import Combine import SwiftUI public class Theme: ObservableObject { enum ThemeKey: String { case colorScheme, tint, label, primaryBackground, secondaryBackground case avatarPosition, avatarShape, statusActionsDisplay, statusDisplayStyle case selectedSet, selectedScheme } public enum AvatarPosition: String, CaseIterable { case leading, top public var description: LocalizedStringKey { switch self { case .leading: return "Leading" case .top: return "Top" } } } public enum AvatarShape: String, CaseIterable { case circle, rounded public var description: LocalizedStringKey { switch self { case .circle: return "Circle" case .rounded: return "Rounded" } } } public enum StatusActionsDisplay: String, CaseIterable { case full, discret, none public var description: LocalizedStringKey { switch self { case .full: return "All" case .discret: return "Only buttons" case .none: return "No buttons" } } } public enum StatusDisplayStyle: String, CaseIterable { case large, compact public var description: LocalizedStringKey { switch self { case .large: return "Large" case .compact: return "Compact" } } } @AppStorage("is_previously_set") private var isSet: Bool = false @AppStorage(ThemeKey.selectedScheme.rawValue) public var selectedScheme: ColorScheme = .dark @AppStorage(ThemeKey.tint.rawValue) public var tintColor: Color = .black @AppStorage(ThemeKey.primaryBackground.rawValue) public var primaryBackgroundColor: Color = .white @AppStorage(ThemeKey.secondaryBackground.rawValue) public var secondaryBackgroundColor: Color = .gray @AppStorage(ThemeKey.label.rawValue) public var labelColor: Color = .black @AppStorage(ThemeKey.avatarPosition.rawValue) var rawAvatarPosition: String = @AppStorage(ThemeKey.avatarShape.rawValue) var rawAvatarShape: String = AvatarShape.rounded.rawValue @AppStorage(ThemeKey.selectedSet.rawValue) var storedSet: ColorSetName = .iceCubeDark @AppStorage(ThemeKey.statusActionsDisplay.rawValue) public var statusActionsDisplay: StatusActionsDisplay = .full @AppStorage(ThemeKey.statusDisplayStyle.rawValue) public var statusDisplayStyle: StatusDisplayStyle = .large @Published public var avatarPosition: AvatarPosition = .top @Published public var avatarShape: AvatarShape = .rounded @Published public var selectedSet: ColorSetName = .iceCubeDark private var cancellables = Set() public static let shared = Theme() private init() { selectedSet = storedSet // If theme is never set before set the default store. This should only execute once after install. if !isSet { setColor(withName: .iceCubeDark) isSet = true } avatarPosition = AvatarPosition(rawValue: rawAvatarPosition) ?? .top avatarShape = AvatarShape(rawValue: rawAvatarShape) ?? .rounded $avatarPosition .dropFirst() .map(\.rawValue) .sink { [weak self] position in self?.rawAvatarPosition = position } .store(in: &cancellables) $avatarShape .dropFirst() .map(\.rawValue) .sink { [weak self] shape in self?.rawAvatarShape = shape } .store(in: &cancellables) // Workaround, since @AppStorage can't be directly observed $selectedSet .dropFirst() .sink { [weak self] colorSetName in self?.setColor(withName: colorSetName) } .store(in: &cancellables) } public static var allColorSet: [ColorSet] { [ IceCubeDark(), IceCubeLight(), DesertDark(), DesertLight(), NemesisDark(), NemesisLight(), ] } public func setColor(withName name: ColorSetName) { let colorSet = Theme.allColorSet.filter { $ == name }.first ?? IceCubeDark() selectedScheme = colorSet.scheme tintColor = colorSet.tintColor primaryBackgroundColor = colorSet.primaryBackgroundColor secondaryBackgroundColor = colorSet.secondaryBackgroundColor labelColor = colorSet.labelColor storedSet = name } }