#![warn(clippy::too_many_arguments)] use crate::template_utils::Ructe; use atom_syndication::{ ContentBuilder, Entry, EntryBuilder, Feed, FeedBuilder, LinkBuilder, Person, PersonBuilder, }; use chrono::{naive::NaiveDateTime, DateTime, Utc}; use plume_models::{posts::Post, Connection, CONFIG, ITEMS_PER_PAGE}; use rocket::{ http::{ hyper::header::{CacheControl, CacheDirective, ETag, EntityTag}, uri::{FromUriParam, Query}, RawStr, Status, }, request::{self, FromFormValue, FromRequest, Request}, response::{self, Flash, NamedFile, Redirect, Responder, Response}, Outcome, }; use std::{ collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher, hash::Hasher, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; #[cfg(feature = "s3")] use rocket::http::ContentType; /// Special return type used for routes that "cannot fail", and instead /// `Redirect`, or `Flash`, when we cannot deliver a `Ructe` Response #[allow(clippy::large_enum_variant)] #[derive(Responder)] pub enum RespondOrRedirect { Response(Ructe), FlashResponse(Flash), Redirect(Redirect), FlashRedirect(Flash), } impl From for RespondOrRedirect { fn from(response: Ructe) -> Self { RespondOrRedirect::Response(response) } } impl From> for RespondOrRedirect { fn from(response: Flash) -> Self { RespondOrRedirect::FlashResponse(response) } } impl From for RespondOrRedirect { fn from(redirect: Redirect) -> Self { RespondOrRedirect::Redirect(redirect) } } impl From> for RespondOrRedirect { fn from(redirect: Flash) -> Self { RespondOrRedirect::FlashRedirect(redirect) } } #[derive(Shrinkwrap, Copy, Clone, UriDisplayQuery)] pub struct Page(i32); impl From for Page { fn from(page: i32) -> Self { Self(page) } } impl<'v> FromFormValue<'v> for Page { type Error = &'v RawStr; fn from_form_value(form_value: &'v RawStr) -> Result { match form_value.parse::() { Ok(page) => Ok(Page(page)), _ => Err(form_value), } } } impl FromUriParam> for Page { type Target = Page; fn from_uri_param(val: Option) -> Page { val.unwrap_or_default() } } impl Page { /// Computes the total number of pages needed to display n_items pub fn total(n_items: i32) -> i32 { if n_items % ITEMS_PER_PAGE == 0 { n_items / ITEMS_PER_PAGE } else { (n_items / ITEMS_PER_PAGE) + 1 } } pub fn limits(self) -> (i32, i32) { ((self.0 - 1) * ITEMS_PER_PAGE, self.0 * ITEMS_PER_PAGE) } } #[derive(Shrinkwrap)] pub struct ContentLen(pub u64); impl<'a, 'r> FromRequest<'a, 'r> for ContentLen { type Error = (); fn from_request(r: &'a Request<'r>) -> request::Outcome { match r.limits().get("forms") { Some(l) => Outcome::Success(ContentLen(l)), None => Outcome::Failure((Status::InternalServerError, ())), } } } impl Default for Page { fn default() -> Self { Page(1) } } /// A form for remote interaction, used by multiple routes #[derive(Shrinkwrap, Clone, Default, FromForm)] pub struct RemoteForm { pub remote: String, } pub fn build_atom_feed( entries: Vec, uri: &str, title: &str, default_updated: &NaiveDateTime, conn: &Connection, ) -> Feed { let updated = if entries.is_empty() { default_updated } else { &entries[0].creation_date }; FeedBuilder::default() .title(title) .id(uri) .updated(DateTime::::from_utc(*updated, Utc)) .entries( entries .into_iter() .map(|p| post_to_atom(p, conn)) .collect::>(), ) .links(vec![LinkBuilder::default() .href(uri) .rel("self") .mime_type("application/atom+xml".to_string()) .build()]) .build() } fn post_to_atom(post: Post, conn: &Connection) -> Entry { EntryBuilder::default() .title(format!("", post.title)) .content( ContentBuilder::default() .value(format!("", *post.content.get())) .content_type("html".to_string()) .build(), ) .authors( post.get_authors(conn) .expect("Atom feed: author error") .into_iter() .map(|a| { PersonBuilder::default() .name(a.display_name) .uri(a.ap_url) .build() }) .collect::>(), ) // Using RFC 4287 format, see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287#section-3.3 for dates // eg: 2003-12-13T18:30:02Z (Z is here because there is no timezone support with the NaiveDateTime crate) .published(Some( DateTime::::from_utc(post.creation_date, Utc).into(), )) .updated(DateTime::::from_utc(post.creation_date, Utc)) .id(post.ap_url.clone()) .links(vec![LinkBuilder::default().href(post.ap_url).build()]) .build() } pub mod blogs; pub mod comments; pub mod email_signups; pub mod errors; pub mod instance; pub mod likes; pub mod medias; pub mod notifications; pub mod posts; pub mod reshares; pub mod search; pub mod session; pub mod tags; pub mod timelines; pub mod user; pub mod well_known; #[derive(Responder)] enum FileKind { Local(NamedFile), #[cfg(feature = "s3")] S3(Vec, ContentType), } #[derive(Responder)] #[response()] pub struct CachedFile { inner: FileKind, cache_control: CacheControl, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ThemeFile(NamedFile); impl<'r> Responder<'r> for ThemeFile { fn respond_to(self, r: &Request<'_>) -> response::Result<'r> { let contents = std::fs::read(self.0.path()).map_err(|_| Status::InternalServerError)?; let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); hasher.write(&contents); let etag = format!("{:x}", hasher.finish()); if r.headers() .get("If-None-Match") .any(|s| s[1..s.len() - 1] == etag) { Response::build() .status(Status::NotModified) .header(ETag(EntityTag::strong(etag))) .ok() } else { Response::build() .merge(self.0.respond_to(r)?) .header(ETag(EntityTag::strong(etag))) .ok() } } } #[get("/static/cached/<_build_id>/css/", rank = 1)] pub fn theme_files(file: PathBuf, _build_id: &RawStr) -> Option { NamedFile::open(Path::new("static/css/").join(file)) .ok() .map(ThemeFile) } #[allow(unused_variables)] #[get("/static/cached//", rank = 2)] pub fn plume_static_files(file: PathBuf, build_id: &RawStr) -> Option { static_files(file) } #[get("/static/media/")] pub fn plume_media_files(file: PathBuf) -> Option { if CONFIG.s3.is_some() { #[cfg(not(feature="s3"))] unreachable!(); #[cfg(feature="s3")] { let data = CONFIG.s3.as_ref().unwrap().get_bucket() .get_object_blocking(format!("static/media/{}", file.to_string_lossy())).ok()?; let ct = data.headers().get("content-type") .and_then(|x| ContentType::parse_flexible(&x)) .or_else(|| file.extension() .and_then(|ext| ContentType::from_extension(&ext.to_string_lossy()))) .unwrap_or(ContentType::Binary); Some(CachedFile { inner: FileKind::S3 ( data.to_vec(), ct), cache_control: CacheControl(vec![CacheDirective::MaxAge(60 * 60 * 24 * 30)]), }) } } else { NamedFile::open(Path::new(&CONFIG.media_directory).join(file)) .ok() .map(|f| CachedFile { inner: FileKind::Local(f), cache_control: CacheControl(vec![CacheDirective::MaxAge(60 * 60 * 24 * 30)]), }) } } #[get("/static/", rank = 3)] pub fn static_files(file: PathBuf) -> Option { NamedFile::open(Path::new("static/").join(file)) .ok() .map(|f| CachedFile { inner: FileKind::Local(f), cache_control: CacheControl(vec![CacheDirective::MaxAge(60 * 60 * 24 * 30)]), }) }