use actix_utils::future::ok; use crate::{ body::BoxBody, dev::{fn_service, Service, ServiceRequest, ServiceResponse}, http::StatusCode, Error, HttpResponseBuilder, }; /// Creates service that always responds with `200 OK` and no body. pub fn ok_service( ) -> impl Service, Error = Error> { simple_service(StatusCode::OK) } /// Creates service that always responds with given status code and no body. pub fn simple_service( status_code: StatusCode, ) -> impl Service, Error = Error> { fn_service(move |req: ServiceRequest| { ok(req.into_response(HttpResponseBuilder::new(status_code).finish())) }) } #[doc(hidden)] #[deprecated(since = "4.0.0", note = "Renamed to `simple_service`.")] pub fn default_service( status_code: StatusCode, ) -> impl Service, Error = Error> { simple_service(status_code) }