use crate::data::Data; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use std::ops::Deref; use url::Url; /// Trait which allows verification and reception of incoming activities. #[async_trait::async_trait] #[enum_delegate::register] pub trait ActivityHandler { type DataType: Send + Sync; type Error; /// `id` field of the activity fn id(&self) -> &Url; /// `actor` field of activity fn actor(&self) -> &Url; /// Receives the activity and stores its action in database. async fn receive( self, data: &Data, request_counter: &mut i32, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>; } /// Allow for boxing of enum variants #[async_trait::async_trait] impl ActivityHandler for Box where T: ActivityHandler + Send + Sync, { type DataType = T::DataType; type Error = T::Error; fn id(&self) -> &Url { self.deref().id() } fn actor(&self) -> &Url { self.deref().actor() } async fn receive( self, data: &Data, request_counter: &mut i32, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { (*self).receive(data, request_counter).await } } #[async_trait::async_trait] pub trait ApubObject { type DataType: Send + Sync; type ApubType; type DbType; type Error; /// If the object is stored in the database, this method should return the fetch time. Used to /// update actors after certain interval. fn last_refreshed_at(&self) -> Option { None } /// Try to read the object with given ID from local database. Returns Ok(None) if it doesn't exist. async fn read_from_apub_id( object_id: Url, data: &Self::DataType, ) -> Result, Self::Error> where Self: Sized; /// Marks the object as deleted in local db. Called when a delete activity is received, or if /// fetch returns a tombstone. async fn delete(self, _data: &Self::DataType) -> Result<(), Self::Error> where Self: Sized, { Ok(()) } /// Trait for converting an object or actor into the respective ActivityPub type. async fn into_apub(self, data: &Self::DataType) -> Result; /// Converts an object from ActivityPub type to Lemmy internal type. /// /// * `apub` The object to read from /// * `context` LemmyContext which holds DB pool, HTTP client etc /// * `expected_domain` Domain where the object was received from. None in case of mod action. /// * `mod_action_allowed` True if the object can be a mod activity, ignore `expected_domain` in this case async fn from_apub( apub: Self::ApubType, data: &Self::DataType, request_counter: &mut i32, ) -> Result where Self: Sized; } pub trait Actor: ApubObject { /// Returns the actor's public key for verification of HTTP signatures fn public_key(&self) -> &str; /// The inbox where activities for this user should be sent to fn inbox(&self) -> Url; /// The actor's shared inbox, if any fn shared_inbox(&self) -> Option { None } fn shared_inbox_or_inbox(&self) -> Url { self.shared_inbox().unwrap_or_else(|| self.inbox()) } }