import Foundation public struct MediaAttachment: Codable, Identifiable, Hashable, Equatable { public struct MetaContainer: Codable, Equatable { public struct Meta: Codable, Equatable { public let width: Int? public let height: Int? } public let original: Meta? } public enum SupportedType: String { case image, gifv, video, audio } public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { hasher.combine(id) } public let id: String public let type: String public var supportedType: SupportedType? { SupportedType(rawValue: type) } public var localizedTypeDescription: String? { if let supportedType { switch supportedType { case .image: return NSLocalizedString("", bundle: .main, comment: "A localized description of SupportedType.image") case .gifv: return NSLocalizedString("", bundle: .main, comment: "A localized description of SupportedType.gifv") case .video: return NSLocalizedString("", bundle: .main, comment: "A localized description of") case .audio: return NSLocalizedString("", bundle: .main, comment: "A localized description of") } } return nil } public let url: URL? public let previewUrl: URL? public let description: String? public let meta: MetaContainer? } extension MediaAttachment: Sendable {} extension MediaAttachment.MetaContainer: Sendable {} extension MediaAttachment.MetaContainer.Meta: Sendable {} extension MediaAttachment.SupportedType: Sendable {}