version: "3" services: libretranslate: container_name: libretranslate build: context: . dockerfile: docker/cuda.Dockerfile restart: unless-stopped ports: - "5000:5000" healthcheck: test: ['CMD-SHELL', './venv/bin/python'] ## Uncomment above command and define your args if necessary # command: --ssl --ga-id MY-GA-ID --req-limit 100 --char-limit 500 ## Uncomment this section and the `volumes` section if you want to backup your API keys # environment: # - LT_API_KEYS_DB_PATH=/app/db/api_keys.db # Same result as `db/api_keys.db` or `./db/api_keys.db` # volumes: # - libretranslate_api_keys:/app/db/api_keys.db # volumes: # libretranslate_api_keys: