2022-01-11 11:58:16 -06:00

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//! Types and Traits for dealing with Unparsed data
//! Since ActivityStreams is extensible, and structured in a heirarchy of types, Data that was not
//! required to construct a given type might still come in handy when extending a into a subobject.
//! For example, a `Create` activity is an extension of an `Object`, but if we need to store that
//! type on another object, we need to make the type system happy. Since any number of types both
//! provided and extended might need to be stored in the same key, a type called `AnyBase` exists.
//! AnyBase, when containing a `Base`, can be extended into a `Create` activity so long as the
//! required keys are present in it's `Unparsed` struct.
//! For the most part, users of this library won't care about this module, but if you need to
//! create an Extension, it will come in handy.
//! Let's implement a part of the Security extension to be compatible with Mastodon.
//! ```rust
//! use activitystreams::{
//! actor::{AsApActor, ApActor},
//! base::{AsBase, Base, Extends},
//! markers,
//! object::{AsObject, Object},
//! prelude::*,
//! primitives::*,
//! unparsed::*,
//! iri_string::types::IriString,
//! };
//! /// First, we'll define our public key types
//! #[derive(Clone, Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
//! #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
//! pub struct PublicKeyValues {
//! pub id: IriString,
//! pub owner: IriString,
//! pub public_key_pem: String,
//! }
//! #[derive(Clone, Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
//! #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
//! pub struct PublicKey<Inner> {
//! pub public_key: PublicKeyValues,
//! pub inner: Inner,
//! }
//! /// Then, we'll implement Extends so we can produce a PublicKey<Object> from an AnyBase.
//! impl<Inner, Kind> Extends<Kind> for PublicKey<Inner>
//! where
//! Inner: Extends<Kind, Error=serde_json::Error> + UnparsedMut,
//! {
//! type Error = serde_json::Error;
//! fn extends(base: Base<Kind>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
//! let mut inner = Inner::extends(base)?;
//! Ok(PublicKey {
//! public_key: inner.unparsed_mut().remove("publicKey")?,
//! inner,
//! })
//! }
//! fn retracts(self) -> Result<Base<Kind>, Self::Error> {
//! let PublicKey {
//! public_key,
//! mut inner,
//! } = self;
//! inner.unparsed_mut().insert("publicKey", public_key)?;
//! inner.retracts()
//! }
//! }
//! /// Auto-implement Base, Object, and Actor when Inner supports it
//! impl<Inner> markers::Base for PublicKey<Inner> where Inner: markers::Base {}
//! impl<Inner> markers::Object for PublicKey<Inner> where Inner: markers::Object {}
//! impl<Inner> markers::Actor for PublicKey<Inner> where Inner: markers::Actor {}
//! /// If we want to easily access getters and setters for internal types, we'll need to forward
//! /// those, too.
//! /// Forward for base methods
//! ///
//! /// This allows us to access methods related to `context`, `id`, `kind`, `name`,
//! /// `media_type`, and `preview` directly from the PublicKey struct
//! impl<Inner, Kind> AsBase<Kind> for PublicKey<Inner>
//! where
//! Inner: AsBase<Kind>,
//! {
//! fn base_ref(&self) -> &Base<Kind> {
//! self.inner.base_ref()
//! }
//! fn base_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Base<Kind> {
//! self.inner.base_mut()
//! }
//! }
//! /// Forward for object methods
//! ///
//! /// This allows us to access methods related to `url`, `generator`, `start_time`, `duration`,
//! /// and more directly from the PublicKey struct
//! impl<Inner, Kind> AsObject<Kind> for PublicKey<Inner>
//! where
//! Inner: AsObject<Kind>,
//! {
//! fn object_ref(&self) -> &Object<Kind> {
//! self.inner.object_ref()
//! }
//! fn object_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Object<Kind> {
//! self.inner.object_mut()
//! }
//! }
//! /// Forward for ActivityPub actor methods
//! ///
//! /// This allows us to access methods related to `inbox`, `outbox`, `following`, `followers`,
//! /// `liked`, `streams`, `endpoints`, and more directly from the PublicKey struct
//! impl<Inner1, Inner2> AsApActor<Inner2> for PublicKey<Inner1>
//! where
//! Inner1: AsApActor<Inner2>,
//! {
//! fn ap_actor_ref(&self) -> &ApActor<Inner2> {
//! self.inner.ap_actor_ref()
//! }
//! fn ap_actor_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ApActor<Inner2> {
//! self.inner.ap_actor_mut()
//! }
//! }
//! /// If we want to be able to extend from our own type, we'll need to forward some
//! /// implementations, and create some traits
//! /// Make it easy for downstreams to get an Unparsed
//! impl<Inner> UnparsedMut for PublicKey<Inner>
//! where
//! Inner: UnparsedMut,
//! {
//! fn unparsed_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Unparsed {
//! self.inner.unparsed_mut()
//! }
//! }
//! /// Create our own extensible trait
//! pub trait AsPublicKey<Inner> {
//! fn public_key_ref(&self) -> &PublicKey<Inner>;
//! fn public_key_mut(&mut self) -> &mut PublicKey<Inner>;
//! }
//! /// Implement it
//! impl<Inner> AsPublicKey<Inner> for PublicKey<Inner> {
//! fn public_key_ref(&self) -> &Self {
//! self
//! }
//! fn public_key_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
//! self
//! }
//! }
//! /// And now create helper methods
//! pub trait PublicKeyExt<Inner>: AsPublicKey<Inner> {
//! /// Borrow the public key's ID
//! fn key_id<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a IriString
//! where
//! Inner: 'a,
//! {
//! &self.public_key_ref()
//! }
//! /// Set the public key's ID
//! fn set_key_id(&mut self, id: IriString) -> &mut Self {
//! self.public_key_mut() = id;
//! self
//! }
//! /// Borrow the public key's Owner
//! fn key_owner<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a IriString
//! where
//! Inner: 'a,
//! {
//! &self.public_key_ref().public_key.owner
//! }
//! /// Set the public key's Owner
//! fn set_key_owner(&mut self, owner: IriString) -> &mut Self {
//! self.public_key_mut().public_key.owner = owner;
//! self
//! }
//! /// Borrow the public key's PEM encoded value
//! fn key_pem<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a str
//! where
//! Inner: 'a,
//! {
//! &self.public_key_ref().public_key.public_key_pem
//! }
//! /// Set the public key's PEM encoded value
//! ///
//! /// In a real application, this might take a different type, such as RSA's RSAPublicKey, or
//! /// OpenSSL's or Ring's version
//! fn set_key_pem<T>(&mut self, pem: T) -> &mut Self
//! where
//! T: Into<String>,
//! {
//! self.public_key_mut().public_key.public_key_pem = pem.into();
//! self
//! }
//! }
//! /// Finally, we'll automatically implement PublicKeyExt for any type implementing AsPublicKey
//! impl<T, Inner> PublicKeyExt<Inner> for T where T: AsPublicKey<Inner> {}
//! /// Now that eveything is implemented, we can use it like so:
//! use activitystreams::{actor::{kind::PersonType, Person}, fragment, iri};
//! pub type ExtendedPerson = PublicKey<ApActor<Person>>;
//! impl ExtendedPerson {
//! pub fn new(inbox: IriString, mut owner: IriString) -> Result<Self, anyhow::Error> {
//! let id = owner.clone();
//! owner.set_fragment(Some(fragment!("main-key").as_ref()));
//! Ok(PublicKey {
//! public_key: PublicKeyValues {
//! id,
//! owner,
//! public_key_pem: String::new(),
//! },
//! inner: ApActor::new(inbox, Person::new()),
//! })
//! }
//! }
//! fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
//! let mut extended_person = ExtendedPerson::new(
//! iri!(""),
//! iri!(""),
//! )?;
//! extended_person
//! .set_kind(PersonType::Person)
//! .set_id("".parse()?)
//! .set_name("Demo User")
//! .set_preferred_username("user")
//! .set_outbox("".parse()?)
//! .set_key_pem(
//! "------ BEGIN PUBLIC KEY ------\nasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf..."
//! )
//! .set_key_owner("".parse()?)
//! .set_key_id("".parse()?);
//! let string = serde_json::to_string(&extended_person)?;
//! println!("{}", string);
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
/// A trait granting mutable access to an Unparsed struct
/// This is required for easy manipulation of Unparsed from potentially deeply nested structures.
pub trait UnparsedMut {
/// Get a mutable reference to Unparsed
fn unparsed_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Unparsed;
/// A helper trait providing two methods, 'insert' and 'remove', that is auto-implemented for
/// UnparsedMut types.
/// These methods are provided for easily pulling values from and inserting values into the
/// Unparsed struct.
pub trait UnparsedMutExt: UnparsedMut {
/// Remove a value from the Unparsed struct, provided it matches the expected type
fn remove<T>(&mut self, key: &str) -> Result<T, serde_json::Error>
T: serde::de::DeserializeOwned,
/// Insert a value into the Unparsed struct if the value isn't Null
fn insert<T>(&mut self, key: &str, value: T) -> Result<&mut Self, serde_json::Error>
T: serde::ser::Serialize,
let value = serde_json::to_value(value)?;
if !value.is_null() {
self.unparsed_mut().insert(key.to_owned(), value);
/// The Unparsed struct itself,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
pub struct Unparsed(std::collections::HashMap<String, serde_json::Value>);
impl Unparsed {
pub(crate) fn remove(&mut self, key: &str) -> serde_json::Value {
pub(crate) fn insert(&mut self, key: String, value: serde_json::Value) {
self.0.insert(key, value);
impl UnparsedMut for Unparsed {
fn unparsed_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Unparsed {
impl<T> UnparsedMutExt for T where T: UnparsedMut {}