use std::{borrow::Cow, net::SocketAddr, rc::Rc}; use actix_http::{test::TestRequest as HttpTestRequest, Request}; use serde::Serialize; #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] use crate::cookie::{Cookie, CookieJar}; use crate::{ app_service::AppInitServiceState, config::AppConfig, data::Data, dev::{Extensions, Path, Payload, ResourceDef, Service, Url}, http::{ header::{ContentType, TryIntoHeaderPair}, Method, Uri, Version, }, rmap::ResourceMap, service::{ServiceRequest, ServiceResponse}, test, web::Bytes, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, }; /// Test `Request` builder. /// /// For unit testing, actix provides a request builder type and a simple handler runner. TestRequest implements a builder-like pattern. /// You can generate various types of request via TestRequest's methods: /// - [`TestRequest::to_request`] creates an [`actix_http::Request`](Request). /// - [`TestRequest::to_srv_request`] creates a [`ServiceRequest`], which is used for testing middlewares and chain adapters. /// - [`TestRequest::to_srv_response`] creates a [`ServiceResponse`]. /// - [`TestRequest::to_http_request`] creates an [`HttpRequest`], which is used for testing handlers. /// /// ``` /// use actix_web::{test, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpMessage}; /// use actix_web::http::{header, StatusCode}; /// /// async fn handler(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse { /// if let Some(hdr) = req.headers().get(header::CONTENT_TYPE) { /// HttpResponse::Ok().into() /// } else { /// HttpResponse::BadRequest().into() /// } /// } /// /// #[actix_web::test] /// # // force rustdoc to display the correct thing and also compile check the test /// # async fn _test() {} /// async fn test_index() { /// let req = test::TestRequest::default() /// .insert_header(header::ContentType::plaintext()) /// .to_http_request(); /// /// let resp = handler(req).await; /// assert_eq!(resp.status(), StatusCode::OK); /// /// let req = test::TestRequest::default().to_http_request(); /// let resp = handler(req).await; /// assert_eq!(resp.status(), StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST); /// } /// ``` pub struct TestRequest { req: HttpTestRequest, rmap: ResourceMap, config: AppConfig, path: Path, peer_addr: Option, app_data: Extensions, #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] cookies: CookieJar, } impl Default for TestRequest { fn default() -> TestRequest { TestRequest { req: HttpTestRequest::default(), rmap: ResourceMap::new(ResourceDef::new("")), config: AppConfig::default(), path: Path::new(Url::new(Uri::default())), peer_addr: None, app_data: Extensions::new(), #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] cookies: CookieJar::new(), } } } #[allow(clippy::wrong_self_convention)] impl TestRequest { /// Constructs test request and sets request URI. pub fn with_uri(uri: &str) -> TestRequest { TestRequest::default().uri(uri) } /// Constructs test request with GET method. pub fn get() -> TestRequest { TestRequest::default().method(Method::GET) } /// Constructs test request with POST method. pub fn post() -> TestRequest { TestRequest::default().method(Method::POST) } /// Constructs test request with PUT method. pub fn put() -> TestRequest { TestRequest::default().method(Method::PUT) } /// Constructs test request with PATCH method. pub fn patch() -> TestRequest { TestRequest::default().method(Method::PATCH) } /// Constructs test request with DELETE method. pub fn delete() -> TestRequest { TestRequest::default().method(Method::DELETE) } /// Sets HTTP version of this request. pub fn version(mut self, ver: Version) -> Self { self.req.version(ver); self } /// Sets method of this request. pub fn method(mut self, meth: Method) -> Self { self.req.method(meth); self } /// Sets URI of this request. pub fn uri(mut self, path: &str) -> Self { self.req.uri(path); self } /// Inserts a header, replacing any that were set with an equivalent field name. pub fn insert_header(mut self, header: impl TryIntoHeaderPair) -> Self { self.req.insert_header(header); self } /// Appends a header, keeping any that were set with an equivalent field name. pub fn append_header(mut self, header: impl TryIntoHeaderPair) -> Self { self.req.append_header(header); self } /// Sets cookie for this request. #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] pub fn cookie(mut self, cookie: Cookie<'_>) -> Self { self.cookies.add(cookie.into_owned()); self } /// Sets request path pattern parameter. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use actix_web::test::TestRequest; /// /// let req = TestRequest::default().param("foo", "bar"); /// let req = TestRequest::default().param("foo".to_owned(), "bar".to_owned()); /// ``` pub fn param( mut self, name: impl Into>, value: impl Into>, ) -> Self { self.path.add_static(name, value); self } /// Sets peer address. pub fn peer_addr(mut self, addr: SocketAddr) -> Self { self.peer_addr = Some(addr); self } /// Sets request payload. pub fn set_payload(mut self, data: impl Into) -> Self { self.req.set_payload(data); self } /// Serializes `data` to a URL encoded form and set it as the request payload. /// /// The `Content-Type` header is set to `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`. pub fn set_form(mut self, data: impl Serialize) -> Self { let bytes = serde_urlencoded::to_string(&data) .expect("Failed to serialize test data as a urlencoded form"); self.req.set_payload(bytes); self.req.insert_header(ContentType::form_url_encoded()); self } /// Serializes `data` to JSON and set it as the request payload. /// /// The `Content-Type` header is set to `application/json`. pub fn set_json(mut self, data: impl Serialize) -> Self { let bytes = serde_json::to_string(&data).expect("Failed to serialize test data to json"); self.req.set_payload(bytes); self.req.insert_header(ContentType::json()); self } /// Inserts application data. /// /// This is equivalent of `App::app_data()` method for testing purpose. pub fn app_data(mut self, data: T) -> Self { self.app_data.insert(data); self } /// Inserts application data. /// /// This is equivalent of `App::data()` method for testing purpose. #[doc(hidden)] pub fn data(mut self, data: T) -> Self { self.app_data.insert(Data::new(data)); self } /// Sets resource map. #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) fn rmap(mut self, rmap: ResourceMap) -> Self { self.rmap = rmap; self } /// Finalizes test request. /// /// This request builder will be useless after calling `finish()`. fn finish(&mut self) -> Request { // mut used when cookie feature is enabled #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut req = self.req.finish(); #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] { use actix_http::header::{HeaderValue, COOKIE}; let cookie: String = self .cookies .delta() // ensure only name=value is written to cookie header .map(|c| c.stripped().encoded().to_string()) .collect::>() .join("; "); if !cookie.is_empty() { req.headers_mut() .insert(COOKIE, HeaderValue::from_str(&cookie).unwrap()); } } req } /// Finalizes request creation and returns `Request` instance. pub fn to_request(mut self) -> Request { let mut req = self.finish(); req.head_mut().peer_addr = self.peer_addr; req } /// Finalizes request creation and returns `ServiceRequest` instance. pub fn to_srv_request(mut self) -> ServiceRequest { let (mut head, payload) = self.finish().into_parts(); head.peer_addr = self.peer_addr; self.path.get_mut().update(&head.uri); let app_state = AppInitServiceState::new(Rc::new(self.rmap), self.config.clone()); ServiceRequest::new( HttpRequest::new( self.path, head, app_state, Rc::new(self.app_data), None, Default::default(), ), payload, ) } /// Finalizes request creation and returns `ServiceResponse` instance. pub fn to_srv_response(self, res: HttpResponse) -> ServiceResponse { self.to_srv_request().into_response(res) } /// Finalizes request creation and returns `HttpRequest` instance. pub fn to_http_request(mut self) -> HttpRequest { let (mut head, _) = self.finish().into_parts(); head.peer_addr = self.peer_addr; self.path.get_mut().update(&head.uri); let app_state = AppInitServiceState::new(Rc::new(self.rmap), self.config.clone()); HttpRequest::new( self.path, head, app_state, Rc::new(self.app_data), None, Default::default(), ) } /// Finalizes request creation and returns `HttpRequest` and `Payload` pair. pub fn to_http_parts(mut self) -> (HttpRequest, Payload) { let (mut head, payload) = self.finish().into_parts(); head.peer_addr = self.peer_addr; self.path.get_mut().update(&head.uri); let app_state = AppInitServiceState::new(Rc::new(self.rmap), self.config.clone()); let req = HttpRequest::new( self.path, head, app_state, Rc::new(self.app_data), None, Default::default(), ); (req, payload) } /// Finalizes request creation, calls service, and waits for response future completion. pub async fn send_request(self, app: &S) -> S::Response where S: Service, Error = E>, E: std::fmt::Debug, { let req = self.to_request(); test::call_service(app, req).await } #[cfg(test)] pub fn set_server_hostname(&mut self, host: &str) { self.config.set_host(host) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::time::SystemTime; use super::*; use crate::{http::header, test::init_service, web, App, Error, Responder}; #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_basics() { let req = TestRequest::default() .version(Version::HTTP_2) .insert_header(header::ContentType::json()) .insert_header(header::Date(SystemTime::now().into())) .param("test", "123") .data(10u32) .app_data(20u64) .peer_addr("".parse().unwrap()) .to_http_request(); assert!(req.headers().contains_key(header::CONTENT_TYPE)); assert!(req.headers().contains_key(header::DATE)); assert_eq!( req.head().peer_addr, Some("".parse().unwrap()) ); assert_eq!(&req.match_info()["test"], "123"); assert_eq!(req.version(), Version::HTTP_2); let data = req.app_data::>().unwrap(); assert!(req.app_data::>().is_none()); assert_eq!(*data.get_ref(), 10); assert!(req.app_data::().is_none()); let data = req.app_data::().unwrap(); assert_eq!(*data, 20); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_send_request() { let app = init_service( App::new().service( web::resource("/index.html") .route(web::get().to(|| HttpResponse::Ok().body("welcome!"))), ), ) .await; let resp = TestRequest::get() .uri("/index.html") .send_request(&app) .await; let result = test::read_body(resp).await; assert_eq!(result, Bytes::from_static(b"welcome!")); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_async_with_block() { async fn async_with_block() -> Result { let res = web::block(move || Some(4usize).ok_or("wrong")).await; match res { Ok(value) => Ok(HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type("text/plain") .body(format!("Async with block value: {:?}", value))), Err(_) => panic!("Unexpected"), } } let app = init_service(App::new().service(web::resource("/index.html").to(async_with_block))) .await; let req = TestRequest::post().uri("/index.html").to_request(); let res =; assert!(res.status().is_success()); } // allow deprecated App::data #[allow(deprecated)] #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_server_data() { async fn handler(data: web::Data) -> impl Responder { assert_eq!(**data, 10); HttpResponse::Ok() } let app = init_service( App::new() .data(10usize) .service(web::resource("/index.html").to(handler)), ) .await; let req = TestRequest::post().uri("/index.html").to_request(); let res =; assert!(res.status().is_success()); } }