Hacks are intended to fix common problems with the virtual camera, and are intended to be used by developers and advanced users only. :warning: :fire: :warning: :fire: :warning: :fire: :warning: :fire: :warning: :fire: :warning: :fire: **WARNING**: Unsafe hacks can brick your system, make it unstable, or expose it to a serious security risk. You are solely responsible of whatever happens for using them. Don't use them unless you know what you are doing. Remember to make a backup of your system and files before using them. **You been warned, don't come and cry later**. :warning: :fire: :warning: :fire: :warning: :fire: :warning: :fire: :warning: :fire: :warning: :fire: You can list the available hacks with: ``` AkVCamManager hacks ``` A hack can be either **safe** or **unsafe**. Safe hacks can be run without major risks to the system. Meanwhile, unsafe hacks can cause a serious threat to your system or applications, it can lower the security barriers, or make irreversible changes. Unsafe hacks requires explicit user confirmation for executing them. **No documentation or support will be provided for using unsafe hacks**, if you want to know how to use them, you must read the [source code](https://github.com/webcamoid/akvirtualcamera). You can apply a hack with: ``` AkVCamManager hack HACK_NAME HACK_PARAMETERS... ``` Here is a list of available safe hacks.
HackIs safe?DescriptionParameters
set-service-upYesSetup and start virtual camera service if isn't working.None
set-service-downYesStop and unregister virtual camera service.None
HackIs safe?DescriptionParameters