msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: plume\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-15 16:33-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-12 01:28\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Norwegian\n"
"Language: no_NO\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: plume\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 352097\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: no\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /master/po/plume/plume.pot\n"
"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 8\n"

# src/
msgid "Someone"
msgstr ""

# src/
msgid "{0} commented on your article."
msgstr "{0} har kommentert artikkelen din."

# src/
msgid "{0} is subscribed to you."
msgstr "{0} har abbonert på deg."

# src/
msgid "{0} liked your article."
msgstr "{0} likte artikkelen din."

# src/
msgid "{0} mentioned you."
msgstr "{0} nevnte deg."

# src/
msgid "{0} boosted your article."
msgstr "{0} har fremhevet artikkelen din."

# src/
msgid "Your feed"
msgstr "Din tidslinje"

# src/
msgid "Local feed"
msgstr "Lokal tidslinje"

# src/
msgid "Federated feed"
msgstr "Føderert tidslinje"

# src/
msgid "{0}'s avatar"
msgstr "{0}s avatar"

# src/
msgid "Previous page"
msgstr ""

# src/
msgid "Next page"
msgstr ""

# src/
msgid "Optional"
msgstr "Valgfritt"

# src/routes/
msgid "To create a new blog, you need to be logged in"
msgstr "Du må være logget inn for å lage en ny blogg"

# src/routes/
msgid "A blog with the same name already exists."
msgstr "Det eksisterer allerede en blogg med dette navnet."

# src/routes/
msgid "Your blog was successfully created!"
msgstr "Bloggen ble opprettet!"

# src/routes/
msgid "Your blog was deleted."
msgstr "Bloggen din er nå slettet."

# src/routes/
msgid "You are not allowed to delete this blog."
msgstr "Du har ikke rettigheter til å slette denne bloggen."

# src/routes/
msgid "You are not allowed to edit this blog."
msgstr "Du har ikke rettigheter til å endre denne bloggen."

# src/routes/
msgid "You can't use this media as a blog icon."
msgstr "Du kan ikke bruke dette bildet som bloggikon."

# src/routes/
msgid "You can't use this media as a blog banner."
msgstr "Du kan ikke bruke dette bildet som bloggbanner."

# src/routes/
msgid "Your blog information have been updated."
msgstr "Informasjon om bloggen er oppdatert."

# src/routes/
msgid "Your comment has been posted."
msgstr "Kommentaren din er lagt til."

# src/routes/
msgid "Your comment has been deleted."
msgstr "Kommentaren din er slettet."

# src/routes/
msgid "Registrations are closed on this instance."
msgstr "Registrering er lukket på denne instansen."

# src/routes/
msgid "User registration"
msgstr ""

# src/routes/
msgid "Here is the link for registration: {0}"
msgstr ""

# src/routes/
msgid "Your account has been created. Now you just need to log in, before you can use it."
msgstr "Kontoen din er opprettet. Du må logge inn for å bruke den."

# src/routes/
msgid "Instance settings have been saved."
msgstr "Innstillingene for instansen er lagret."

# src/routes/
msgid "{} has been unblocked."
msgstr ""

# src/routes/
msgid "{} has been blocked."
msgstr ""

# src/routes/
msgid "Blocks deleted"
msgstr ""

# src/routes/
msgid "Email already blocked"
msgstr ""

# src/routes/
msgid "Email Blocked"
msgstr ""

# src/routes/
msgid "You can't change your own rights."
msgstr ""

# src/routes/
msgid "You are not allowed to take this action."
msgstr ""

# src/routes/
msgid "Done."
msgstr ""

# src/routes/
msgid "To like a post, you need to be logged in"
msgstr "Du må være innlogget for å like ett innlegg"

# src/routes/
msgid "Your media have been deleted."
msgstr "Mediet er slettet."

# src/routes/
msgid "You are not allowed to delete this media."
msgstr "Du har ikke rettigheter til å slette dette mediet."

# src/routes/
msgid "Your avatar has been updated."
msgstr "Avataren din er oppdatert."

# src/routes/
msgid "You are not allowed to use this media."
msgstr "Du har ikke rettigheter til å bruke dette mediet."

# src/routes/
msgid "To see your notifications, you need to be logged in"
msgstr "Du må være innlogget for se varsler"

# src/routes/
msgid "This post isn't published yet."
msgstr "Dette innlegget er ikke publisert enda."

# src/routes/
msgid "To write a new post, you need to be logged in"
msgstr "Du må være innlogget for å skrive ett nytt innlegg"

# src/routes/
msgid "You are not an author of this blog."
msgstr "Du er ikke forfatter av denne bloggen."

# src/routes/
msgid "New post"
msgstr "Nytt innlegg"

# src/routes/
msgid "Edit {0}"
msgstr "Rediger {0}"

# src/routes/
msgid "You are not allowed to publish on this blog."
msgstr "Du har ikke rettigheter til å publisere på denne bloggen."

# src/routes/
msgid "Your article has been updated."
msgstr "Artikkelen er oppdatert."

# src/routes/
msgid "Your article has been saved."
msgstr "Artikkelen er lagret."

# src/routes/
msgid "New article"
msgstr "Ny artikkel"

# src/routes/
msgid "You are not allowed to delete this article."
msgstr "Du har ikke rettigheter til å slette denne artikkelen."

# src/routes/
msgid "Your article has been deleted."
msgstr "Artikkelen er slettet."

# src/routes/
msgid "It looks like the article you tried to delete doesn't exist. Maybe it is already gone?"
msgstr "Det ser ut som arikkelen du prøvde allerede er slettet; Kanskje den allerede er fjernet?"

# src/routes/
msgid "Couldn't obtain enough information about your account. Please make sure your username is correct."
msgstr "Klarte ikke å hente informasjon om kontoen din. Vennligst sjekk at brukernavnet er korrekt."

# src/routes/
msgid "To reshare a post, you need to be logged in"
msgstr "Du må være innlogget for å dele ett innlegg"

# src/routes/
msgid "You are now connected."
msgstr "Du er nå koblet til."

# src/routes/
msgid "You are now logged off."
msgstr "Du er logget ut."

# src/routes/
msgid "Password reset"
msgstr "Gjenopprette passord"

# src/routes/
msgid "Here is the link to reset your password: {0}"
msgstr "Her denne pekeren for å gjenopprette passordet ditt: {0}"

# src/routes/
msgid "Your password was successfully reset."
msgstr "Passordet ditt er gjenopprettet."

# src/routes/
msgid "To access your dashboard, you need to be logged in"
msgstr "Du må være innlogget for å se skrivebordet"

# src/routes/
msgid "You are no longer following {}."
msgstr "Du følger ikke lenger {}."

# src/routes/
msgid "You are now following {}."
msgstr "Du følger nå {}."

# src/routes/
msgid "To subscribe to someone, you need to be logged in"
msgstr "Du må være innlogget for å følge noen"

# src/routes/
msgid "To edit your profile, you need to be logged in"
msgstr "Du må være innlogget for å endre profilen din"

# src/routes/
msgid "Your profile has been updated."
msgstr "Profilen din er oppdatert."

# src/routes/
msgid "Your account has been deleted."
msgstr "Kontoen din er slettet."

# src/routes/
msgid "You can't delete someone else's account."
msgstr "Du kan ikke slette andres kontoer."

msgid "Create your account"
msgstr "Opprett kontoen din"

msgid "Create an account"
msgstr "Opprett en konto"

msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-post"

msgid "Email confirmation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Apologies, but registrations are closed on this particular instance. You can, however, find a different one."
msgstr "Beklager, nyregistreringer er lukket på denne instansen. Du kan istedet finne en annen instans."

msgid "Registration"
msgstr ""

msgid "Check your inbox!"
msgstr ""

msgid "We sent a mail to the address you gave us, with a link for registration."
msgstr ""

msgid "Username"
msgstr "Brukernavn"

msgid "Password"
msgstr "Passord"

msgid "Password confirmation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Media upload"
msgstr "Last opp medie"

msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beskrivelse"

msgid "Useful for visually impaired people, as well as licensing information"
msgstr "Anvendelig for synshemmede, samt for lisensinformasjon"

msgid "Content warning"
msgstr "Varsel om følsomt innhold"

msgid "Leave it empty, if none is needed"
msgstr "La være tomt, hvis ingen trengs"

msgid "File"
msgstr "Fil"

msgid "Send"
msgstr "Send"

msgid "Your media"
msgstr "Dine medier"

msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Last opp"

msgid "You don't have any media yet."
msgstr "Du har ingen medier enda."

msgid "Content warning: {0}"
msgstr "Varsel om følsomt innhold: {0}"

msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Slett"

msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detaljer"

msgid "Media details"
msgstr "Mediedetaljer"

msgid "Go back to the gallery"
msgstr "Gå tilbake til galleriet"

msgid "Markdown syntax"
msgstr "Markdown syntaks"

msgid "Copy it into your articles, to insert this media:"
msgstr "Kopier inn i artikkelen, for å sette inn dette mediet:"

msgid "Use as an avatar"
msgstr "Bruk som avatar"

msgid "Plume"
msgstr "Plume"

msgid "Menu"
msgstr "Meny"

msgid "Search"
msgstr "Søk"

msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Skrivebord"

msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "Varsler"

msgid "Log Out"
msgstr "Logg ut"

msgid "My account"
msgstr "Min konto"

msgid "Log In"
msgstr "Logg inn"

msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registrer deg"

msgid "About this instance"
msgstr "Om denne instansen"

msgid "Privacy policy"
msgstr "Retningslinjer for personvern"

msgid "Administration"
msgstr "Administrasjon"

msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentasjon"

msgid "Source code"
msgstr "Kildekode"

msgid "Matrix room"
msgstr "Matrix rom"

msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Administrator"

msgid "It is you"
msgstr "Det er deg"

msgid "Edit your profile"
msgstr "Rediger din profil"

msgid "Open on {0}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr ""

msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr ""

msgid "Follow {}"
msgstr "Følg {}"

msgid "Log in to follow"
msgstr "Logg inn for å følge"

msgid "Enter your full username handle to follow"
msgstr "Skriv inn hele brukernavnet ditt for å følge"

msgid "{0}'s subscribers"
msgstr ""

msgid "Articles"
msgstr "Artikler"

msgid "Subscribers"
msgstr "Abonnenter"

msgid "Subscriptions"
msgstr "Abonnenter"

msgid "{0}'s subscriptions"
msgstr ""

msgid "Your Dashboard"
msgstr "Skrivebordet ditt"

msgid "Your Blogs"
msgstr "Dine Blogger"

msgid "You don't have any blog yet. Create your own, or ask to join one."
msgstr "Du har ikke en blogg enda. Lag din egen, eller spør om å bli med i en."

msgid "Start a new blog"
msgstr "Opprett en ny blogg"

msgid "Your Drafts"
msgstr "Dine Utkast"

msgid "Go to your gallery"
msgstr "Gå til galleriet ditt"

msgid "Edit your account"
msgstr "Endre kontoen din"

msgid "Your Profile"
msgstr "Din profil"

msgid "To change your avatar, upload it to your gallery and then select from there."
msgstr "For å endre avataren din må du legge den til galleriet og velge den der."

msgid "Upload an avatar"
msgstr "Last opp en avatar"

msgid "Display name"
msgstr ""

msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Sammendrag"

msgid "Theme"
msgstr ""

msgid "Default theme"
msgstr ""

msgid "Error while loading theme selector."
msgstr ""

msgid "Never load blogs custom themes"
msgstr ""

msgid "Update account"
msgstr "Oppdater konto"

msgid "Danger zone"
msgstr "Faresone"

msgid "Be very careful, any action taken here can't be cancelled."
msgstr "Vær forsiktig. Endringer her kan ikke avbrytes."

msgid "Delete your account"
msgstr "Slett kontoen din"

msgid "Sorry, but as an admin, you can't leave your own instance."
msgstr "Beklager, en administrator kan ikke forlate sin egen instans."

msgid "Latest articles"
msgstr "Siste artikler"

msgid "Atom feed"
msgstr "Atom strøm"

msgid "Recently boosted"
msgstr "Nylig fremhveet"

msgid "Articles tagged \"{0}\""
msgstr "Artikler med emneknaggen \"{0}\""

msgid "There are currently no articles with such a tag"
msgstr "Det er ingen artikler med den emneknaggen"

msgid "The content you sent can't be processed."
msgstr "Innholdet du sendte inn kan ikke bearbeides."

msgid "Maybe it was too long."
msgstr "Kanskje det var for langt."

msgid "Internal server error"
msgstr "Intern feil"

msgid "Something broke on our side."
msgstr "Noe brakk hos oss."

msgid "Sorry about that. If you think this is a bug, please report it."
msgstr "Beklager! Hvis du tror at dette er en programfeil, setter vi pris på at du sier ifra."

msgid "Invalid CSRF token"
msgstr "Ugyldig CSRF token"

msgid "Something is wrong with your CSRF token. Make sure cookies are enabled in you browser, and try reloading this page. If you continue to see this error message, please report it."
msgstr "Noe er galt med CSRF token. Påse at informasjonskapsler er aktivert i nettleseren, prøv så å hente nettsiden på nytt. Hvis du fortsatt ser denne feilen, setter vi pris på om du sier ifra."

msgid "You are not authorized."
msgstr "Du har ikke tilgang."

msgid "Page not found"
msgstr "Siden ble ikke funnet"

msgid "We couldn't find this page."
msgstr "Vi fant desverre ikke denne siden."

msgid "The link that led you here may be broken."
msgstr "Lenken som ledet deg hit kan være utdatert."

msgid "Users"
msgstr "Brukere"

msgid "Configuration"
msgstr "Innstillinger"

msgid "Instances"
msgstr "Instanser"

msgid "Email blocklist"
msgstr ""

msgid "Grant admin rights"
msgstr ""

msgid "Revoke admin rights"
msgstr ""

msgid "Grant moderator rights"
msgstr ""

msgid "Revoke moderator rights"
msgstr ""

msgid "Ban"
msgstr "Bannlys"

msgid "Run on selected users"
msgstr ""

msgid "Moderator"
msgstr ""

msgid "Moderation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Home"
msgstr ""

msgid "Administration of {0}"
msgstr "Administrasjon av {0}"

msgid "Unblock"
msgstr "Fjern blokkering"

msgid "Block"
msgstr "Blokker"

msgid "Name"
msgstr "Navn"

msgid "Allow anyone to register here"
msgstr "Tillat alle å registrere seg"

msgid "Short description"
msgstr "Kort beskrivelse"

msgid "Markdown syntax is supported"
msgstr "Markdown syntax støttes"

msgid "Long description"
msgstr "Lang beskrivelse"

msgid "Default article license"
msgstr "Standardlisens for artikler"

msgid "Save these settings"
msgstr "Lagre innstillingene"

msgid "If you are browsing this site as a visitor, no data about you is collected."
msgstr "Hvis du besøker denne siden som gjest, lagres ingen informasjon om deg."

msgid "As a registered user, you have to provide your username (which does not have to be your real name), your functional email address and a password, in order to be able to log in, write articles and comment. The content you submit is stored until you delete it."
msgstr "For å registrere deg må du oppgi ett brukernavn (dette behøver ikke å samsvare med ditt ekte navn), en fungerende epost-adresse og ett passord. Dette gjør at du kan logge inn, skrive artikler og kommentarer. Innholdet du legger inn blir lagret inntil du sletter det."

msgid "When you log in, we store two cookies, one to keep your session open, the second to prevent other people to act on your behalf. We don't store any other cookies."
msgstr "Når du logger inn lagrer vi to informasjonskapsler. Den har informasjon om sesjonen din, den andre beskytter identiteten din. Vi lagrer ingen andre informasjonskapsler."

msgid "Blocklisted Emails"
msgstr ""

msgid "Email address"
msgstr ""

msgid "The email address you wish to block. In order to block domains, you can use globbing syntax, for example '*' blocks all addresses from"
msgstr ""

msgid "Note"
msgstr ""

msgid "Notify the user?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Optional, shows a message to the user when they attempt to create an account with that address"
msgstr ""

msgid "Blocklisting notification"
msgstr ""

msgid "The message to be shown when the user attempts to create an account with this email address"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add blocklisted address"
msgstr ""

msgid "There are no blocked emails on your instance"
msgstr ""

msgid "Delete selected emails"
msgstr ""

msgid "Email address:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Blocklisted for:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Will notify them on account creation with this message:"
msgstr ""

msgid "The user will be silently prevented from making an account"
msgstr ""

msgid "Welcome to {}"
msgstr "Velkommen til {}"

msgid "View all"
msgstr "Vis alle"

msgid "About {0}"
msgstr "Om {0}"

msgid "Runs Plume {0}"
msgstr "Kjører Plume {0}"

msgid "Home to <em>{0}</em> people"
msgstr "Hjemmet til <em>{0}</em> mennesker"

msgid "Who wrote <em>{0}</em> articles"
msgstr "Som har skrevet <em>{0}</em> artikler"

msgid "And are connected to <em>{0}</em> other instances"
msgstr "Og er koblet til <em>{0}</em> andre instanser"

msgid "Administred by"
msgstr "Administrert av"

msgid "Interact with {}"
msgstr "Interakter med {}"

msgid "Log in to interact"
msgstr "Logg inn for å interaktere"

msgid "Enter your full username to interact"
msgstr "Skriv inn ditt fulle brukernavn for å interaktere"

msgid "Publish"
msgstr "Publiser"

msgid "Classic editor (any changes will be lost)"
msgstr "Klassisk redigeringsverktøy (alle endringer vil gå tapt)"

msgid "Title"
msgstr ""

msgid "Subtitle"
msgstr ""

msgid "Content"
msgstr "Innhold"

msgid "You can upload media to your gallery, and then copy their Markdown code into your articles to insert them."
msgstr "Du kan laste opp medier til galleriet, og så lime inn Markdown syntaksen inn i artiklen for å bruke dem."

msgid "Upload media"
msgstr "Last opp medie"

msgid "Tags, separated by commas"
msgstr "Knagger, adskilt med komma"

msgid "License"
msgstr "Lisens"

msgid "Illustration"
msgstr "Illustrasjon"

msgid "This is a draft, don't publish it yet."
msgstr "Dette er ett utkast, ikke publiser det enda."

msgid "Update"
msgstr "Oppdater"

msgid "Update, or publish"
msgstr "Oppdater eller publiser"

msgid "Publish your post"
msgstr "Publiser innlegget"

msgid "Written by {0}"
msgstr "Skrevet av {0}"

msgid "All rights reserved."
msgstr "Alt innhold er opphavsrettslig beskyttet."

msgid "This article is under the {0} license."
msgstr "Denne artikkelen er lisensiert under {0}."

msgid "One like"
msgid_plural "{0} likes"
msgstr[0] "En like"
msgstr[1] "{0} likes"

msgid "I don't like this anymore"
msgstr "Jeg liker ikke dette lenger"

msgid "Add yours"
msgstr "Legg inn din egen"

msgid "One boost"
msgid_plural "{0} boosts"
msgstr[0] "Fremhevet en gang"
msgstr[1] "{0} fremhevinger"

msgid "I don't want to boost this anymore"
msgstr "Jeg vil ikke fremheve dette lenger"

msgid "Boost"
msgstr "Fremhev"

msgid "{0}Log in{1}, or {2}use your Fediverse account{3} to interact with this article"
msgstr "{0}Logg inn{1} eller {2}bruk din Fediverse konto{3} for å interaktere med denne artikkelen"

msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Kommentarer"

msgid "Your comment"
msgstr "Din kommentar"

msgid "Submit comment"
msgstr "Send kommentar"

msgid "No comments yet. Be the first to react!"
msgstr "Ingen kommentarer enda. Bli den første!"

msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr ""

msgid "This article is still a draft. Only you and other authors can see it."
msgstr "Denne artikkelen er ett utkast. Bare du og andre forfattere kan se den."

msgid "Only you and other authors can edit this article."
msgstr "Bare du og andre forfattere kan endre denne artikkelen."

msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Rediger"

msgid "I'm from this instance"
msgstr "Jeg er fra denne instansen"

msgid "Username, or email"
msgstr "Brukernavn eller e-post"

msgid "Log in"
msgstr "Logg Inn"

msgid "I'm from another instance"
msgstr "Jeg er fra en annen instans"

msgid "Continue to your instance"
msgstr "Gå til din instans"

msgid "Reset your password"
msgstr ""

msgid "New password"
msgstr ""

msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr ""

msgid "Update password"
msgstr ""

msgid "We sent a mail to the address you gave us, with a link to reset your password."
msgstr ""

msgid "Send password reset link"
msgstr "Send lenke for tilbakestilling av passord"

msgid "This token has expired"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please start the process again by clicking <a href=\"/password-reset\">here</a>."
msgstr ""

msgid "New Blog"
msgstr "Ny Blogg"

msgid "Create a blog"
msgstr "Opprett en blogg"

msgid "Create blog"
msgstr "Opprett blogg"

msgid "Edit \"{}\""
msgstr "Rediger \"{}\""

msgid "You can upload images to your gallery, to use them as blog icons, or banners."
msgstr "Du kan legge opp bilder til galleriet ditt for å bruke den som bloggikoner eller bannere."

msgid "Upload images"
msgstr "Last opp bilder"

msgid "Blog icon"
msgstr "Bloggikon"

msgid "Blog banner"
msgstr "Bloggbanner"

msgid "Custom theme"
msgstr ""

msgid "Update blog"
msgstr "Oppdater blogg"

msgid "Be very careful, any action taken here can't be reversed."
msgstr "Vær forsiktig. Endringer her kan ikke reverteres."

msgid "Are you sure that you want to permanently delete this blog?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Permanently delete this blog"
msgstr "Slett denne bloggen permanent"

msgid "{}'s icon"
msgstr "{}s ikon"

msgid "There's one author on this blog: "
msgid_plural "There are {0} authors on this blog: "
msgstr[0] "Det er en forfatter av denne bloggen: "
msgstr[1] "Det er {0} forfattere av denne bloggen: "

msgid "No posts to see here yet."
msgstr "Det er ingen artikler her enda."

msgid "Nothing to see here yet."
msgstr ""

msgid "None"
msgstr ""

msgid "No description"
msgstr ""

msgid "Respond"
msgstr ""

msgid "Delete this comment"
msgstr ""

msgid "What is Plume?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Plume is a decentralized blogging engine."
msgstr ""

msgid "Authors can manage multiple blogs, each as its own website."
msgstr ""

msgid "Articles are also visible on other Plume instances, and you can interact with them directly from other platforms like Mastodon."
msgstr ""

msgid "Read the detailed rules"
msgstr ""

msgid "By {0}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Draft"
msgstr ""

msgid "Search result(s) for \"{0}\""
msgstr ""

msgid "Search result(s)"
msgstr ""

msgid "No results for your query"
msgstr ""

msgid "No more results for your query"
msgstr ""

msgid "Advanced search"
msgstr ""

msgid "Article title matching these words"
msgstr ""

msgid "Subtitle matching these words"
msgstr ""

msgid "Content macthing these words"
msgstr ""

msgid "Body content"
msgstr ""

msgid "From this date"
msgstr ""

msgid "To this date"
msgstr ""

msgid "Containing these tags"
msgstr ""

msgid "Tags"
msgstr ""

msgid "Posted on one of these instances"
msgstr ""

msgid "Instance domain"
msgstr ""

msgid "Posted by one of these authors"
msgstr ""

msgid "Author(s)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Posted on one of these blogs"
msgstr ""

msgid "Blog title"
msgstr ""

msgid "Written in this language"
msgstr ""

msgid "Language"
msgstr ""

msgid "Published under this license"
msgstr ""

msgid "Article license"
msgstr ""