use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque}; use std::net::Shutdown; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use std::{fmt, io, mem, time}; use actix::resolver::{Connect as ResolveConnect, Resolver, ResolverError}; use actix::{ fut, Actor, ActorFuture, ActorResponse, Addr, AsyncContext, Context, ContextFutureSpawner, Handler, Message, Recipient, StreamHandler, Supervised, SystemService, WrapFuture, }; use futures::sync::{mpsc, oneshot}; use futures::{Async, Future, Poll}; use http::{Error as HttpError, HttpTryFrom, Uri}; use tokio_io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite}; use tokio_timer::Delay; #[cfg(feature = "alpn")] use openssl::ssl::{Error as OpensslError, SslConnector, SslMethod}; #[cfg(feature = "alpn")] use tokio_openssl::SslConnectorExt; #[cfg(all(feature = "tls", not(feature = "alpn")))] use native_tls::{Error as TlsError, TlsConnector}; #[cfg(all(feature = "tls", not(feature = "alpn")))] use tokio_tls::TlsConnectorExt; use server::IoStream; use {HAS_OPENSSL, HAS_TLS}; /// Client connector usage stats #[derive(Default, Message)] pub struct ClientConnectorStats { /// Number of waited-on connections pub waits: usize, /// Size of the wait queue pub wait_queue: usize, /// Number of reused connections pub reused: usize, /// Number of opened connections pub opened: usize, /// Number of closed connections pub closed: usize, /// Number of connections with errors pub errors: usize, /// Number of connection timeouts pub timeouts: usize, } #[derive(Debug)] /// `Connect` type represents a message that can be sent to /// `ClientConnector` with a connection request. pub struct Connect { pub(crate) uri: Uri, pub(crate) wait_timeout: Duration, pub(crate) conn_timeout: Duration, } impl Connect { /// Create `Connect` message for specified `Uri` pub fn new(uri: U) -> Result where Uri: HttpTryFrom, { Ok(Connect { uri: Uri::try_from(uri).map_err(|e| e.into())?, wait_timeout: Duration::from_secs(5), conn_timeout: Duration::from_secs(1), }) } /// Connection timeout, i.e. max time to connect to remote host. /// Set to 1 second by default. pub fn conn_timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self { self.conn_timeout = timeout; self } /// If connection pool limits are enabled, wait time indicates /// max time to wait for a connection to become available. /// Set to 5 seconds by default. pub fn wait_timeout(mut self, timeout: Duration) -> Self { self.wait_timeout = timeout; self } } impl Message for Connect { type Result = Result; } /// Pause connection process for `ClientConnector` /// /// All connect requests enter wait state during connector pause. pub struct Pause { time: Option, } impl Pause { /// Create message with pause duration parameter pub fn new(time: Duration) -> Pause { Pause { time: Some(time) } } } impl Default for Pause { fn default() -> Pause { Pause { time: None } } } impl Message for Pause { type Result = (); } /// Resume connection process for `ClientConnector` #[derive(Message)] pub struct Resume; /// A set of errors that can occur while connecting to an HTTP host #[derive(Fail, Debug)] pub enum ClientConnectorError { /// Invalid URL #[fail(display = "Invalid URL")] InvalidUrl, /// SSL feature is not enabled #[fail(display = "SSL is not supported")] SslIsNotSupported, /// SSL error #[cfg(feature = "alpn")] #[fail(display = "{}", _0)] SslError(#[cause] OpensslError), /// SSL error #[cfg(all(feature = "tls", not(feature = "alpn")))] #[fail(display = "{}", _0)] SslError(#[cause] TlsError), /// Resolver error #[fail(display = "{}", _0)] Resolver(#[cause] ResolverError), /// Connection took too long #[fail(display = "Timeout while establishing connection")] Timeout, /// Connector has been disconnected #[fail(display = "Internal error: connector has been disconnected")] Disconnected, /// Connection IO error #[fail(display = "{}", _0)] IoError(#[cause] io::Error), } impl From for ClientConnectorError { fn from(err: ResolverError) -> ClientConnectorError { match err { ResolverError::Timeout => ClientConnectorError::Timeout, _ => ClientConnectorError::Resolver(err), } } } struct Waiter { tx: oneshot::Sender>, wait: Instant, conn_timeout: Duration, } enum Paused { No, Yes, Timeout(Instant, Delay), } impl Paused { fn is_paused(&self) -> bool { match *self { Paused::No => false, _ => true, } } } /// `ClientConnector` type is responsible for transport layer of a /// client connection. pub struct ClientConnector { #[cfg(all(feature = "alpn"))] connector: SslConnector, #[cfg(all(feature = "tls", not(feature = "alpn")))] connector: TlsConnector, stats: ClientConnectorStats, subscriber: Option>, acq_tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender, acq_rx: Option>, resolver: Option>, conn_lifetime: Duration, conn_keep_alive: Duration, limit: usize, limit_per_host: usize, acquired: usize, acquired_per_host: HashMap, available: HashMap>, to_close: Vec, waiters: Option>>, wait_timeout: Option<(Instant, Delay)>, paused: Paused, } impl Actor for ClientConnector { type Context = Context; fn started(&mut self, ctx: &mut Self::Context) { if self.resolver.is_none() { self.resolver = Some(Resolver::from_registry()) } self.collect_periodic(ctx); ctx.add_stream(self.acq_rx.take().unwrap()); ctx.spawn(Maintenance); } } impl Supervised for ClientConnector {} impl SystemService for ClientConnector {} impl Default for ClientConnector { fn default() -> ClientConnector { #[cfg(all(feature = "alpn"))] { let builder = SslConnector::builder(SslMethod::tls()).unwrap(); ClientConnector::with_connector( } #[cfg(all(feature = "tls", not(feature = "alpn")))] { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded(); let builder = TlsConnector::builder().unwrap(); ClientConnector { stats: ClientConnectorStats::default(), subscriber: None, acq_tx: tx, acq_rx: Some(rx), resolver: None, connector:, conn_lifetime: Duration::from_secs(75), conn_keep_alive: Duration::from_secs(15), limit: 100, limit_per_host: 0, acquired: 0, acquired_per_host: HashMap::new(), available: HashMap::new(), to_close: Vec::new(), waiters: Some(HashMap::new()), wait_timeout: None, paused: Paused::No, } } #[cfg(not(any(feature = "alpn", feature = "tls")))] { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded(); ClientConnector { stats: ClientConnectorStats::default(), subscriber: None, acq_tx: tx, acq_rx: Some(rx), resolver: None, conn_lifetime: Duration::from_secs(75), conn_keep_alive: Duration::from_secs(15), limit: 100, limit_per_host: 0, acquired: 0, acquired_per_host: HashMap::new(), available: HashMap::new(), to_close: Vec::new(), waiters: Some(HashMap::new()), wait_timeout: None, paused: Paused::No, } } } } impl ClientConnector { #[cfg(feature = "alpn")] /// Create `ClientConnector` actor with custom `SslConnector` instance. /// /// By default `ClientConnector` uses very a simple SSL configuration. /// With `with_connector` method it is possible to use a custom /// `SslConnector` object. /// /// ```rust,ignore /// # #![cfg(feature="alpn")] /// # extern crate actix_web; /// # extern crate futures; /// # use futures::{future, Future}; /// # use std::io::Write; /// # use std::process; /// # use actix_web::actix::Actor; /// extern crate openssl; /// use actix_web::{actix, client::ClientConnector, client::Connect}; /// /// use openssl::ssl::{SslConnector, SslMethod}; /// /// fn main() { /// actix::run(|| { /// // Start `ClientConnector` with custom `SslConnector` /// let ssl_conn = SslConnector::builder(SslMethod::tls()).unwrap().build(); /// let conn = ClientConnector::with_connector(ssl_conn).start(); /// /// conn.send( /// Connect::new("").unwrap()) // <- connect to host /// .map_err(|_| ()) /// .and_then(|res| { /// if let Ok(mut stream) = res { /// stream.write_all(b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n").unwrap(); /// } /// # actix::System::current().stop(); /// Ok(()) /// }) /// ); /// } /// ``` pub fn with_connector(connector: SslConnector) -> ClientConnector { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::unbounded(); ClientConnector { connector, stats: ClientConnectorStats::default(), subscriber: None, acq_tx: tx, acq_rx: Some(rx), resolver: None, conn_lifetime: Duration::from_secs(75), conn_keep_alive: Duration::from_secs(15), limit: 100, limit_per_host: 0, acquired: 0, acquired_per_host: HashMap::new(), available: HashMap::new(), to_close: Vec::new(), waiters: Some(HashMap::new()), wait_timeout: None, paused: Paused::No, } } /// Set total number of simultaneous connections. /// /// If limit is 0, the connector has no limit. /// The default limit size is 100. pub fn limit(mut self, limit: usize) -> Self { self.limit = limit; self } /// Set total number of simultaneous connections to the same endpoint. /// /// Endpoints are the same if they have equal (host, port, ssl) triplets. /// If limit is 0, the connector has no limit. The default limit size is 0. pub fn limit_per_host(mut self, limit: usize) -> Self { self.limit_per_host = limit; self } /// Set keep-alive period for opened connection. /// /// Keep-alive period is the period between connection usage. If /// the delay between repeated usages of the same connection /// exceeds this period, the connection is closed. /// Default keep-alive period is 15 seconds. pub fn conn_keep_alive(mut self, dur: Duration) -> Self { self.conn_keep_alive = dur; self } /// Set max lifetime period for connection. /// /// Connection lifetime is max lifetime of any opened connection /// until it is closed regardless of keep-alive period. /// Default lifetime period is 75 seconds. pub fn conn_lifetime(mut self, dur: Duration) -> Self { self.conn_lifetime = dur; self } /// Subscribe for connector stats. Only one subscriber is supported. pub fn stats(mut self, subs: Recipient) -> Self { self.subscriber = Some(subs); self } /// Use custom resolver actor pub fn resolver(mut self, addr: Addr) -> Self { self.resolver = Some(addr); self } fn acquire(&mut self, key: &Key) -> Acquire { // check limits if self.limit > 0 { if self.acquired >= self.limit { return Acquire::NotAvailable; } if self.limit_per_host > 0 { if let Some(per_host) = self.acquired_per_host.get(key) { if *per_host >= self.limit_per_host { return Acquire::NotAvailable; } } } } else if self.limit_per_host > 0 { if let Some(per_host) = self.acquired_per_host.get(key) { if *per_host >= self.limit_per_host { return Acquire::NotAvailable; } } } self.reserve(key); // check if open connection is available // cleanup stale connections at the same time if let Some(ref mut connections) = self.available.get_mut(key) { let now = Instant::now(); while let Some(conn) = connections.pop_back() { // check if it still usable if (now - conn.0) > self.conn_keep_alive || (now - conn.1.ts) > self.conn_lifetime { self.stats.closed += 1; self.to_close.push(conn.1); } else { let mut conn = conn.1; let mut buf = [0; 2]; match buf) { Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => (), Ok(n) if n > 0 => { self.stats.closed += 1; self.to_close.push(conn); continue; } Ok(_) | Err(_) => continue, } return Acquire::Acquired(conn); } } } Acquire::Available } fn reserve(&mut self, key: &Key) { self.acquired += 1; let per_host = if let Some(per_host) = self.acquired_per_host.get(key) { *per_host } else { 0 }; self.acquired_per_host.insert(key.clone(), per_host + 1); } fn release_key(&mut self, key: &Key) { if self.acquired > 0 { self.acquired -= 1; } let per_host = if let Some(per_host) = self.acquired_per_host.get(key) { *per_host } else { return; }; if per_host > 1 { self.acquired_per_host.insert(key.clone(), per_host - 1); } else { self.acquired_per_host.remove(key); } } fn collect_periodic(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) { // check connections for shutdown let mut idx = 0; while idx < self.to_close.len() { match AsyncWrite::shutdown(&mut self.to_close[idx]) { Ok(Async::NotReady) => idx += 1, _ => { self.to_close.swap_remove(idx); } } } // re-schedule next collect period ctx.run_later(Duration::from_secs(1), |act, ctx| act.collect_periodic(ctx)); // send stats let mut stats = mem::replace(&mut self.stats, ClientConnectorStats::default()); if let Some(ref mut subscr) = self.subscriber { if let Some(ref waiters) = self.waiters { for w in waiters.values() { stats.wait_queue += w.len(); } } let _ = subscr.do_send(stats); } } // TODO: waiters should be sorted by deadline. maybe timewheel? fn collect_waiters(&mut self) { let now = Instant::now(); let mut next = None; for waiters in self.waiters.as_mut().unwrap().values_mut() { let mut idx = 0; while idx < waiters.len() { let wait = waiters[idx].wait; if wait <= now { self.stats.timeouts += 1; let waiter = waiters.swap_remove_back(idx).unwrap(); let _ = waiter.tx.send(Err(ClientConnectorError::Timeout)); } else { if let Some(n) = next { if wait < n { next = Some(wait); } } else { next = Some(wait); } idx += 1; } } } if next.is_some() { self.install_wait_timeout(next.unwrap()); } } fn install_wait_timeout(&mut self, time: Instant) { if let Some(ref mut wait) = self.wait_timeout { if wait.0 < time { return; } } let mut timeout = Delay::new(time); let _ = timeout.poll(); self.wait_timeout = Some((time, timeout)); } fn wait_for( &mut self, key: Key, wait: Duration, conn_timeout: Duration, ) -> oneshot::Receiver> { // connection is not available, wait let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let wait = Instant::now() + wait; self.install_wait_timeout(wait); let waiter = Waiter { tx, wait, conn_timeout, }; self.waiters .as_mut() .unwrap() .entry(key) .or_insert_with(VecDeque::new) .push_back(waiter); rx } fn check_availibility(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) { // check waiters let mut act_waiters = self.waiters.take().unwrap(); for (key, ref mut waiters) in &mut act_waiters { while let Some(waiter) = waiters.pop_front() { if waiter.tx.is_canceled() { continue; } match self.acquire(key) { Acquire::Acquired(mut conn) => { // use existing connection self.stats.reused += 1; conn.pool = Some(AcquiredConn(key.clone(), Some(self.acq_tx.clone()))); let _ = waiter.tx.send(Ok(conn)); } Acquire::NotAvailable => { waiters.push_front(waiter); break; } Acquire::Available => { // create new connection self.connect_waiter(key.clone(), waiter, ctx); } } } } self.waiters = Some(act_waiters); } fn connect_waiter(&mut self, key: Key, waiter: Waiter, ctx: &mut Context) { let conn = AcquiredConn(key.clone(), Some(self.acq_tx.clone())); let key2 = key.clone(); fut::WrapFuture::::actfuture( self.resolver.as_ref().unwrap().send( ResolveConnect::host_and_port(&, conn.0.port) .timeout(waiter.conn_timeout), ), ).map_err(move |_, act, _| { act.release_key(&key2); () }) .and_then(move |res, act, _| { #[cfg(feature = "alpn")] match res { Err(err) => { let _ = waiter.tx.send(Err(err.into())); fut::Either::B(fut::err(())) } Ok(stream) => { act.stats.opened += 1; if conn.0.ssl { fut::Either::A( act.connector .connect_async(&, stream) .into_actor(act) .then(move |res, act, _| { match res { Err(e) => { let _ = waiter.tx.send(Err( ClientConnectorError::SslError(e), )); } Ok(stream) => { let _ = waiter.tx.send(Ok(Connection::new( conn.0.clone(), Some(conn), Box::new(stream), ))); } } fut::ok(()) }), ) } else { let _ = waiter.tx.send(Ok(Connection::new( conn.0.clone(), Some(conn), Box::new(stream), ))); fut::Either::B(fut::ok(())) } } } #[cfg(all(feature = "tls", not(feature = "alpn")))] match res { Err(err) => { let _ = waiter.tx.send(Err(err.into())); fut::Either::B(fut::err(())) } Ok(stream) => { act.stats.opened += 1; if conn.0.ssl { fut::Either::A( act.connector .connect_async(&, stream) .into_actor(act) .then(move |res, _, _| { match res { Err(e) => { let _ = waiter.tx.send(Err( ClientConnectorError::SslError(e), )); } Ok(stream) => { let _ = waiter.tx.send(Ok(Connection::new( conn.0.clone(), Some(conn), Box::new(stream), ))); } } fut::ok(()) }), ) } else { let _ = waiter.tx.send(Ok(Connection::new( conn.0.clone(), Some(conn), Box::new(stream), ))); fut::Either::B(fut::ok(())) } } } #[cfg(not(any(feature = "alpn", feature = "tls")))] match res { Err(err) => { let _ = waiter.tx.send(Err(err.into())); fut::err(()) } Ok(stream) => { act.stats.opened += 1; if conn.0.ssl { let _ = waiter .tx .send(Err(ClientConnectorError::SslIsNotSupported)); } else { let _ = waiter.tx.send(Ok(Connection::new( conn.0.clone(), Some(conn), Box::new(stream), ))); }; fut::ok(()) } } }) .spawn(ctx); } } impl Handler for ClientConnector { type Result = (); fn handle(&mut self, msg: Pause, _: &mut Self::Context) { if let Some(time) = msg.time { let when = Instant::now() + time; let mut timeout = Delay::new(when); let _ = timeout.poll(); self.paused = Paused::Timeout(when, timeout); } else { self.paused = Paused::Yes; } } } impl Handler for ClientConnector { type Result = (); fn handle(&mut self, _: Resume, _: &mut Self::Context) { self.paused = Paused::No; } } impl Handler for ClientConnector { type Result = ActorResponse; fn handle(&mut self, msg: Connect, ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { let uri = &msg.uri; let wait_timeout = msg.wait_timeout; let conn_timeout = msg.conn_timeout; // host name is required if { return ActorResponse::reply(Err(ClientConnectorError::InvalidUrl)); } // supported protocols let proto = match uri.scheme_part() { Some(scheme) => match Protocol::from(scheme.as_str()) { Some(proto) => proto, None => { return ActorResponse::reply(Err(ClientConnectorError::InvalidUrl)) } }, None => return ActorResponse::reply(Err(ClientConnectorError::InvalidUrl)), }; // check ssl availability if proto.is_secure() && !HAS_OPENSSL && !HAS_TLS { return ActorResponse::reply(Err(ClientConnectorError::SslIsNotSupported)); } let host =; let port = uri.port().unwrap_or_else(|| proto.port()); let key = Key { host, port, ssl: proto.is_secure(), }; // check pause state if self.paused.is_paused() { let rx = self.wait_for(key.clone(), wait_timeout, conn_timeout); self.stats.waits += 1; return ActorResponse::async( rx.map_err(|_| ClientConnectorError::Disconnected) .into_actor(self) .and_then(move |res, act, ctx| match res { Ok(conn) => fut::ok(conn), Err(err) => { match err { ClientConnectorError::Timeout => (), _ => { act.release_key(&key); } } act.stats.errors += 1; act.check_availibility(ctx); fut::err(err) } }), ); } // do not re-use websockets connection if !proto.is_http() { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let wait = Instant::now() + wait_timeout; let waiter = Waiter { tx, wait, conn_timeout, }; self.connect_waiter(key.clone(), waiter, ctx); return ActorResponse::async( rx.map_err(|_| ClientConnectorError::Disconnected) .into_actor(self) .and_then(move |res, act, ctx| match res { Ok(conn) => fut::ok(conn), Err(err) => { act.stats.errors += 1; act.release_key(&key); act.check_availibility(ctx); fut::err(err) } }), ); } // acquire connection match self.acquire(&key) { Acquire::Acquired(mut conn) => { // use existing connection conn.pool = Some(AcquiredConn(key, Some(self.acq_tx.clone()))); self.stats.reused += 1; ActorResponse::async(fut::ok(conn)) } Acquire::NotAvailable => { // connection is not available, wait let rx = self.wait_for(key.clone(), wait_timeout, conn_timeout); self.stats.waits += 1; ActorResponse::async( rx.map_err(|_| ClientConnectorError::Disconnected) .into_actor(self) .and_then(move |res, act, ctx| match res { Ok(conn) => fut::ok(conn), Err(err) => { match err { ClientConnectorError::Timeout => (), _ => { act.release_key(&key); } } act.stats.errors += 1; act.check_availibility(ctx); fut::err(err) } }), ) } Acquire::Available => { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let wait = Instant::now() + wait_timeout; let waiter = Waiter { tx, wait, conn_timeout, }; self.connect_waiter(key.clone(), waiter, ctx); ActorResponse::async( rx.map_err(|_| ClientConnectorError::Disconnected) .into_actor(self) .and_then(move |res, act, ctx| match res { Ok(conn) => fut::ok(conn), Err(err) => { act.stats.errors += 1; act.release_key(&key); act.check_availibility(ctx); fut::err(err) } }), ) } } } } impl StreamHandler for ClientConnector { fn handle(&mut self, msg: AcquiredConnOperation, ctx: &mut Context) { match msg { AcquiredConnOperation::Close(conn) => { self.release_key(&conn.key); self.to_close.push(conn); self.stats.closed += 1; } AcquiredConnOperation::Release(conn) => { self.release_key(&conn.key); if (Instant::now() - conn.ts) < self.conn_lifetime { self.available .entry(conn.key.clone()) .or_insert_with(VecDeque::new) .push_back(Conn(Instant::now(), conn)); } else { self.to_close.push(conn); self.stats.closed += 1; } } AcquiredConnOperation::ReleaseKey(key) => { // closed self.stats.closed += 1; self.release_key(&key); } } self.check_availibility(ctx); } } struct Maintenance; impl fut::ActorFuture for Maintenance { type Item = (); type Error = (); type Actor = ClientConnector; fn poll( &mut self, act: &mut ClientConnector, ctx: &mut Context, ) -> Poll { // check pause duration if let Paused::Timeout(inst, _) = act.paused { if inst <= Instant::now() { act.paused = Paused::No; } } // collect wait timers act.collect_waiters(); // check waiters act.check_availibility(ctx); Ok(Async::NotReady) } } #[derive(PartialEq, Hash, Debug, Clone, Copy)] enum Protocol { Http, Https, Ws, Wss, } impl Protocol { fn from(s: &str) -> Option { match s { "http" => Some(Protocol::Http), "https" => Some(Protocol::Https), "ws" => Some(Protocol::Ws), "wss" => Some(Protocol::Wss), _ => None, } } fn is_http(self) -> bool { match self { Protocol::Https | Protocol::Http => true, _ => false, } } fn is_secure(self) -> bool { match self { Protocol::Https | Protocol::Wss => true, _ => false, } } fn port(self) -> u16 { match self { Protocol::Http | Protocol::Ws => 80, Protocol::Https | Protocol::Wss => 443, } } } #[derive(Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Debug)] struct Key { host: String, port: u16, ssl: bool, } impl Key { fn empty() -> Key { Key { host: String::new(), port: 0, ssl: false, } } } #[derive(Debug)] struct Conn(Instant, Connection); enum Acquire { Acquired(Connection), Available, NotAvailable, } enum AcquiredConnOperation { Close(Connection), Release(Connection), ReleaseKey(Key), } struct AcquiredConn(Key, Option>); impl AcquiredConn { fn close(&mut self, conn: Connection) { if let Some(tx) = self.1.take() { let _ = tx.unbounded_send(AcquiredConnOperation::Close(conn)); } } fn release(&mut self, conn: Connection) { if let Some(tx) = self.1.take() { let _ = tx.unbounded_send(AcquiredConnOperation::Release(conn)); } } } impl Drop for AcquiredConn { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Some(tx) = self.1.take() { let _ = tx.unbounded_send(AcquiredConnOperation::ReleaseKey(self.0.clone())); } } } /// HTTP client connection pub struct Connection { key: Key, stream: Box, pool: Option, ts: Instant, } impl fmt::Debug for Connection { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "Connection {}:{}",, self.key.port) } } impl Connection { fn new(key: Key, pool: Option, stream: Box) -> Self { Connection { key, stream, pool, ts: Instant::now(), } } /// Raw IO stream pub fn stream(&mut self) -> &mut IoStream { &mut * } /// Create a new connection from an IO Stream pub fn from_stream(io: T) -> Connection { Connection::new(Key::empty(), None, Box::new(io)) } /// Close connection pub fn close(mut self) { if let Some(mut pool) = self.pool.take() { pool.close(self) } } /// Release this connection to the connection pool pub fn release(mut self) { if let Some(mut pool) = self.pool.take() { pool.release(self) } } } impl IoStream for Connection { fn shutdown(&mut self, how: Shutdown) -> io::Result<()> { IoStream::shutdown(&mut *, how) } #[inline] fn set_nodelay(&mut self, nodelay: bool) -> io::Result<()> { IoStream::set_nodelay(&mut *, nodelay) } #[inline] fn set_linger(&mut self, dur: Option) -> io::Result<()> { IoStream::set_linger(&mut *, dur) } } impl io::Read for Connection { fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result { } } impl AsyncRead for Connection {} impl io::Write for Connection { fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result { } fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { } } impl AsyncWrite for Connection { fn shutdown(&mut self) -> Poll<(), io::Error> { } }