import Combine import SwiftUI @Observable public class Theme { class ThemeStorage { enum ThemeKey: String { case colorScheme, tint, label, primaryBackground, secondaryBackground case avatarPosition2, avatarShape2, statusActionsDisplay, statusDisplayStyle case selectedSet, selectedScheme case followSystemColorSchme case displayFullUsernameTimeline case lineSpacing case statusActionSecondary } @AppStorage("is_previously_set") public var isThemePreviouslySet: Bool = false @AppStorage(ThemeKey.selectedScheme.rawValue) public var selectedScheme: ColorScheme = .dark @AppStorage(ThemeKey.tint.rawValue) public var tintColor: Color = .black @AppStorage(ThemeKey.primaryBackground.rawValue) public var primaryBackgroundColor: Color = .white @AppStorage(ThemeKey.secondaryBackground.rawValue) public var secondaryBackgroundColor: Color = .gray @AppStorage(ThemeKey.label.rawValue) public var labelColor: Color = .black @AppStorage(ThemeKey.avatarPosition2.rawValue) var avatarPosition: AvatarPosition = .leading @AppStorage(ThemeKey.avatarShape2.rawValue) var avatarShape: AvatarShape = .circle @AppStorage(ThemeKey.selectedSet.rawValue) var storedSet: ColorSetName = .iceCubeDark @AppStorage(ThemeKey.statusActionsDisplay.rawValue) public var statusActionsDisplay: StatusActionsDisplay = .full @AppStorage(ThemeKey.statusDisplayStyle.rawValue) public var statusDisplayStyle: StatusDisplayStyle = .large @AppStorage(ThemeKey.followSystemColorSchme.rawValue) public var followSystemColorScheme: Bool = true @AppStorage(ThemeKey.displayFullUsernameTimeline.rawValue) public var displayFullUsername: Bool = false @AppStorage(ThemeKey.lineSpacing.rawValue) public var lineSpacing: Double = 1.2 @AppStorage(ThemeKey.statusActionSecondary.rawValue) public var statusActionSecondary: StatusActionSecondary = .share @AppStorage("font_size_scale") public var fontSizeScale: Double = 1 @AppStorage("chosen_font") public var chosenFontData: Data? init() {} } public enum FontState: Int, CaseIterable { case system case openDyslexic case hyperLegible case SFRounded case custom public var title: LocalizedStringKey { switch self { case .system: "settings.display.font.system" case .openDyslexic: "Open Dyslexic" case .hyperLegible: "Hyper Legible" case .SFRounded: "SF Rounded" case .custom: "settings.display.font.custom" } } } public enum AvatarPosition: String, CaseIterable { case leading, top public var description: LocalizedStringKey { switch self { case .leading: "enum.avatar-position.leading" case .top: "" } } } public enum StatusActionSecondary: String, CaseIterable { case share, bookmark public var description: LocalizedStringKey { switch self { case .share: "status.action.share-title" case .bookmark: "status.action.bookmark" } } } public enum AvatarShape: String, CaseIterable { case circle, rounded public var description: LocalizedStringKey { switch self { case .circle: "" case .rounded: "enum.avatar-shape.rounded" } } } public enum StatusActionsDisplay: String, CaseIterable { case full, discret, none public var description: LocalizedStringKey { switch self { case .full: "enum.status-actions-display.all" case .discret: "enum.status-actions-display.only-buttons" case .none: "" } } } public enum StatusDisplayStyle: String, CaseIterable { case large, medium, compact public var description: LocalizedStringKey { switch self { case .large: "enum.status-display-style.large" case .medium: "enum.status-display-style.medium" case .compact: "enum.status-display-style.compact" } } } private var _cachedChoosenFont: UIFont? public var chosenFont: UIFont? { get { if let _cachedChoosenFont { return _cachedChoosenFont } guard let chosenFontData, let font = try? NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClass: UIFont.self, from: chosenFontData) else { return nil } _cachedChoosenFont = font return font } set { if let font = newValue, let data = try? NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: font, requiringSecureCoding: false) { chosenFontData = data } else { chosenFontData = nil } _cachedChoosenFont = nil } } let themeStorage = ThemeStorage() public var isThemePreviouslySet: Bool { didSet { themeStorage.isThemePreviouslySet = isThemePreviouslySet } } public var selectedScheme: ColorScheme { didSet { themeStorage.selectedScheme = selectedScheme } } public var tintColor: Color { didSet { themeStorage.tintColor = tintColor computeContrastingTintColor() } } public var primaryBackgroundColor: Color { didSet { themeStorage.primaryBackgroundColor = primaryBackgroundColor computeContrastingTintColor() } } public var secondaryBackgroundColor: Color { didSet { themeStorage.secondaryBackgroundColor = secondaryBackgroundColor } } public var labelColor: Color { didSet { themeStorage.labelColor = labelColor computeContrastingTintColor() } } public private(set) var contrastingTintColor: Color // set contrastingTintColor to either labelColor or primaryBackgroundColor, whichever contrasts // better against the tintColor private func computeContrastingTintColor() { func luminance(_ color: Color.Resolved) -> Float { return 0.299 * + 0.587 * + 0.114 * } let resolvedTintColor = tintColor.resolve(in: .init()) let resolvedLabelColor = labelColor.resolve(in: .init()) let resolvedPrimaryBackgroundColor = primaryBackgroundColor.resolve(in: .init()) let tintLuminance = luminance(resolvedTintColor) let labelLuminance = luminance(resolvedLabelColor) let primaryBackgroundLuminance = luminance(resolvedPrimaryBackgroundColor) if abs(tintLuminance - labelLuminance) > abs(tintLuminance - primaryBackgroundLuminance) { contrastingTintColor = labelColor } else { contrastingTintColor = primaryBackgroundColor } } public var avatarPosition: AvatarPosition { didSet { themeStorage.avatarPosition = avatarPosition } } public var avatarShape: AvatarShape { didSet { themeStorage.avatarShape = avatarShape } } private var storedSet: ColorSetName { didSet { themeStorage.storedSet = storedSet } } public var statusActionsDisplay: StatusActionsDisplay { didSet { themeStorage.statusActionsDisplay = statusActionsDisplay } } public var statusDisplayStyle: StatusDisplayStyle { didSet { themeStorage.statusDisplayStyle = statusDisplayStyle } } public var statusActionSecondary: StatusActionSecondary { didSet { themeStorage.statusActionSecondary = statusActionSecondary } } public var followSystemColorScheme: Bool { didSet { themeStorage.followSystemColorScheme = followSystemColorScheme } } public var displayFullUsername: Bool { didSet { themeStorage.displayFullUsername = displayFullUsername } } public var lineSpacing: Double { didSet { themeStorage.lineSpacing = lineSpacing } } public var fontSizeScale: Double { didSet { themeStorage.fontSizeScale = fontSizeScale } } public private(set) var chosenFontData: Data? { didSet { themeStorage.chosenFontData = chosenFontData } } public var selectedSet: ColorSetName = .iceCubeDark public static let shared = Theme() public func restoreDefault() { applySet(set: themeStorage.selectedScheme == .dark ? .iceCubeDark : .iceCubeLight) isThemePreviouslySet = true avatarPosition = .leading avatarShape = .circle storedSet = selectedSet statusActionsDisplay = .full statusDisplayStyle = .large followSystemColorScheme = true displayFullUsername = false lineSpacing = 1.2 fontSizeScale = 1 chosenFontData = nil statusActionSecondary = .share } private init() { isThemePreviouslySet = themeStorage.isThemePreviouslySet selectedScheme = themeStorage.selectedScheme tintColor = themeStorage.tintColor primaryBackgroundColor = themeStorage.primaryBackgroundColor secondaryBackgroundColor = themeStorage.secondaryBackgroundColor labelColor = themeStorage.labelColor contrastingTintColor = .red // real work done in computeContrastingTintColor() avatarPosition = themeStorage.avatarPosition avatarShape = themeStorage.avatarShape storedSet = themeStorage.storedSet statusActionsDisplay = themeStorage.statusActionsDisplay statusDisplayStyle = themeStorage.statusDisplayStyle followSystemColorScheme = themeStorage.followSystemColorScheme displayFullUsername = themeStorage.displayFullUsername lineSpacing = themeStorage.lineSpacing fontSizeScale = themeStorage.fontSizeScale chosenFontData = themeStorage.chosenFontData statusActionSecondary = themeStorage.statusActionSecondary selectedSet = storedSet computeContrastingTintColor() } public static var allColorSet: [ColorSet] { [ IceCubeDark(), IceCubeLight(), IceCubeNeonDark(), IceCubeNeonLight(), DesertDark(), DesertLight(), NemesisDark(), NemesisLight(), MediumLight(), MediumDark(), ConstellationLight(), ConstellationDark(), ThreadsLight(), ThreadsDark(), ] } public func applySet(set: ColorSetName) { selectedSet = set setColor(withName: set) } public func setColor(withName name: ColorSetName) { let colorSet = Theme.allColorSet.filter { $ == name }.first ?? IceCubeDark() selectedScheme = colorSet.scheme tintColor = colorSet.tintColor primaryBackgroundColor = colorSet.primaryBackgroundColor secondaryBackgroundColor = colorSet.secondaryBackgroundColor labelColor = colorSet.labelColor storedSet = name } }