Each virtual device comes with a set of emulated video controls (brightness, contrast, gain, etc.) that you can apply in the client side. **Note**: MacOS doesn't not provides any API for managing the webcam controls, however you can still set the controls from the manager. You can list the device controls with: ``` AkVCamManager controls AkVCamVideoDevice0 ``` You can get the current value of the control with: ``` AkVCamManager get-control AkVCamVideoDevice0 CONTROL_NAME ``` And you can get the controls parameters with: ``` AkVCamManager get-control --description AkVCamVideoDevice0 CONTROL_NAME AkVCamManager get-control --type AkVCamVideoDevice0 CONTROL_NAME AkVCamManager get-control --min AkVCamVideoDevice0 CONTROL_NAME AkVCamManager get-control --max AkVCamVideoDevice0 CONTROL_NAME AkVCamManager get-control --step AkVCamVideoDevice0 CONTROL_NAME AkVCamManager get-control --default AkVCamVideoDevice0 CONTROL_NAME AkVCamManager get-control --menu AkVCamVideoDevice0 CONTROL_NAME ``` You can set one or many controls at same time in the form of **CONTROL_NAME=VALUE** as: ``` AkVCamManager set-controls AkVCamVideoDevice0 CONTROL_1=VALUE CONTROL_2=VALUE... ```