from functools import lru_cache from argostranslate import translate from libretranslate.detect import Detector __languages = None def load_languages(): global __languages if __languages is None or len(__languages) == 0: __languages = translate.get_installed_languages() return __languages @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def load_lang_codes(): languages = load_languages() return tuple(l.code for l in languages) def detect_languages(text): # detect batch processing if isinstance(text, list): is_batch = True else: is_batch = False text = [text] lang_codes = load_lang_codes() # get the candidates candidates = [] for t in text: try: d = Detector(lang_codes).detect(t) for i in range(len(d)): d[i].text_length = len(t) candidates.extend(d) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) # total read bytes of the provided text text_length_total = sum(c.text_length for c in candidates) # this happens if no language could be detected if not candidates: # use language "en" by default but with zero confidence return [{"confidence": 0.0, "language": "en"}] # for multiple occurrences of the same language (can happen on batch detection) # calculate the average confidence for each language if is_batch: temp_average_list = [] for lang_code in lang_codes: # get all candidates for a specific language lc = list(filter(lambda l: l.code == lang_code, candidates)) if len(lc) > 1: # if more than one is present, calculate the average confidence lang = lc[0] lang.confidence = sum(l.confidence for l in lc) / len(lc) lang.text_length = sum(l.text_length for l in lc) temp_average_list.append(lang) elif lc: # otherwise just add it to the temporary list temp_average_list.append(lc[0]) if temp_average_list: # replace the list candidates = temp_average_list # sort the candidates descending based on the detected confidence candidates.sort( key=lambda l: 0 if text_length_total == 0 else (l.confidence * l.text_length) / text_length_total, reverse=True ) return [{"confidence": l.confidence, "language": l.code} for l in candidates] def improve_translation_formatting(source, translation, improve_punctuation=True, remove_single_word_duplicates=True): source = source.strip() if not len(source): return "" if not len(translation): return source if improve_punctuation: source_last_char = source[len(source) - 1] translation_last_char = translation[len(translation) - 1] punctuation_chars = ['!', '?', '.', ',', ';', '。'] if source_last_char in punctuation_chars: if translation_last_char != source_last_char: if translation_last_char in punctuation_chars: translation = translation[:-1] translation += source_last_char elif translation_last_char in punctuation_chars: translation = translation[:-1] # A workaround for certain language models that output # the single word repeated ad-infinitum (the "salad" bug) # if remove_single_word_duplicates: if len(source) < 20 and source.count(" ") == 0 and translation.count(" ") > 0: bow = translation.split() count = {} for word in bow: count[word] = count.get(word, 0) + 1 for word in count: if count[word] / len(count) >= 2: translation = bow[0] break if source.islower(): return translation.lower() if source.isupper(): return translation.upper() if len(translation) == 0: return source if source[0].islower(): return translation[0].lower() + translation[1:] if source[0].isupper(): return translation[0].upper() + translation[1:] return translation