#!/bin/bash set -eu mkdir -p /app/data/storage /run/peertube/cache /run/peertube/npm /tmp/peertube # do not rely on WORKDIR cd /app/code/server update_ldap() { echo "==> Updating Ldap credentials" PGPASSWORD=${CLOUDRON_POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD} psql -h ${CLOUDRON_POSTGRESQL_HOST} -p ${CLOUDRON_POSTGRESQL_PORT} -U ${CLOUDRON_POSTGRESQL_USERNAME} -d ${CLOUDRON_POSTGRESQL_DATABASE} \ -c "UPDATE plugin SET settings='{\"url\": \"${CLOUDRON_LDAP_URL}\", \"weight\": 100, \"insecure-tls\": false, \"bind-dn\": \"${CLOUDRON_LDAP_BIND_DN}\", \"bind-credentials\": \"${CLOUDRON_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD}\", \"search-base\": \"${CLOUDRON_LDAP_USERS_BASE_DN}\", \"mail-property\": \"mail\", \"search-filter\": \"(|(mail={{username}})(username={{username}}))\", \"username-property\": \"username\"}' WHERE name='auth-ldap'" } first_time_setup() { echo "==> Starting peertube to run migrations on first run" gosu cloudron:cloudron npm start & # be wary of https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70738567/why-does-running-npm-run-script-as-root-switch-user sleep 10 while ! curl --silent --output /dev/null --fail http://localhost:9000/; do echo "==> Waiting for peertube" sleep 5 done killall -SIGTERM peertube # this kills the process group sleep 5 echo "==> Reset root password" echo "changeme" | gosu cloudron:cloudron npm run reset-password -- -u root sleep 5 # the above command seems to spawn a separate process to change password in background # https://docs.joinpeertube.org/maintain-tools?id=cli-wrapper . Note that we have to restart peertube when installed this way if [[ -n "${CLOUDRON_LDAP_SERVER:-}" ]]; then echo "==> Installing LDAP plugin" gosu cloudron:cloudron npm run plugin:install -- -n peertube-plugin-auth-ldap -v 0.0.10 update_ldap fi echo "==> First time setup complete" } update_config() { echo "==> Ensure and updating configs" # version 5 needs this now if [[ `yq eval '.secrets | has("peertube")' /app/data/production.yaml` != "true" ]]; then yq eval ".secrets.peertube = \"`openssl rand -hex 32`\"" -i /app/data/production.yaml fi yq eval ".webserver.hostname = \"${CLOUDRON_APP_DOMAIN}\"" -i /app/data/production.yaml # database yq eval ".database.hostname = \"${CLOUDRON_POSTGRESQL_HOST}\"" -i /app/data/production.yaml yq eval ".database.port = ${CLOUDRON_POSTGRESQL_PORT}" -i /app/data/production.yaml yq eval ".database.username = \"${CLOUDRON_POSTGRESQL_USERNAME}\"" -i /app/data/production.yaml yq eval ".database.password = \"${CLOUDRON_POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD}\"" -i /app/data/production.yaml yq eval ".database.name = \"${CLOUDRON_POSTGRESQL_DATABASE}\"" -i /app/data/production.yaml yq eval "del(.database.suffix)" -i /app/data/production.yaml # redis yq eval ".redis.hostname = \"${CLOUDRON_REDIS_HOST}\"" -i /app/data/production.yaml yq eval ".redis.port = ${CLOUDRON_REDIS_PORT}" -i /app/data/production.yaml yq eval ".redis.auth = \"${CLOUDRON_REDIS_PASSWORD}\"" -i /app/data/production.yaml # smtp yq eval ".smtp.hostname = \"${CLOUDRON_MAIL_SMTP_SERVER}\"" -i /app/data/production.yaml yq eval ".smtp.port = ${CLOUDRON_MAIL_SMTP_PORT}" -i /app/data/production.yaml yq eval ".smtp.username = \"${CLOUDRON_MAIL_SMTP_USERNAME}\"" -i /app/data/production.yaml yq eval ".smtp.password = \"${CLOUDRON_MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD}\"" -i /app/data/production.yaml yq eval ".smtp.tls = false" -i /app/data/production.yaml yq eval ".smtp.disable_starttls = true" -i /app/data/production.yaml yq eval ".smtp.from_address = \"${CLOUDRON_MAIL_FROM}\"" -i /app/data/production.yaml # ensure settings which were later added yq eval ".storage.bin = \"/app/data/storage/bin/\"" -i /app/data/production.yaml yq eval ".storage.well_known = \"/app/data/storage/well_known/\"" -i /app/data/production.yaml yq eval ".storage.tmp_persistent = \"/app/data/storage/tmp_persistent/\"" -i /app/data/production.yaml } echo "==> Changing ownership" chown -R cloudron:cloudron /app/data /run/peertube /tmp/peertube # cd /var/www/peertube/peertube-latest/scripts && sudo -H -u peertube ./upgrade.sh if [[ ! -f "/app/data/production.yaml" ]]; then echo "==> First run. creating config" cp /app/pkg/production.yaml.example /app/data/production.yaml update_config first_time_setup else update_config [[ -n "${CLOUDRON_LDAP_SERVER:-}" ]] && update_ldap fi echo "==> Starting PeerTube" exec gosu cloudron:cloudron npm start