# Getting Started Let’s create and run our first actix web application. We’ll create a new Cargo project that depends on actix web and then run the application. In previous section we already installed required rust version. Now let's create new cargo projects. ## Hello, world! Let’s write our first actix web application! Start by creating a new binary-based Cargo project and changing into the new directory: ```bash cargo new hello-world --bin cd hello-world ``` Now, add actix and actix web as dependencies of your project by ensuring your Cargo.toml contains the following: ```toml [dependencies] actix = "0.4" actix-web = "0.3" ``` In order to implement a web server, first we need to create a request handler. A request handler is a function that accepts a `HttpRequest` instance as its only parameter and returns a type that can be converted into `HttpResponse`: ```rust # extern crate actix_web; # use actix_web::*; fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> &'static str { "Hello world!" } # fn main() {} ``` Next, create an `Application` instance and register the request handler with the application's `resource` on a particular *HTTP method* and *path*:: ```rust # extern crate actix_web; # use actix_web::*; # fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> &'static str { # "Hello world!" # } # fn main() { Application::new() .resource("/", |r| r.f(index)); # } ``` After that, application instance can be used with `HttpServer` to listen for incoming connections. Server accepts function that should return `HttpHandler` instance: ```rust,ignore HttpServer::new( || Application::new() .resource("/", |r| r.f(index))) .bind("")? .run(); ``` That's it. Now, compile and run the program with cargo run. Head over to ``http://localhost:8088/`` to see the results. Here is full source of main.rs file: ```rust # use std::thread; # extern crate actix_web; use actix_web::*; fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> &'static str { "Hello world!" } fn main() { # thread::spawn(|| { HttpServer::new( || Application::new() .resource("/", |r| r.f(index))) .bind("").expect("Can not bind to") .run(); # }); } ``` Note on `actix` crate. Actix web framework is built on top of actix actor library. `actix::System` initializes actor system, `HttpServer` is an actor and must run within properly configured actix system. For more information please check [actix documentation](https://actix.github.io/actix/actix/)