Thomas Ricouard c3edabb183 Lint
2024-05-04 13:19:19 +02:00

226 lines
8.1 KiB

import Env
import Foundation
import Models
import Network
import Observation
import SwiftUI
@Observable class NotificationsViewModel {
public enum State {
public enum PagingState {
case none, hasNextPage
case loading
case display(notifications: [ConsolidatedNotification], nextPageState: State.PagingState)
case error(error: Error)
enum Constants {
static let notificationLimit: Int = 30
public enum Tab: LocalizedStringKey, CaseIterable {
case all = ""
case mentions = ""
var client: Client? {
didSet {
if oldValue != client {
consolidatedNotifications = []
var currentAccount: CurrentAccount?
private let filterKey = "notification-filter"
var state: State = .loading
var isLockedType: Bool = false
var lockedAccountId: String?
var policy: Models.NotificationsPolicy?
var selectedType: Models.Notification.NotificationType? {
didSet {
guard oldValue != selectedType,
client?.id != nil
else { return }
if !isLockedType {
UserDefaults.standard.set(selectedType?.rawValue ?? "", forKey: filterKey)
consolidatedNotifications = []
func loadSelectedType() {
guard let value = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: filterKey)
else {
selectedType = nil
selectedType = .init(rawValue: value)
var scrollToTopVisible: Bool = false
private var queryTypes: [String]? {
if let selectedType {
var excludedTypes = Models.Notification.NotificationType.allCases
excludedTypes.removeAll(where: { $0 == selectedType })
return nil
private var consolidatedNotifications: [ConsolidatedNotification] = []
func fetchNotifications() async {
guard let client, let currentAccount else { return }
do {
var nextPageState: State.PagingState = .hasNextPage
if consolidatedNotifications.isEmpty {
state = .loading
let notifications: [Models.Notification]
if let lockedAccountId {
notifications = try await client.get(endpoint: Notifications.notificationsForAccount(accountId: lockedAccountId,
maxId: nil))
} else {
notifications = try await client.get(endpoint: Notifications.notifications(minId: nil,
maxId: nil,
types: queryTypes,
limit: Constants.notificationLimit))
consolidatedNotifications = await notifications.consolidated(selectedType: selectedType)
nextPageState = notifications.count < Constants.notificationLimit ? .none : .hasNextPage
} else if let firstId = consolidatedNotifications.first?.id {
var newNotifications: [Models.Notification] = await fetchNewPages(minId: firstId, maxPages: 10)
nextPageState = consolidatedNotifications.notificationCount < Constants.notificationLimit ? .none : .hasNextPage
newNotifications = newNotifications.filter { notification in
!consolidatedNotifications.contains(where: { $ == })
await consolidatedNotifications.insert(
contentsOf: newNotifications.consolidated(selectedType: selectedType),
at: 0
if consolidatedNotifications.contains(where: { $0.type == .follow_request }) {
await currentAccount.fetchFollowerRequests()
withAnimation {
state = .display(notifications: consolidatedNotifications,
nextPageState: consolidatedNotifications.isEmpty ? .none : nextPageState)
} catch {
state = .error(error: error)
private func fetchNewPages(minId: String, maxPages: Int) async -> [Models.Notification] {
guard let client, lockedAccountId == nil else { return [] }
var pagesLoaded = 0
var allNotifications: [Models.Notification] = []
var latestMinId = minId
do {
while let newNotifications: [Models.Notification] =
try await client.get(endpoint: Notifications.notifications(minId: latestMinId,
maxId: nil,
types: queryTypes,
limit: Constants.notificationLimit)),
pagesLoaded < maxPages
pagesLoaded += 1
allNotifications.insert(contentsOf: newNotifications, at: 0)
latestMinId = newNotifications.first?.id ?? ""
} catch {
return allNotifications
return allNotifications
func fetchNextPage() async throws {
guard let client else { return }
guard let lastId = consolidatedNotifications.last?.notificationIds.last else { return }
let newNotifications: [Models.Notification]
if let lockedAccountId {
newNotifications =
try await client.get(endpoint: Notifications.notificationsForAccount(accountId: lockedAccountId, maxId: lastId))
} else {
newNotifications =
try await client.get(endpoint: Notifications.notifications(minId: nil,
maxId: lastId,
types: queryTypes,
limit: Constants.notificationLimit))
await consolidatedNotifications.append(contentsOf: newNotifications.consolidated(selectedType: selectedType))
if consolidatedNotifications.contains(where: { $0.type == .follow_request }) {
await currentAccount?.fetchFollowerRequests()
state = .display(notifications: consolidatedNotifications,
nextPageState: newNotifications.count < Constants.notificationLimit ? .none : .hasNextPage)
func markAsRead() {
guard let client, let id = consolidatedNotifications.first?.notifications.first?.id else { return }
Task {
do {
let _: Marker = try await Markers.markNotifications(lastReadId: id))
} catch {}
func fetchPolicy() async {
policy = try? await client?.get(endpoint: Notifications.policy)
func handleEvent(event: any StreamEvent) {
Task {
// Check if the event is a notification,
// if it is not already in the list,
// and if it can be shown (no selected type or the same as the received notification type)
if lockedAccountId == nil,
let event = event as? StreamEventNotification,
selectedType == nil || selectedType?.rawValue == event.notification.type
if event.notification.isConsolidable(selectedType: selectedType),
// If the notification type can be consolidated, try to consolidate with the latest row
let latestConsolidatedNotification = consolidatedNotifications.removeFirst()
await consolidatedNotifications.insert(
contentsOf: ([event.notification] + latestConsolidatedNotification.notifications)
.consolidated(selectedType: selectedType),
at: 0
} else {
// Otherwise, just insert the new notification
await consolidatedNotifications.insert(
contentsOf: [event.notification].consolidated(selectedType: selectedType),
at: 0
if event.notification.supportedType == .follow_request, let currentAccount {
await currentAccount.fetchFollowerRequests()
withAnimation {
state = .display(notifications: consolidatedNotifications, nextPageState: .hasNextPage)