#![recursion_limit = "128"] #![feature(decl_macro, proc_macro_hygiene, try_trait)] #[macro_use] extern crate gettext_macros; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; use wasm_bindgen::{prelude::*, JsCast}; use web_sys::window; init_i18n!( "plume-front", af, ar, bg, ca, cs, cy, da, de, el, en, eo, es, fa, fi, fr, gl, he, hi, hr, hu, it, ja, ko, nb, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, ru, sat, si, sk, sl, sr, sv, tr, uk, vi, zh ); compile_i18n!(); lazy_static! { static ref CATALOG: gettext::Catalog = { let catalogs = include_i18n!(); let lang = window().unwrap().navigator().language().unwrap(); let lang = lang.splitn(2, '-').next().unwrap_or("en"); let english_position = catalogs .iter() .position(|(language_code, _)| *language_code == "en") .unwrap(); catalogs .iter() .find(|(l, _)| l == &lang) .unwrap_or(&catalogs[english_position]) .clone() .1 }; } #[wasm_bindgen(start)] pub fn main() -> Result<(), JsValue> { menu(); search(); Ok(()) } /// Toggle menu on mobile devices /// /// It should normally be working fine even without this code /// But :focus-within is not yet supported by Webkit/Blink fn menu() { let document = window().unwrap().document().unwrap(); if let Some(button) = document.get_element_by_id("menu") { if let Some(menu) = document.get_element_by_id("content") { let show_menu = Closure::wrap(Box::new(|_: web_sys::TouchEvent| { window() .unwrap() .document() .unwrap() .get_element_by_id("menu") .map(|menu| menu.class_list().add_1("show")) .unwrap() .unwrap(); }) as Box); button .add_event_listener_with_callback("touchend", show_menu.as_ref().unchecked_ref()) .unwrap(); show_menu.forget(); let close_menu = Closure::wrap(Box::new(|_: web_sys::TouchEvent| { window() .unwrap() .document() .unwrap() .get_element_by_id("menu") .map(|menu| menu.class_list().remove_1("show")) .unwrap() .unwrap() }) as Box); menu.add_event_listener_with_callback("touchend", close_menu.as_ref().unchecked_ref()) .unwrap(); close_menu.forget(); } } } /// Clear the URL of the search page before submitting request fn search() { if let Some(form) = window() .unwrap() .document() .unwrap() .get_element_by_id("form") { let normalize_query = Closure::wrap(Box::new(|_: web_sys::Event| { window() .unwrap() .document() .unwrap() .query_selector_all("#form input") .map(|inputs| { for i in 0..inputs.length() { let input = inputs.get(i).unwrap(); let input = input.dyn_ref::().unwrap(); if input.name().is_empty() { input.set_name(&input.dyn_ref::().unwrap().id()); } if !input.name().is_empty() && input.value().is_empty() { input.set_name(""); } } }) .unwrap(); }) as Box); form.add_event_listener_with_callback("submit", normalize_query.as_ref().unchecked_ref()) .unwrap(); normalize_query.forget(); } }