use crate::{ ap_url, blocklisted_emails::BlocklistedEmail, blogs::Blog, db_conn::DbConn, follows::Follow, instance::*, medias::Media, notifications::Notification, post_authors::PostAuthor, posts::Post, safe_string::SafeString, schema::users, timeline::Timeline, Connection, Error, Result, UserEvent::*, CONFIG, ITEMS_PER_PAGE, USER_CHAN, }; use activitystreams::{ activity::Delete, actor::{ApActor, AsApActor, Endpoints, Person}, base::{AnyBase, Base}, collection::{OrderedCollection, OrderedCollectionPage}, iri_string::types::IriString, markers::Activity, object::{kind::ImageType, AsObject as _, Image, Tombstone}, prelude::*, }; use chrono::{NaiveDateTime, Utc}; use diesel::{self, BelongingToDsl, ExpressionMethods, OptionalExtension, QueryDsl, RunQueryDsl}; use ldap3::{LdapConn, Scope, SearchEntry}; use openssl::{ hash::MessageDigest, pkey::{PKey, Private}, rsa::Rsa, sign, }; use plume_common::{ activity_pub::{ inbox::{AsActor, AsObject, FromId}, request::get, sign::{gen_keypair, Error as SignError, Result as SignResult, Signer}, ActivityStream, ApSignature, CustomPerson, Id, IntoId, PublicKey, ToAsString, ToAsUri, PUBLIC_VISIBILITY, }, utils, }; use riker::actors::{Publish, Tell}; use rocket::{ outcome::IntoOutcome, request::{self, FromRequest, Request}, }; use std::{ cmp::PartialEq, hash::{Hash, Hasher}, sync::Arc, }; use webfinger::*; pub enum Role { Admin = 0, Moderator = 1, Normal = 2, Instance = 3, } #[derive(Queryable, Identifiable, Clone, Debug, AsChangeset)] #[changeset_options(treat_none_as_null = "true")] pub struct User { pub id: i32, pub username: String, pub display_name: String, pub outbox_url: String, pub inbox_url: String, pub summary: String, pub email: Option, pub hashed_password: Option, pub instance_id: i32, pub creation_date: NaiveDateTime, pub ap_url: String, pub private_key: Option, pub public_key: String, pub shared_inbox_url: Option, pub followers_endpoint: String, pub avatar_id: Option, pub last_fetched_date: NaiveDateTime, pub fqn: String, pub summary_html: SafeString, /// 0 = admin /// 1 = moderator /// 3 = local instance /// anything else = normal user pub role: i32, pub preferred_theme: Option, pub hide_custom_css: bool, } #[derive(Default, Insertable)] #[table_name = "users"] pub struct NewUser { pub username: String, pub display_name: String, pub outbox_url: String, pub inbox_url: String, pub summary: String, pub email: Option, pub hashed_password: Option, pub instance_id: i32, pub ap_url: String, pub private_key: Option, pub public_key: String, pub shared_inbox_url: Option, pub followers_endpoint: String, pub avatar_id: Option, pub summary_html: SafeString, pub role: i32, pub fqn: String, } pub const AUTH_COOKIE: &str = "user_id"; const USER_PREFIX: &str = "@"; impl User { insert!(users, NewUser); get!(users); find_by!(users, find_by_email, email as &str); find_by!(users, find_by_name, username as &str, instance_id as i32); find_by!(users, find_by_ap_url, ap_url as &str); pub fn is_moderator(&self) -> bool { self.role == Role::Admin as i32 || self.role == Role::Moderator as i32 } pub fn is_admin(&self) -> bool { self.role == Role::Admin as i32 } pub fn one_by_instance(conn: &Connection) -> Result> { users::table .filter(users::instance_id.eq_any( .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn delete(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { use crate::schema::post_authors; for blog in Blog::find_for_author(conn, self)? .iter() .filter(|b| b.count_authors(conn).map(|c| c <= 1).unwrap_or(false)) { blog.delete(conn)?; } // delete the posts if they is the only author let all_their_posts_ids: Vec = post_authors::table .filter(post_authors::author_id.eq( .select(post_authors::post_id) .load(conn)?; for post_id in all_their_posts_ids { // disabling this lint, because otherwise we'd have to turn it on // the head, and make it even harder to follow! #[allow(clippy::op_ref)] let has_other_authors = post_authors::table .filter(post_authors::post_id.eq(post_id)) .filter( .count() .load(conn)? .first() .unwrap_or(&0) > &0; if !has_other_authors { Post::get(conn, post_id)?.delete(conn)?; } } for notif in Notification::find_followed_by(conn, self)? { notif.delete(conn)? } diesel::delete(self) .execute(conn) .map(|_| ()) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn get_instance(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { Instance::get(conn, self.instance_id) } pub fn set_role(&self, conn: &Connection, new_role: Role) -> Result<()> { diesel::update(self) .set(users::role.eq(new_role as i32)) .execute(conn) .map(|_| ()) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn count_local(conn: &Connection) -> Result { users::table .filter(users::instance_id.eq(Instance::get_local()?.id)) .filter( as i32)) .count() .get_result(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn find_by_fqn(conn: &Connection, fqn: &str) -> Result { let from_db = users::table .filter(users::fqn.eq(fqn)) .first(conn) .optional()?; if let Some(from_db) = from_db { Ok(from_db) } else { User::fetch_from_webfinger(conn, fqn) } } /** * TODO: Should create user record with normalized(lowercased) email */ pub fn email_used(conn: &DbConn, email: &str) -> Result { use diesel::dsl::{exists, select}; select(exists( users::table .filter(users::instance_id.eq(Instance::get_local()?.id)) .filter(users::email.eq(email)) .or_filter(users::email.eq(email.to_ascii_lowercase())), )) .get_result(&**conn) .map_err(Error::from) } fn fetch_from_webfinger(conn: &Connection, acct: &str) -> Result { let link = resolve(acct.to_owned(), true)? .links .into_iter() .find(|l| l.mime_type == Some(String::from("application/activity+json"))) .ok_or(Error::Webfinger)?; User::from_id( conn, link.href.as_ref().ok_or(Error::Webfinger)?, None, CONFIG.proxy(), ) .map_err(|(_, e)| e) } pub fn fetch_remote_interact_uri(acct: &str) -> Result { resolve(acct.to_owned(), true)? .links .into_iter() .find(|l| l.rel == "") .and_then(|l| l.template) .ok_or(Error::Webfinger) } fn fetch(url: &str) -> Result { let res = get(url, Self::get_sender(), CONFIG.proxy().cloned())?; let text = &res.text()?; let json = serde_json::from_str::(text)?; Ok(json) } pub fn fetch_from_url(conn: &DbConn, url: &str) -> Result { User::fetch(url).and_then(|json| User::from_activity(conn, json)) } pub fn refetch(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result<()> { User::fetch(&self.ap_url.clone()).and_then(|json| { let avatar = json .icon() .and_then(|icon| icon.iter().next()) .and_then(|i| i.clone().extend::().ok()) .and_then(|image| image) .and_then(|image| image.id_unchecked().map(|url| url.to_string())) .and_then(|url| Media::save_remote(conn, url, self).ok()); let pub_key = &json.ext_one.public_key.public_key_pem; diesel::update(self) .set(( users::username.eq(json .ap_actor_ref() .preferred_username() .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)?), users::display_name.eq(json .ap_actor_ref() .name() .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)? .to_as_string() .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)?), users::outbox_url.eq(json .ap_actor_ref() .outbox()? .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)? .as_str()), users::inbox_url.eq(json.ap_actor_ref().inbox()?.as_str()), users::summary.eq(SafeString::new( &json .ap_actor_ref() .summary() .and_then(|summary| summary.to_as_string()) .unwrap_or_default(), )), users::followers_endpoint.eq(json .ap_actor_ref() .followers()? .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)? .as_str()), users::avatar_id.eq(|a|, users::last_fetched_date.eq(Utc::now().naive_utc()), users::public_key.eq(pub_key), )) .execute(conn) .map(|_| ()) .map_err(Error::from) }) } pub fn hash_pass(pass: &str) -> Result { bcrypt::hash(pass, 10).map_err(Error::from) } fn ldap_register(conn: &Connection, name: &str, password: &str) -> Result { if CONFIG.ldap.is_none() { return Err(Error::NotFound); } let ldap = CONFIG.ldap.as_ref().unwrap(); let mut ldap_conn = LdapConn::new(&ldap.addr).map_err(|_| Error::NotFound)?; let ldap_name = format!("{}={},{}", ldap.user_name_attr, name, ldap.base_dn); let bind = ldap_conn .simple_bind(&ldap_name, password) .map_err(|_| Error::NotFound)?; if bind.success().is_err() { return Err(Error::NotFound); } let search = ldap_conn .search( &ldap_name, Scope::Base, "(|(objectClass=person)(objectClass=user))", vec![&ldap.mail_attr], ) .map_err(|_| Error::NotFound)? .success() .map_err(|_| Error::NotFound)?; for entry in search.0 { let entry = SearchEntry::construct(entry); let email = entry.attrs.get("mail").and_then(|vec| vec.first()); if let Some(email) = email { let _ = ldap_conn.unbind(); return NewUser::new_local( conn, name.to_owned(), name.to_owned(), Role::Normal, "", email.to_owned(), None, ); } } let _ = ldap_conn.unbind(); Err(Error::NotFound) } fn ldap_login(&self, password: &str) -> bool { if let Some(ldap) = CONFIG.ldap.as_ref() { let mut conn = if let Ok(conn) = LdapConn::new(&ldap.addr) { conn } else { return false; }; let name = format!( "{}={},{}", ldap.user_name_attr, &self.username, ldap.base_dn ); if let Ok(bind) = conn.simple_bind(&name, password) { bind.success().is_ok() } else { false } } else { false } } pub fn login(conn: &Connection, ident: &str, password: &str) -> Result { let local_id = Instance::get_local()?.id; let user = match User::find_by_email(conn, ident) { Ok(user) => Ok(user), _ => User::find_by_name(conn, ident, local_id), } .and_then(|u| { if u.instance_id == local_id { Ok(u) } else { Err(Error::NotFound) } }); match user { Ok(user) if user.hashed_password.is_some() => { if bcrypt::verify(password, user.hashed_password.as_ref().unwrap()).unwrap_or(false) { Ok(user) } else { Err(Error::NotFound) } } Ok(user) => { if user.ldap_login(password) { Ok(user) } else { Err(Error::NotFound) } } e => { if let Ok(user) = User::ldap_register(conn, ident, password) { return Ok(user); } // if no user was found, and we were unable to auto-register from ldap // fake-verify a password, and return an error. let other = User::get(conn, 1) .expect("No user is registered") .hashed_password;|pass| bcrypt::verify(password, &pass)); e } } } pub fn reset_password(&self, conn: &Connection, pass: &str) -> Result<()> { diesel::update(self) .set(users::hashed_password.eq(User::hash_pass(pass)?)) .execute(conn)?; Ok(()) } pub fn get_local_page(conn: &Connection, (min, max): (i32, i32)) -> Result> { users::table .filter(users::instance_id.eq(Instance::get_local()?.id)) .filter( as i32)) .order(users::username.asc()) .offset(min.into()) .limit((max - min).into()) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn outbox(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result> { Ok(ActivityStream::new(self.outbox_collection(conn)?)) } pub fn outbox_collection(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { let mut coll = OrderedCollection::new(); let first = &format!("{}?page=1", &self.outbox_url); let last = &format!( "{}?page={}", &self.outbox_url, self.get_activities_count(conn) / i64::from(ITEMS_PER_PAGE) + 1 ); coll.set_first(first.parse::()?); coll.set_last(last.parse::()?); coll.set_total_items(self.get_activities_count(conn) as u64); Ok(coll) } pub fn outbox_page( &self, conn: &Connection, (min, max): (i32, i32), ) -> Result> { Ok(ActivityStream::new( self.outbox_collection_page(conn, (min, max))?, )) } pub fn outbox_collection_page( &self, conn: &Connection, (min, max): (i32, i32), ) -> Result { let acts = self.get_activities_page(conn, (min, max))?; let n_acts = self.get_activities_count(conn); let mut coll = OrderedCollectionPage::new(); if n_acts - i64::from(min) >= i64::from(ITEMS_PER_PAGE) { coll.set_next( format!("{}?page={}", &self.outbox_url, min / ITEMS_PER_PAGE + 2) .parse::()?, ); } if min > 0 { coll.set_prev( format!("{}?page={}", &self.outbox_url, min / ITEMS_PER_PAGE) .parse::()?, ); } coll.set_many_items( acts.iter() .filter_map(|value| AnyBase::from_arbitrary_json(value).ok()), ); coll.set_part_of(self.outbox_url.parse::()?); Ok(coll) } pub fn fetch_outbox_page( &self, url: &str, ) -> Result<(Vec, Option)> { let res = get(url, Self::get_sender(), CONFIG.proxy().cloned())?; let text = &res.text()?; let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(text)?; let items = json["items"] .as_array() .unwrap_or(&vec![]) .iter() .filter_map(|j| serde_json::from_value(j.clone()).ok()) .collect::>(); let next = json.get("next").map(|x| x.as_str().unwrap().to_owned()); Ok((items, next)) } pub fn fetch_outbox(&self) -> Result> { let res = get( &self.outbox_url[..], Self::get_sender(), CONFIG.proxy().cloned(), )?; let text = &res.text()?; let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(text)?; if let Some(first) = json.get("first") { let mut items: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut next = first.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(); while let Ok((mut page, nxt)) = self.fetch_outbox_page(&next) { if page.is_empty() { break; } items.append(&mut page); if let Some(n) = nxt { if n == next { break; } next = n; } else { break; } } Ok(items) } else { Ok(json["items"] .as_array() .unwrap_or(&vec![]) .iter() .filter_map(|j| serde_json::from_value(j.clone()).ok()) .collect::>()) } } pub fn fetch_followers_ids(&self) -> Result> { let res = get( &self.followers_endpoint[..], Self::get_sender(), CONFIG.proxy().cloned(), )?; let text = &res.text()?; let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(text)?; Ok(json["items"] .as_array() .unwrap_or(&vec![]) .iter() .filter_map(|j| serde_json::from_value(j.clone()).ok()) .collect::>()) } fn get_activities_count(&self, conn: &Connection) -> i64 { use crate::schema::post_authors; use crate::schema::posts; let posts_by_self = PostAuthor::belonging_to(self).select(post_authors::post_id); posts::table .filter(posts::published.eq(true)) .filter(posts::id.eq_any(posts_by_self)) .count() .first(conn) .unwrap() } fn get_activities_page( &self, conn: &Connection, (min, max): (i32, i32), ) -> Result> { use crate::schema::post_authors; use crate::schema::posts; let posts_by_self = PostAuthor::belonging_to(self).select(post_authors::post_id); let posts = posts::table .filter(posts::published.eq(true)) .filter(posts::id.eq_any(posts_by_self)) .order(posts::creation_date.desc()) .offset(min.into()) .limit((max - min).into()) .load::(conn)?; Ok(posts .into_iter() .filter_map(|p| { p.create_activity(conn) .ok() .and_then(|a| serde_json::to_value(a).ok()) }) .collect::>()) } pub fn get_followers(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result> { use crate::schema::follows; let follows = Follow::belonging_to(self).select(follows::follower_id); users::table .filter(users::id.eq_any(follows)) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn count_followers(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { use crate::schema::follows; let follows = Follow::belonging_to(self).select(follows::follower_id); users::table .filter(users::id.eq_any(follows)) .count() .get_result(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn get_followers_page( &self, conn: &Connection, (min, max): (i32, i32), ) -> Result> { use crate::schema::follows; let follows = Follow::belonging_to(self).select(follows::follower_id); users::table .filter(users::id.eq_any(follows)) .offset(min.into()) .limit((max - min).into()) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn get_followed(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result> { use crate::schema::follows::dsl::*; let f = follows.filter(follower_id.eq(; users::table .filter(users::id.eq_any(f)) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn count_followed(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { use crate::schema::follows; follows::table .filter(follows::follower_id.eq( .count() .get_result(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn get_followed_page( &self, conn: &Connection, (min, max): (i32, i32), ) -> Result> { use crate::schema::follows; let follows = follows::table .filter(follows::follower_id.eq( .select(follows::following_id) .limit((max - min).into()); users::table .filter(users::id.eq_any(follows)) .offset(min.into()) .load::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn is_followed_by(&self, conn: &Connection, other_id: i32) -> Result { use crate::schema::follows; follows::table .filter(follows::follower_id.eq(other_id)) .filter(follows::following_id.eq( .count() .get_result::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) .map(|r| r > 0) } pub fn is_following(&self, conn: &Connection, other_id: i32) -> Result { use crate::schema::follows; follows::table .filter(follows::follower_id.eq( .filter(follows::following_id.eq(other_id)) .count() .get_result::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) .map(|r| r > 0) } pub fn has_liked(&self, conn: &Connection, post: &Post) -> Result { use crate::schema::likes; likes::table .filter(likes::post_id.eq( .filter(likes::user_id.eq( .count() .get_result::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) .map(|r| r > 0) } pub fn has_reshared(&self, conn: &Connection, post: &Post) -> Result { use crate::schema::reshares; reshares::table .filter(reshares::post_id.eq( .filter(reshares::user_id.eq( .count() .get_result::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) .map(|r| r > 0) } pub fn is_author_in(&self, conn: &Connection, blog: &Blog) -> Result { use crate::schema::blog_authors; blog_authors::table .filter(blog_authors::author_id.eq( .filter(blog_authors::blog_id.eq( .count() .get_result::(conn) .map_err(Error::from) .map(|r| r > 0) } pub fn get_keypair(&self) -> Result> { PKey::from_rsa(Rsa::private_key_from_pem( self.private_key.clone().ok_or(Error::Signature)?.as_ref(), )?) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn rotate_keypair(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result> { if self.private_key.is_none() { return Err(Error::InvalidValue); } if (Utc::now().naive_utc() - self.last_fetched_date).num_minutes() < 10 { //rotated recently self.get_keypair() } else { let (public_key, private_key) = gen_keypair(); let public_key = String::from_utf8(public_key).expect("NewUser::new_local: public key error"); let private_key = String::from_utf8(private_key).expect("NewUser::new_local: private key error"); let res = PKey::from_rsa(Rsa::private_key_from_pem(private_key.as_ref())?)?; diesel::update(self) .set(( users::public_key.eq(public_key), users::private_key.eq(Some(private_key)), users::last_fetched_date.eq(Utc::now().naive_utc()), )) .execute(conn) .map_err(Error::from) .map(|_| res) } } pub fn to_activity(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { let mut actor = ApActor::new(self.inbox_url.parse()?, Person::new()); let ap_url = self.ap_url.parse::()?; actor.set_id(ap_url.clone()); actor.set_name(self.display_name.clone()); actor.set_summary(self.summary_html.get().clone()); actor.set_url(ap_url.clone()); actor.set_inbox(self.inbox_url.parse()?); actor.set_outbox(self.outbox_url.parse()?); actor.set_preferred_username(self.username.clone()); actor.set_followers(self.followers_endpoint.parse()?); if let Some(shared_inbox_url) = self.shared_inbox_url.clone() { let endpoints = Endpoints { shared_inbox: Some(shared_inbox_url.parse::()?), ..Endpoints::default() }; actor.set_endpoints(endpoints); } let pub_key = PublicKey { id: format!("{}#main-key", self.ap_url).parse()?, owner: ap_url, public_key_pem: self.public_key.clone(), }; let ap_signature = ApSignature { public_key: pub_key, }; if let Some(avatar_id) = self.avatar_id { let mut avatar = Image::new(); avatar.set_url(Media::get(conn, avatar_id)?.url()?.parse::()?); actor.set_icon(avatar.into_any_base()?); } Ok(CustomPerson::new(actor, ap_signature)) } pub fn delete_activity(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { let mut tombstone = Tombstone::new(); tombstone.set_id(self.ap_url.parse()?); let mut del = Delete::new( self.ap_url.parse::()?, Base::retract(tombstone)?.into_generic()?, ); del.set_id(format!("{}#delete", self.ap_url).parse()?); del.set_many_tos(vec![PUBLIC_VISIBILITY.parse::()?]); del.set_many_ccs( self.get_followers(conn)? .into_iter() .filter_map(|f| f.ap_url.parse::().ok()), ); Ok(del) } pub fn avatar_url(&self, conn: &Connection) -> String { self.avatar_id .and_then(|id| Media::get(conn, id).and_then(|m| m.url()).ok()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "/static/images/default-avatar.png".to_string()) } pub fn webfinger(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { Ok(Webfinger { subject: format!("acct:{}", self.acct_authority(conn)?), aliases: vec![self.ap_url.clone()], links: vec![ Link { rel: String::from(""), mime_type: Some(String::from("text/html")), href: Some(self.ap_url.clone()), template: None, }, Link { rel: String::from(""), mime_type: Some(String::from("application/atom+xml")), href: Some(self.get_instance(conn)?.compute_box( USER_PREFIX, &self.username, "feed.atom", )), template: None, }, Link { rel: String::from("self"), mime_type: Some(String::from("application/activity+json")), href: Some(self.ap_url.clone()), template: None, }, Link { rel: String::from(""), mime_type: None, href: None, template: Some(format!( "https://{}/remote_interact?target={{uri}}", self.get_instance(conn)?.public_domain )), }, ], }) } pub fn acct_authority(&self, conn: &Connection) -> Result { Ok(format!( "{}@{}", self.username, self.get_instance(conn)?.public_domain )) } pub fn set_avatar(&self, conn: &Connection, id: i32) -> Result<()> { diesel::update(self) .set(users::avatar_id.eq(id)) .execute(conn) .map(|_| ()) .map_err(Error::from) } pub fn needs_update(&self) -> bool { (Utc::now().naive_utc() - self.last_fetched_date).num_days() > 1 } pub fn name(&self) -> String { if !self.display_name.is_empty() { self.display_name.clone() } else { self.fqn.clone() } } pub fn remote_user_found(&self) { tracing::trace!("{:?}", self); self.publish_remote_user_found(); } fn publish_remote_user_found(&self) { USER_CHAN.tell( Publish { msg: RemoteUserFound(Arc::new(self.clone())), topic: "user.remote_user_found".into(), }, None, ) } } impl<'a, 'r> FromRequest<'a, 'r> for User { type Error = (); fn from_request(request: &'a Request<'r>) -> request::Outcome { let conn = request.guard::()?; request .cookies() .get_private(AUTH_COOKIE) .and_then(|cookie| cookie.value().parse().ok()) .and_then(|id| User::get(&conn, id).ok()) .or_forward(()) } } impl IntoId for User { fn into_id(self) -> Id { Id::new(self.ap_url) } } impl Eq for User {} impl FromId for User { type Error = Error; type Object = CustomPerson; fn from_db(conn: &Connection, id: &str) -> Result { Self::find_by_ap_url(conn, id) } fn from_activity(conn: &Connection, acct: CustomPerson) -> Result { let actor = acct.ap_actor_ref(); let username = actor .preferred_username() .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)? .to_string(); if username.contains(&['<', '>', '&', '@', '\'', '"', ' ', '\t'][..]) { tracing::error!( "preferredUsername includes invalid character(s): {}", &username ); return Err(Error::InvalidValue); } let summary = acct .object_ref() .summary() .and_then(|prop| prop.to_as_string()) .unwrap_or_default(); let mut new_user = NewUser { display_name: acct .object_ref() .name() .and_then(|prop| prop.to_as_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| username.clone()), username: username.clone(), outbox_url: actor.outbox()?.ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)?.to_string(), inbox_url: actor.inbox()?.to_string(), role: 2, summary_html: SafeString::new(&summary), summary, public_key: acct.ext_one.public_key.public_key_pem.to_string(), shared_inbox_url: actor .endpoints()? .and_then(|e||inbox| inbox.to_string())), followers_endpoint: actor .followers()? .ok_or(Error::MissingApProperty)? .to_string(), ..NewUser::default() }; let avatar_id = acct.object_ref().icon().and_then(|icon| icon.to_as_uri()); let (ap_url, inst) = { let any_base = acct.into_any_base()?; let id =; ( id.to_string(), id.authority_components() .ok_or(Error::Url)? .host() .to_string(), ) }; new_user.ap_url = ap_url; let instance = Instance::find_by_domain(conn, &inst).or_else(|_| { Instance::insert( conn, NewInstance { name: inst.to_owned(), public_domain: inst.to_owned(), local: false, // We don't really care about all the following for remote instances long_description: SafeString::new(""), short_description: SafeString::new(""), default_license: String::new(), open_registrations: true, short_description_html: String::new(), long_description_html: String::new(), }, ) })?; new_user.instance_id =; new_user.fqn = if instance.local { username } else { format!("{}@{}", username, instance.public_domain) }; let user = User::insert(conn, new_user)?; if let Some(avatar_id) = avatar_id { let avatar = Media::save_remote(conn, avatar_id, &user); if let Ok(avatar) = avatar { if let Err(e) = user.set_avatar(conn, { tracing::error!("{:?}", e); } } } Ok(user) } fn get_sender() -> &'static dyn Signer { Instance::get_local_instance_user().expect("Failed to local instance user") } } impl AsActor<&Connection> for User { fn get_inbox_url(&self) -> String { self.inbox_url.clone() } fn get_shared_inbox_url(&self) -> Option { self.shared_inbox_url.clone() } fn is_local(&self) -> bool { Instance::get_local() .map(|i| self.instance_id == .unwrap_or(false) } } impl AsObject for User { type Error = Error; type Output = (); fn activity(self, conn: &Connection, actor: User, _id: &str) -> Result<()> { if == { self.delete(conn).map(|_| ()) } else { Err(Error::Unauthorized) } } } impl Signer for User { fn get_key_id(&self) -> String { format!("{}#main-key", self.ap_url) } fn sign(&self, to_sign: &str) -> SignResult> { let key = self.get_keypair().map_err(|_| SignError())?; let mut signer = sign::Signer::new(MessageDigest::sha256(), &key)?; signer.update(to_sign.as_bytes())?; signer.sign_to_vec().map_err(SignError::from) } fn verify(&self, data: &str, signature: &[u8]) -> SignResult { let key = PKey::from_rsa(Rsa::public_key_from_pem(self.public_key.as_ref())?)?; let mut verifier = sign::Verifier::new(MessageDigest::sha256(), &key)?; verifier.update(data.as_bytes())?; verifier.verify(signature).map_err(SignError::from) } } impl PartialEq for User { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { == } } impl Hash for User { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) {; } } impl NewUser { /// Creates a new local user pub fn new_local( conn: &Connection, username: String, display_name: String, role: Role, summary: &str, email: String, password: Option, ) -> Result { let (pub_key, priv_key) = gen_keypair(); let instance = Instance::get_local()?; let blocklisted = BlocklistedEmail::matches_blocklist(conn, &email)?; if let Some(x) = blocklisted { return Err(Error::Blocklisted(x.notify_user, x.notification_text)); } let res = User::insert( conn, NewUser { username: username.clone(), display_name, role: role as i32, summary: summary.to_owned(), summary_html: SafeString::new(&utils::md_to_html(summary, None, false, None).0), email: Some(email), hashed_password: password, instance_id:, public_key: String::from_utf8(pub_key).or(Err(Error::Signature))?, private_key: Some(String::from_utf8(priv_key).or(Err(Error::Signature))?), outbox_url: instance.compute_box(USER_PREFIX, &username, "outbox"), inbox_url: instance.compute_box(USER_PREFIX, &username, "inbox"), ap_url: instance.compute_box(USER_PREFIX, &username, ""), shared_inbox_url: Some(ap_url(&format!("{}/inbox", &instance.public_domain))), followers_endpoint: instance.compute_box(USER_PREFIX, &username, "followers"), fqn: username, avatar_id: None, }, )?; // create default timeline Timeline::new_for_user(conn,, "My feed".into(), "followed".into())?; Ok(res) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum UserEvent { RemoteUserFound(Arc), } impl From for Arc { fn from(event: UserEvent) -> Self { use UserEvent::*; match event { RemoteUserFound(user) => user, } } } #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) mod tests { use super::*; use crate::{ instance::{tests as instance_tests, Instance}, medias::{Media, NewMedia}, tests::db, Connection as Conn, ITEMS_PER_PAGE, }; use assert_json_diff::assert_json_eq; use diesel::{Connection, SaveChangesDsl}; use serde_json::to_value; pub(crate) fn fill_database(conn: &Conn) -> Vec { instance_tests::fill_database(conn); let admin = NewUser::new_local( conn, "admin".to_owned(), "The admin".to_owned(), Role::Admin, "Hello there, I'm the admin", "".to_owned(), Some("invalid_admin_password".to_owned()), ) .unwrap(); let user = NewUser::new_local( conn, "user".to_owned(), "Some user".to_owned(), Role::Normal, "Hello there, I'm no one", "".to_owned(), Some("invalid_user_password".to_owned()), ) .unwrap(); let mut other = NewUser::new_local( conn, "other".to_owned(), "Another user".to_owned(), Role::Normal, "Hello there, I'm someone else", "".to_owned(), Some("invalid_other_password".to_owned()), ) .unwrap(); let avatar = Media::insert( conn, NewMedia { file_path: "static/media/example.png".into(), alt_text: "Another user".into(), is_remote: false, remote_url: None, sensitive: false, content_warning: None, owner_id:, }, ) .unwrap(); other.avatar_id = Some(; let other = other.save_changes::(conn).unwrap(); vec![admin, user, other] } fn fill_pages( conn: &DbConn, ) -> ( Vec, Vec, Vec, ) { use crate::post_authors::NewPostAuthor; use crate::posts::NewPost; let (mut posts, users, blogs) = crate::inbox::tests::fill_database(conn); let user = &users[0]; let blog = &blogs[0]; for i in 1..(ITEMS_PER_PAGE * 4 + 3) { let title = format!("Post {}", i); let content = format!("Content for post {}.", i); let post = Post::insert( conn, NewPost { blog_id:, slug: title.clone(), title: title.clone(), content: SafeString::new(&content), published: true, license: "CC-0".into(), creation_date: None, ap_url: format!("{}/{}", blog.ap_url, title), subtitle: "".into(), source: content, cover_id: None, }, ) .unwrap(); PostAuthor::insert( conn, NewPostAuthor { post_id:, author_id:, }, ) .unwrap(); posts.push(post); } (posts, users, blogs) } #[test] fn find_by() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { fill_database(&conn); let test_user = NewUser::new_local( &conn, "test".to_owned(), "test user".to_owned(), Role::Normal, "Hello I'm a test", "".to_owned(), Some(User::hash_pass("test_password").unwrap()), ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(, User::find_by_name(&conn, "test", Instance::get_local().unwrap().id) .unwrap() .id ); assert_eq!(, User::find_by_fqn(&conn, &test_user.fqn).unwrap().id ); assert_eq!(, User::find_by_email(&conn, "").unwrap().id ); assert_eq!(, User::find_by_ap_url( &conn, &format!( "https://{}/@/{}/", Instance::get_local().unwrap().public_domain, "test" ) ) .unwrap() .id ); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn delete() { let conn = &db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let inserted = fill_database(conn); assert!(User::get(conn, inserted[0].id).is_ok()); inserted[0].delete(conn).unwrap(); assert!(User::get(conn, inserted[0].id).is_err()); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn admin() { let conn = &db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let inserted = fill_database(conn); let local_inst = Instance::get_local().unwrap(); let mut i = 0; while local_inst.has_admin(conn).unwrap() { assert!(i < 100); //prevent from looping indefinitelly local_inst .main_admin(conn) .unwrap() .set_role(conn, Role::Normal) .unwrap(); i += 1; } inserted[0].set_role(conn, Role::Admin).unwrap(); assert_eq!(inserted[0].id, local_inst.main_admin(conn).unwrap().id); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn auth() { let conn = &db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { fill_database(conn); let test_user = NewUser::new_local( conn, "test".to_owned(), "test user".to_owned(), Role::Normal, "Hello I'm a test", "".to_owned(), Some(User::hash_pass("test_password").unwrap()), ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( User::login(conn, "test", "test_password").unwrap().id, ); assert!(User::login(conn, "test", "other_password").is_err()); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn get_local_page() { let conn = &db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { fill_database(conn); let page = User::get_local_page(conn, (0, 2)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.len(), 2); assert!(page[0].username <= page[1].username); let mut last_username = User::get_local_page(conn, (0, 1)).unwrap()[0] .username .clone(); for i in 1..User::count_local(conn).unwrap() as i32 { let page = User::get_local_page(conn, (i, i + 1)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(page.len(), 1); assert!(last_username <= page[0].username); last_username = page[0].username.clone(); } assert_eq!( User::get_local_page(conn, (0, User::count_local(conn).unwrap() as i32 + 10)) .unwrap() .len() as i64, User::count_local(conn).unwrap() ); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn self_federation() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, (), _>(|| { let users = fill_database(&conn); let ap_repr = users[0].to_activity(&conn).unwrap(); users[0].delete(&conn).unwrap(); let user = User::from_activity(&conn, ap_repr).unwrap(); assert_eq!(user.username, users[0].username); assert_eq!(user.display_name, users[0].display_name); assert_eq!(user.outbox_url, users[0].outbox_url); assert_eq!(user.inbox_url, users[0].inbox_url); assert_eq!(user.instance_id, users[0].instance_id); assert_eq!(user.ap_url, users[0].ap_url); assert_eq!(user.public_key, users[0].public_key); assert_eq!(user.shared_inbox_url, users[0].shared_inbox_url); assert_eq!(user.followers_endpoint, users[0].followers_endpoint); assert_eq!(user.avatar_url(&conn), users[0].avatar_url(&conn)); assert_eq!(user.fqn, users[0].fqn); assert_eq!(user.summary_html, users[0].summary_html); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn to_activity() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, Error, _>(|| { let users = fill_database(&conn); let user = &users[0]; let act = user.to_activity(&conn)?; let expected = json!({ "endpoints": { "sharedInbox": "" }, "followers": "", "id": "", "inbox": "", "name": "The admin", "outbox": "", "preferredUsername": "admin", "publicKey": { "id": "", "owner": "", "publicKeyPem": user.public_key, }, "summary": "

Hello there, I’m the admin

\n", "type": "Person", "url": "" }); assert_json_eq!(to_value(act)?, expected); let other = &users[2]; let other_act = other.to_activity(&conn)?; let expected_other = json!({ "endpoints": { "sharedInbox": "" }, "followers": "", "icon": { "url": "", "type": "Image", }, "id": "", "inbox": "", "name": "Another user", "outbox": "", "preferredUsername": "other", "publicKey": { "id": "", "owner": "", "publicKeyPem": other.public_key, }, "summary": "

Hello there, I’m someone else

\n", "type": "Person", "url": "" }); assert_json_eq!(to_value(other_act)?, expected_other); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn delete_activity() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, Error, _>(|| { let users = fill_database(&conn); let user = &users[1]; let act = user.delete_activity(&conn)?; let expected = json!({ "actor": "", "cc": [], "id": "", "object": { "id": "", "type": "Tombstone", }, "to": [""], "type": "Delete", }); assert_json_eq!(to_value(act)?, expected); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn outbox_collection() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, Error, _>(|| { let (_pages, users, _blogs) = fill_pages(&conn); let user = &users[0]; let act = user.outbox_collection(&conn)?; let expected = json!({ "first": "", "last": "", "totalItems": 51, "type": "OrderedCollection", }); assert_json_eq!(to_value(act)?, expected); Ok(()) }); } #[test] fn outbox_collection_page() { let conn = db(); conn.test_transaction::<_, Error, _>(|| { let users = fill_database(&conn); let user = &users[0]; let act = user.outbox_collection_page(&conn, (33, 36))?; let expected = json!({ "items": [], "partOf": "", "prev": "", "type": "OrderedCollectionPage", }); assert_json_eq!(to_value(act)?, expected); Ok(()) }); } }