>
State: Clone + 'static,
/// Register a `Job` with the worker
/// This enables the worker to handle jobs associated with this processor. If a processor is
/// not registered, none of it's jobs will be run, even if another processor handling the same
/// job queue is registered.
pub fn register<J>(mut self) -> Self
J: Job<State = State>,
self.queues.insert(J::QUEUE.to_owned(), 4);
/// Set the number of workers to run for a given queue
/// This does not spin up any additional threads. The `Arbiter` the workers are spawned onto
/// will handle processing all workers, regardless of how many are configured.
/// By default, 4 workers are spawned
pub fn set_worker_count(mut self, queue: &str, count: u64) -> Self {
self.queues.insert(queue.to_owned(), count);
/// Start a workers in a managed way
fn start_managed<Extras: Clone + Send + 'static>(
arbiter: &ArbiterHandle,
extras: &Extras,
) {
for (key, count) in self.queues.iter() {
for _ in 0..*count {
let queue = key.clone();
let processors = self.processors.clone();
let server = self.queue_handle.inner.clone();
let extras_2 = extras.clone();
arbiter.spawn_fn(move || {
if let Err(e) = spawn::spawn(
worker::local_worker(queue, processors.cached(), server, extras_2),
) {
tracing::error!("Failed to spawn worker {e}");
/// A handle to the job server, used for queuing new jobs
/// `QueueHandle` should be stored in your application's state in order to allow all parts of your
/// application to spawn jobs.
pub struct QueueHandle {
inner: Server,
impl QueueHandle {
/// Queues a job for execution
/// This job will be sent to the server for storage, and will execute whenever a worker for the
/// job's queue is free to do so.
pub async fn queue<J>(&self, job: J) -> Result<(), BoxError>
J: Job,
let job = new_job(job)?;
/// Schedule a job for execution later
/// This job will be sent to the server for storage, and will execute after the specified time
/// and when a worker for the job's queue is free to do so.
pub async fn schedule<J>(&self, job: J, after: SystemTime) -> Result<(), BoxError>
J: Job,
let job = new_scheduled_job(job, after)?;
/// Queues a job for recurring execution
/// This job will be added to it's queue on the server once every `Duration`. It will be
/// processed whenever workers are free to do so.
pub fn every<J>(&self, duration: Duration, job: J) -> std::io::Result<()>
J: Job + Clone + Send + 'static,
spawn::spawn("every", every(self.clone(), duration, job)).map(|_| ())