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synced 2024-12-01 16:01:03 +00:00
38 lines
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38 lines
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@use plume_models::posts::Post;
@use plume_models::timeline::Timeline;
@use crate::template_utils::*;
@use crate::templates::base;
@use crate::templates::partials::post_card;
@use crate::routes::*;
@(ctx: BaseContext, tl: Timeline, articles: Vec<Post>, all_tl: Vec<Timeline>, page: i32, n_pages: i32)
@:base(ctx, tl.name.clone(), {}, {}, {
<section class="flex wrap" dir="auto">
<h1 class="grow">@i18n_timeline_name(ctx.1, &tl.name)</h1>
@if ctx.clone().2.map(|u| (u.is_admin() && tl.user_id.is_none()) || Some(u.id) == tl.user_id).unwrap_or(false) {
<a href="@uri!(timelines::edit: _id = tl.id)" class="button inline-block">@i18n!(ctx.1, "Edit")</a>
@tabs(&vec![(format!("{}", uri!(instance::index)), i18n!(ctx.1, "Latest articles"), false)]
.map(|t| {
let url = format!("{}", uri!(timelines::details: id = t.id, page = _));
(url, i18n_timeline_name(ctx.1, &t.name), t.id == tl.id)
@if !articles.is_empty() {
<div class="cards">
@for article in articles {
@:post_card(ctx, article)
} else {
<p class="center">@i18n!(ctx.1, "Nothing to see here yet.")</p>
@paginate(ctx.1, page, n_pages)