mod embedded; mod schema; use std::{ collections::{BTreeSet, VecDeque}, error::Error, future::Future, ops::Deref, sync::Arc, time::Duration, }; use background_jobs_core::{Backoff, JobInfo, MaxRetries, NewJobInfo, ReturnJobInfo}; use dashmap::DashMap; use diesel::prelude::*; use diesel_async::{ pooled_connection::{ deadpool::{BuildError, Hook, Pool, PoolError}, AsyncDieselConnectionManager, ManagerConfig, }, AsyncConnection, AsyncPgConnection, RunQueryDsl, }; use futures_core::future::BoxFuture; use serde_json::Value; use time::{OffsetDateTime, PrimitiveDateTime}; use tokio::{sync::Notify, task::JoinHandle}; use tokio_postgres::{tls::NoTlsStream, AsyncMessage, Connection, NoTls, Notification, Socket}; use tracing::Instrument; use url::Url; use uuid::Uuid; type ConfigFn = Box BoxFuture<'_, ConnectionResult> + Send + Sync + 'static>; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Storage { inner: Arc, #[allow(dead_code)] drop_handle: Arc>, } struct Inner { pool: Pool, queue_notifications: DashMap>, } struct DropHandle { handle: JoinHandle, } fn spawn(name: &str, future: F) -> DropHandle where F::Output: Send, { DropHandle { handle: tokio::task::Builder::new() .name(name) .spawn(future) .expect("Spawned task"), } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum ConnectPostgresError { /// Error connecting to postgres to run migrations ConnectForMigration(tokio_postgres::Error), /// Error running migrations Migration(refinery::Error), /// Error constructing the connection pool BuildPool(BuildError), } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum PostgresError { Pool(PoolError), Diesel(diesel::result::Error), DbTimeout, } struct JobNotifierState<'a> { inner: &'a Inner, capacity: usize, jobs: BTreeSet, jobs_ordered: VecDeque, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, diesel_derive_enum::DbEnum)] #[ExistingTypePath = "crate::schema::sql_types::JobStatus"] enum JobStatus { New, Running, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, diesel_derive_enum::DbEnum)] #[ExistingTypePath = "crate::schema::sql_types::BackoffStrategy"] enum BackoffStrategy { Linear, Exponential, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, diesel_derive_enum::DbEnum)] #[ExistingTypePath = "crate::schema::sql_types::RetryStrategy"] enum RetryStrategy { Infinite, Count, } #[derive(diesel::Insertable, diesel::Queryable, diesel::Selectable)] #[diesel(table_name = crate::schema::job_queue)] struct PostgresJob { id: Uuid, name: String, queue: String, args: Value, retry_count: i32, max_retries: i32, retry: RetryStrategy, backoff_multiplier: i32, backoff: BackoffStrategy, next_queue: PrimitiveDateTime, timeout: i32, } impl From for PostgresJob { fn from(value: JobInfo) -> Self { let JobInfo { id, name, queue, args, retry_count, max_retries, backoff_strategy, next_queue, timeout, } = value; PostgresJob { id, name, queue, args, retry_count: retry_count as _, max_retries: match max_retries { MaxRetries::Count(count) => count as _, MaxRetries::Infinite => 0, }, retry: match max_retries { MaxRetries::Infinite => RetryStrategy::Infinite, MaxRetries::Count(_) => RetryStrategy::Count, }, backoff_multiplier: match backoff_strategy { Backoff::Linear(multiplier) => multiplier as _, Backoff::Exponential(multiplier) => multiplier as _, }, backoff: match backoff_strategy { Backoff::Linear(_) => BackoffStrategy::Linear, Backoff::Exponential(_) => BackoffStrategy::Exponential, }, next_queue: PrimitiveDateTime::new(, next_queue.time()), timeout: timeout as _, } } } impl From for JobInfo { fn from(value: PostgresJob) -> Self { let PostgresJob { id, name, queue, args, retry_count, max_retries, retry, backoff_multiplier, backoff, next_queue, timeout, } = value; JobInfo { id, name, queue, args, retry_count: retry_count as _, max_retries: match retry { RetryStrategy::Count => MaxRetries::Count(max_retries as _), RetryStrategy::Infinite => MaxRetries::Infinite, }, backoff_strategy: match backoff { BackoffStrategy::Linear => Backoff::Linear(backoff_multiplier as _), BackoffStrategy::Exponential => Backoff::Exponential(backoff_multiplier as _), }, next_queue: next_queue.assume_utc(), timeout: timeout as _, } } } #[async_trait::async_trait] impl background_jobs_core::Storage for Storage { type Error = PostgresError; async fn info( &self, job_id: Uuid, ) -> Result, Self::Error> { let mut conn = self.inner.pool.get().await.map_err(PostgresError::Pool)?; let opt = { use schema::job_queue::dsl::*; job_queue .select(PostgresJob::as_select()) .filter(id.eq(job_id)) .get_result(&mut conn) .await .optional() .map_err(PostgresError::Diesel)? }; if let Some(postgres_job) = opt { Ok(Some(postgres_job.into())) } else { Ok(None) } } async fn push(&self, job: NewJobInfo) -> Result { let postgres_job: PostgresJob =; let id =; let mut conn = self.inner.pool.get().await.map_err(PostgresError::Pool)?; { use schema::job_queue::dsl::*; postgres_job .insert_into(job_queue) .execute(&mut conn) .await .map_err(PostgresError::Diesel)?; } Ok(id) } async fn pop(&self, queue: &str, runner_id: Uuid) -> Result { todo!() } async fn heartbeat(&self, job_id: Uuid, in_runner_id: Uuid) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { let mut conn = self.inner.pool.get().await.map_err(PostgresError::Pool)?; let now = to_primitive(OffsetDateTime::now_utc()); { use schema::job_queue::dsl::*; diesel::update(job_queue) .filter(id.eq(job_id)) .set(( heartbeat.eq(PrimitiveDateTime::new(, now.time())), runner_id.eq(in_runner_id), )) .execute(&mut conn) .await .map_err(PostgresError::Diesel)?; } Ok(()) } async fn complete(&self, return_job_info: ReturnJobInfo) -> Result { todo!() } } fn to_primitive(timestamp: OffsetDateTime) -> PrimitiveDateTime { let timestamp = timestamp.to_offset(time::UtcOffset::UTC); PrimitiveDateTime::new(, timestamp.time()) } impl Storage { pub async fn connect(postgres_url: Url) -> Result { let (mut client, conn) = tokio_postgres::connect(postgres_url.as_str(), NoTls) .await .map_err(ConnectPostgresError::ConnectForMigration)?; let handle = spawn("postgres-migrations", conn); embedded::migrations::runner() .run_async(&mut client) .await .map_err(ConnectPostgresError::Migration)?; handle.abort(); let _ = handle.await; let parallelism = std::thread::available_parallelism() .map(|u| u.into()) .unwrap_or(1_usize); let (tx, rx) = flume::bounded(10); let mut config = ManagerConfig::default(); config.custom_setup = build_handler(tx); let mgr = AsyncDieselConnectionManager::::new_with_config( postgres_url, config, ); let pool = Pool::builder(mgr) .runtime(deadpool::Runtime::Tokio1) .wait_timeout(Some(Duration::from_secs(10))) .create_timeout(Some(Duration::from_secs(2))) .recycle_timeout(Some(Duration::from_secs(2))) .post_create(Hook::sync_fn(|_, _| { metrics::counter!("background-jobs.postgres.pool.connection.create").increment(1); Ok(()) })) .post_recycle(Hook::sync_fn(|_, _| { metrics::counter!("background-jobs.postgres.pool.connection.recycle").increment(1); Ok(()) })) .max_size(parallelism * 8) .build() .map_err(ConnectPostgresError::BuildPool)?; let inner = Arc::new(Inner { pool, queue_notifications: DashMap::new(), }); let handle = spawn( "postgres-delegate-notifications", delegate_notifications(rx, inner.clone(), parallelism * 8), ); let drop_handle = Arc::new(handle); Ok(Storage { inner, drop_handle }) } } impl<'a> JobNotifierState<'a> { fn handle(&mut self, payload: &str) { let Some((job_id, queue_name)) = payload.split_once(' ') else { tracing::warn!("Invalid queue payload {payload}"); return; }; let Ok(job_id) = job_id.parse::() else { tracing::warn!("Invalid job ID {job_id}"); return; }; if ! { // duplicate job return; } self.jobs_ordered.push_back(job_id); if self.jobs_ordered.len() > self.capacity { if let Some(job_id) = self.jobs_ordered.pop_front() {; } } self.inner .queue_notifications .entry(queue_name.to_string()) .or_insert_with(|| Arc::new(Notify::const_new())) .notify_one(); metrics::counter!("pict-rs.postgres.job-notifier.notified", "queue" => queue_name.to_string()).increment(1); } } async fn delegate_notifications( receiver: flume::Receiver, inner: Arc, capacity: usize, ) { let mut job_notifier_state = JobNotifierState { inner: &inner, capacity, jobs: BTreeSet::new(), jobs_ordered: VecDeque::new(), }; while let Ok(notification) = receiver.recv_async().await { tracing::trace!("delegate_notifications: looping"); metrics::counter!("pict-rs.postgres.notification").increment(1); match { "queue_status_channel" => { // new job inserted for queue job_notifier_state.handle(notification.payload()); } channel => { tracing::info!( "Unhandled postgres notification: {channel}: {}", notification.payload() ); } } } tracing::warn!("Notification delegator shutting down"); } fn build_handler(sender: flume::Sender) -> ConfigFn { Box::new( move |config: &str| -> BoxFuture<'_, ConnectionResult> { let sender = sender.clone(); let connect_span = tracing::trace_span!(parent: None, "connect future"); Box::pin( async move { let (client, conn) = tokio_postgres::connect(config, tokio_postgres::tls::NoTls) .await .map_err(|e| ConnectionError::BadConnection(e.to_string()))?; // not very cash money (structured concurrency) of me spawn_db_notification_task(sender, conn) .map_err(|e| ConnectionError::BadConnection(e.to_string()))?; AsyncPgConnection::try_from(client).await } .instrument(connect_span), ) }, ) } fn spawn_db_notification_task( sender: flume::Sender, mut conn: Connection, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { tokio::task::Builder::new().name("postgres-notifications").spawn(async move { while let Some(res) = std::future::poll_fn(|cx| conn.poll_message(cx)).await { tracing::trace!("db_notification_task: looping"); match res { Err(e) => { tracing::error!("Database Connection {e:?}"); return; } Ok(AsyncMessage::Notice(e)) => { tracing::warn!("Database Notice {e:?}"); } Ok(AsyncMessage::Notification(notification)) => { if sender.send_async(notification).await.is_err() { tracing::warn!("Missed notification. Are we shutting down?"); } } Ok(_) => { tracing::warn!("Unhandled AsyncMessage!!! Please contact the developer of this application"); } } } })?; Ok(()) } impl Future for DropHandle { type Output = as Future>::Output; fn poll( self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>, ) -> std::task::Poll { std::pin::Pin::new(&mut self.get_mut().handle).poll(cx) } } impl Drop for DropHandle { fn drop(&mut self) { self.handle.abort(); } } impl Deref for DropHandle { type Target = JoinHandle; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.handle } } impl std::fmt::Debug for Storage { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Storage").finish() } } impl From for ConnectPostgresError { fn from(value: refinery::Error) -> Self { Self::Migration(value) } } impl From for ConnectPostgresError { fn from(value: tokio_postgres::Error) -> Self { Self::ConnectForMigration(value) } } impl From for ConnectPostgresError { fn from(value: BuildError) -> Self { Self::BuildPool(value) } } impl std::fmt::Display for ConnectPostgresError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { Self::BuildPool(_) => write!(f, "Failed to build postgres connection pool"), Self::ConnectForMigration(_) => { write!(f, "Failed to connect to postgres for migrations") } Self::Migration(_) => write!(f, "Failed to run migrations"), } } } impl std::error::Error for ConnectPostgresError { fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> { match self { Self::BuildPool(e) => Some(e), Self::ConnectForMigration(e) => Some(e), Self::Migration(e) => Some(e), } } } impl std::fmt::Display for PostgresError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { Self::Pool(_) => write!(f, "Error in db pool"), Self::Diesel(_) => write!(f, "Error in database"), Self::DbTimeout => write!(f, "Timed out waiting for postgres"), } } } impl Error for PostgresError { fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> { match self { Self::Pool(e) => Some(e), Self::Diesel(e) => Some(e), Self::DbTimeout => None, } } }