use colored::Colorize; use diesel::{pg::PgConnection, r2d2::{ConnectionManager, Pool}}; use dotenv::dotenv; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io; use std::path::Path; use std::process::{exit, Command}; use rpassword; use plume_models::{ DB_URL, db_conn::{DbConn, PgPool}, instance::*, users::* }; /// Initializes a database pool. fn init_pool() -> Option { dotenv().ok(); let manager = ConnectionManager::::new(DB_URL.as_str()); Pool::new(manager).ok() } pub fn check() -> PgPool { if let Some(pool) = init_pool() { match pool.get() { Ok(conn) => { let db_conn = DbConn(conn); if Instance::get_local(&*db_conn).is_none() { run_setup(Some(db_conn)); } } Err(_) => panic!("Couldn't connect to database") } migrate(); pool } else { run_setup(None); init_pool().unwrap() } } fn run_setup(conn: Option) { println!("\n\n"); println!("{}\n{}\n{}\n\n{}", "Welcome in the Plume setup tool.".magenta(), "It will help you setup your new instance, by asking you a few questions.".magenta(), "Then you'll be able to enjoy Plume!".magenta(), "First let's check that you have all the required dependencies. Press Enter to start." ); read_line(); check_native_deps(); let conn = setup_db(conn); setup_type(conn); dotenv().ok(); println!("{}\n{}\n{}", "Your Plume instance is now ready to be used.".magenta(), "We hope you will enjoy it.".magenta(), "If you ever encounter a problem, feel free to report it at".magenta(), ); println!("\nPress Enter to start it.\n"); } fn setup_db(conn: Option) -> DbConn { write_to_dotenv("DB_URL", DB_URL.as_str().to_string()); match conn { Some(conn) => conn, None => { println!("\n{}\n", "We are going to setup the database.".magenta()); println!("{}\n", "About to create a new PostgreSQL user named 'plume'".blue()); Command::new("createuser") .arg("-d") .arg("-P") .arg("plume") .status() .map(|s| { if s.success() { println!("{}\n", " ✔️ Done".green()); } }) .expect("Couldn't create new user"); println!("{}\n", "About to create a new PostgreSQL database named 'plume'".blue()); Command::new("createdb") .arg("-O") .arg("plume") .arg("plume") .status() .map(|s| { if s.success() { println!("{}\n", " ✔️ Done".green()); } }) .expect("Couldn't create new table"); migrate(); init_pool() .expect("Couldn't init DB pool") .get() .map(|c| DbConn(c)) .expect("Couldn't connect to the database") } } } fn migrate() { println!("{}\n", "Running migrations…".blue()); Command::new("diesel") .arg("migration") .arg("run") .arg("--database-url") .arg(DB_URL.as_str()) .status() .map(|s| { if s.success() { println!("{}\n", " ✔️ Done".green()); } }) .expect("Couldn't run migrations"); } fn setup_type(conn: DbConn) { println!("\nDo you prefer a simple setup, or to customize everything?\n"); println!(" 1 - Simple setup"); println!(" 2 - Complete setup"); match read_line().as_ref() { "Simple" | "simple" | "s" | "S" | "1" => quick_setup(conn), "Complete" | "complete" | "c" | "C" | "2" => complete_setup(conn), x => { println!("Invalid choice. Choose between '1' or '2'. {}", x); setup_type(conn); } } } fn quick_setup(conn: DbConn) { println!("What is your instance domain?"); let domain = read_line(); write_to_dotenv("BASE_URL", domain.clone()); println!("\nWhat is your instance name?"); let name = read_line(); let instance = Instance::insert(&*conn, NewInstance { public_domain: domain, name: name, local: true }); println!("{}\n", " ✔️ Your instance was succesfully created!".green()); // Generate Rocket secret key. let key = Command::new("openssl") .arg("rand") .arg("-base64") .arg("32") .output() .map(|o| String::from_utf8(o.stdout).expect("Invalid output from openssl")) .expect("Couldn't generate secret key."); write_to_dotenv("ROCKET_SECRET_KEY", key); create_admin(instance, conn); } fn complete_setup(conn: DbConn) { quick_setup(conn); println!("\nOn which port should Plume listen? (default: 7878)"); let port = read_line_or("7878"); write_to_dotenv("ROCKET_PORT", port); println!("\nOn which address should Plume listen? (default:"); let address = read_line_or(""); write_to_dotenv("ROCKET_ADDRESS", address); } fn create_admin(instance: Instance, conn: DbConn) { println!("{}\n\n", "You are now about to create your admin account".magenta()); println!("What is your username? (default: admin)"); let name = read_line_or("admin"); println!("What is your email?"); let email = read_line(); println!("What is your password?"); let password = rpassword::read_password().expect("Couldn't read your password."); NewUser::new_local( &*conn, name.clone(), name, true, format!("Admin of {}",, email, User::hash_pass(password), ).update_boxes(&*conn); println!("{}\n", " ✔️ Your account was succesfully created!".green()); } fn check_native_deps() { let mut not_found = Vec::new(); if !try_run("psql") { not_found.push(("PostgreSQL", "sudo apt install postgres")); } if !try_run("gettext") { not_found.push(("GetText", "sudo apt install gettext")) } if !try_run("diesel") { not_found.push(("Diesel CLI", "cargo install diesel_cli")) } if not_found.len() > 0 { println!("{}\n", "Some native dependencies are missing:".red()); for (dep, install) in not_found.into_iter() { println!("{}", format!(" - {} (can be installed with `{}`, on Debian based distributions)", dep, install).red()) } println!("\nRetry once you have installed them."); exit(1); } else { println!("{}", " ✔️ All native dependencies are present.".green()) } } fn try_run(command: &'static str) -> bool { Command::new(command) .output() .is_ok() } fn read_line() -> String { let mut input = String::new(); io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).expect("Unable to read line"); input.retain(|c| c != '\n'); input } fn read_line_or(or: &str) -> String { let input = read_line(); if input.len() == 0 { or.to_string() } else { input } } fn write_to_dotenv(var: &'static str, val: String) { if !Path::new(".env").exists() { File::create(".env").expect("Error while creating .env file"); } fs::write(".env", format!("{}\n{}={}", fs::read_to_string(".env").expect("Unable to read .env"), var, val)).expect("Unable to write .env"); }