pipeviz ========== Pipeviz is a graphedit for gstreamer-1.0. This is a gui tool for constructing and testing gstreamer pipelines. It allows you: * to construct the pipelines via the gui interface * to test different types of pipes easy * save and open your graphs Who might be interested in it? * quality assurance * technical support * software engineers ![alt tag](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/10683398/6396608/94f89e3a-be09-11e4-982c-5bf3a57bc6f4.png) Pre-requirements: ----- * qt (4.0 5.0) * gstreamer-1.0 * pkgconfig Building: ----- cd pipeviz qmake pipeviz.pro make gitinfo make Prebuilt binaries ----- Prebuilt binaries for windows are available. [Latest Release](https://github.com/virinext/pipeviz/releases/latest)