# Check wix installation $wixInstalledFolder = "C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.11\bin" if(Test-Path $wixInstalledFolder) { $wixFolder = $wixInstalledFolder } else { $prepareWix = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath prepare_wix.ps1 & "$prepareWix" $wixFolder = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'wix/' } $candleToolPath = Join-Path $wixFolder -ChildPath candle.exe $lightToolPath = Join-Path $wixFolder -ChildPath light.exe $heatToolPath = Join-Path $wixFolder -ChildPath heat.exe $GPSUpgradeCode = "9B87C8FF-599C-4F20-914E-AF5E68CB3DC0" $GPSVersion = $(git describe --always --abbrev=0) Write-Output $GPSVersion $GPSVersion = "0.2.3" try { Push-Location $PSScriptRoot if(-not (Test-Path $wixFolder)) { throw "Folder $wixFolder does not exist. Start DownloadAndExtractWix.ps1 script to create it." } if((-not (Test-Path $candleToolPath)) -or (-not (Test-Path $lightToolPath))) { throw "Tools required to build installer (candle.exe and light.exe) do not exist in wix folder." } # GST and GTK are installed in this folder by prepare_gstreamer.ps1. # GST and GTK are built by the docker image. $gstreamerInstallDir="c:\gst-install-clean" $gstreamerBinInstallDir= Join-Path $gstreamerInstallDir -ChildPath "bin/" $gstreamerPluginInstallDir= Join-Path $gstreamerInstallDir -ChildPath "lib\gstreamer-1.0" & "$heatToolPath" dir "$gstreamerBinInstallDir" -gg -sfrag -template:fragment -out gstreamer-1.0.wxs -cg "_gstreamer" -var var.gstreamerBinInstallDir -dr INSTALLFOLDER & "$heatToolPath" dir "$gstreamerPluginInstallDir" -gg -sfrag -template:fragment -out gstreamer-plugins-1.0.wxs -cg "_gstreamer_plugins" -var var.gstreamerPluginInstallDir -dr INSTALLFOLDER $files = "gps gstreamer-1.0 gstreamer-plugins-1.0" $wxs_files = @() $obj_files = @() foreach ($f in $files.split(" ")){ $wxs_files += "$f.wxs" $obj_files += "$f.wixobj" } Write-Output $wxs_files Write-Output $obj_files # compiling wxs file into wixobj $msiFileName = "GstPipelineStudio-$GPSVersion.msi" foreach ($f in $wxs_files){ & "$candleToolPath" "$f" -dPlatform=x64 -dGPSUpgradeCode="$GPSUpgradeCode" -dGPSVersion="$GPSVersion" -dgstreamerBinInstallDir="$gstreamerBinInstallDir" -dgstreamerPluginInstallDir="$gstreamerPluginInstallDir" if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "Compilation of $wxsFileName failed with exit code $LASTEXITCODE" } } $AllArgs = $obj_files + @('-out', $msiFileName) & $lightToolPath $AllArgs -ext WixUIExtension if($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "Linking of $wixobjFileName failed with exit code $LASTEXITCODE" } } catch { Write-Error $_ exit 1 } finally { Pop-Location }