//! Websockets client //! //! Type definitions required to use [`awc::Client`](super::Client) as a WebSocket client. //! //! # Examples //! //! ```no_run //! use awc::{Client, ws}; //! use futures_util::{SinkExt as _, StreamExt as _}; //! //! #[actix_rt::main] //! async fn main() { //! let (_resp, mut connection) = Client::new() //! .ws("ws://echo.websocket.org") //! .connect() //! .await //! .unwrap(); //! //! connection //! .send(ws::Message::Text("Echo".into())) //! .await //! .unwrap(); //! let response = connection.next().await.unwrap().unwrap(); //! //! assert_eq!(response, ws::Frame::Text("Echo".as_bytes().into())); //! } //! ``` use std::{fmt, net::SocketAddr, str}; use base64::prelude::*; use actix_codec::Framed; use actix_http::{ws, Payload, RequestHead}; use actix_rt::time::timeout; use actix_service::Service as _; pub use actix_http::ws::{CloseCode, CloseReason, Codec, Frame, Message}; use crate::{ client::ClientConfig, connect::{BoxedSocket, ConnectRequest}, error::{HttpError, InvalidUrl, SendRequestError, WsClientError}, http::{ header::{self, HeaderName, HeaderValue, TryIntoHeaderValue, AUTHORIZATION}, ConnectionType, Method, StatusCode, Uri, Version, }, ClientResponse, }; #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] use crate::cookie::{Cookie, CookieJar}; /// WebSocket connection. pub struct WebsocketsRequest { pub(crate) head: RequestHead, err: Option, origin: Option, protocols: Option, addr: Option, max_size: usize, server_mode: bool, config: ClientConfig, #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] cookies: Option, } impl WebsocketsRequest { /// Create new WebSocket connection pub(crate) fn new(uri: U, config: ClientConfig) -> Self where Uri: TryFrom, >::Error: Into, { let mut err = None; #[allow(clippy::field_reassign_with_default)] let mut head = { let mut head = RequestHead::default(); head.method = Method::GET; head.version = Version::HTTP_11; head }; match Uri::try_from(uri) { Ok(uri) => head.uri = uri, Err(e) => err = Some(e.into()), } WebsocketsRequest { head, err, config, addr: None, origin: None, protocols: None, max_size: 65_536, server_mode: false, #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] cookies: None, } } /// Set socket address of the server. /// /// This address is used for connection. If address is not /// provided url's host name get resolved. pub fn address(mut self, addr: SocketAddr) -> Self { self.addr = Some(addr); self } /// Set supported WebSocket protocols pub fn protocols(mut self, protos: U) -> Self where U: IntoIterator, V: AsRef, { let mut protos = protos .into_iter() .fold(String::new(), |acc, s| acc + s.as_ref() + ","); protos.pop(); self.protocols = Some(protos); self } /// Set a cookie #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] pub fn cookie(mut self, cookie: Cookie<'_>) -> Self { if self.cookies.is_none() { let mut jar = CookieJar::new(); jar.add(cookie.into_owned()); self.cookies = Some(jar) } else { self.cookies.as_mut().unwrap().add(cookie.into_owned()); } self } /// Set request Origin pub fn origin(mut self, origin: V) -> Self where HeaderValue: TryFrom, HttpError: From, { match HeaderValue::try_from(origin) { Ok(value) => self.origin = Some(value), Err(e) => self.err = Some(e.into()), } self } /// Set max frame size /// /// By default max size is set to 64kB pub fn max_frame_size(mut self, size: usize) -> Self { self.max_size = size; self } /// Disable payload masking. By default ws client masks frame payload. pub fn server_mode(mut self) -> Self { self.server_mode = true; self } /// Append a header. /// /// Header gets appended to existing header. /// To override header use `set_header()` method. pub fn header(mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Self where HeaderName: TryFrom, >::Error: Into, V: TryIntoHeaderValue, { match HeaderName::try_from(key) { Ok(key) => match value.try_into_value() { Ok(value) => { self.head.headers.append(key, value); } Err(e) => self.err = Some(e.into()), }, Err(e) => self.err = Some(e.into()), } self } /// Insert a header, replaces existing header. pub fn set_header(mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Self where HeaderName: TryFrom, >::Error: Into, V: TryIntoHeaderValue, { match HeaderName::try_from(key) { Ok(key) => match value.try_into_value() { Ok(value) => { self.head.headers.insert(key, value); } Err(e) => self.err = Some(e.into()), }, Err(e) => self.err = Some(e.into()), } self } /// Insert a header only if it is not yet set. pub fn set_header_if_none(mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Self where HeaderName: TryFrom, >::Error: Into, V: TryIntoHeaderValue, { match HeaderName::try_from(key) { Ok(key) => { if !self.head.headers.contains_key(&key) { match value.try_into_value() { Ok(value) => { self.head.headers.insert(key, value); } Err(e) => self.err = Some(e.into()), } } } Err(e) => self.err = Some(e.into()), } self } /// Set HTTP basic authorization header pub fn basic_auth(self, username: U, password: Option<&str>) -> Self where U: fmt::Display, { let auth = match password { Some(password) => format!("{}:{}", username, password), None => format!("{}:", username), }; self.header( AUTHORIZATION, format!("Basic {}", BASE64_STANDARD.encode(auth)), ) } /// Set HTTP bearer authentication header pub fn bearer_auth(self, token: T) -> Self where T: fmt::Display, { self.header(AUTHORIZATION, format!("Bearer {}", token)) } /// Complete request construction and connect to a WebSocket server. pub async fn connect( mut self, ) -> Result<(ClientResponse, Framed), WsClientError> { if let Some(e) = self.err.take() { return Err(e.into()); } // validate uri let uri = &self.head.uri; if uri.host().is_none() { return Err(InvalidUrl::MissingHost.into()); } else if uri.scheme().is_none() { return Err(InvalidUrl::MissingScheme.into()); } else if let Some(scheme) = uri.scheme() { match scheme.as_str() { "http" | "ws" | "https" | "wss" => {} _ => return Err(InvalidUrl::UnknownScheme.into()), } } else { return Err(InvalidUrl::UnknownScheme.into()); } if !self.head.headers.contains_key(header::HOST) { self.head.headers.insert( header::HOST, HeaderValue::from_str(uri.host().unwrap()).unwrap(), ); } // set cookies #[cfg(feature = "cookies")] if let Some(ref mut jar) = self.cookies { let cookie: String = jar .delta() // ensure only name=value is written to cookie header .map(|c| c.stripped().encoded().to_string()) .collect::>() .join("; "); if !cookie.is_empty() { self.head .headers .insert(header::COOKIE, HeaderValue::from_str(&cookie).unwrap()); } } // origin if let Some(origin) = self.origin.take() { self.head.headers.insert(header::ORIGIN, origin); } self.head.set_connection_type(ConnectionType::Upgrade); #[allow(clippy::declare_interior_mutable_const)] const HV_WEBSOCKET: HeaderValue = HeaderValue::from_static("websocket"); self.head.headers.insert(header::UPGRADE, HV_WEBSOCKET); #[allow(clippy::declare_interior_mutable_const)] const HV_THIRTEEN: HeaderValue = HeaderValue::from_static("13"); self.head .headers .insert(header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION, HV_THIRTEEN); if let Some(protocols) = self.protocols.take() { self.head.headers.insert( header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL, HeaderValue::try_from(protocols.as_str()).unwrap(), ); } // Generate a random key for the `Sec-WebSocket-Key` header which is a base64-encoded // (see RFC 4648 §4) value that, when decoded, is 16 bytes in length (RFC 6455 §1.3). let sec_key: [u8; 16] = rand::random(); let key = BASE64_STANDARD.encode(sec_key); self.head.headers.insert( header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY, HeaderValue::try_from(key.as_str()).unwrap(), ); let head = self.head; let max_size = self.max_size; let server_mode = self.server_mode; let req = ConnectRequest::Tunnel(head, self.addr); let fut = self.config.connector.call(req); // set request timeout let res = if let Some(to) = self.config.timeout { timeout(to, fut) .await .map_err(|_| SendRequestError::Timeout)?? } else { fut.await? }; let (head, framed) = res.into_tunnel_response(); // verify response if head.status != StatusCode::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS { return Err(WsClientError::InvalidResponseStatus(head.status)); } // check for "UPGRADE" to WebSocket header let has_hdr = if let Some(hdr) = head.headers.get(&header::UPGRADE) { if let Ok(s) = hdr.to_str() { s.to_ascii_lowercase().contains("websocket") } else { false } } else { false }; if !has_hdr { log::trace!("Invalid upgrade header"); return Err(WsClientError::InvalidUpgradeHeader); } // Check for "CONNECTION" header if let Some(conn) = head.headers.get(&header::CONNECTION) { if let Ok(s) = conn.to_str() { if !s.to_ascii_lowercase().contains("upgrade") { log::trace!("Invalid connection header: {}", s); return Err(WsClientError::InvalidConnectionHeader(conn.clone())); } } else { log::trace!("Invalid connection header: {:?}", conn); return Err(WsClientError::InvalidConnectionHeader(conn.clone())); } } else { log::trace!("Missing connection header"); return Err(WsClientError::MissingConnectionHeader); } if let Some(hdr_key) = head.headers.get(&header::SEC_WEBSOCKET_ACCEPT) { let encoded = ws::hash_key(key.as_ref()); if hdr_key.as_bytes() != encoded { log::trace!( "Invalid challenge response: expected: {:?} received: {:?}", &encoded, key ); return Err(WsClientError::InvalidChallengeResponse( encoded, hdr_key.clone(), )); } } else { log::trace!("Missing SEC-WEBSOCKET-ACCEPT header"); return Err(WsClientError::MissingWebSocketAcceptHeader); }; // response and ws framed Ok(( ClientResponse::new(head, Payload::None), framed.into_map_codec(|_| { if server_mode { ws::Codec::new().max_size(max_size) } else { ws::Codec::new().max_size(max_size).client_mode() } }), )) } } impl fmt::Debug for WebsocketsRequest { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { writeln!( f, "\nWebsocketsRequest {}:{}", self.head.method, self.head.uri )?; writeln!(f, " headers:")?; for (key, val) in self.head.headers.iter() { writeln!(f, " {:?}: {:?}", key, val)?; } Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::Client; #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_debug() { let request = Client::new().ws("/").header("x-test", "111"); let repr = format!("{:?}", request); assert!(repr.contains("WebsocketsRequest")); assert!(repr.contains("x-test")); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_header_override() { let req = Client::builder() .add_default_header((header::CONTENT_TYPE, "111")) .finish() .ws("/") .set_header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "222"); assert_eq!( req.head .headers .get(header::CONTENT_TYPE) .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap(), "222" ); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn basic_auth() { let req = Client::new() .ws("/") .basic_auth("username", Some("password")); assert_eq!( req.head .headers .get(header::AUTHORIZATION) .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap(), "Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=" ); let req = Client::new().ws("/").basic_auth("username", None); assert_eq!( req.head .headers .get(header::AUTHORIZATION) .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap(), "Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6" ); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn bearer_auth() { let req = Client::new().ws("/").bearer_auth("someS3cr3tAutht0k3n"); assert_eq!( req.head .headers .get(header::AUTHORIZATION) .unwrap() .to_str() .unwrap(), "Bearer someS3cr3tAutht0k3n" ); #[allow(clippy::let_underscore_future)] let _ = req.connect(); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn basics() { let req = Client::new() .ws("http://localhost/") .origin("test-origin") .max_frame_size(100) .server_mode() .protocols(["v1", "v2"]) .set_header_if_none(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "json") .set_header_if_none(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "text") .cookie(Cookie::build("cookie1", "value1").finish()); assert_eq!( req.origin.as_ref().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), "test-origin" ); assert_eq!(req.max_size, 100); assert!(req.server_mode); assert_eq!(req.protocols, Some("v1,v2".to_string())); assert_eq!( req.head.headers.get(header::CONTENT_TYPE).unwrap(), header::HeaderValue::from_static("json") ); let _ = req.connect().await; assert!(Client::new().ws("/").connect().await.is_err()); assert!(Client::new().ws("http:///test").connect().await.is_err()); assert!(Client::new().ws("hmm://test.com/").connect().await.is_err()); } }