# `awesome-embedded-rust` > A curated list of crates useful for embedded development. ## Table of contents * [Device crates](#device-crates) * [Nordic](#nordic) * [NXP](#nxp) * [STMicroelectronics](#stmicroelectronics) * [HAL implementation crates](#hal-implementation-crates) * [OS](#os) * [Nordic](#nordic-1) * [NXP](#nxp-1) * [STMicroelectronics](#stmicroelectronics-1) * [Texas Instruments](#texas-instruments) * [Board support crates](#board-support-crates) * [Nordic](#nordic-2) * [NXP](#nxp-2) * [STMicroelectronics](#stmicroelectronics-2) * [Driver crates](#driver-crates) * [WIP](#wip) * [no-std crates](#no-std-crates) * [License](#license) ## Device crates Register definition for microcontroller families. Usually generated using [`svd2rust`]. [`svd2rust`]: https://crates.io/crates/svd2rust *NOTE* You may be able to find even more device crates by searching for the [`svd2rust`][svd2rust-kw] keyword on crates.io! [svd2rust-kw]: https://crates.io/keywords/svd2rust ### Nordic - [`nrf51`](https://crates.io/crates/nrf51) ### NXP - [`mkw41z`](https://crates.io/crates/mkw41z) ### STMicroelectronics - [`stm32f042`](https://crates.io/crates/stm32f042) - [`stm32f103xx`](https://crates.io/crates/stm32f103xx) - [`stm32f30x`](https://crates.io/crates/stm32f30x) - [`stm32l151`](https://crates.io/crates/stm32l151) ## HAL implementation crates Implementations of [`embedded-hal`] for microcontroller families and systems running some OS. [`embedded-hal`]: https://crates.io/crates/embedded-hal *NOTE* You may be able to find even more HAL implementation crates by searching for the [`embedded-hal-impl`] and [`embedded-hal`][embedded-hal-kw] keywords on crates.io! [`embedded-hal-impl`]: https://crates.io/keywords/embedded-hal-impl [embedded-hal-kw]: https://crates.io/keywords/embedded-hal ### OS - [`linux-embedded-hal`] for embedded Linux systems like the Raspberry Pi. [`linux-embedded-hal`]: https://crates.io/crates/linux-embedded-hal ### Nordic - [`nrf51-hal`](https://crates.io/crates/nrf51-hal) ### NXP Also check the list of [NXP board support crates][nxp-bsc]! [nxp-bsc]: #nxp-1 - [`lpc82x-hal`](https://github.com/braun-robotics/rust-lpc82x-hal) - [`mkw41z-hal`](https://crates.io/crates/mkw41z-hal) ### STMicroelectronics Also check the list of [STMicroelectronics board support crates][stm-bsc]! [stm-bsc]: #stmicroelectronics-2 - [`stm32f042-hal`](https://crates.io/crates/stm32f042-hal) - Has examples that can run on boards like the [Nucleo-F042K6] and similar boards [Nucleo-F042K6]: http://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/nucleo-f042k6.html - [`stm32f103xx-hal`](https://github.com/japaric/stm32f103xx-hal) - Has examples that can run on boards like the [Blue pill], [Nucleo-F103RB] and similar boards [Nucleo-F103RB]: http://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/nucleo-f103rb.html - [`stm32f30x-hal`](https://crates.io/crates/stm32f30x-hal) - [`stm32l151-hal`](https://crates.io/crates/stm32l151-hal) ### Texas Instruments - [`tm4c123x-hal`](https://github.com/thejpster/tm4c123x-hal) [Blue pill]: http://wiki.stm32duino.com/index.php?title=Blue_Pill ## Board support crates Crates tailored for specific development boards. [STM32F3DISCOVERY]: http://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/stm32f3discovery.html ### Nordic - [`microbit`](https://crates.io/crates/microbit) - [micro:bit] [micro:bit]: http://microbit.org/ ### NXP - [`frdm-kw41z`](https://crates.io/crates/frdm-kw41z) - [FRDM-KW41Z] [FRDM-KW41Z]: https://www.nxp.com/products/processors-and-microcontrollers/arm-based-processors-and-mcus/kinetis-cortex-m-mcus/w-serieswireless-conn.m0-plus-m4/freedom-development-kit-for-kinetis-kw41z-31z-21z-mcus:FRDM-KW41Z ### STMicroelectronics - [`nucleo-f042k6`](https://github.com/therealprof/nucleo-f042k6.git) - [Nucleo-F042K6] - [`nucleo-f103rb`](https://github.com/therealprof/nucleo-f103rb.git) - [Nucleo-F103RB] - [`f3`](https://crates.io/crates/f3) - [STM32F3DISCOVERY] ## Driver crates Platform agnostic crates to interface external components. These crates use the [`embedded-hal`] interface to support [all the devices and systems that implement the `embedded-hal` traits][hal-impl]. [hal-impl]: #hal-implementation-crates The list below contains drivers developed as part of the [Weekly Driver initiative][wd] and that have achieved the "released" status (published on crates.io + documentation / short blog post). [wd]: https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/embedded-wg/issues/39 1. [L3GD20] - SPI - Gyroscope - [Intro blog post][1&2] 2. [LSM303DLHC] - I2C - Accelerometer + compass (magnetometer) - [Intro blog post][1&2] 3. [MCP3008] - SPI - 8 channel 10-bit ADC - [Intro blog post][3] 4. [ENC28J60] - SPI - Ethernet controller - [Intro blog post][4] 5. [MCP3425] - I2C - 16-bit ADC - [Intro blog post][5] 6. [SGP30] - I2C - Gas sensor - [Intro blog post][6] [L3GD20]: https://crates.io/crates/l3gd20 [LSM303DLHC]: https://crates.io/crates/lsm303dlhc [1&2]: http://blog.japaric.io/wd-1-2-l3gd20-lsm303dlhc-madgwick/ [MCP3008]: https://crates.io/crates/adc-mcp3008 [3]: http://pramode.in/2018/02/24/an-introduction-to-writing-embedded-hal-based-drivers-in-rust/ [ENC28J60]: https://crates.io/crates/enc28j60 [4]: http://blog.japaric.io/wd-4-enc28j60/ [MCP3425]: https://crates.io/crates/mcp3425 [5]: https://blog.dbrgn.ch/2018/3/13/rust-mcp3425-driver/ [SGP30]: https://crates.io/crates/sgp30 [6]: https://blog.dbrgn.ch/2018/4/1/rust-sgp30-driver/ *NOTE* You may be able to find even more driver crates by searching for the [`embedded-hal-driver`] keyword on crates.io! [`embedded-hal-driver`]: https://crates.io/keywords/embedded-hal-driver ### WIP Work in progress drivers. Help the authors make these crates awesome! - [MFRC522] - SPI - RFID tag reader/writer - [MPU9250] - SPI - Accelerometer + gyroscope + compass - [motor-driver] - Motor drivers: L298N, TB6612FNG, etc. - [MAG3110] - I2C - Magnetometer - [SI5351] - I2C - clock generator - [SI7021] - I2C - Humidity and temperature sensor - [MAX7219] - SPI - LED display driver - [DS3231] - I2C - real time clock - [BH1750] - I2C - ambient light sensor (lux meter) - [SHT2x] - I2C - temperature / humidity sensors - [INA260] - I2C - power monitor - [SSD1306] - I2C - OLED display driver - [ILI9341] - SPI - TFT LCD display - [HD44780] - Parallel port - LCD controller - [HTS221] - I2C - Humidity and temperature sensor - [MCP9808] - I2C - Temperature sensor - [MMA7660FC] - I2C - 3-axis accelerometer - [AXP209] - I2C - Power management unit - [DS3234] - SPI - Real time clock - [PCD8544] - SPI - 48x84 pixels matrix LCD controller - [HC-SR04] - DIO - Ultrasound sensor - [AFE4400] - SPI - Pulse oximeter - [SX1278] - SPI - Low range (LoRa) transceiver - [RFM69] - SPI - ISM radio transceiver - [LS010B7DH01] - SPI - Memory LCD - [MAX31855] - SPI - Thermocouple digital converter [MFRC522]: https://github.com/japaric/mfrc522 [MPU9250]: https://github.com/japaric/mpu9250 [motor-driver]: https://github.com/japaric/motor-driver [MAG3110]: https://github.com/therealprof/mag3110 [SI5351]: https://github.com/ilya-epifanov/si5351 [SI7021]: https://github.com/wose/si7021 [MAX7219]: https://github.com/maikelwever/max7219 [DS3231]: https://github.com/wose/ds3231 [BH1750]: https://github.com/wose/bh1750 [SHT2x]: https://github.com/dbrgn/sht2x-rs [INA260]: https://crates.io/crates/ina260 [SSD1306]: https://github.com/jamwaffles/ssd1306 [ILI9341]: https://github.com/yuri91/ili9341-rs [HD44780]: http://github.com/kunerd/clerk [HTS221]: https://github.com/danielgallagher0/hts221 [MCP9808]: https://crates.io/crates/mcp9808 [MMA7660FC]: https://github.com/rahul-thakoor/mma7660fc [PCD8544]: https://github.com/pcein/pcd8544 [AXP209]: https://github.com/RandomInsano/axp209-rs [DS3234]: https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/embedded-wg/issues/39#issuecomment-375262785 [HC-SR04]: https://github.com/nordmoen/hc-sr04 [AFE4400]: https://github.com/ReeceStevens/afe4400 [SX1278]: https://github.com/susu/sx1278 [RFM69]: https://github.com/lolzballs/rfm69 [LS010B7DH01]: https://github.com/byronwasti/ls010b7dh01 [MAX31855]: https://github.com/mbacch/max31855 ## no-std crates [`#![no_std]` crates][no-std-category] designed to run on resource constrained devices. *whoops* this list is currently empty. Want to help us write it? Leave a comment on issue [#2]. - [bit_field](https://crates.io/crates/bit_field): manipulating bitfields and bitarrays [no-std-category]: https://crates.io/categories/no-std [#2]: https://github.com/rust-embedded/awesome-embedded-rust/issues/2 ## License This list is licensed under - CC0 1.0 Universal License ([LICENSE-CC0](LICENSE-CC0) or https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode)