//! Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) for Actix applications //! //! CORS middleware could be used with application and with resource. //! First you need to construct CORS middleware instance. //! //! To construct a cors: //! //! 1. Call [`Cors::build`](struct.Cors.html#method.build) to start building. //! 2. Use any of the builder methods to set fields in the backend. //! 3. Call [finish](struct.Cors.html#method.finish) to retrieve the constructed backend. //! //! Cors middleware could be used as parameter for `Application::middleware()` or //! `Resource::middleware()` methods. But you have to use `Cors::register()` method to //! support *preflight* OPTIONS request. //! //! //! # Example //! //! ```rust //! # extern crate http; //! # extern crate actix_web; //! # use actix_web::*; //! use http::header; //! use actix_web::middleware::cors; //! //! fn index(mut req: HttpRequest) -> &'static str { //! "Hello world" //! } //! //! fn main() { //! let app = Application::new() //! .resource("/index.html", |r| { //! cors::Cors::build() // <- Construct CORS middleware //! .allowed_origin("https://www.rust-lang.org/") //! .allowed_methods(vec!["GET", "POST"]) //! .allowed_headers(vec![header::AUTHORIZATION, header::ACCEPT]) //! .allowed_header(header::CONTENT_TYPE) //! .max_age(3600) //! .finish().expect("Can not create CORS middleware") //! .register(r); // <- Register CORS middleware //! r.method(Method::GET).f(|_| httpcodes::HTTPOk); //! r.method(Method::HEAD).f(|_| httpcodes::HTTPMethodNotAllowed); //! }) //! .finish(); //! } //! ``` //! In this example custom *CORS* middleware get registered for "/index.html" endpoint. //! //! Cors middleware automatically handle *OPTIONS* preflight request. use std::collections::HashSet; use std::iter::FromIterator; use http::{self, Method, HttpTryFrom, Uri}; use http::header::{self, HeaderName, HeaderValue}; use error::{Result, ResponseError}; use resource::Resource; use httprequest::HttpRequest; use httpresponse::HttpResponse; use httpcodes::{HTTPOk, HTTPBadRequest}; use middleware::{Middleware, Response, Started}; /// A set of errors that can occur during processing CORS #[derive(Debug, Fail)] pub enum CorsError { /// The HTTP request header `Origin` is required but was not provided #[fail(display="The HTTP request header `Origin` is required but was not provided")] MissingOrigin, /// The HTTP request header `Origin` could not be parsed correctly. #[fail(display="The HTTP request header `Origin` could not be parsed correctly.")] BadOrigin, /// The request header `Access-Control-Request-Method` is required but is missing #[fail(display="The request header `Access-Control-Request-Method` is required but is missing")] MissingRequestMethod, /// The request header `Access-Control-Request-Method` has an invalid value #[fail(display="The request header `Access-Control-Request-Method` has an invalid value")] BadRequestMethod, /// The request header `Access-Control-Request-Headers` has an invalid value #[fail(display="The request header `Access-Control-Request-Headers` has an invalid value")] BadRequestHeaders, /// The request header `Access-Control-Request-Headers` is required but is missing. #[fail(display="The request header `Access-Control-Request-Headers` is required but is missing")] MissingRequestHeaders, /// Origin is not allowed to make this request #[fail(display="Origin is not allowed to make this request")] OriginNotAllowed, /// Requested method is not allowed #[fail(display="Requested method is not allowed")] MethodNotAllowed, /// One or more headers requested are not allowed #[fail(display="One or more headers requested are not allowed")] HeadersNotAllowed, } /// A set of errors that can occur during building CORS middleware #[derive(Debug, Fail)] pub enum CorsBuilderError { #[fail(display="Parse error: {}", _0)] ParseError(http::Error), /// Credentials are allowed, but the Origin is set to "*". This is not allowed by W3C /// /// This is a misconfiguration. Check the documentation for `Cors`. #[fail(display="Credentials are allowed, but the Origin is set to \"*\"")] CredentialsWithWildcardOrigin, } impl ResponseError for CorsError { fn error_response(&self) -> HttpResponse { HTTPBadRequest.build().body(format!("{}", self)).unwrap() } } /// An enum signifying that some of type T is allowed, or `All` (everything is allowed). /// /// `Default` is implemented for this enum and is `All`. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum AllOrSome { /// Everything is allowed. Usually equivalent to the "*" value. All, /// Only some of `T` is allowed Some(T), } impl Default for AllOrSome { fn default() -> Self { AllOrSome::All } } impl AllOrSome { /// Returns whether this is an `All` variant pub fn is_all(&self) -> bool { match *self { AllOrSome::All => true, AllOrSome::Some(_) => false, } } /// Returns whether this is a `Some` variant pub fn is_some(&self) -> bool { !self.is_all() } /// Returns &T pub fn as_ref(&self) -> Option<&T> { match *self { AllOrSome::All => None, AllOrSome::Some(ref t) => Some(t), } } } /// `Middleware` for Cross-origin resource sharing support /// /// The Cors struct contains the settings for CORS requests to be validated and /// for responses to be generated. pub struct Cors { methods: HashSet, origins: AllOrSome>, origins_str: Option, headers: AllOrSome>, expose_hdrs: Option, max_age: Option, preflight: bool, send_wildcard: bool, supports_credentials: bool, vary_header: bool, } impl Default for Cors { fn default() -> Cors { Cors { origins: AllOrSome::default(), origins_str: None, methods: HashSet::from_iter( vec![Method::GET, Method::HEAD, Method::POST, Method::OPTIONS, Method::PUT, Method::PATCH, Method::DELETE].into_iter()), headers: AllOrSome::All, expose_hdrs: None, max_age: None, preflight: true, send_wildcard: false, supports_credentials: false, vary_header: true, } } } impl Cors { pub fn build() -> CorsBuilder { CorsBuilder { cors: Some(Cors { origins: AllOrSome::All, origins_str: None, methods: HashSet::new(), headers: AllOrSome::All, expose_hdrs: None, max_age: None, preflight: true, send_wildcard: false, supports_credentials: false, vary_header: true, }), methods: false, error: None, expose_hdrs: HashSet::new(), } } /// This method register cors middleware with resource and /// adds route for *OPTIONS* preflight requests. /// /// It is possible to register *Cors* middleware with `Resource::middleware()` /// method, but in that case *Cors* middleware wont be able to handle *OPTIONS* /// requests. pub fn register(self, resource: &mut Resource) { resource.method(Method::OPTIONS).h(HTTPOk); resource.middleware(self); } fn validate_origin(&self, req: &mut HttpRequest) -> Result<(), CorsError> { if let Some(hdr) = req.headers().get(header::ORIGIN) { if let Ok(origin) = hdr.to_str() { return match self.origins { AllOrSome::All => Ok(()), AllOrSome::Some(ref allowed_origins) => { allowed_origins .get(origin) .and_then(|_| Some(())) .ok_or_else(|| CorsError::OriginNotAllowed) } }; } Err(CorsError::BadOrigin) } else { return match self.origins { AllOrSome::All => Ok(()), _ => Err(CorsError::MissingOrigin) } } } fn validate_allowed_method(&self, req: &mut HttpRequest) -> Result<(), CorsError> { if let Some(hdr) = req.headers().get(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD) { if let Ok(meth) = hdr.to_str() { if let Ok(method) = Method::try_from(meth) { return self.methods.get(&method) .and_then(|_| Some(())) .ok_or_else(|| CorsError::MethodNotAllowed); } } Err(CorsError::BadRequestMethod) } else { Err(CorsError::MissingRequestMethod) } } fn validate_allowed_headers(&self, req: &mut HttpRequest) -> Result<(), CorsError> { match self.headers { AllOrSome::All => Ok(()), AllOrSome::Some(ref allowed_headers) => { if let Some(hdr) = req.headers().get(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS) { if let Ok(headers) = hdr.to_str() { let mut hdrs = HashSet::new(); for hdr in headers.split(',') { match HeaderName::try_from(hdr.trim()) { Ok(hdr) => hdrs.insert(hdr), Err(_) => return Err(CorsError::BadRequestHeaders) }; } if !hdrs.is_empty() && !hdrs.is_subset(allowed_headers) { return Err(CorsError::HeadersNotAllowed) } return Ok(()) } Err(CorsError::BadRequestHeaders) } else { Err(CorsError::MissingRequestHeaders) } } } } } impl Middleware for Cors { fn start(&self, req: &mut HttpRequest) -> Result { if self.preflight && Method::OPTIONS == *req.method() { self.validate_origin(req)?; self.validate_allowed_method(req)?; self.validate_allowed_headers(req)?; // allowed headers let headers = if let Some(headers) = self.headers.as_ref() { Some(HeaderValue::try_from(&headers.iter().fold( String::new(), |s, v| s + "," + v.as_str()).as_str()[1..]).unwrap()) } else if let Some(hdr) = req.headers().get(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS) { Some(hdr.clone()) } else { None }; Ok(Started::Response( HTTPOk.build() .if_some(self.max_age.as_ref(), |max_age, resp| { let _ = resp.header( header::ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, format!("{}", max_age).as_str());}) .if_some(headers, |headers, resp| { let _ = resp.header(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS, headers); }) .if_true(self.origins.is_all(), |resp| { if self.send_wildcard { resp.header(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, "*"); } else { let origin = req.headers().get(header::ORIGIN).unwrap(); resp.header( header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, origin.clone()); } }) .if_true(self.origins.is_some(), |resp| { resp.header( header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, self.origins_str.as_ref().unwrap().clone()); }) .if_true(self.supports_credentials, |resp| { resp.header(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS, "true"); }) .header( header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS, &self.methods.iter().fold( String::new(), |s, v| s + "," + v.as_str()).as_str()[1..]) .finish() .unwrap())) } else { self.validate_origin(req)?; Ok(Started::Done) } } fn response(&self, req: &mut HttpRequest, mut resp: HttpResponse) -> Result { match self.origins { AllOrSome::All => { if self.send_wildcard { resp.headers_mut().insert( header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, HeaderValue::from_static("*")); } else { let origin = req.headers().get(header::ORIGIN).unwrap(); resp.headers_mut().insert( header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, origin.clone()); } } AllOrSome::Some(_) => { resp.headers_mut().insert( header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, self.origins_str.as_ref().unwrap().clone()); } } if let Some(ref expose) = self.expose_hdrs { resp.headers_mut().insert( header::ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS, HeaderValue::try_from(expose.as_str()).unwrap()); } if self.supports_credentials { resp.headers_mut().insert( header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS, HeaderValue::from_static("true")); } if self.vary_header { let value = if let Some(hdr) = resp.headers_mut().get(header::VARY) { let mut val: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(hdr.as_bytes().len() + 8); val.extend(hdr.as_bytes()); val.extend(b", Origin"); HeaderValue::try_from(&val[..]).unwrap() } else { HeaderValue::from_static("Origin") }; resp.headers_mut().insert(header::VARY, value); } Ok(Response::Done(resp)) } } /// Structure that follows the builder pattern for building `Cors` middleware structs. /// /// To construct a cors: /// /// 1. Call [`Cors::build`](struct.Cors.html#method.build) to start building. /// 2. Use any of the builder methods to set fields in the backend. /// 3. Call [finish](struct.Cors.html#method.finish) to retrieve the constructed backend. /// /// # Example /// /// ```rust /// # extern crate http; /// # extern crate actix_web; /// use http::header; /// use actix_web::middleware::cors; /// /// # fn main() { /// let cors = cors::Cors::build() /// .allowed_origin("https://www.rust-lang.org/") /// .allowed_methods(vec!["GET", "POST"]) /// .allowed_headers(vec![header::AUTHORIZATION, header::ACCEPT]) /// .allowed_header(header::CONTENT_TYPE) /// .max_age(3600) /// .finish().unwrap(); /// # } /// ``` pub struct CorsBuilder { cors: Option, methods: bool, error: Option, expose_hdrs: HashSet, } fn cors<'a>(parts: &'a mut Option, err: &Option) -> Option<&'a mut Cors> { if err.is_some() { return None } parts.as_mut() } impl CorsBuilder { /// Add an origin that are allowed to make requests. /// Will be verified against the `Origin` request header. /// /// When `All` is set, and `send_wildcard` is set, "*" will be sent in /// the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` response header. Otherwise, the client's `Origin` request /// header will be echoed back in the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` response header. /// /// When `Some` is set, the client's `Origin` request header will be checked in a /// case-sensitive manner. /// /// This is the `list of origins` in the /// [Resource Processing Model](https://www.w3.org/TR/cors/#resource-processing-model). /// /// Defaults to `All`. /// ``` pub fn allowed_origin(&mut self, origin: &str) -> &mut CorsBuilder { if let Some(cors) = cors(&mut self.cors, &self.error) { match Uri::try_from(origin) { Ok(_) => { if cors.origins.is_all() { cors.origins = AllOrSome::Some(HashSet::new()); } if let AllOrSome::Some(ref mut origins) = cors.origins { origins.insert(origin.to_owned()); } } Err(e) => { self.error = Some(e.into()); } } } self } /// Set a list of methods which the allowed origins are allowed to access for /// requests. /// /// This is the `list of methods` in the /// [Resource Processing Model](https://www.w3.org/TR/cors/#resource-processing-model). /// /// Defaults to `[GET, HEAD, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE]` pub fn allowed_methods(&mut self, methods: U) -> &mut CorsBuilder where U: IntoIterator, Method: HttpTryFrom { self.methods = true; if let Some(cors) = cors(&mut self.cors, &self.error) { for m in methods { match Method::try_from(m) { Ok(method) => { cors.methods.insert(method); }, Err(e) => { self.error = Some(e.into()); break } } }; } self } /// Set an allowed header pub fn allowed_header(&mut self, header: H) -> &mut CorsBuilder where HeaderName: HttpTryFrom { if let Some(cors) = cors(&mut self.cors, &self.error) { match HeaderName::try_from(header) { Ok(method) => { if cors.headers.is_all() { cors.headers = AllOrSome::Some(HashSet::new()); } if let AllOrSome::Some(ref mut headers) = cors.headers { headers.insert(method); } } Err(e) => self.error = Some(e.into()), } } self } /// Set a list of header field names which can be used when /// this resource is accessed by allowed origins. /// /// If `All` is set, whatever is requested by the client in `Access-Control-Request-Headers` /// will be echoed back in the `Access-Control-Allow-Headers` header. /// /// This is the `list of headers` in the /// [Resource Processing Model](https://www.w3.org/TR/cors/#resource-processing-model). /// /// Defaults to `All`. pub fn allowed_headers(&mut self, headers: U) -> &mut CorsBuilder where U: IntoIterator, HeaderName: HttpTryFrom { if let Some(cors) = cors(&mut self.cors, &self.error) { for h in headers { match HeaderName::try_from(h) { Ok(method) => { if cors.headers.is_all() { cors.headers = AllOrSome::Some(HashSet::new()); } if let AllOrSome::Some(ref mut headers) = cors.headers { headers.insert(method); } } Err(e) => { self.error = Some(e.into()); break } } }; } self } /// Set a list of headers which are safe to expose to the API of a CORS API specification. /// This corresponds to the `Access-Control-Expose-Headers` response header. /// /// This is the `list of exposed headers` in the /// [Resource Processing Model](https://www.w3.org/TR/cors/#resource-processing-model). /// /// This defaults to an empty set. pub fn expose_headers(&mut self, headers: U) -> &mut CorsBuilder where U: IntoIterator, HeaderName: HttpTryFrom { for h in headers { match HeaderName::try_from(h) { Ok(method) => { self.expose_hdrs.insert(method); }, Err(e) => { self.error = Some(e.into()); break } } } self } /// Set a maximum time for which this CORS request maybe cached. /// This value is set as the `Access-Control-Max-Age` header. /// /// This defaults to `None` (unset). pub fn max_age(&mut self, max_age: usize) -> &mut CorsBuilder { if let Some(cors) = cors(&mut self.cors, &self.error) { cors.max_age = Some(max_age) } self } /// Set a wildcard origins /// /// If send wildcard is set and the `allowed_origins` parameter is `All`, a wildcard /// `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` response header is sent, rather than the request’s /// `Origin` header. /// /// This is the `supports credentials flag` in the /// [Resource Processing Model](https://www.w3.org/TR/cors/#resource-processing-model). /// /// This **CANNOT** be used in conjunction with `allowed_origins` set to `All` and /// `allow_credentials` set to `true`. Depending on the mode of usage, this will either result /// in an `Error::CredentialsWithWildcardOrigin` error during actix launch or runtime. /// /// Defaults to `false`. pub fn send_wildcard(&mut self) -> &mut CorsBuilder { if let Some(cors) = cors(&mut self.cors, &self.error) { cors.send_wildcard = true } self } /// Allows users to make authenticated requests /// /// If true, injects the `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` header in responses. /// This allows cookies and credentials to be submitted across domains. /// /// This option cannot be used in conjunction with an `allowed_origin` set to `All` /// and `send_wildcards` set to `true`. /// /// Defaults to `false`. pub fn supports_credentials(&mut self) -> &mut CorsBuilder { if let Some(cors) = cors(&mut self.cors, &self.error) { cors.supports_credentials = true } self } /// Disable `Vary` header support. /// /// When enabled the header `Vary: Origin` will be returned as per the W3 /// implementation guidelines. /// /// Setting this header when the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` is /// dynamically generated (e.g. when there is more than one allowed /// origin, and an Origin than '*' is returned) informs CDNs and other /// caches that the CORS headers are dynamic, and cannot be cached. /// /// By default `vary` header support is enabled. pub fn disable_vary_header(&mut self) -> &mut CorsBuilder { if let Some(cors) = cors(&mut self.cors, &self.error) { cors.vary_header = false } self } /// Disable *preflight* request support. /// /// When enabled cors middleware automatically handles *OPTIONS* request. /// This is useful application level middleware. /// /// By default *preflight* support is enabled. pub fn disable_preflight(&mut self) -> &mut CorsBuilder { if let Some(cors) = cors(&mut self.cors, &self.error) { cors.preflight = false } self } /// Finishes building and returns the built `Cors` instance. pub fn finish(&mut self) -> Result { if !self.methods { self.allowed_methods(vec![Method::GET, Method::HEAD, Method::POST, Method::OPTIONS, Method::PUT, Method::PATCH, Method::DELETE]); } if let Some(e) = self.error.take() { return Err(CorsBuilderError::ParseError(e)) } let mut cors = self.cors.take().expect("cannot reuse CorsBuilder"); if cors.supports_credentials && cors.send_wildcard && cors.origins.is_all() { return Err(CorsBuilderError::CredentialsWithWildcardOrigin) } if let AllOrSome::Some(ref origins) = cors.origins { let s = origins.iter().fold(String::new(), |s, v| s + &format!("{}", v)); cors.origins_str = Some(HeaderValue::try_from(s.as_str()).unwrap()); } if !self.expose_hdrs.is_empty() { cors.expose_hdrs = Some( self.expose_hdrs.iter().fold( String::new(), |s, v| s + v.as_str())[1..].to_owned()); } Ok(cors) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use test::TestRequest; impl Started { fn is_done(&self) -> bool { match *self { Started::Done => true, _ => false, } } fn response(self) -> HttpResponse { match self { Started::Response(resp) => resp, _ => panic!(), } } } impl Response { fn response(self) -> HttpResponse { match self { Response::Done(resp) => resp, _ => panic!(), } } } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "CredentialsWithWildcardOrigin")] fn cors_validates_illegal_allow_credentials() { Cors::build() .supports_credentials() .send_wildcard() .finish() .unwrap(); } #[test] fn validate_origin_allows_all_origins() { let cors = Cors::default(); let mut req = TestRequest::with_header( "Origin", "https://www.example.com").finish(); assert!(cors.start(&mut req).ok().unwrap().is_done()) } #[test] fn test_preflight() { let mut cors = Cors::build() .send_wildcard() .max_age(3600) .allowed_methods(vec![Method::GET, Method::OPTIONS, Method::POST]) .allowed_headers(vec![header::AUTHORIZATION, header::ACCEPT]) .allowed_header(header::CONTENT_TYPE) .finish().unwrap(); let mut req = TestRequest::with_header( "Origin", "https://www.example.com") .method(Method::OPTIONS) .finish(); assert!(cors.start(&mut req).is_err()); let mut req = TestRequest::with_header("Origin", "https://www.example.com") .header(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD, "put") .method(Method::OPTIONS) .finish(); assert!(cors.start(&mut req).is_err()); let mut req = TestRequest::with_header("Origin", "https://www.example.com") .header(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD, "POST") .header(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS, "AUTHORIZATION,ACCEPT") .method(Method::OPTIONS) .finish(); let resp = cors.start(&mut req).unwrap().response(); assert_eq!( &b"*"[..], resp.headers().get(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN).unwrap().as_bytes()); assert_eq!( &b"3600"[..], resp.headers().get(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE).unwrap().as_bytes()); //assert_eq!( // &b"authorization,accept,content-type"[..], // resp.headers().get(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS).unwrap().as_bytes()); //assert_eq!( // &b"POST,GET,OPTIONS"[..], // resp.headers().get(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS).unwrap().as_bytes()); cors.preflight = false; assert!(cors.start(&mut req).unwrap().is_done()); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "MissingOrigin")] fn test_validate_missing_origin() { let cors = Cors::build() .allowed_origin("https://www.example.com").finish().unwrap(); let mut req = HttpRequest::default(); cors.start(&mut req).unwrap(); } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "OriginNotAllowed")] fn test_validate_not_allowed_origin() { let cors = Cors::build() .allowed_origin("https://www.example.com").finish().unwrap(); let mut req = TestRequest::with_header("Origin", "https://www.unknown.com") .method(Method::GET) .finish(); cors.start(&mut req).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_validate_origin() { let cors = Cors::build() .allowed_origin("https://www.example.com").finish().unwrap(); let mut req = TestRequest::with_header("Origin", "https://www.example.com") .method(Method::GET) .finish(); assert!(cors.start(&mut req).unwrap().is_done()); } #[test] fn test_response() { let cors = Cors::build() .send_wildcard() .disable_preflight() .max_age(3600) .allowed_methods(vec![Method::GET, Method::OPTIONS, Method::POST]) .allowed_headers(vec![header::AUTHORIZATION, header::ACCEPT]) .allowed_header(header::CONTENT_TYPE) .finish().unwrap(); let mut req = TestRequest::with_header( "Origin", "https://www.example.com") .method(Method::OPTIONS) .finish(); let resp: HttpResponse = HTTPOk.into(); let resp = cors.response(&mut req, resp).unwrap().response(); assert_eq!( &b"*"[..], resp.headers().get(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN).unwrap().as_bytes()); assert_eq!( &b"Origin"[..], resp.headers().get(header::VARY).unwrap().as_bytes()); let resp: HttpResponse = HTTPOk.build() .header(header::VARY, "Accept") .finish().unwrap(); let resp = cors.response(&mut req, resp).unwrap().response(); assert_eq!( &b"Accept, Origin"[..], resp.headers().get(header::VARY).unwrap().as_bytes()); let cors = Cors::build() .disable_vary_header() .allowed_origin("https://www.example.com") .finish().unwrap(); let resp: HttpResponse = HTTPOk.into(); let resp = cors.response(&mut req, resp).unwrap().response(); assert_eq!( &b"https://www.example.com"[..], resp.headers().get(header::ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN).unwrap().as_bytes()); } }