import AppAccount import DesignSystem import EmojiText import Env import Models import Network import NukeUI import PhotosUI import StoreKit import SwiftUI import UIKit extension StatusEditor { @MainActor public struct MainView: View { @Environment(AppAccountsManager.self) private var appAccounts @Environment(CurrentAccount.self) private var currentAccount @Environment(Theme.self) private var theme @State private var presentationDetent: PresentationDetent = .large @State private var mainSEVM: ViewModel @State private var followUpSEVMs: [ViewModel] = [] @FocusState private var isSpoilerTextFocused: UUID? // connect CoreEditor and StatusEditorAccessoryView @State private var editingMediaContainer: MediaContainer? @State private var scrollID: UUID? @FocusState private var editorFocusState: EditorFocusState? private var focusedSEVM: ViewModel { if case let .followUp(id) = editorFocusState, let sevm = followUpSEVMs.first(where: { $ == id }) { return sevm } return mainSEVM } public init(mode: ViewModel.Mode) { _mainSEVM = State(initialValue: ViewModel(mode: mode)) } public var body: some View { @Bindable var focusedSEVM = focusedSEVM NavigationStack { ScrollView { VStackLayout(spacing: 0) { EditorView( viewModel: mainSEVM, followUpSEVMs: $followUpSEVMs, editingMediaContainer: $editingMediaContainer, isSpoilerTextFocused: $isSpoilerTextFocused, editorFocusState: $editorFocusState, assignedFocusState: .main, isMain: true ) .id( ForEach(followUpSEVMs) { sevm in @Bindable var sevm: ViewModel = sevm EditorView( viewModel: sevm, followUpSEVMs: $followUpSEVMs, editingMediaContainer: $editingMediaContainer, isSpoilerTextFocused: $isSpoilerTextFocused, editorFocusState: $editorFocusState, assignedFocusState: .followUp(index:, isMain: false ) .id( } } .scrollTargetLayout() } .scrollPosition(id: $scrollID, anchor: .top) .animation(.bouncy(duration: 0.3), value: editorFocusState) .animation(.bouncy(duration: 0.3), value: followUpSEVMs) #if !os(visionOS) .background(theme.primaryBackgroundColor) #endif .safeAreaInset(edge: .bottom) { AutoCompleteView(viewModel: focusedSEVM) } #if os(visionOS) .ornament(attachmentAnchor: .scene(.bottom)) { AccessoryView(isSpoilerTextFocused: $isSpoilerTextFocused, focusedSEVM: focusedSEVM, followUpSEVMs: $followUpSEVMs) } #else .safeAreaInset(edge: .bottom) { if presentationDetent == .large || presentationDetent == .medium { AccessoryView(isSpoilerTextFocused: $isSpoilerTextFocused, focusedSEVM: focusedSEVM, followUpSEVMs: $followUpSEVMs) } } #endif .accessibilitySortPriority(1) // Ensure that all elements inside the `ScrollView` occur earlier than the accessory views .navigationTitle(focusedSEVM.mode.title) .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline) .toolbar { ToolbarItems(mainSEVM: mainSEVM, focusedSEVM: focusedSEVM, followUpSEVMs: followUpSEVMs) } .toolbarBackground(.visible, for: .navigationBar) .alert( "status.error.posting.title", isPresented: $focusedSEVM.showPostingErrorAlert, actions: { Button("OK") {} }, message: { Text(mainSEVM.postingError ?? "") } ) .interactiveDismissDisabled(mainSEVM.shouldDisplayDismissWarning) .onChange(of: appAccounts.currentClient) { _, newValue in if mainSEVM.mode.isInShareExtension { currentAccount.setClient(client: newValue) mainSEVM.client = newValue for post in followUpSEVMs { post.client = newValue } } } .onDrop(of: StatusEditor.UTTypeSupported.types(), delegate: focusedSEVM) .onChange(of: currentAccount.account?.id) { mainSEVM.currentAccount = currentAccount.account for p in followUpSEVMs { p.currentAccount = mainSEVM.currentAccount } } .onChange(of: mainSEVM.visibility) { for p in followUpSEVMs { p.visibility = mainSEVM.visibility } } .onChange(of: followUpSEVMs.count) { oldValue, newValue in if oldValue < newValue { Task { try? await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(0.1)) withAnimation(.bouncy(duration: 0.5)) { scrollID = followUpSEVMs.last?.id } } } } } .sheet(item: $editingMediaContainer) { container in StatusEditor.MediaEditView(viewModel: focusedSEVM, container: container) } .presentationDetents([.large, .height(100)], selection: $presentationDetent) .presentationBackgroundInteraction(.enabled) } } }