From b4df0837ca7b0ab987764531331fb4455d6dd548 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: axon-q <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2018 18:50:47 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] EtagHasher middleware

 src/middleware/ | 318 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/middleware/        |   1 +
 2 files changed, 319 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/middleware/

diff --git a/src/middleware/ b/src/middleware/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bf6230c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/middleware/
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+//! ETag header and `304 Not Modified` support for HTTP responses
+/// The `EtagHasher` middleware generates RFC 7232 ETag headers for HTTP
+/// responses, and checks the ETag for a response against those provided
+/// in the `If-None-Match` header of the request, if present.  In the
+/// event of a match, instead of returning the original response, an
+/// HTTP `304 Not Modified` response with no content is returned
+/// instead.  Only response [Body](enum.Body.html)s of type `Binary` are
+/// supported; responses with other body types will be left unchanged.
+/// ETag values are generated by computing a hash function over the
+/// bytes of the body of the original response. Thus, using this
+/// middleware amounts to trading CPU resources for bandwidth. Some CPU
+/// overhead is incurred by having to compute a hash for each response
+/// body, but in return one avoids sending response bodies to requesters
+/// that already have the body content cached.
+/// An `EtagHasher` instance makes use of two functions, `hash` and
+/// `filter`. The `hash` function takes the bytes of the original
+/// response body as input and produces an ETag value. The `filter`
+/// function takes the original HTTP request and response, and returns
+/// `true` if ETag processing should be applied to this response and
+/// `false` otherwise. These functions are supplied by the user when the
+/// instance is created; the `DefaultHasher` and `DefaultFilter` can be
+/// used if desired. Currently `DefaultHasher` computes an SHA-1 hash,
+/// but this should not be relied upon. The `DefaultFilter` returns
+/// `true` when the request method is `GET` or `HEAD` and the original
+/// response status is `200 OK`. If you provide your own `filter`, you
+/// will want to check for these conditions as well.
+/// ```rust
+/// # extern crate actix_web;
+/// use actix_web::{http, middleware, App, HttpResponse};
+/// use middleware::etaghasher::{EtagHasher, DefaultHasher, DefaultFilter};
+/// fn main() {
+///     let eh = EtagHasher::new(DefaultHasher, DefaultFilter);
+///     let app = App::new()
+///         .middleware(eh)
+///         .resource("/test", |r| {
+///             r.method(http::Method::GET).f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok());
+///         })
+///         .finish();
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// With custom `hash` and `filter` functions:
+/// ```rust
+/// # extern crate actix_web;
+/// use actix_web::{http, middleware, App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse};
+/// use middleware::etaghasher::EtagHasher;
+/// fn main() {
+///     let eh = EtagHasher::new(
+///         |_input: &[u8]| "static".to_string(),
+///         |_req: &HttpRequest<()>, _res: &HttpResponse| true,
+///     );
+///     let app = App::new()
+///         .middleware(eh)
+///         .resource("/test", |r| {
+///             r.method(http::Method::GET).f(|_| HttpResponse::Ok());
+///         })
+///         .finish();
+/// }
+/// ```
+use error::Result;
+use header::EntityTag;
+use httprequest::HttpRequest;
+use httpresponse::HttpResponse;
+use middleware;
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+/// `Middleware` for generating ETag headers and returning `304 Not Modified`
+/// responses upon receipt of a matching `If-None-Match` request header.
+/// Can produce an ETag value from a byte slice. Per RFC 7232, **must only
+/// produce** bytes with hex values `21`, `23-7E`, or greater than or equal
+/// to `80`. Producing invalid bytes will result in a panic when the output
+/// is converted to an ETag.
+pub trait Hasher {
+    /// Produce an ETag value given a byte slice.
+    fn hash(&self, input: &[u8]) -> String;
+/// Can test a (request, response) pair and return `true` or `false`
+pub trait RequestFilter<S> {
+    /// Return `true` if ETag processing should be applied to this
+    /// `(request, response)` pair and `false` otherwise. A `false` return
+    /// value will immediately return the original response unchanged.
+    fn filter(&self, req: &HttpRequest<S>, res: &HttpResponse) -> bool;
+// Closure implementations
+impl<F: Fn(&[u8]) -> String> Hasher for F {
+    fn hash(&self, input: &[u8]) -> String {
+        self(input)
+    }
+impl<S, F: Fn(&HttpRequest<S>, &HttpResponse) -> bool> RequestFilter<S> for F {
+    fn filter(&self, req: &HttpRequest<S>, res: &HttpResponse) -> bool {
+        self(req, res)
+    }
+// Defaults
+/// Computes an ETag value from a byte slice using a default cryptographic hash
+/// function.
+pub struct DefaultHasher;
+impl Hasher for DefaultHasher {
+    fn hash(&self, input: &[u8]) -> String {
+        use sha1;
+        let mut h = sha1::Sha1::new();
+        h.update(input);
+        h.digest().to_string()
+    }
+/// Returns `true` when the request method is `GET` or `HEAD` and the
+/// original response status is `200 OK`, and `false` otherwise.
+pub struct DefaultFilter;
+impl<S> RequestFilter<S> for DefaultFilter {
+    fn filter(&self, req: &HttpRequest<S>, res: &HttpResponse) -> bool {
+        use http::{Method, StatusCode};
+        (*req.method() == Method::GET || *req.method() == Method::HEAD)
+            && res.status() == StatusCode::OK
+    }
+/// The middleware struct. Contains a Hasher to compute ETag values for byte
+/// slices and a filter to determine whether ETag computation and checking
+/// should be applied to a particular (request, response) pair.
+pub struct EtagHasher<S, H, F>
+    S: 'static,
+    H: Hasher + 'static,
+    F: RequestFilter<S> + 'static,
+    hasher: H,
+    filter: F,
+    _phantom: PhantomData<S>,
+impl<S, H, F> EtagHasher<S, H, F>
+    S: 'static,
+    H: Hasher + 'static,
+    F: RequestFilter<S> + 'static,
+    /// Create a new middleware struct with the given Hasher and RequestFilter.
+    pub fn new(hasher: H, filter: F) -> Self {
+        EtagHasher {
+            hasher,
+            filter,
+            _phantom: PhantomData,
+        }
+    }
+impl<S, H, F> middleware::Middleware<S> for EtagHasher<S, H, F>
+    S: 'static,
+    H: Hasher + 'static,
+    F: RequestFilter<S> + 'static,
+    fn response(
+        &mut self, req: &mut HttpRequest<S>, mut res: HttpResponse,
+    ) -> Result<middleware::Response> {
+        use header;
+        use Body;
+        if !self.filter.filter(req, &res) {
+            return Ok(middleware::Response::Done(res));
+        }
+        let e = if let Body::Binary(b) = res.body() {
+            Some(EntityTag::strong(self.hasher.hash(b.as_ref())))
+        } else {
+            None
+        };
+        if let Some(etag) = e {
+            if !none_match(&etag, req) {
+                let mut not_modified =
+                    HttpResponse::NotModified().set(header::ETag(etag)).finish();
+                // RFC 7232 requires copying over these headers:
+                copy_header(header::CACHE_CONTROL, &res, &mut not_modified);
+                copy_header(header::CONTENT_LOCATION, &res, &mut not_modified);
+                copy_header(header::DATE, &res, &mut not_modified);
+                copy_header(header::EXPIRES, &res, &mut not_modified);
+                copy_header(header::VARY, &res, &mut not_modified);
+                return Ok(middleware::Response::Done(not_modified));
+            }
+            etag.to_string()
+                .parse::<header::HeaderValue>()
+                .map(|v| {
+                    res.headers_mut().insert(header::ETAG, v);
+                })
+                .unwrap_or(());
+        }
+        Ok(middleware::Response::Done(res))
+    }
+fn copy_header(h: ::header::HeaderName, src: &HttpResponse, dst: &mut HttpResponse) {
+    if let Some(val) = src.headers().get(&h) {
+        dst.headers_mut().insert(h, val.clone());
+    }
+// Returns true if `req` doesn't have an `If-None-Match` header matching `req`.
+fn none_match<S>(etag: &EntityTag, req: &HttpRequest<S>) -> bool {
+    use header::IfNoneMatch;
+    use httpmessage::HttpMessage;
+    match req.get_header::<IfNoneMatch>() {
+        Some(IfNoneMatch::Items(ref items)) => {
+            for item in items {
+                if item.weak_eq(etag) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+            true
+        }
+        Some(IfNoneMatch::Any) => false,
+        None => true,
+    }
+mod tests {
+    use super::*;
+    use header::ETAG;
+    use http::StatusCode;
+    use httpmessage::HttpMessage;
+    use middleware::Middleware;
+    use test::{TestRequest, TestServer};
+    const TEST_ETAG: &'static str = "\"a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3\"";
+    struct TestState {
+        _state: u32,
+    }
+    fn test_index<S>(_req: HttpRequest<S>) -> &'static str {
+        "test"
+    }
+    fn mwres(r: Result<middleware::Response>) -> HttpResponse {
+        match r {
+            Ok(middleware::Response::Done(hr)) => hr,
+            _ => panic!(),
+        }
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_default_create_etag() {
+        let mut eh = EtagHasher::new(DefaultHasher, DefaultFilter);
+        let mut req = TestRequest::default().finish();
+        let res = HttpResponse::Ok().body("test");
+        let res = mwres(eh.response(&mut req, res));
+        assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK);
+        assert_eq!(res.headers().get(ETAG).unwrap(), TEST_ETAG);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_default_with_state_create_etag() {
+        let state = TestState { _state: 0 };
+        let mut eh = EtagHasher::new(DefaultHasher, DefaultFilter);
+        let mut req = TestRequest::with_state(state).finish();
+        let res = HttpResponse::Ok().body("test");
+        let res = mwres(eh.response(&mut req, res));
+        assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK);
+        assert_eq!(res.headers().get(ETAG).unwrap(), TEST_ETAG);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_default_none_match() {
+        let mut eh = EtagHasher::new(DefaultHasher, DefaultFilter);
+        let mut req = TestRequest::with_header("If-None-Match", "_").finish();
+        let res = HttpResponse::Ok().body("test");
+        let res = mwres(eh.response(&mut req, res));
+        assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK);
+        assert_eq!(res.headers().get(ETAG).unwrap(), TEST_ETAG);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_default_match() {
+        let mut eh = EtagHasher::new(DefaultHasher, DefaultFilter);
+        let mut req = TestRequest::with_header("If-None-Match", TEST_ETAG).finish();
+        let res = HttpResponse::Ok().body("test");
+        let res = mwres(eh.response(&mut req, res));
+        assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::NOT_MODIFIED);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_custom_match() {
+        let mut eh = EtagHasher::new(
+            |_input: &[u8]| "static".to_string(),
+            |_req: &HttpRequest<()>, _res: &HttpResponse| true,
+        );
+        let mut req = TestRequest::with_header("If-None-Match", "\"static\"").finish();
+        let res = HttpResponse::Ok().body("test");
+        let res = mwres(eh.response(&mut req, res));
+        assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::NOT_MODIFIED);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_srv_default_create_etag() {
+        let mut srv =
+            TestServer::build_with_state(|| TestState { _state: 0 }).start(|app| {
+                let eh = EtagHasher::new(DefaultHasher, DefaultFilter);
+                app.middleware(eh).handler(test_index)
+            });
+        let req = srv.get().finish().unwrap();
+        let response = srv.execute(req.send()).unwrap();
+        assert!(response.status().is_success());
+        assert_eq!(response.headers().get(ETAG).unwrap(), TEST_ETAG);
+    }
diff --git a/src/middleware/ b/src/middleware/
index 7fd339327..14133e616 100644
--- a/src/middleware/
+++ b/src/middleware/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ mod logger;
 pub mod cors;
 pub mod csrf;
+pub mod etaghasher;
 mod defaultheaders;
 mod errhandlers;
 #[cfg(feature = "session")]