/* akvirtualcamera, virtual camera for Mac and Windows. * Copyright (C) 2020 Gonzalo Exequiel Pedone * * akvirtualcamera is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * akvirtualcamera is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with akvirtualcamera. If not, see . * * Web-Site: http://webcamoid.github.io/ */ #include #include "preferences.h" #include "utils.h" #include "VCamUtils/src/videoformat.h" #include "VCamUtils/src/logger.h" #define PREFERENCES_ID CFSTR(CMIO_ASSISTANT_NAME) std::vector AkVCam::Preferences::keys() { AkLogFunction(); std::vector keys; auto cfKeys = CFPreferencesCopyKeyList(PREFERENCES_ID, kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost); if (cfKeys) { auto size = CFArrayGetCount(cfKeys); for (CFIndex i = 0; i < size; i++) { auto key = CFStringRef(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(cfKeys, i)); keys.push_back(stringFromCFType(key)); } CFRelease(cfKeys); } AkLogInfo() << "Keys: " << keys.size() << std::endl; std::sort(keys.begin(), keys.end()); for (auto &key: keys) AkLogInfo() << " " << key << std::endl; return keys; } void AkVCam::Preferences::write(const std::string &key, const std::shared_ptr &value) { AkLogFunction(); AkLogInfo() << "Writing: " << key << " = " << *value << std::endl; auto cfKey = cfTypeFromStd(key); CFPreferencesSetValue(CFStringRef(*cfKey), *value, PREFERENCES_ID, kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost); } void AkVCam::Preferences::write(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) { AkLogFunction(); AkLogInfo() << "Writing: " << key << " = " << value << std::endl; auto cfKey = cfTypeFromStd(key); auto cfValue = cfTypeFromStd(value); CFPreferencesSetValue(CFStringRef(*cfKey), *cfValue, PREFERENCES_ID, kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost); } void AkVCam::Preferences::write(const std::string &key, int value) { AkLogFunction(); AkLogInfo() << "Writing: " << key << " = " << value << std::endl; auto cfKey = cfTypeFromStd(key); auto cfValue = cfTypeFromStd(value); CFPreferencesSetValue(CFStringRef(*cfKey), *cfValue, PREFERENCES_ID, kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost); } void AkVCam::Preferences::write(const std::string &key, double value) { AkLogFunction(); AkLogInfo() << "Writing: " << key << " = " << value << std::endl; auto cfKey = cfTypeFromStd(key); auto cfValue = cfTypeFromStd(value); CFPreferencesSetValue(CFStringRef(*cfKey), *cfValue, PREFERENCES_ID, kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost); } void AkVCam::Preferences::write(const std::string &key, std::vector &value) { AkLogFunction(); write(key, join(value, ",")); } std::shared_ptr AkVCam::Preferences::read(const std::string &key) { AkLogFunction(); auto cfKey = cfTypeFromStd(key); auto cfValue = CFTypeRef(CFPreferencesCopyValue(CFStringRef(*cfKey), PREFERENCES_ID, kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost)); if (!cfValue) return {}; return std::shared_ptr(new CFTypeRef(cfValue), [] (CFTypeRef *ptr) { CFRelease(*ptr); delete ptr; }); } std::string AkVCam::Preferences::readString(const std::string &key, const std::string &defaultValue) { AkLogFunction(); auto cfKey = cfTypeFromStd(key); auto cfValue = CFStringRef(CFPreferencesCopyValue(CFStringRef(*cfKey), PREFERENCES_ID, kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost)); auto value = defaultValue; if (cfValue) { value = stringFromCFType(cfValue); CFRelease(cfValue); } return value; } int AkVCam::Preferences::readInt(const std::string &key, int defaultValue) { AkLogFunction(); auto cfKey = cfTypeFromStd(key); auto cfValue = CFNumberRef(CFPreferencesCopyValue(CFStringRef(*cfKey), PREFERENCES_ID, kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost)); auto value = defaultValue; if (cfValue) { CFNumberGetValue(cfValue, kCFNumberIntType, &value); CFRelease(cfValue); } return value; } double AkVCam::Preferences::readDouble(const std::string &key, double defaultValue) { AkLogFunction(); auto cfKey = cfTypeFromStd(key); auto cfValue = CFNumberRef(CFPreferencesCopyValue(CFStringRef(*cfKey), PREFERENCES_ID, kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost)); auto value = defaultValue; if (cfValue) { CFNumberGetValue(cfValue, kCFNumberDoubleType, &value); CFRelease(cfValue); } return value; } bool AkVCam::Preferences::readBool(const std::string &key, bool defaultValue) { AkLogFunction(); auto cfKey = cfTypeFromStd(key); auto cfValue = CFBooleanRef(CFPreferencesCopyValue(CFStringRef(*cfKey), PREFERENCES_ID, kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost)); auto value = defaultValue; if (cfValue) { value = CFBooleanGetValue(cfValue); CFRelease(cfValue); } return value; } std::vector AkVCam::Preferences::readStringList(const std::string &key, const std::vector &defaultValue) { auto value = defaultValue; for (auto &str: split(readString(key), ',')) value.push_back(trimmed(str)); return value; } void AkVCam::Preferences::deleteKey(const std::string &key) { AkLogFunction(); AkLogInfo() << "Deleting " << key << std::endl; auto cfKey = cfTypeFromStd(key); CFPreferencesSetValue(CFStringRef(*cfKey), nullptr, PREFERENCES_ID, kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost); } void AkVCam::Preferences::deleteAllKeys(const std::string &key) { AkLogFunction(); AkLogInfo() << "Key: " << key << std::endl; for (auto &key_: keys()) if (key_.size() >= key.size() && key_.substr(0, key.size()) == key) deleteKey(key_); } void AkVCam::Preferences::move(const std::string &keyFrom, const std::string &keyTo) { AkLogFunction(); AkLogInfo() << "From: " << keyFrom << std::endl; AkLogInfo() << "To: " << keyTo << std::endl; auto value = read(keyFrom); if (!value) return; write(keyTo, value); deleteKey(keyFrom); } void AkVCam::Preferences::moveAll(const std::string &keyFrom, const std::string &keyTo) { AkLogFunction(); AkLogInfo() << "From: " << keyFrom << std::endl; AkLogInfo() << "To: " << keyTo << std::endl; for (auto &key: keys()) if (key.size() >= keyFrom.size() && key.substr(0, keyFrom.size()) == keyFrom) { if (key.size() == keyFrom.size()) move(key, keyTo); else move(key, keyTo + key.substr(keyFrom.size())); } } void AkVCam::Preferences::sync() { AkLogFunction(); CFPreferencesSynchronize(PREFERENCES_ID, kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost); } std::string AkVCam::Preferences::addDevice(const std::string &description) { AkLogFunction(); auto path = createDevicePath(); int cameraIndex = readInt("cameras"); write("cameras", cameraIndex + 1); write("cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".description", description); write("cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".path", path); sync(); return path; } std::string AkVCam::Preferences::addCamera(const std::string &description, const std::vector &formats) { return addCamera("", description, formats); } std::string AkVCam::Preferences::addCamera(const std::string &path, const std::string &description, const std::vector &formats) { AkLogFunction(); if (!path.empty() && cameraExists(path)) return {}; auto path_ = path.empty()? createDevicePath(): path; int cameraIndex = readInt("cameras"); write("cameras", cameraIndex + 1); write("cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".description", description); write("cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".path", path_); write("cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".formats", int(formats.size())); for (size_t i = 0; i < formats.size(); i++) { auto &format = formats[i]; auto prefix = "cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".formats." + std::to_string(i); auto formatStr = VideoFormat::stringFromFourcc(format.fourcc()); write(prefix + ".format", formatStr); write(prefix + ".width", format.width()); write(prefix + ".height", format.height()); write(prefix + ".fps", format.minimumFrameRate().toString()); } sync(); return path_; } void AkVCam::Preferences::removeCamera(const std::string &path) { AkLogFunction(); AkLogInfo() << "Device: " << path << std::endl; int cameraIndex = cameraFromPath(path); if (cameraIndex < 0) return; cameraSetFormats(size_t(cameraIndex), {}); auto nCameras = camerasCount(); deleteAllKeys("cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex)); for (auto i = size_t(cameraIndex + 1); i < nCameras; i++) moveAll("cameras." + std::to_string(i), "cameras." + std::to_string(i - 1)); if (nCameras > 1) write("cameras", int(nCameras - 1)); else deleteKey("cameras"); sync(); } size_t AkVCam::Preferences::camerasCount() { AkLogFunction(); int nCameras = readInt("cameras"); AkLogInfo() << "Cameras: " << nCameras << std::endl; return size_t(nCameras); } std::string AkVCam::Preferences::createDevicePath() { AkLogFunction(); // List device paths in use. std::vector cameraPaths; for (size_t i = 0; i < camerasCount(); i++) cameraPaths.push_back(cameraPath(i)); const int maxId = 64; for (int i = 0; i < maxId; i++) { /* There are no rules for device paths in Windows. Just append an * incremental index to a common prefix. */ auto path = CMIO_PLUGIN_DEVICE_PREFIX + std::to_string(i); // Check if the path is being used, if not return it. if (std::find(cameraPaths.begin(), cameraPaths.end(), path) == cameraPaths.end()) return path; } return {}; } int AkVCam::Preferences::cameraFromPath(const std::string &path) { for (size_t i = 0; i < camerasCount(); i++) if (cameraPath(i) == path) return int(i); return -1; } bool AkVCam::Preferences::cameraExists(const std::string &path) { for (size_t i = 0; i < camerasCount(); i++) if (cameraPath(i) == path) return true; return false; } std::string AkVCam::Preferences::cameraDescription(size_t cameraIndex) { if (cameraIndex >= camerasCount()) return {}; return readString("cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".description"); } void AkVCam::Preferences::cameraSetDescription(size_t cameraIndex, const std::string &description) { if (cameraIndex >= camerasCount()) return; write("cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".description", description); sync(); } std::string AkVCam::Preferences::cameraPath(size_t cameraIndex) { return readString("cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".path"); } size_t AkVCam::Preferences::formatsCount(size_t cameraIndex) { return size_t(readInt("cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".formats")); } AkVCam::VideoFormat AkVCam::Preferences::cameraFormat(size_t cameraIndex, size_t formatIndex) { AkLogFunction(); auto prefix = "cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".formats." + std::to_string(formatIndex); auto format = readString(prefix + ".format"); auto fourcc = VideoFormat::fourccFromString(format); int width = readInt(prefix + ".width"); int height = readInt(prefix + ".height"); auto fps = Fraction(readString(prefix + ".fps")); return VideoFormat(fourcc, width, height, {fps}); } std::vector AkVCam::Preferences::cameraFormats(size_t cameraIndex) { AkLogFunction(); std::vector formats; for (size_t i = 0; i < formatsCount(cameraIndex); i++) { auto videoFormat = cameraFormat(cameraIndex, i); if (videoFormat) formats.push_back(videoFormat); } return formats; } void AkVCam::Preferences::cameraSetFormats(size_t cameraIndex, const std::vector &formats) { AkLogFunction(); if (cameraIndex >= camerasCount()) return; write("cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".formats", int(formats.size())); for (size_t i = 0; i < formats.size(); i++) { auto &format = formats[i]; auto prefix = "cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".formats." + std::to_string(i); auto formatStr = VideoFormat::stringFromFourcc(format.fourcc()); write(prefix + ".format", formatStr); write(prefix + ".width", format.width()); write(prefix + ".height", format.height()); write(prefix + ".fps", format.minimumFrameRate().toString()); } sync(); } void AkVCam::Preferences::cameraAddFormat(size_t cameraIndex, const AkVCam::VideoFormat &format, int index) { AkLogFunction(); auto formats = cameraFormats(cameraIndex); if (index < 0 || index > int(formats.size())) index = int(formats.size()); formats.insert(formats.begin() + index, format); write("cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".formats", int(formats.size())); for (size_t i = 0; i < formats.size(); i++) { auto &format = formats[i]; auto prefix = "cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".formats." + std::to_string(i); auto formatStr = VideoFormat::stringFromFourcc(format.fourcc()); write(prefix + ".format", formatStr); write(prefix + ".width", format.width()); write(prefix + ".height", format.height()); write(prefix + ".fps", format.minimumFrameRate().toString()); } sync(); } void AkVCam::Preferences::cameraRemoveFormat(size_t cameraIndex, int index) { AkLogFunction(); auto formats = cameraFormats(cameraIndex); if (index < 0 || index >= int(formats.size())) return; formats.erase(formats.begin() + index); write("cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".formats", int(formats.size())); for (size_t i = 0; i < formats.size(); i++) { auto &format = formats[i]; auto prefix = "cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".formats." + std::to_string(i); auto formatStr = VideoFormat::stringFromFourcc(format.fourcc()); write(prefix + ".format", formatStr); write(prefix + ".width", format.width()); write(prefix + ".height", format.height()); write(prefix + ".fps", format.minimumFrameRate().toString()); } sync(); } int AkVCam::Preferences::cameraControlValue(size_t cameraIndex, const std::string &key) { return readInt("cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".controls." + key); } void AkVCam::Preferences::cameraSetControlValue(size_t cameraIndex, const std::string &key, int value) { write("cameras." + std::to_string(cameraIndex) + ".controls." + key, value); sync(); } std::string AkVCam::Preferences::picture() { return readString("picture"); } void AkVCam::Preferences::setPicture(const std::string &picture) { write("picture", picture); sync(); } int AkVCam::Preferences::logLevel() { return readInt("loglevel", AKVCAM_LOGLEVEL_DEFAULT); } void AkVCam::Preferences::setLogLevel(int logLevel) { write("loglevel", logLevel); sync(); }