import Combine import Foundation import Models import Network import SwiftUI @MainActor public class UserPreferences: ObservableObject { public static let sharedDefault = UserDefaults(suiteName: "") public static let shared = UserPreferences() private var client: Client? @AppStorage("remote_local_timeline") public var remoteLocalTimelines: [String] = [] @AppStorage("preferred_browser") public var preferredBrowser: PreferredBrowser = .inAppSafari @AppStorage("draft_posts") public var draftsPosts: [String] = [] @AppStorage("show_translate_button_inline") public var showTranslateButton: Bool = true @AppStorage("is_open_ai_enabled") public var isOpenAIEnabled: Bool = true @AppStorage("recently_used_languages") public var recentlyUsedLanguages: [String] = [] @AppStorage("social_keyboard_composer") public var isSocialKeyboardEnabled: Bool = true @AppStorage("use_instance_content_settings") public var useInstanceContentSettings: Bool = true @AppStorage("app_auto_expand_spoilers") public var appAutoExpandSpoilers = false @AppStorage("app_auto_expand_media") public var appAutoExpandMedia: ServerPreferences.AutoExpandMedia = .hideSensitive @AppStorage("app_default_post_visibility") public var appDefaultPostVisibility: Models.Visibility = .pub @AppStorage("app_default_posts_sensitive") public var appDefaultPostsSensitive = false @AppStorage("autoplay_video") public var autoPlayVideo = true @AppStorage("suppress_dupe_reblogs") public var suppressDupeReblogs: Bool = false @AppStorage("inAppBrowserReaderView") public var inAppBrowserReaderView = false @AppStorage("haptic_tab") public var hapticTabSelectionEnabled = true @AppStorage("haptic_timeline") public var hapticTimelineEnabled = true @AppStorage("haptic_button_press") public var hapticButtonPressEnabled = true @AppStorage("show_tab_label_iphone") public var showiPhoneTabLabel = true @AppStorage("show_alt_text_for_media") public var showAltTextForMedia = true @AppStorage("show_second_column_ipad") public var showiPadSecondaryColumn = true @AppStorage("swipeactions-status-trailing-right") public var swipeActionsStatusTrailingRight = StatusAction.favorite @AppStorage("swipeactions-status-trailing-left") public var swipeActionsStatusTrailingLeft = StatusAction.boost @AppStorage("swipeactions-status-leading-left") public var swipeActionsStatusLeadingLeft = StatusAction.reply @AppStorage("swipeactions-status-leading-right") public var swipeActionsStatusLeadingRight = StatusAction.none @AppStorage("swipeactions-use-theme-color") public var swipeActionsUseThemeColor = false @AppStorage("swipeactions-icon-style") public var swipeActionsIconStyle: SwipeActionsIconStyle = .iconWithText @AppStorage("requested_review") public var requestedReview = false @AppStorage("collapse-long-posts") public var collapseLongPosts = true public enum SwipeActionsIconStyle: String, CaseIterable { case iconWithText, iconOnly public var description: LocalizedStringKey { switch self { case .iconWithText: return "enum.swipeactions.icon-with-text" case .iconOnly: return "enum.swipeactions.icon-only" } } // Have to implement this manually here due to compiler not implicitly // inserting `nonisolated`, which leads to a warning: // // Main actor-isolated static property 'allCases' cannot be used to // satisfy nonisolated protocol requirement // nonisolated public static var allCases: [Self] { [.iconWithText, .iconOnly] } } public var postVisibility: Models.Visibility { if useInstanceContentSettings { return serverPreferences?.postVisibility ?? .pub } else { return appDefaultPostVisibility } } public var postIsSensitive: Bool { if useInstanceContentSettings { return serverPreferences?.postIsSensitive ?? false } else { return appDefaultPostsSensitive } } public var autoExpandSpoilers: Bool { if useInstanceContentSettings { return serverPreferences?.autoExpandSpoilers ?? true } else { return appAutoExpandSpoilers } } public var autoExpandMedia: ServerPreferences.AutoExpandMedia { if useInstanceContentSettings { return serverPreferences?.autoExpandMedia ?? .hideSensitive } else { return appAutoExpandMedia } } public func setNotification(count: Int, token: OauthToken) { Self.sharedDefault?.set(count, forKey: "push_notifications_count_\(token.createdAt)") objectWillChange.send() } public func getNotificationsCount(for token: OauthToken) -> Int { Self.sharedDefault?.integer(forKey: "push_notifications_count_\(token.createdAt)") ?? 0 } public func getNotificationsTotalCount(for tokens: [OauthToken]) -> Int { var count = 0 for token in tokens { count += getNotificationsCount(for: token) } return count } @Published public var serverPreferences: ServerPreferences? private init() {} public func setClient(client: Client) { self.client = client Task { await refreshServerPreferences() } } public func refreshServerPreferences() async { guard let client, client.isAuth else { return } serverPreferences = try? await client.get(endpoint: Accounts.preferences) } public func markLanguageAsSelected(isoCode: String) { var copy = recentlyUsedLanguages if let index = copy.firstIndex(of: isoCode) { copy.remove(at: index) } copy.insert(isoCode, at: 0) recentlyUsedLanguages = Array(copy.prefix(3)) } }